MacBook Pro :: Mouse Pad Won't Click
Mar 20, 2012so sometimes when i click on stuff itwont respond like deleting a tab on safari and also when i try to download an app.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
so sometimes when i click on stuff itwont respond like deleting a tab on safari and also when i try to download an app.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
I had to dissassemble my wireless Mighty Mouse to clean it properly, as the trackball was unable to scroll up and down. As I had cleaned the trackball, I attached the two internal cables to their respective "slots" again and assembled the mouse.
Now my right button does the same as the left button (right click = left click). I tried dissassembling the mouse again, but I cannot see what I could have done wrong. After all, there are only two cables to attach and de-attach inside it.
I just bought a mighty mouse, happy as I was, plugged it in and started my ibook running OS X 10.3.9.I know the mighty mouse shouldn't have full functionality (as the software delivered with it is >10.4.2).The problem is that the right click doesn't work right. When I try to right click it sometimes takes the right click, sometimes takes it as a left click (which is extremely annoying in firefox or finder).
I have SteerMouse (I'm a windows/linux user too) installed but when I de�nstalled it the problem remained.
When I plugged the mighty mouse in my pc (at that time running windows) right click just worked.When using a cheap mouse (from pleomax) the right click on the ibook (with Steermouse installed) works all the time.
I find this al really confusing. Seems like it can't be the hardware because it works on windows, but it can't be the software because another mouse does work.
I noticed that when right clicking at the total right side near the "expose-button" (not a position my fingers lay naturally) right click works all the time. I don't hope this is normal?
I can move the mouse around on the track pad but I can not click on anything
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
unable to right click on macbook without mouse....?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to turn on tap to click without using a mouse? My trackpad clicker no longer works. I'm not very good at macs so please keep this in mind.
View 6 Replies View Relatedso my mouse pad clicker stopped working about a month ago. So I switched to tapping the pad. Now, I can move The cursor around but can't click. Now, my wife needs to print Work documents but I can't click.
I've just bought an apple mouse, and although I've gone into preferences and set the right hand side as 'secondary button', it does not right click. I'm using it with a MacBook Pro with OSX Mavericks 10.9.4.
apple mouse, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
The left side of the mouse clicker on my macbook is hard to push, and doesn't work well sometimes. It's out of warranty does anyone know what this will cost to fix?
I took out the battery and cleaned, and cleaned the whole macbook, nothing really.
I can move the arrow around but the mouse won't let me click anything.
MacBook Pro
At least a couple times a week my trackpad mouse click stops working (mouse movement ok) and I am usually browsing in Chrome ver 18.0.1025.165 I have MacBook Air 13" with Lion 10.7.3, anybody experiencing this problem or have resolved?
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just bought a macbook pro last week. Since using lion, I have noticed a problem clicking. Such as opening folders, minimizing windows, clicking the back space button etc. I click on a few folders and they open, and then I try to click on another one and it refuses to open no matter how many times I click on it unless I unselect it and try again. It is not consistent to specific folders/icons, it just happens at random.
It is as if the OS is not registering clicks consistently, like it were a hardware problem. Also my right click malfunctions at times and will either not work or will behave like it is the left click and vice versa and takes awhile to regulate itself. Keep in mind I use both a wireless usb mouse and my trackpad and this is a problem I experience with both of them. I am using the latest version (10.7.3)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I just recently noticed on my Macbook (black rev. C 2.1ghz) that there is some slight flex where the palms rest to the left and right of the trackpad. This isn't a big deal, but what made me notice this was the fact that pressing down enough on the palm rests (either side) actually registers a click with the mouse.
I noticed when I was typing and some reason the words would get highlighted. After awhile I tried pressing down on the palm rest area and it would show a click on the screen. Anyone else have this issue? It's not happening all the time and there's not major flex but it happens.
It's not a big deal, but a bit annoying so far when I'm typing and it would either click somewhere else or highlight the word and delete what I'm typing. As of now I just lifted my wrists off the rest (which I should be doing anyway). If it matters I also have the MacAlly microfiber/felt laid over the palm rest. Makes me wish I had a unibody!
Lately, My magic mouse would not accept a click to simulate <enter>.It moves about the screen on my MacBook Pro 15". It will accept a right click but nothing else.Often, i will have to close the cover of the MBP then re open to get back to normal mouse behavior.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
#1: Is there a keyboard command that will perform a middle click? I have googled and googled and googled and found hardly any info except something about "option + click", which does not work.
#2: Is there a way to make the magic mouse perform a middle click?
powermac pro 3ghz xeon 8core, Mac OS X (10.5.3), 9gb ram, 4tb internal storage, 30" cinema display, 17" hitachi
Yesterday I restarted my PowerMac G5 (dual 2.7Ghz) as normal. When it rebooted my system wouldn't respond to mouse clicks. I can move the pointer around the screen and the system even responds to mouseover events (e.g. the text when you move over an application in the Dock) but it won't respond to clicks. Funny thing is, I tried VNCing in from another computer on my LAN and clicking DOES work from there. I've taken the obvious step of repairing permissions, to no avail. I'm using 10.4.10 and wasn't doing aything unusual or stupid beforehand as far as I know.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I just installed USB Overdrive on my 10.6.1 iMac 2.66, and one of the buttons was conflicting; I thought it might be an issue with Apple's official mouse & keyboard prefs. So I went in, and I accidentally switched the right click/left click, and now I cannot click on ANYTHING because both buttons are right-click. I tried restarting in the hopes that USB Overdrive would override the system prefs, but no dice. Is there any way I can manipulate system prefs without the use of clicking?
I also tried hooking up another mouse to no avail, and sticky keys are off.
(Was) running: 15" Macbook Pro, 3GB RAM, Original Leopard (Computer is about 4-4.5 years old, so it's not a new one. 2nd gen?) Last night I was using Firefox as I always do when my cursor decided not to let me move a file I was trying to move. The file sort of stuck to the cursor and I had to hard boot my computer back up. When I got to the login screen, I couldn't click my account with the trackpad mouse. I was however able to select my account with tab and enter (I think it was), which let me login. I was able to get to system preferences but there was nothing unchecked with trackpad that shouldn't have been. (Trackpad = mouse? I think?) Logged in, I was still unable to click anything, which makes it pretty hard to use the computer! I've tried various things to fix it, to no avail:
1. Hardbooting
2. Waiting all night, letting it sit off, hardbooting
3. Resetting PRAM
I also tried using my original gray installation disc for disk utility. I pressed "c" on startup, but once it started up, it ejected my disc. (Also tried the 2nd gray disc and the original Leopard disc.) I was able to reboot into Safe Mode pressing SHIFT on startup and then hard rebooting. Just read about single user mode fsck -y and will try that shortly. I'll also see if "D" on startup keeps the install disk in to run AHT. From what I've read, sounds like it might be the logic board. Can't afford that nor a new Mac. Looks like I'm back to a PC if that's what it is. *mourns* Wow, I plugged in an old Mac USB mouse we had lying around and that works! Yay! But should I still be concerned about the logic board or some other major issue?
I have some old gooseneck macs that younger kids use. The right click is a problem. I can't see where to disable it under mouse preferences. The option is not there.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy roommate often hooks his Macbook to his HDTV. The problem he has it sometimes is hard to read text. He can zoom is while holding the Ctrl key and then scrolling up with the scroll ball on the might mouse.
What he'd like to do is be able to map the side button on the might mouse to the control key so he can just click that and then scroll up to zoom in (so there is no need to hold the physical key on the keyboard).
i have a wireless mighty mouse for 9 months and today i had a serious problem. I had the casual problem with the trackball but i used to rub it on a clean peace of paper and it was fixed. When i done this today it won't right or left click. All it does is open the dashboard which this is the middle button. When i set off the middle button it can left click but not right. What the heck is going on? What should i do? Can it be fixed or do i need to go on an Apple Store and get a new one? God i hate this mouse. By rubbing it on a paper, the trackball is now scratched. Will this affect my warranty?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSomeone dropped our Mighty Mouse, and now it won't register clicks. When it hit the floor, it kinda fell apart. We put it back together, but now it won't click. We've tinkered around with it a little bit, and opened it up to see if there was something obviously broken... And everything looks like it should be working fine. At this point, it looks like we need a new Mighty Mouse, but I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas on how we might be able to fix it. There were some other forum posts about the mouse not clicking right clicking, or scrolling, but I get the idea that it was just a hardware problem, where it just stops responding. Au contraire, it isn't working because it suffered blunt trauma.
*also, for other users whose mouse isn't working who are looking for answers, if your track ball isn't working very well, it might just need cleaning. Try turning it upside down and rubbing the mouse on your pant leg or a piece of paper, with moderate force. This will help dislodge debris inside, and help it scroll more easily, and doesn't harm your mouse. If you're having trouble right clicking, try lifting your index finger off the left side of the mouse. The mouse has a sensitive electrical wiring circuit under the area of where your fingers touch, and your mouse may be confused by fingers on both sides of the mouse. The primary click is the left click, so it'll take priority over the right side. Ah, Apple technology is beautiful.
I plugged in a mouse into my Macbook. Usually middle click opens a new tab in Firefox but now it launches Expose. How to remove that function and make it open a new tab in FF again?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAlmost from the beginning my Magic Mouse periodically got stuck in right click mode. I could usually get it out of it by opening preferences and unchecking the right click mode and then clicking a few times and then choosing it again. BUT in the last week it has happened more and more and the only way I've gotten it out of the mode is to restart. VERY annoying. The computer is just over 3 months old, actually 3 days over the 90 day telephone support period. I called and got the following advice: buy an extended coverage plan or take it to an authorized Apple store to see someone at the Genius Bar. Well, the closest Apple store to me is 120 miles and has no Genius bar and since this is an intermittent problem I don't see how they can do anything. What I am going to do right now is put it away and get out my Logitech wireless and hook it up and forgo the luxury of scrolling with my Magic Mouse..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I cannot figure out how to set up right click on my mouse. I have searched the internet high and low and found exactly how it is supposed to be done in system preferences. When I go to mouse in system preferences, there is no option to set up right click or secondary click. I am on OS X 10.7.2.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
How do I set up the double click on the mouse?
bought an apple mouse and it won't connect, but reading on the forums the scroll click won't work anyways. and to be honest i wasn't happy about spending $75 on a mouse.
can i buy any windows mouse to run on it? i'd assume yes but want to verify. what i need is a mouse with the center scroll click to grab objects in pro/e to rotate them, which i can't do right now and its making things more difficult than it should. suggestions on mouses, or ones that you know do or don't work. does not matter if its wireless or wired. and if i can be picky preferably black.
I have been using this hint but since I updated to Safari 4 Beta its not possible to close tabs with middle click anymore, but I can still open links with it.
Is there a solution ?
I'm trying to get my wired mighty mouse working to my satisfaction but it wants to left click if I touch the mouse anywhere as far back as the apple logo. Thats a little far back for a left click so I'm doing it when I don't want to. Btw, I made the left button my primary button coming from a windows PC background. Also how to I reset everything in the mouse settings, I've changed alot of things.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have carpal tunnel syndrome that is aggravated by two much mouse clicking. On the PC there is software that will click the mouse automatically when you hover over something. Does anyone know of a mac version, I've been scouring the internet but cant find one.
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