OS X V10.7 Lion :: Home Folder On External Drive Accessible To All Users
Apr 28, 2012
I have performed these steps:Â create test account with user name testcreate test folder on an external HDchanged home folder for the user to the test folder on the ext. HD using Advanced Options under Users & Groups.rebootedÂ
I have observed that any user can see content of test/Documents and ls -l shows that the current user is the owner.Â
So for example if there is an account Frank, Frank can see the content of test/Documents and Frank is shown as an owner.Â
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Mar 22, 2012
I want to set up a separate user accout for a friend on my mac, but I want to keep my work private. Specifically my
Sites folder which holds web files that need to be accessed by root / *web_user* --- whatever appachies user is, www_root maybe.Â
How do I simply restrict access to other 'Created Login Users' from accessing my entire home folder? I need to just keep out other login accounts i set up thru the system accounts window.Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 8, 2009
I just got myself a Mac Mini and a 2 TB Western Digital My Book Studio II External Hard Drive. I just wanted to run this idea by you guys to give me some expert advice. What I did was I made the 2 TB Western Digital into a 1 TB External Hard Drive with RAID 1. Then I went to System Preferences/Accounts and changed the location of the Users folder to the External Hard Drive.
So, essentially, (I think....) the entire OS is running on the Mac Mini, and then whatever data, Movies, Music, Preferences, additional Accounts etc..... I run from my External via Firewire 800. What do you all think about this set up? I have no idea why and how I came up with that, but that was how my Windows computer was set up (Recent Mac convert!)
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Sep 5, 2014
My home folder appears to have gone missing from the Users folder in finder. See screenshot - I can see the test account I created and the shared folder but not my home folder. Â
I can still access my home folder via the sidebar but this causes problems with some software not being able to see my home folder in their browsers (Nikon Capture NX2 being an example).Â
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 2, 2005
I recently purchased an external hard drive (firewire 400) and I want to move my home folder there. When I hold down the option key and click on the folder, it just copies my home folder to the hard drive. Is it possible to move my home folder to the hard drive? I'm using OSX 10.3.9.
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Mar 31, 2010
I ran software update this evening and installed all of the available software, including the OS update. When I logged back in after restarting, my encrypted home folder is showing similarly as an external hard drive.
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Jun 17, 2014
We upgraded our lab from 10.6.8 to 10.9.3. Preserving our settings and bootcamp by simply upgrading. After getting nearly all machines sorted out with active directory we are still having a problem with 2-3 machines with network user accounts being able to login. If no local home folder has been created prior to upgrading to 10.9.3 then the user cannot login, the login prompt dissapears then re-appears.
Here is a run down of the set-up.Â
Our settings force network users to have a local home folder on the local mac that they are logging into.Â
Mac OS X server is 10.6.8.Â
Active directory server is 2012 R2.Â
Network users without a pre-created home folder on the local mac prior to upgrade cannot login. The login prompt dissapears, then re-appears. No login.Â
Computers are managed with workgroup manager, as well as apple remote desktop. But no settings are applied, and no login scripts are being run. Â
Also I have noticed something concerning Mac OS X 10.8.5 and up. And that is in the active directory settings, if you bind to a domain (using active directory and not LDAP), lets say for example:Â
And you go to add your local active directory district to the Authentication/Contacts search policy eg: Active Directory/mydistrict.maindistrict.net
it will only show: Active Directory/mydistrict/alldomains.maindistrict.net.Â
It shows a list of all domains for the forest. But it also adds the district that you bound to as the search directory?
Let me use a precise example using actual names.Â
Bind to local district: pineville.ketsds.netÂ
Now in search policy on 10.8.5 up to 10.9.3 it displays possible search domains like this:Â
Active Directory/PINEVILLE/pineville.ketsds.net <- The domain we want.
Active Directory/PINEVILLE/all-other-domains-in-forest.ketsds.net <--Which is fine.Â
Which is all fine, but when we select the local domain for authentication, and contacts search it adds it, but in the overview it says that it is not in our search policy even though it is.Â
On Mac OS X versions below this (10.6.8 and down, cannot verify for 10.7 as we do not have systems with it) it displays the search domains as:Â
Active Directory/pineville.ketsds.net
as compared to this on 10.8.5 and above:Â
Active Directory/PINEVILLE/pineville.ketsds.net
 As well as all the other domains, and when you add the local to the search policy it does not give the error that it is not in your search policy. Is there anyway to make this happen on 10.8.5 and above? We have tried everything. Network accounts will login even though it says this, it is just annoying. Â
Last question is on one computer that we upgraded, we had a problem with the network accounts. Tried deleting the .plist for network preferences, and the Directory services folder as well as the Open directory folder and now it create the open directory folder as locked and any changes made with the directory utility in the search policy is immediatley reverted once we hit apply.Â
Summary of questions:
1.) Network users cannot login without local folder created prior to upgrade.Â
2.) Mac OS X 10.8.5 and above does not correctly add Authentication/Contact search policy domains as it does in 10.6.8 and below.Â
3.) Active Directory/Open Directory Authentication/Contact search policy settings keey reverting after applying. (Happened prior to deleting .plist files and AD/OD folders in /Library/Preferences)Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Network Login Problems, 10.9.3
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May 4, 2012
My new external harddrive (Buffalo MiniStation) is not showing in finder. I've checked that the correct finder view options are set (i.e. show show external drives). I can see the drive in Disk Utility and it will mount. Also when i try to open a downloaded .dmg file I get the 'no mountable file systems' error.Â
The drive is fine as it works on another MBP.Â
I've reinstalled Lion but still no join.Â
MacBook Pro 2009, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Apr 5, 2012
I am trying to write /Users/xxx to a Lexar 8g flash drive. Its size is under 1g. I can easily put subfolders onto the drive, but if I try to feed it the entire home folder it tosses it out again. I don't know how to use Finder to reach the /Users folder, where xxx is just a subfolder, but I can do this from the terminal command line; however, then I got stuck on how to proceed: I tried to mount /dev/disk1 [which diskutil shows as its name]; each variation I'v tried runs into some problem: disk busy, not found, etc. I was using sudo commands, so I don't think it's a permissions problem.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 29, 2014
I'm using MacBook Pro Early 2011 model with Mountain Lion (10.8.5).
I recently noticed that there was an application folder in my home folder (the folder with your username), but that application folder had been empty. I remember I used to be able to access to my applications from that folder, but not anymore.Â
Since the folder was empty, I deleted it before doing further research.Â
After deleting the empty application folder from the home folder, I looked up and some said the application folder in the home folder and the application folder in Macintosh HD are two different folders. I don't know what it means, but I would like to have an application folder with applications in my home folder. Is this possible? or should I just make an Alias folder and put it in my home folder?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Jun 9, 2012
It appears that the Library folder that is in the Home Folder (e.g./Users/Home/Liberary)has been made invisible in OS 10.7.x. However I have seen it because after converting samples Logic showed me the folder and its contents. I would very much like to move the samples from their present location in this folder on the startup disk to the EXS 24 samples folder on the external RAID array that is dedicated to this purpose - - but I don't know how to make the Library folder visible.
Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 24GB RAM/MOTU 2408 mk3 audio interface
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Jul 1, 2002
I know I saw the question post a while back about moving the Users folder to another partition or drive. I always wanted to do that as well and then I found out how to do it easily....
this is from MacWorld Magazine: Quote: Open Terminal and type the following commands:
sudo ditto -rsrc "/Users/username" "/Volumes/volumename/Users/username"
sudo niutil -createprop / "/Users/username" home "/Volumes/volumename/Users/username"
Sudo asks for your password to provide temporary root access, which is necessary for this exercise; volumename is the name of the new volume; and username is the name of your user folder. If that last line returns errors in Terminal or doesn't work, go to your NetInfo Manager in the Utilities folder. Click the lock to allow changes, look in the /users/username folder and highlight your username. Down below in the properties list there is a property that is called home, highlight that one and change the value from /Users/username to /Volumes/volumename/Users/username Quote:.................
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Dec 28, 2008
I have 160.5MB on my HD, an I have done everything I know how to do to free it up but still nothing!I'm wondering, can I move the home folders to my external hardrives?
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Jan 12, 2011
I want to move my home folder to another drive. Do I copy my home folder to the other drive, then go into sys prefs, accounts, advanced, etc and then change it?When I change it without copying it, none of my settings etc are still there.
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Aug 17, 2010
Is it possible to use Filevault and/or Time Machine (to back up the home folder, obviously) if the home folder is not on the boot drive? Additionally, is there anything else I should know about before I set up my computer this way?
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May 24, 2012
I accidentally formatted my external hard drive when I was creating a Windows USB install disk with Boot Camp It was a HFS+ formatted drive with a GUID partition table and 2 partitions: one clone of my Macbook OS, and one with personal data. I'm not worried about the OS clone, I'm more concerned about getting my personal data back on the second partition.So far I've used Stellar Phoenix and Data Rescue 3. I reformatted the hard drive from FAT to HFS+ before I did these scans. Not sure if it was a good idea, but the programs wouldn't scan properly otherwise.Stellar finds my files with the original folder structure, but I can't open any of the files, even though the file sizes seem to be correct. Data Rescue partially finds the original folder structure, and also has a "Reconstructed files" section which has all my files sorted by file type and without the original file name. I really want to avoid going through all my photos, videos, etc. one by one to sort them out.
Can I still recover my files in the original folder structure? Why can Stellar find all my files basically intact, but I can't open anything? In the meantime, I'm going to try scanning with Disk Drill and FileSalvage with fingers crossed...
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Apr 4, 2010
On Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 (Intel) and on a FileVault protected user my home directory is appearing as a removabile drive on my desktop and everywhere else. I had to reconfigure iTunes, Firefox and Camino both fail to start and not to mention other applications not being able to find my/their stuff. This started happening after I updated via the Software Update app a day or two ago.
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Feb 22, 2012
If you click on your mac HD icon and go into the 'users' folder. Ther eis an icon with a house. This is what I think is called the 'home' folder. Usually, there is a folder in the 'Home' folder called 'Library' and I cant seem to locate it. Where did it go?
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
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Sep 13, 2009
I was wondering if anyone who has their home folder on a separate hard drive had installed snow leopard and if it had been smooth or full of problems.
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Mar 14, 2012
I recently had my 15" MacBook Pro serviced because of a hard drive failure. It required that the operating system (OSX 10.7.3) be reinstalled. The reinstall was handled by the Best Buy Geek Squad store where I originally purchased the Mac. They named my home folder using only my first name in lower case letters. I would prefer my full name like my previous install. DoI understand correctly that it is NOT possible to rename this folder? Would I have to reinstall Lion and wipe all the data to do this? Or is there a simple way to rename the folder.Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 19, 2012
I was trying to change the name of my home folder, I thought I did tis but when I restarted I lost all my photos in iPhoto and my songs in iTunes. How can I restore to the way it was before???
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Apr 28, 2009
Im new to macs and especially networking them. Id like to setup file sharing so the whole machine is accessible from the other in order for me to copy libraries and apps over manually.
for some reason only the top level folder becomes accessible, all sub folders are still protected. In windows there would be a checkbox to allow all subfolders to be shared along with their parent.
Anyway to do this on a mac ?
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May 2, 2012
I purchased the latest MacBook Pro 17" in March 2012 in Australia. Because of "screen issues" I had to take my computer back to the Apple Store where they reinstalled Lion OS 10.7.3. Using Time Capsule I put retrieved all my information. However, I have noticed that my home folder has my married name when before it showed the name I am now using.My account name is correct, it is just the home folder name..I have been looking at other discussions but get lost on step 1 "log in as root."
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 4, 2012
I purchased the latest MacBook Pro 17" in March 2012 in Australia. Because of "screen issues" I had to take my computer back to the Apple Store where they reinstalled Lion OS 10.7.3. Using Time Capsule I put retrieved all my information. However, I have noticed that my home folder has my married name and I want it to show my maiden name as I am now divorced. My account name is correct, it is just the home folder name.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 26, 2012
I have recently purchased a second hand iMac.The Home folder is still in the name of the previous owner and I keep getting asked for his passwords. All his applications are still on there, so I would like to do a clean install and start again. Lion was already installed so I do not have any discs to re-install. How do I do that without any discs etc? Â
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May 29, 2012
I'm tired of my home folder background and the general appearance of Finder. How can I change the background of my Home Folder.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 1, 2012
I'm having serious issue on my MacPro 10.7.4, as I can't log in any more. My setup: System 10.7.4 on MacPro SSD (internal SSD)Data on my software RAID0 on 2 internal HD. Unfortunately I had the bad idea to move my home folder on the RAID0 cluster. One of the 2 hard drives just died, making impossible to reach any data on this side! So now, I just get an error trying to log back, as I guess the system can't find my home folder.
I just set up a second partition on my SSD, installed lion again and boot from here. So I can have access to the original SSD file system. I'd like to modify some files to update the path to a new home folder. (not on the RAID obviously but still on SSD). Could be done by terminal / command line. I used to know how to do that on linux by modify /etc/password, but I can't find the same files on OSX. How to modify / update the system user path, so I could boot again from by previous partition?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), QuadCore Xeon 2x2.8Ghz
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May 27, 2012
I just updated my MacBook to Lion, and I used to have a folder when using Leopard called "Library." I can't find it anymore. The only way to get to it is to open Xcode 4, make a Cocoa application, build it, then right-click the target, then click "Show in finder. This is what the library folder looks like after I do that:
I can still click the folder and it will show me its contents, but once I leave the home folder, the folder dissappears, and I can't find it:
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Model of 2008
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Jun 7, 2012
I recently used Carbon Copy Cloner to replicate the contents of the main hard drive on my 2 X 3 Ghz Dual core Intel Xeon Mac Pro. The disk was too small for any additional software. The plan was to clone it to a larger empty disk. All went well with one exception. None of the other internal hard drives, nor any external hard drives appear in The Finder or on the Desktop.
Finder Preferences are appropriately checked to display all disks etc. All the disks, internal and external appear and are accessible (not gray) in Disk Utilities. I attempted to mount the disks from within Disk Utilities after applying First Aid but still received the "could not mount" dialogue. Obviously the cloned OS is unable to communicate with the other internal and external disks.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 20, 2012
I want to sync my MacBook Pro w/ my iMac (both running Lion).I want to be able to come home from a business trip and have all of the new / edited info on my MacBook (new photos (organized & edited), changes to various folders in "documents", random files/folders added to desktop, changes made in iTunes, etc) show up on my iMac, which I work off of while at home. And of course the reverse - sync the changes on my iMac to my MacBook before I travel again.Wouldn't it be possible to copy a User's Home Folder on Machine 1 to an external drive, and then use that to replace / update the Home Folder on Machine 2? Or possibly do a complete Disc Clone (i.e. Super Duper) of Machine 1, and then use that to "restore" Machine 2? What are the pros and cons?And any better solutions? I realize that my proposals may be over simplified, but also that my goal must be a common one.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz i5, 8GB ram
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