OS X :: Migrating To New IMac With Users Folder On Different Partition

Nov 26, 2010

I have a question about an impending migration that I'm going to have to do. I'm looking at getting a new iMac, and I want to transfer my data over to it. The problem is that I originally partitioned my current iMac's internal hard disk and moved my Users folder to the secondary partition. So currently:
Partition 1: Snow Leopard (and assorted system files), 54.9 GB Max Capacity
Partition 2: Ozmosis (Users folder and all my data--photos, music, etc.) 445.41 GB Max Capacity

If I want to use the Migration Assistant on my new iMac, do I have to get rid of my secondary partition and move my Users folder back to the sole Snow Leopard partition? Obviously you can see my problem, being that my Snow Leopard partition only has 55 GB of storage, and I have well over that in my Users folder. What about Time Machine? Will Time Machine know to back-up my Users folder even though it's on a completely different partition? If it's smart enough to back both partitions up (which I don't think it'll do), will it restore it on my new iMac with only one partition?

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Software :: Moving Users Folder To Another Drive Or Partition

Jul 1, 2002

I know I saw the question post a while back about moving the Users folder to another partition or drive. I always wanted to do that as well and then I found out how to do it easily....

this is from MacWorld Magazine: Quote: Open Terminal and type the following commands:

sudo ditto -rsrc "/Users/username" "/Volumes/volumename/Users/username"

sudo niutil -createprop / "/Users/username" home "/Volumes/volumename/Users/username"

Sudo asks for your password to provide temporary root access, which is necessary for this exercise; volumename is the name of the new volume; and username is the name of your user folder. If that last line returns errors in Terminal or doesn't work, go to your NetInfo Manager in the Utilities folder. Click the lock to allow changes, look in the /users/username folder and highlight your username. Down below in the properties list there is a property that is called home, highlight that one and change the value from /Users/username to /Volumes/volumename/Users/username Quote:.................

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OS X :: Migrating Files Between Macs With Existing Users?

Oct 15, 2010

I've just received my new Mac and I'm wanting to transfer my documents etc. from my old Mac to my new one. I'd rather do it manually than use the migration assistant as I have more control that way.

I've got my two Macs set up side by side and have shared the home directory of my user on the other Mac. Thing is, I've run into a permissions problem. Obviously my old Mac only lets my old user access the files.

Is there any way to migrate the files between users on two Macs manually without resorting to something like "chmod -R 777 ~" to mass change permissions? Ideally, I'd like to just drag the files across and have them automatically change permissions when they're transferred to my new Mac.

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OS X Technologies :: Applications Folder Inside The Users Folder?

Apr 20, 2012

What versions of Mac OS X has an Applications folder inside the users folder?

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OS X Mavericks :: Home Folder Not Visible In Users Folder

Sep 5, 2014

My home folder appears to have gone missing from the Users folder in finder. See screenshot - I can see the test account I created and the shared folder but not my home folder.  

I can still access my home folder via the sidebar but this causes problems with some software not being able to see my home folder in their browsers (Nikon Capture NX2 being an example). 

OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Mac Pro :: No Library Folder Inside Users Folder

Jul 5, 2012

Just upgraded to Lion and I can't find my library folder inside the users folder. I'm having issues burning dvds. What should I do?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Can Move Users Directory To Another Partition

Jan 4, 2011

a working Users directory on a volume other than the startup volume?I just bought an SSD for my Mac Pro that I intend to use as my OSX boot drive. Because it's much smaller than my current HDD startup volume, I want to only keep system files and apps on it. To do this I will install a fresh copy of Leopard on the SSD and then migrate my apps to it. Can I tell OSX to place the Users folder on another volume? My hope is to copy the Users directory from the current startup volume to this new location (after first creating user accounts with the same exact names/short names).

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MacBook Air :: Migrating Bootcamp Image / Blackbook Bootcamp Partition Having Windows

Jan 30, 2009

Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.

Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....

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MacBook Pro :: Users From Old Mac Folder After Migration

Oct 23, 2009

I recently (a few months ago actually!) got a new unibody 15" macbook pro which I love - when I set it up I migrated from my time-machine backup and it seemed to go pretty seamless - I have since upgraded to snow leopard and all is good with the world. Now my new unibody machine has a 320Gb drive where my old machine was quite small so I was shocked to see that i have already used 220Gb - but looking at the macHD at the root I can the usual, 'library', 'applications', 'system' and 'users' - but also see lots of unusual folders:

"users (from old mac)" - which is 55Gb and last modified before I bought my new unibody - can this be safely deleted now? also there are a few folders which have a little arrow pointing into the folder on the bottom left hand corner - what are they? The specific folders are:

'tmp (from old mac)'
'etc (from old mac)'
'user guides and information'

these are all just 4k on disc so am I assuming they are just shortcuts? Any other tips for free-ing up space in a post-migration mac?

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OS X :: Sharing Video Folder Access Across Users?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a folder with vdeos on my desktop. I want to share this across users so that they can access it on their account. How can I do this? I had tried creating an alias and putting it in my public folder but that did not work.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Home Folder Restriction For Other Users

Mar 22, 2012

I want to set up a separate user accout for a friend on my mac, but I want to keep my work private. Specifically my

Sites folder which holds web files that need to be accessed by root / *web_user* --- whatever appachies user is, www_root maybe. 

How do I simply restrict access to other 'Created Login Users' from accessing my entire home folder? I need to just keep out other login accounts i set up thru the system accounts window. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Migrating From G5 To Intel IMac?

May 8, 2010

My partner has just taken delivery of a wonderful new 27" iMac, and is wanting to migrate all of her stuff from a G5. However, the how to do it words seem to suggest that everything on the G5 should be neat. Such things as all documents should be in the Document folder, but does this mean all personal letters as well? She has asked me questions on these things that have made me stop and think. Then I realize that I really don't know the answers.

What actually is the intended structure of the Mac OSX system? What is supposed to be in the Documents, Library, etc. And does every user have there own set of these folders.

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OS X Mavericks :: Migrating From IMac To Mac Pro

Sep 2, 2014

I am having trouble migrating from one MAC to a MAC Pro. It keeps kicking me out of the system.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Remove Hidden Files From Folder For Windows Users

Apr 2, 2009

I have to supply a generated set of files � a couple of dozen logos as .eps files � in a folder containing some other nested folders to a small enterprise that uses PCs for their day to day work.

The people I'm dealing with are not very IT-savvy and if I could, I'd provide a set of these folders and files without the corresponding invisible files that usually have a dot at the beginning of their file-names.

I'll probably zip the whole lot up and email, rapidshare or yousendit it over to them so they can unpack it and get to business without me having to explain what all those files with the dots are, and how to get rid of them.

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ITunes :: Move Users Music To Single Folder?

Mar 14, 2012

A friend wants to move the music in family members Home folders to a single folder on an external drive. Then all the user accounts should point to that folder. The destination folder is already being used by his account and it has a lot of music files already.what steps do I take to safely transfer the files to the external drive and connect the iTunes accounts to that folder?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Share Folder Between Users On A Single Mac?

May 29, 2012

I'm trying to share a folder between users on a single mac. I want both users to be able to read and write so the folder stays current on both accounts.  I put the folder in "shared," set permissions on folder so other user can read and write, enabled file sharing, but can't find the folder on the second user's account. 

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OS X Mavericks :: Network Users - Can't Login Without Home Folder

Jun 17, 2014

We upgraded our lab from 10.6.8 to 10.9.3. Preserving our settings and bootcamp by simply upgrading. After getting nearly all machines sorted out with active directory we are still having a problem with 2-3 machines with network user accounts being able to login. If no local home folder has been created prior to upgrading to 10.9.3 then the user cannot login, the login prompt dissapears then re-appears.

Here is a run down of the set-up. 

Our settings force network users to have a local home folder on the local mac that they are logging into. 

Mac OS X server is 10.6.8. 

Active directory server is 2012 R2. 

Network users without a pre-created home folder on the local mac prior to upgrade cannot login. The login prompt dissapears, then re-appears. No login. 

Computers are managed with workgroup manager, as well as apple remote desktop. But no settings are applied, and no login scripts are being run.  

Also I have noticed something concerning Mac OS X 10.8.5 and up. And that is in the active directory settings, if you bind to a domain (using active directory and not LDAP), lets say for example: 


And you go to add your local active directory district to the Authentication/Contacts search policy eg: Active Directory/mydistrict.maindistrict.net

it will only show: Active Directory/mydistrict/alldomains.maindistrict.net. 

It shows a list of all domains for the forest. But it also adds the district that you bound to as the search directory?

Let me use a precise example using actual names. 

Bind to local district: pineville.ketsds.net 

Now in search policy on 10.8.5 up to 10.9.3 it displays possible search domains like this: 

Active Directory/PINEVILLE/pineville.ketsds.net <- The domain we want.

Active Directory/PINEVILLE/all-other-domains-in-forest.ketsds.net <--Which is fine. 

Which is all fine, but when we select  the local domain for authentication, and contacts search it adds it, but in the overview it says that it is not in our search policy even though it is. 

On Mac OS X versions below this (10.6.8 and down, cannot verify for 10.7 as we do not have systems with it) it displays the search domains as: 

Active Directory/pineville.ketsds.net

as compared to  this on 10.8.5 and above: 

Active Directory/PINEVILLE/pineville.ketsds.net

 As well as all the other domains, and when you add the local to the search policy it does not give the error that it is not in your search policy. Is there anyway to make this happen on 10.8.5 and above? We have tried everything. Network accounts will login even though it says this, it is just annoying.  

Last question is on one computer that we upgraded, we had a problem with the network accounts. Tried deleting the .plist for network preferences, and the Directory services folder as well as the Open directory folder and now it create the open directory folder as locked and any changes made with the directory utility in the search policy is immediatley reverted once we hit apply. 

Summary of questions:

1.) Network users cannot login without local folder created prior to upgrade. 

2.) Mac OS X 10.8.5 and above does not correctly add Authentication/Contact search policy domains as it does in 10.6.8 and below. 

3.) Active Directory/Open Directory Authentication/Contact search policy settings keey reverting after applying. (Happened prior to deleting .plist files and AD/OD folders in /Library/Preferences) 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Network Login Problems, 10.9.3

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OS X :: Benefit Or Not To Relocate Users Folder To External Hard Drive?

Apr 8, 2009

I just got myself a Mac Mini and a 2 TB Western Digital My Book Studio II External Hard Drive. I just wanted to run this idea by you guys to give me some expert advice. What I did was I made the 2 TB Western Digital into a 1 TB External Hard Drive with RAID 1. Then I went to System Preferences/Accounts and changed the location of the Users folder to the External Hard Drive.

So, essentially, (I think....) the entire OS is running on the Mac Mini, and then whatever data, Movies, Music, Preferences, additional Accounts etc..... I run from my External via Firewire 800. What do you all think about this set up? I have no idea why and how I came up with that, but that was how my Windows computer was set up (Recent Mac convert!)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Home Folder On External Drive Accessible To All Users

Apr 28, 2012

I have performed these steps: create test account with user name testcreate test folder on an external HDchanged home folder for the user to the test folder on the ext. HD using Advanced Options under Users & Groups.rebooted 

I have observed that any user can see content of test/Documents and ls -l shows that the current user is the owner. 

So for example if there is an account Frank, Frank can see the content of test/Documents and Frank is shown as an owner. 

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IMac :: Best Strategy For Migrating Settings And Files

Jun 24, 2010

I am moving from a PB 10.4 to a new Imac 10.6. The PB has several years of my Mac life; the Imac just the pristine OS. I have already learned how to transfer files: I got the firewire cable and know the Setup/Migration attendants reasonably well. However, there are several issues confusing me on how to proceed.

(1) If I let SA transfer my PB files wholesale, then I'll be taking my 10.4 life with me. That's not why I bought a 10.6 machine!
So as far as Apple stuff goes,
(2) I would like *not* to transfer it as much as possible. In particular, not have the old /Applications replace the new one.
(3) I would like to transfer the settings as well as support files that my own use has generated, eg, preferences, bookmarks, cookies, etc.

If you have walked this fine line before, please tell me how to proceed. Tentatively, I am thinking: Use SA to transfer my Users account, most other stuff but NOT Applications. I'll transfer non-Apple apps by hand, and use the Apple apps that came with 10.6. (Hopefully, my settings, preferences, bookmarks, etc would have been transferred and the apps will see them.)

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ITunes :: Re-subscribe To Podcasts After Migrating To A New Imac?

Jul 3, 2012

Just migrated to a new iMac via migration assistant. All settings appear correct but as it attempts to download the latest episode of a podcast I subscribe to I get an error message stating "you do not have sufficient privileges."Is this "reauthorizing" the new computer?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Windows on Mac

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ICloud On Mac :: Migrating Files From One IMac To Another Using OS X Mavericks

Jun 24, 2014

I am about to purchase a new iMac.  How do I go about migrating my programs and files from my old iMac to my new one using Mavericks.  Let the Apple Store do it?  Use the Cloud?  I am running OS X Version 10.9.3.  I found information on the apple.com site about using Mountain Lion and earlier operating systems, but not Mavericks.

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OS X Mavericks :: After Migrating To New IMac Have Duplicate Admin Account

Aug 27, 2014

Just used migration assistant to switch from an older iMac to a new iMac and now I have two admin accounts under Users & Groups.  My name is slightly different on the two admin accounts.  When I switch to the other admin account it appears the files are from ~2010.  This admin account is greyed out, so I cannot seem to remove it.  Is it taking up space?  Will it create a problem?

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook :: Migrating Contents Of Hard Drive To New One / Hard Drive Has Partition For Bootcamp?

Jul 27, 2009

I have an aluminum unibody macbook from October 2008. I'm looking to upgrade the 160 GB hard drive inside to a 500 GB one I'm considering from Newegg. Would it be possible to migrate/copy/clone the entire contents of my current hard drive to the 500 GB one? I also have a section of my current hard drive partitioned for Bootcamp. Would this affect my ability to transfer everything over?

If this is possible at all, how can I go about doing so? If there are steps laid out somewhere, I'd appreciate a referral. Sorry if my question is a little elementary, but I did a search on these forums and also google and nothing really came up

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Edit Users In Workgroup Manager, New Users Cannot Login

Feb 13, 2012

Today when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8).  

When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access. 

As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint). 

Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: What Video Format (including Embedded Audio) Can Be Viewed By Both OSX Lion Users And PC Users

Mar 22, 2012

I am currently am MBA student and must create projects using power point/ keynote, very often. Many of the power points/ keynotes created by students are informative but lack the ability to hold an audience’s attention (boring). Since I have this wonderful Macbook pro, I would like to create a dynamic keynote presentation which would include clips of audio and video files (I already know about converting keynote to power point). The only problem is, the videos I want to use in the keynote presentation are not able to be manipulated in iMovie (due to their format), and if they where able to be manipulated in iMovie, I’m not sure that PC users would be able to properly view them.

What video format (including embedded audio) is able to be viewed and heard by both OSX Lion users and Windows users?   If this is possible, can anyone suggest a safe application that I can purchase from the apple app store that will allow me to convert video files (including embedded audio) so that it can be viewed by both Lion and PC users? Preferably one that does not need access to the internet in order to convert the files ( I’m on the go allot and use an air card for internet access), but I will take it if this is the best option.  If the app store does not have this type of application, is there a place that I can download a safe one? 

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Changing User Folder/subfolders Location To Other Partition?

Feb 17, 2010

I just installed a new harddrive and I made 2 partitions. One for my system, preferences and installed programs and one for my files.

The problem comes when i put things on my desktop or download stuff. These folders are on my system partition and when i download or save to the desktop temporarely, i have to copy the files later to my other partition and delete the original.

It would save me a lot of time if downloaded files and files saved to the desktop are written on my documents partition.

hence the question: is there any way to change your desktop and downloads folder location to another location/drive?

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IMac :: No Shut Down / Restart Or Logout Users

Nov 12, 2010

I often have an issue where my iMac won't shut down, restart or logout users. Basically, when I click Shut Down or Restart, the desktop icons disappear as if the computer's getting ready to shut down (the desktop wallpaper remains) and it just sits there and won't shut down. I have to hold down the power button on the back of the computer in order to get the computer to shut off. This often happens when I try to logout a user. I'd say this happens about 2/3 to 3/4 of my attempts to shut down or logout a user.

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IMac :: How To Hide Project Files From Other Users

Oct 31, 2009

I am new to the iMac world. I have been a life long PC user. My question is, on my old PC I could make a file hidden by right clicking on it and checking the hidden box. Is there a way to make a file hidden on a Mac? I am always working on projects that I don't want my roommates to see. They always steal my ideas and work. I have the new 27" iMac with Snow Leopard.

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IMac :: Photoshop Configuration/Lightroom Users?

Aug 4, 2010

I really want to jump on the i5/i7 27" band wagon, and I'd be grateful to hear from other Photoshop CS5/Lightroom 3 users who have received their new units. What configuration did you choose, and how do these two programs respond to the new system?

I'm currently running them (along with various PS plugins) on a March 2009 Core 2 Duo iMac and would like to know if the speed increase with an i5 or i7 would justify an upgrade.

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