OS X Mountain Lion :: Preview Opens Hundreds Of Files As Unsaved Images
Jun 29, 2014
Computer details:
13" Macbook Pro - mid-2012 (9.2)
2.9 GHZ
750 GB Hard Drive
OS: 10.8.2
I tried to open a single image in Preview (Version 6.0.1 (765.4)). Instead, it opened just over 500 images (out of 2300 on the hard drive) as "Untitled 1" "Untitled 2" etc. Over three hundred of those were grouped in a single window (that is, one of them was visible large, with thumbnails of all in the "drawer"). Why it opened the files as "Untitled", nor, in fact, why it opened them at all. I had only clicked on one to open it. I quit Preview, but upon reopening, all the "Untitled" images were back. The same thing happened when opening Preview after restart. The only way I could get rid of them was to close their windows one at a time. Of course, when closing something that's unsaved, the computer asks whether to save it or not, but I cannot click Command-D (as in previous systems), I have to click the Don't Save button each and every time. This takes ages with so many windows open.
Well, since I had no choice, I did that for the couple hundred images that had opened in their own window(s). Then I tried to close the images in the single window. I would do Command-W, then click Don't Save. The dialog closed, but the image didn't go away. Then a new Save dialog box would open with a different "untitled" number specified, and I would do it again. And again. And again. The images, however, did not disappear. Then I saw that the names (Untitled 101, Untitled 204, etc) of some of the images I had previously attempted to close were coming back again. They had not actually closed. I could not get rid of that window with three hundred images open in it. If I quit Preview, then reopened it, ALL of the 500 plus images opened again, even the ones I had successfully closed. The application is now useless until I find a fix.
My .mov files no longer have icon images and will no longer play in the preview app.They all worked fine in snow leopard. Most of the files were shot on a canon 5d and then formatted to prores422 with mpeg streamclip. very basic stuff. This is seriously slowing down my work process as I use the preview app contantly when sorting new footage. All of the clips play fine in QT but not in preview.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2x3 GHz DC Intel Xeon | 8 GB ram
Preview's new annotations features are awesome. I'm finally able to read on my computer and make notes in an easy way. This is all good. Except that there apparently is no auto-save feature in Preview. I was working on a PDF and had lots of notes and then accidentally hit the keyboard shortcut for "Move selected PDF to Trash" (this, IMO, should not even exist, or at least should be something more complicated than command+delete or, at the very least, have a confirmation of deletion window). Anyway, once I moved the PDF back to its original file location and opened it back up, all the notes (lots of them) that had been added before the last save were now gone. I'm stupid, I know. Anyone know of anyway that I might be able to recover my changes from some temp file stored somewhere or something? Oh, and when I select File>Open Recent, it's always empty. Not sure why, not an option in Preview Preferences.
I opened a web page from a browser via Print -> PDF -> Open PDF in Preview but then unintentionally close that window and the PDF was not saved - is there any way to restore it? And no, that page in the browser can no longer be opened.
Recently the preview program has stopped working. I cannot open PDF files or image files, i.e. jpeg. The only thing I can think of that I've done recently is installing a program called "MailRaider." I just uninstalled it using a program called "Appdelete."
I tried this suggestion from the apple discussion forum that did not work:
Go to the finder, find one of the PDFs you can not open. then click on that PDF one time. go to the file menu, chose get info from the file menu. the inspector window that pops up will include a section on open with. expand that section and click on the open with menu and chose preview. then click the "Change All.." button.
all PDF should now open with preview. you can repeat this process with jpegs, gifs, tifs, pngs, extra as needed.
What else can I try? Do I need to reinstall the preview application? If so, how do I do that?
I'm finally getting used to the extra steps required to save a doc in Preview now (but I hate it). What I'm noticing now is that when I open a document in Preview, it also opens the last doc I viewed at the same time..If I wanted to see the old doc I would've double clicked it.I use Preview all the time.There is no Preference to disable this strange behavoir.
When I open a photo with Preview, it opens all the photos I have viewed previously. How can I prevent that, other than manually clearing the list after each time?
I'm sure I changed some setting somewhere, but this is a bit annoying. Before buying a song in Amazon MP3, to preview, I click the little play button - it used to play in the browser... now it plays it in iTunes. Anyone know what the issue might be? I'm forced then to remove the link it adds to my iTunes library after every preview.
I have been using preview to investigate screen shots I've been taking. The problem is preview is opening every single file I've viewed with it when I open it. I take a lot of screenshots.
How do I get image preview to open JUST the image I told it to open? How do I make it stop opening multiple images at once when I don't ask it to?
After install of Lion I noticed that Preview no longer allows me to Save As an image. I work in Photoshop and cannot open the images that I scan with Preview. PS will not recognize them. I used to be able to open the Preview image and Save As TIFF, JPEG etc but that option no longer exists...and I am with unusable images.
When I edit a photograph in photoshop (cs3/cs4 etc, it doesn't matter which version) the preview of that image goes blurry after its saved. The image is the full res still and hasn't lost any quality but when I have the icons that are of a large size they appear really blurry and 'low-res'. I know its a small gripe but it makes things difficult as a photographer when I am trying to organize images that perhaps look similar or I want to see as a whole set.
I just scanned some negatives (about a 3 hour endeavor) and when I rotated some of the images in TIFF format in Preview, there is a pause as it loads in the information, and then the photo turns black. I tried running it in Photoshop and the images are still black. Is it because the file size is too large so preview decides to throw away all of the information? Are there any ways to get these photos back?
Info: Preview, Mac OS X (10.7.3), photos turn black when rotated
I have been using Preview to view and fill in PDF forms. The font that Preview uses to fill in the forms is very small and difficult to read. I would like to make it larger to match the document font size.
Info: iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
why hitting spacebar no longer previews fonts/typefaces. It worked as of last Friday (today being Monday). I have restarted many times, repaired permissions, used FontNuke to clear caches, and have also cleared/relaunched Quicklook caches with the
-qlmanage -r -qlmanage -r cache -commands in Terminal.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), 2 x 2.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
I am wondering if anyone has an update on when finder will show a thumbnail for the raw files from the Canon 5d mark III? I've done all the updates possible and nothing has changed, I can't do a quick preview either, it just shows the extension image, not the actual image taken. (The symbol for crw).
I have been using my parents OS X login primarily for my computer life. I have made videos, played games, etc. using one account. But I decided to make my own account, and have had some success transferring files. However, the permissions are still set to the other account. So in iMovie, I can watch my videos but not edit them, since I have read-only permissions. I could easily go into finders "get info" menu and change permissions, but I have hundreds upon hundreds of imovie projects. So, how can I change the permissions of hundreds of files at a time? Editing the folders permission didn't work.
Ok I have been trying to find the reason why this is happening. I am having an issue with the icons disappearing, the file is still there and you can click on it if you click on the words, but the icon is not there just the icon is gone. The icon that is not showing up is the folder icon primarily. I have searched several different sites and can not find an answer to my problem. I have included a link to view what my desktop looks like with the files pictured so you get an idea.
It did not help either and after installing that and doing the reset. Now when I go to open a picture, it opens in color sync instead of preview. The only way I can open a picture in preview is to open preview and then open a picture through itIt is like color sync is the default for some reason. Does someone know how to fix this? But my main concern is tis icon issue I am having. I don't know what to do as it is making it very hard to work. This even carries over to my external drives when hooked up. I need help as I do not know why it is doing this
As far as other information, I just installed Tiger a few months ago if that helps any and this is on a mac mini. Other than that everything has been the same. I have relaunched the finder through opt+cmd+esc but it is not available to relaunch through right clicking the icon on the dock. Also it no longer allows me to drag a picture file over a program like Photoshop in the dock to open it in Photoshop. What is going on here?
I must be missing something. I've read the instructions for merging pdf documents in Preview, but it's just not working. Wants me to "duplicate" a file or something. This seems very un-Mac-like. I get 2 documents open, drag the thumbnails from one into another, one at a time, and then try to "Save As".
For some reason I cannot open jpg files from a co-worker who previosuly sent files without any problems. I just bought a MacBook Air with OS X Lion & Preview won't open the files.
I know there's a way to do this. I want to be more proficient in Preview without having to fire up CS3. I'm going nuts trying to find a decent tutorial online. I found this one but by reading the comments, there seems to be another way.
8 nights ago my drive failed. Tech replaced it & restored data from Time Machine. He said TM gave him no options (time/date of backup to restore). I noticed immediately that several files were missing off my desktop, no idea if other files have gone missing, too. Suspect the final backup was after the drive began to fail, therefore data was corrupted.
I don't know how to locate & replace the missing files, nor how to do a restore.
Info: iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 2.8Ghz i7, 21.5", 8GB, HP P2015dn
Currently running OSX 10.8.5. Trying to move iTunes Music directory and iPhoto to new external hard drive. They currently reside on a 1.5T WD My Passport drive. Need to copy the directories to my iMac (3.4 GHz i7) desktop and then onto my new external HD. When trying to copy to my hard drive, I get the popup: "The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data can’t be read or written. (Error code -36)."
These popups occur every few audio files. Thing is the files are not corrupt (I can play them in iTunes) and the volume was confirmed as clean by disk utility.
How do I move all the files? Line command via Terminal (if so I need specific instructions as I am not a coder).
I wanted to move the files originally because I was having problems in iPhoto. Rebuilt iPhoto using iPhoto Library Manager, but in rebuilding and reimporting images, I ran out of hard drive space. Saving iPhoto is paramount because it's the only source for my digital photos.