OS X Mavericks :: How To Duplicate Card In Contacts
Jun 23, 2014
Lots of people want to know how to deal with duplicates, but I want to know how to duplicate a card. And this makes sense; one of my clients has much info in his card; all I want is to duplicate the card and change the name to another person at the same company.
Don't see how, though?
I'm on 10.9.3, and the latest iOS.
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Sep 6, 2009
My sync is going wrong somewhere along the line and creating duplicate lists of some contacts to build up. I deleted them all yesterday afternoon and now have about 20 or so of some contacts. Some do not duplicate at all. I found this thread over at apple [URL] but as my mobile me account contains the duplicates as well cant get the workaround (deleting address book file) to work.
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Dec 6, 2014
I used to have my Contacts on iCloud and On My Mac local. After I made some changes with some Mail accounts, I lost the On My Mac local contacts, but the iCloud contacts are there. I like to keep the local copy. Contact Preferences shows an On My Mac Local account but not on the contacts list. I seem to remember there is a trick to get the On My Mac local account to show in the contact window and then contacts can be copied from the iCloud list.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Apr 11, 2012
I have suddenly noticed duplicate contacts in my address book. I'm on the current version of Lion on a ne 27 imac and all updates are current.Don't really know why the duplicates started and haven't had this problem since the conversion from mobileme months ago.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 27, 2014
how to remove duplicate groups in contacts on macbook pro 10.9.4
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 25, 2010
I have many duplicate contacts in my Entourage address book (same name, different information in some instances). How do I merge those duplicates into just one contact?
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Mar 2, 2012
somehow with the cloud change, and whatever else, I now have 400K duplicate contacts...
can't do "look for duplicates" it just crashes after an hour... what to do?
I have already disabled the sync in the cloud preferences. can i delete the whole application, re load address book and sync with the cloud?
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
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Sep 4, 2014
I noticed that I had duplicate cards in Contacts and events in Calendar. Looking at Preferences / Accounts I saw that I was somehow logged into iCloud twice as it was listed twice in the left column. I checked the iCloud settings and couldn't see anything untoward. I've un-enabled one of the iCloud accounts which has solved the problem from a useage point of view, but the duplicated iCloud account is still visible.Possible things that caused the issue:
1) I signed out of iCloud on my work machine and back in again a day later earlier this week
2) I edited my email address on the 'Me' card in contacts as my work email was misspelt
how to clear the duplicate account?
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), early 2008
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Aug 22, 2014
It seems that the contacts app has suddenly become incapable of accessing my contacts in the cloud. Its fine on icloud.com, its fine on my phone, and its fine on my ipads. However, I'm getting an error message right now which I think must be to do with an update to Little Snitch which I did almost immediately before, and which necessitated a reboot. Since the reboot, I am seeing the following
Of course, this also means Messages doesnt work. LS is not blocking any icloud things, and calendars and mail are still working with no issues.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 2, 2009
My current address book has roughly 300 contacts. I have an old archived address that has roughly 200 contacts, but some contacts have extra information (ie. bday, notes, etc) that my current address book does not contain.
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Jun 17, 2012
I have too many duplicates contact in outlook 2011 MAC, how to remove/merge them.
iPad 2, iOS 5.1
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Aug 27, 2014
Recently I saw and tried a method to have "Save as" show up in the menu in various applications, replacing duplicate. I can't find those instructions any more and want to rework that change in the menu.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Feb 20, 2010
My iPhone is out of action until an unlock comes out for baseband 5.12.01.
I am using a different phone but want to get all my Mac address book contacts onto my SIM card for that phone.
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Dec 10, 2014
My set up is that I use Mail with 5 separate accounts, downloading all messages using POP. I keep ALL my mail (even the trash) so that I have a permanent record of all conversations, going back more than 10 years - this is about 250,000 emails in around 250 subfolders. I'm running the latest version of Mavericks on a 2010 MBP. I have no intention of moving to IMAP - I need to keep a local archive of all my mail.
A few months ago I was having problems with Mail being very slow to load and search emails. I decided to rebuild the mailboxes, but afterwards discovered that thousands of messages in the inbox of one of my accounts (and some of the sub-folders) had disappeared. Once I realised I tried to go back to a recent Time Machine back up, but, for whatever reason, that part of the back up hadn't worked properly and I was unable to recover the previous status. I left it while I decided what to do, and had time to deal with it...
The last 2 years worth of emails on that account were still archived on gmail, so last week I decided to try redownloading the whole lot (something like 72,000 messages), and then planned to use one of the scripts I was aware of to remove the duplicates to the trash, and then remove any duplicates in the trash forever. That ought to mean I at least had an archive of the last two years of missing messages, even if I had no record of which ones had been flagged or replied to, etc.
The downloading took about 24 hours to complete, and I now have almost 70,000 messages in the inbox of that account. I also rebuilt all the folders again, which doesn't seem to have resulted in any further loss of messages as far as I can tell. However, I hadn't figured on two things:
1. Mail 'hides' duplicate messages, meaning that all of the messages I've downloaded are showing as unread, and I can't differentiate the ones I already had in my Inbox, and the new downloads. When I click on those apparently unread messages I can see if they have been replied to or forwarded, etc, but there's no obvious way for me to remove the ones I have already dealt with to the trash, without going through them all manually, which is clearly impossible.
2. The scripts I'd found for removing duplicates don't work. Andreas Amann's Remove Duplicates script doesn't work under Mavericks, and he has abandoned the project. I've also tried the remove-duplicate-messages.scpt [URL] ...., and while it *sometimes* works on individual subfolders on my Mac (but as far as I can tell removes the duplicate in that folder, rather than the newly downloaded version), mostly it doesn't work at all - it creates a 'Remove Duplicate Messages' folder on my desktop, a log inside it and a folder for removed messages, but nothing appears in the duplicates folder.
So, I'm left in a position where I have 70,000 apparently unread messages in my Inbox, a massively bloated Mail library (which has pretty much doubled in size, because of the 'hidden' messages), a slow and unresponsive Mail program. I've come to the conclusion that there must be some corrupted email somewhere, which probably caused the original email haemorrhage, and may still be causing the inability to remove duplicates. Mail is so slow as to be almost unuseable.
I figure I have a number of options:
1. I could live with the situation and just archive most of the Mail in my inbox, with the side effect that there will be a bunch of messages I have never replied to that are missed.
2. I could abandon the last week's efforts and revert to the version of Mail I was using a week ago, and then redownload the recent emails from my various accounts. That would still leave me without those thousands of emails I lost on my local machine.
3. I could find another way to deal with this. Can I get the remove duplicates script working? Should I revert to the version of Mail from a week ago, download ALL the messages again, but do it in a way that allows me to find the duplicates and remove them? Should I move to another email program altogether (which would presumably be massively disruptive to my work!)
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Aug 31, 2014
I was trying to free up some space on my early 2009 mac mini, and i downloaded the Easy Duplicate Finder 3rd party thingy... i never ran the setup.dmg file and i tried to throw it away, but i can't empty it out of my trash because it says its in use (which worries me!)
I do have ext. backup using Time Machine... is that my solution? i just set that up about a week ago, but I'm such a computer dummie... I've never used it before....
Mac mini
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Aug 27, 2014
Just used migration assistant to switch from an older iMac to a new iMac and now I have two admin accounts under Users & Groups. My name is slightly different on the two admin accounts. When I switch to the other admin account it appears the files are from ~2010. This admin account is greyed out, so I cannot seem to remove it. Is it taking up space? Will it create a problem?
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 1, 2014
I have sent a message with Apple Mail 7.3 on Mac with OS X Mavericks 10.9.3, and it shows DUPLICATED in the Sent mailbox of Mail. I mean, two entries with the very same message inside are displayed, yet, as said, I only sent it once! I am using POP.
Selecting "Mailbox - Rebuild", quitting and opening Mail, repairing permissions with Apple Disk Utility, restarting the Mac, and even resetting the PRAM does not fix it. I have seen the following article, but cannot find the "MessageSorting.plist" in Mavericks that it indicates: How to Fix Duplicate Emails Sent From Apple Email..URL....
how to prevent this duplication behavior (beyond deleting one of such messages, which, of course, I can do); I mean, to fixing whatever is corrupted and prevent such behavior happening again in the future? What is the equivalent of "MessageSorting.plist" in Mavericks to do what indicates the above article?
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Booting from internal Fusion Drive
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Sep 4, 2014
I've got an annoying problem: The contacts app on my Mac does not save any changes.
I made a clean install today. iCloud sync on, everything is fine. I setup a new user, so I could give screen sharing and file sharing rights to a user with another mac.
Now, I cannot change any contacts in my contacts.app any more.
I checked the rights for Library etc. and gave the Admin and the user accounts again full read and write permissions.
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 3, 2014
explain to me the relationship between Contacts "On My Mac" and those in iCloud?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 5, 2014
I have noticed my contacts on my macbook are not synchronizing with iCloud. I have 20 contacts more on my matchbook than I have in iCloud. Since I have more than 500 contacts I don't know which ones I'm missing.I also have double contacts in my 'all contacts' but I cannot delete them. I trust my iCloud contacts, but there are at least 20 contacts missing there.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Jun 28, 2014
I can no longer add or delete any contacts in Contacts. I am running Mavericks, 10.9.3 and I have an IPhone 5 which is up to date on its software. I have tried having iCloud syncing on and off and still cannot add or delete contacts on my MacBook Pro (brand new; with Retina display). I have looked for a preference file and cannot even find one that seems to be for Contacts. I can remove contacts from my iPhone, and I can sync it with my laptop, but the contacts I deleted on the phone are not deleted on the laptop. When syncing, which I have tried doing both wired and wireless, it takes forever to finish, it if it does at all. I usually let it set at working on step 5 for about 5 minutes before I just click the round "X" and dismiss the sync box.
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Jun 28, 2014
Ever since upgrading to Maverick, my Contact program has accumulated multiple copies of Groups and the program runs extremely slowly. Is there a fix?
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Sep 12, 2014
I'm on a 17" mid 2010 MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9.3. When I open contacts and try to add a new contact then click done or save it doesn't save after closing. My entry will only exist until closing, when I open up contacts again it's gone. Also I cannot delete a contact. I thought this built in app could just be deleted and a fresh instal could be downloaded but can't find it anywhere
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 28, 2014
I run Contacts on both my iPad2 and my iMac; I find that in the listing to the left of the Contacts on the iMac, 'All iCloud' appears twice; one with 519 entries (which is correct) and the other with 78 entries, 77 of them also in the other one. They are synced via iCloud, not iTunes; I've tried to sort this by exporting the vCards to my desktop and then attempting to trash Contacts and reinstall but this is not permitted as it's 'required by OSX', which seems reasonable. It sometimes becomes a problem when I'm using lists and discover that some people are not on the list I am using because - for some inexplicable (to me, at least) reason, they're on the other iCloud list.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Aug 26, 2014
How can you show a list of contacts (or buddies if you're using another IM/Chat like Yahoo) that is docked in, connected to, separate column or sub-window of the main Chat window...
I looked through all the Menu bar items and preferences and didn't see a single thing.If I activate my Yahoo chat profile/user a floating window pops up, but I can't find any info regarding combining the 2 windows / showing all info in 1 window.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Sep 13, 2014
A new Address book contact entered on the Mac syncs to my ipads, but a new entry created on the ipad does not show up on the Mac. An EDIT to an entry on the ipad syncs to the Mac. So I can't make new cards on the ipad and expect them to show up on the Mac.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
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Jun 17, 2014
I cannot sync my contacts to iMessage so there are just numbers in there. how to sync my contacts?
MacBook Pro
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Sep 3, 2014
I am trying to integrate the MS office for mac and the standard mac calendar and contacts. i would like them to sync as i use outlook for emails and Calander in mac and appointments don't sync nor can i get the contacts to sync.
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 7, 2014
I am trying to figure out why I can select some email addresses from senders, and when I right click, I get the option to add that address to my contacts, while in others this selection is missing. In either case, the email address or contact IS NOT in my contacts.
OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Sep 7, 2014
I have a new Mailbox in Apple Mail.
Id like to import all of the incoming email into a new " Group in Contacts....
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