I have a wd external hard drive formatted in ntfs and am now buying my 1st mb air. if i buy a new mac approved hard drive and copy all my old files to the new hard drive using my pc, will i be able to both read and write on my new mac book? what if i used the mac book to copy the 2 hard drives to take advantage of the faster usb 3's would that still work?
I have a Mac Air running Mavericks on a HFS partition and Windows 7 on a BOOTCAMP NTFS partition. I have some files that I want to read/write from/to both systems. Since OS X can't write NTFS and Windows can't write HFS either, and I don't want to use any 3rd-party tools/drivers, in OS X, I copy those files from NTFS to its HFS partition, make changes, then switch to Windows and sync them back to NTFS.
The problem is, after I copied a file from NTFS to HFS in OS X, it seemed ok. But when I switched to Windows, the very copied file in HFS partition had its size changed (bigger) although I didn't make any changes to it in OS X yet. This happens to almost every file I copied, text and binary. For those text files, I tried to open it with EditPlus in Windows and EditPlus reports the correct size on the status bar.
I read in this thread that hard drives have to be formatted with HFS+ to work with OS X. I want to buy a hard drive on eBay that is wiped clean but formatted with NTFS; my question is this, how can I reformat the hard drive to work in my yet-to-arrive MacBook?
I am running version 10.6.8 and the operating software is Snow Leapord. I want to upgrade to Lion but firstly I want to back-up my files just incase s*** happens. I've bought a used 500gb external hard drive and I understand it's in the NTFS (Windows NT File System) format. Although I am able to view what's on the hard drive as well as use it, for example, open photos, watch movies, I cannot delete anything on it. I could get a mac compatible hard drive but that's going to be at an extra cost.
I have some files on a NTFS drive (from a Wiindows 7 PC), the files were hidden. So ... I followed these instructions:
Batch FileXamine [URL] Choose your drive- on the right panel chose “privileges”- chose “preset” –> “public share”(which is chmod 755 for folders and does a chmod 644 on files)- Check “apply to enclosed..”- Apply Permissions To enable hidden files/folders in finder windows:Open FinderOpen the Utilities folderOpen a terminal windowCopy and paste the following line:defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YESPress returnNow hold ‘alt’ on the keyboard and right click on the Finder iconClick on Relaunch(DID NOT RUN) to revert backdefaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles NO (DID NOT RUN)
After I applied the above I could see the folders and files, although the folders appear as light blue, not the usual blue folders we in OS X, and the files are lighter as well.
When I select 'get info' under 'sharing and permissions' I see 'you can only read', no other options are available.
However, I am able to transfer the files to my desktop, although they remain light blue. Also, when I select 'get info' (on the transferred files on the desktop) under 'sharing and permissions' 'my user name' 'read & right' is enabled. But the folders still appear blue (and the files are much lighter).
I assume if I run the Command: defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles NO
The folders and files will no longer be visible.
Info: Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
While coping a lot of files from the NTFS drive(to a MBP13" '09) it caused my computer to freeze up, and I had to force a shut down via the power button . Anyone else have problems like this copying a large quantity of files?
Is there a GB limit you can copy at one time, or maximum number of files? FYI, my MBP locked up while it was "preparing to copy." It was stuck on just over the 40,000th file (was the large number of files the problem?).
I have a WD 640GB External drive and i would like to partition some for time machine and some for storing my files. i just have some questions:
1) If i partition the drive into 2, in the future can i join the two partitions together again? 2) does the whole external drive have to have the same file system like HFS or NTFS or can one partition be HFS + for time machine and the other partition NTFS to make it readable on windows?
I'm upgrading to a MacBook Pro soon from my current late 2007 Macbook. I just want to know what is the exact procedure on copying the hard drive on my current MacBook to the MacBook Pro I'm getting soon? I want it so it is exactly the way my Mac looks right now. I've got everything backed up on to an external hard drive ready to use.
I have a home made DVd I wish to copy to my Hard drive. I have tried Disk Utility but when I save I end up with a folder with other folders in it. I just want a DVD symbol on my desktop I can click and play.
I recently bought a Macbook and I have a external USB hard drive that is formatted NTFS. I copied all of the files off of external HD and pasted them on my Macbook. I slicked the external hard drive and formatted it as FAT32 so I could read & write on both a PC and Mac if I need.
Anyways, once the external hard drive was formatted I tried moving all of the files back to the external but I keep getting and error code once I paste the files on the external drive. It says: "Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred. Error code 0"
Now I'm not sure if the files are locked or what but I need help. I want to move them back to the external drive. It actually copies a few files to the external but nowhere near what all I need. They are just some .doc files that are on there
This is a tutorial for people looking to clone their internal hard drive and install it into their macbook (usually because you've upgraded to a larger hdd). I have also included an installation of windows vis a vis boot camp style. Ive been battling this for the past 3 days, so hopefully this tutorial will answer some questions and save you some time.
1. Firstly get your external drive (clone) ready. Go to applications---->utilities---->disk utility. Click on your external drive and then partition it. I used 2 partitions, one for mac (200 GB) and one for windows (40 GB). For now partition in GUID partition format (found in options). This is important. You can check whether it actually as in GUID at the end of the format when you click on the drive and on the bottom part of the screen it will give you all the drive information. (NOTE: if you have a standard windows installation you can have 1 partition at this stage and then later let boot camp create a partition for you. Boot camp will only format in FAT, so all windows using NTFS are out of luck)..............
After a lifetime of owning PC's I finally purchased a MacBook Pro running OS X. I installed Parallels Desktop 5, Windows XP, and several Windows apps to have dual functionality. Now I need to write to my NTFS ext. hard drive where I backup everything. It has 800gb of space left, so it would be a shame to get a new one just b/c I have a Mac now. I first installed MacFuse and then NTFS-3G. Now when I reboot, the ext. HD won't mount at all. What have I done wrong?
I can't manage to format my Seagate 500GB external HD correctly so it can be readable with my Macbook. I formatted like six times already in Windows 7 and XP to NTFS and still my macbook won't read it...only my Windows computers can read/write it. What am I doing wrong?
I am in need of assistance with backing up my macbook pro using time machine. I am running Mac OS X leopard 10.5.8. I have attempted to backup to a network share folder on a Windows machine, but the backup abruptly ends. So, I decided to attach an NTFS external drive, connected via usb. The external drive was formatted on a Windows 7 machine (not quick format); so, it currently has no space occupied. I installed MacFuse and NTFS-3G. Then, I rebooted and attached the NTFS external drive. I set the preferences in time machine to backup to the aforementioned drive. However, Console is reporting that the backup failed with error 19, and time machine is reporting that the storage location for backups cannot be found, when i command time machine to backup now.
Is there something I'm missing? I have seen at least one other thread on the Internet where a mac user was able to get time machine to work with an NTFS external hard drive. Do I need to create a separate sparse bundle image and copy it to the external drive, similar to the method used to get time machine to copy to network shares on Windows? If the ironclad rule is time machine ONLY recognizes HFS+ drives, then a sparse bundle image is a good workaround. But then what is the point of MacFUSE and NTFS-3G. What is its purpose, as it relates to time machine?
I recently purchased a Western Digital "My Passport Essential" 160mb external hard drive. When I attempt to transfer "any" type of material (JPEGS, PSD, MP3, MPEG, etc) from my 600 MHz PowerPC G3 (iMac) operating on an OS X, to the external hard drive, the file's "Date Modified" (date and time) "mysteriously" changes to the time at which I'm copying the files. For example, a file that was last saved on July 1, 2008 and then transferred (copied) on February 26, 2009 to the external drive, suddenly appears with a "new" February 26, 2009 saved date.
Because, I've always viewed my files by the "Date Modified" option at the top of the folder, I've relied on my files for its accurate date and times.
I recently bought my first imac. I seem to have an issue about copying movies from my imac to an external hard drive.I try to ''drag and drop'' but nothing is happening.I also tried to copy the movies and then paste them to the hard drive but no luck either.
I am trying to back up all my pictures that are in iphoto to an external hard drive. I just want to copy everything that I have, put them on the external hard drive and move on. How can I do this where I can use these pictures on another computer though if needed? I know that I can move the entire iPhoto library but that wouldn't be compatible on a non-Mac correct?
I have a 250GB WD external hard drive. I formated it in MS-DOD(FAT)/ExFAT using disk utilities.I have problem copying files from MacBookPro to an external hard drive. when i try to copy it says "The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data can’t be read or written (Error code -36) " The info of the files is shown as read & write?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I want to copy all of my mail and preferences from an old OS X Lion hard drive to a new one. In order to do that I need to be able to see my user library on the old hard drive. Is there anyway to do that without using Terminal commands? Also, what files will I need to copy to the new hard drive?
I have an external hard drive that I use to watch movies on a Nintendo Wii and some of the movie files are over 7GB, which means when I format the drive to FAT32 I cannot copy the larger files. What are my options for getting around this problem? I have VMware fusion but I cannot easily see my external drive in XP. Is it possible to format the drive in XP and then transfer everything via VMware on XP?
I'm having difficulty with my external hard-drive, here's the info on that one:
Disk Utility won't allow me to mount the drive, I've tried using a number of softwares to read it (working under the assumption that it's an NTFS drive), including Tuxera and Paragon. I have too much stored on the hard drive to empty it back onto my old computer, and so I'm not able order to re-format it.
My Seagate hard rive is saying that it is formatted NTFS when I plug it into my new mac. I have only ever used it on a mac and it didn't ever say this when i used it on my old computer.. Im not quite sure what to do because I have no where to put all my stuff to reformat it?
Also I made sure when I bought the hard drive that it was both windows and mac compatible...
I got a WD10EALX Cabiar Blue drive last week and copied my existing internal drive that had Tiger OSX on it. It booted fine until I copied an iphoto library from a friend's Mac and now this disk won't boot. I get the circle with the slash through it and the folder with the question mark on it. I ran it through disk utility and it was verified with no problems.
Western Digital Caviar Blue 1 TB,7200 RPM (WD10EALX) Hard Drive
I'm looking for a FREE data recovery app for os x to recover data from a NTFS hard drive. The hard has lost it's volume and will not mount and I've tried some other programs and I can see the files but I can't get them off because every program I've tried isn't free and won't let me copy them off. I've tried looking for one but I can't seem to find a good one. I just want to copy off the files and then I'll wipe the drive and fix the parition.