OS X Mavericks :: Preview Quit Unexpectedly While Using Image Capture Core Plugin
Jun 3, 2014
I get the following error...Â
Preview quit unexpectedly while using the ImageCaptureCore plug-in.Â
when I try to open a file in Preview. Same error occurs when I simply try to open Preview directly as well. It was working fine yesterday and prior to that. Haven't added any external devices or done any updates so I am not sure what happened. I did however download a game about two days ago called F18 Carrier Landing....could this be the cause...
Also here is the info that popped up with the error....Â
Process:Â Â Â Â Preview [627]Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/Preview.app/Contents/MacOS/PreviewIdentifier:Â com.apple.PreviewVersion:Â Â Â Â 7.0 (826.4)Build Info:Â Preview-826004000000000~2Code Type:Â Â X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:Â launchd [191]Responsible: Preview [627]User ID:Â Â Â Â 502Â PlugIn Path:Â Â /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageCaptureCore.framework/Versions/A/ImageCaptureCor e
PlugIn Identifier: com.apple.ImageCaptureCorePlugIn Version:5.0 (5.0)Â Date/Time:Â Â 2014-06-03 14:41:15.250 -0500OS Version:Â Mac OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
Sudden Preview.app shut down. Error message - it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows and will not launch. Have tried finder go option preferences to no avail.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Today I did my software updates and then shortly after I received this notification 'safari quit unexpectedly while using the RainbowSix.png plugin'. I am unable to find this plug in in applications or Internet plug ins.
This is what pops up: "Problem Report for Safari" "Safari quit unexpectedly while using the .LinrenSoundRecorder.tmp plugin." 'Click Reopen to open the applicaion again. This report will be sent to Apple automatically. It randomy exit's me out of Safari and pops up.
Im on a Mac OS X Lion version 10.7.3. Iv'e got safari version 5.1.5. Everytime i wake up my mac after I put it in sleep, and even sometimes when I'm not even using my mac, safari quits and i get this error message: safari quit unexpectedly while using the .FaxMailNetWork.png plugin.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Has anyone seen this error before? This is happenning everytime I use Safari for longer than 15 minutes. I'm running on version 5.1.5. Mac OS X, version 10.6.8.
I'm running OS X 10.4.11, and I cannot get either Image Capture or Preview to do their scan function. Neither program will recognize my Epson Stylus NX400 scanner/printer. Both programs just give me a message stating that the SANE program is in use by another application ( I downloaded some TWAIN SANE files for my version of Gimp, which also does not want to recognize the Epson).
On Safari, it keeps giving me error messages saying "Safari Webpage Preview Fetcher has quit unexpectedly" and "QTKit has quit unexpectedly". Sometimes every few seconds. I tried using a "MultiSafari" v.4.0.5 and it does the same thing. I suspect it is because of deleting the contents of the Caches folder (which I do regularly, but never had problems with).
I've downloaded the most recent Image Capture software but system preferences and Image Capture still won't recognize the scanner. It might be the fault of the scanner but seeing as other people have. how to try and get my computer to recognize the scanner?
Crashed Thread:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 3Â Dispatch queue: NSOperationQueue 0x60000002cfe0 :: NSOperation 0x7fcdd2c05260Â Â Exception Type:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes:Â Â Â Â Â Â 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000Â Â
I just got a new MacBook Pro. I have my epson printer on my network. How do I get Image Capture to recognize that I have a printer. Nothing comes up on devices. I'm sort of stabbing in the dark at network settings and I downloaded the latest Epson driver. Nothing seems to work.
I'm using CanoScan LiDE 200, with Image Capture, with scans going to iPhoto.But the scans are also saved in Pictures folder. How to stop the scans go to Pictures folder ?
I am running on OSX version 10.9.4?I have the latest software updates, including quicktime, java, adobe,For some reason my Skype and also my Pages applications are" unexpectedly quitting" This has been happening for a few days now. Initially i thought my skype was the problem So I had a look here and did all these steps URL>...
So clearly it isn't the application though if it's also happening with Pages. I have ran through my disk utility and tried to repair disks and files My memory and my Ram should all be fine, says there is plenty.
When I tell Image Capture to save a scan in a particular folder, it doesn't show up there in the Finder. This is a fairly new trick. Sometimes after considerable fiddling, they will suddenly be there.
If I go into Photoshop or Word and search for the files, both Photoshop and Microsoft Word can see the files in the correct folder. The Finder just can't see them.Â
I use image capture to scan from hp office jet 8500 A910. office jet becomes idle and disconnects from image capture. How can I stop this or reconnect without always switching office jet on/off each time?
I have a newly refurbished emac running the latest OSX 10.9.3. I used to be able to move images from iPhoto to the desktop and using Preview change the file size. I need to do this to upload images of a specific size to a website. Now Preview will not save the adjusted image size. I adjust the size from a 5 meg image to a 1.5 meg image but when I go to upload the image it is still 5 meg. I try saving it before closing it but it doesn't do anything (by the way I hate the new options or lack thereof when it comes to saving in Preview)
Have Word 2004. Don't laugh; it's been working. When got new MBP, Office worked. (Well, can't recall if PPT ever worked with it.)Excel and Word definitely did work. Two weeks ago, Excel started working sporadically, then not at all.Right now(!!), Word suddenly stopped working. "Word quit unexpectedly" and "Excel quit unexpectedly." Â
Safari keeps quitting on me due to a plugin called ".foxeasyvideo.png". When I search for the plugin in finder, I get no results. I look in my main and user library under "internet plugins" and nothing is in there under that name. How do I find and delete this plugin? Safari is quitting almost every time I use it.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Using Safari 5.1.5
I was recently on the alltel website trying to preview ringbacks for my phone and when I try to listen to the audio, a little box pops up saying that it "has content of MIME type �application/x-mplayer2�. Because you don�t have a plug-in installed for this MIME type, this content can�t be displayed."
I downloaded the flip4mac WMV to see if that would help and there's still no change. I then went into system preferences, under quicktime and in the advanced setting I made sure that streaming, video, audio, MPEG, MP3, and miscellaneous were all checked and enabled (this being under MIME settings). Still I'm not able to preview the ringback audio on alltel's website. Is there something else that I may not be doing right?
I use Image Capture to get photos off my Canon XSi. Lately, it hasn't been working. Image Capture shows 26 CR2 icons, but won't show their thumbnail previews. It won't download them, and I can't delete them, either. It also won't recognize any new photos I've taken with the camera. The only thing I've done recently that might have caused this is I installed a new scanner (Epson V300).