Hardware :: Time Machine Backup To A Network Drive?
Aug 28, 2009I was wondering if it is possible to back up using time machine to a network drive such as [URL] If so could you tell me how to do so?
View 5 RepliesI was wondering if it is possible to back up using time machine to a network drive such as [URL] If so could you tell me how to do so?
View 5 RepliesIs time machine already/still supported on current OSX 10.7, or is it already deprecated as it was introduced several releases ago? When I try to activate Time Machine on my all new OS X Server, I get a dialog "Choose destination volume for client Time Machine backups:". I choose a volume, and the message is displayed "This disk drive may not support Time Machine backup over the network. Get more information about compatible drives."
"More information" links to [URL] which just provides commonplace advice to not disconnect drives while the drive is in operation. The support article is marked as archived and no longer updated after 10.5. The promised information is not provided. Is there anything obviously wrong with the setup?
Mac Mini Server, OS X Lion 10.7.3, 2x750 internal disks as RAID1, new of this month
External drive: 3TB USB3 Maxtor, single partition (repartitioned for GUID), connected via one of the internal USB2
The external drive is also used as Time Machine for the Server's local volume. I have read recommendations to use separate partitions per client, for time machine solutions using a third party NAS. Instead I chose the original - am I wrong to assume that the OS X Server's Time Machine service is able to manage multiple clients?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So I have a 15" MBP running Snow Leopard and have recently installed a Western Digital MyBook 1TB World Edition on the network to serve as my Time Machine backup drive. Most of the time, it works flawlessly and OSX / Time Machine does its thing and backs up.
Every once in a while, Time Machine says backup has been delayed because it cannot locate the network drive. This when I can easily access the network drive from other machines on the network, and also from my MBP in Finder. It's just Time Machine that somehow fails to find that drive. When I enter Time Machine preferences and look for the drive, it brings it up immediately and asks me for the username and pwd and viola ... it's up and running again.
I've found plenty of articles on how to get Time Machine to backup TO a network drive, however I have the opposite problem; I have a Windows machine on my network, with some shared folders, and I'd like to back-up their contents using Time Machine on my Mac since it has plenty of space, without having to copy their contents somewhere first if possible.
However, Time Machine only lets you choose what to exclude, it doesn't let you specify special sources to backup. I was thinking a symbolic link from /Volumes, but I've no idea where to point it to. A second relevant question as well would be; how do I get OS X to automatically connect to a Windows share when it's available? The Windows machine isn't always on when I start up my Mac, but I don't want to have to manually connect all the time
I'm trying to backup the contents of my MacBook Pro wirelessly to an external hard drive that is connected to a Mac Mini in my living room. All the tutorials I've read say to create a sparsebundle file with the same name as the one that's found in the folder of your Time Machine backup.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just installed a Lacie Thunderbolt external drive as I want the speed to access large volumes of photographs. If I configure it as RAID 0 I will need to back up the data on that drive. I have a NAS drive which I already use for Time Machine and which works well. Can Time Machine be configured to include the external drive in the backups to the NAS?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI JUST upgraded to 10.7.4 on both machines, but neglected to get Lion Server for my Mac Pro!
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a linksys wrt610n wireless router that isn't set up yet. You can attach USB drives to the router to use as a nas. I can't find if time machine will use it or let me use a drive attached to the router for my backups.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make a backup of your Time Machine backup on a 2nd hard drive? I want to be doubly sure that my data is backed up!Right now I get an error saying that the second hard drive isn't authorized to copy my Time Machine data from the original hard drive I have set up as my Time Machine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.
Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.
I know I can add an external 1 GB drive to my time capsule, and have time machine do backups on that specific drive. If I do so, can I still use the internal 500 GB drive of my time capsule for network uses? or Time Capsule is restricted in a way that it can either use the internal harddrive, or an external USB one, but not both at the same time (one for backups only, the other for a network storage drive).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been using a 500gb external usb drive with Time Machine for some time now. I recently bought an Airport Extreme router so I could move all of my external drives onto my network. The idea was to continue using the 500gb drive with TM, just over the network. But TM wanted to start all over like it had never used the drive before now that it was on the network. So I reformatted the drive and let TM do its thing but at the end of the 1st backup it said it had failed. Is there a way to get that 1st huge backup over with? Can I plug the usb drive into my computer and then move it over to the network and get it to pick up where it left off?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to use FileVault to encrypt both my hard drive and time machine back up external drive. Does encryption noticeable slow down the computer.
MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Basically I have a 750GB hard drive in my Macbook Pro and over 300GB is taken up with 'BackUp' data. This is more than the total of everything I have on the drive other than that. Time Machine has always been setup on an external drive and when searching all files on the Macbook there is nothing for backup files so don't know where it is coming from.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Anyone Uses Time Machine with there terastation network drive. I believe the terastation is. In xts file format or something like that, I found a terminal command to have time machine see the terastation - it wont by default.
1 Has any done this with a terastation. Or other backup device not defaultl seen by time machine.
2 Also lets say if I use the terastation, an I have a folder called enterprise (for all pc's), an one called "back up", if I choose backup, is it possible for time machine to delete enterprise folder? Or somehow mess up the folder, because time machine says "Note: Time Machine works best if you use your backup disk only for Time Machine backups. If you keep files on your backup disk, Time Machine won't back up those files, and the space available for Time Machine backups will be reduced."
3. Can you choose subfolders, like backup > Jons macbook.
I recently switched from Windows 7 to a new iMac. I connected my FreeAgent external drive and let iMac's Time Machine re-format it from windows to mac language. The backup completed, and all went well...but now there's a "Time Machine Backups" drive icon on my desktop. Does that have to be there? At first I deleted it, and the Seagate drive could no longer be recognized...so I unplugged the external drive and then plugged it back in. That did the trick, and it went back to working order. I also tried moving the backup drive icon to "Home" under "Go", and the same thing happened as when I put it in the trash. My question is, is it possible to move that drive icon from the Desktop to another place or do I just have to live with it on the Desktop?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to move your existing full Time Machine backup to a new drive, so you don't have to create a new full backup? Specifically, I'd like to move a sparsebundle network backup from one drive to another.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have a 320GB internal drive and 1TB (MyBook) external drive. I recently bought a second 1TB external drive (MyVault)to use with Time Machine. I have removed the exclusion of MyBook so that Time Machine backs it up but so far it has refused to do so. It is happily backing up the internal drive. I have looked in the Mac OSX Leopard Missing Manual but still have no clue as to what I am missing. The initial setup (and backup) did not include MyBook until I discovered that I would have to remove it from the exclusions.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I've run into a Mac issue I'm not sure how to handle. I've got a Mac Pro running Leopard. I've got 3 internal Harddrives: 1.) 250 GB (runs my OS and applications), 2.) 500 GB (where I store all my source files for my business), 3.) 750 GB (serves as the backup for Time Machine for all the files on Harddrives 1 and 2.). So I began thinking the other day. What would happen if somehow all 3 harddrives were destroyed (theft, fire, power surge, flood damage, etc.)? I would lose years worth of source files from my business (graphic and web design files mostly).
So I went and bought a 1 TB external drive today. Ideally I would like to put the external drive in another location and bring it out maybe once a week to backup the 3rd harddrive from above (the one being used for Time Machine). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to backup this harddrive...some type of program that essentially acts like Time Machine? I just basically need it to mirror my Time Machine Harddrive. I found a program named Super Duper (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/13803/superduper) not sure if anyone has had experience with it or not. I'm open to any suggestions on how to use the external harddrive to back up my Time Machine harddrive.
I have a backup drive in my mac pro is it possible to backup my macbook to the mac pro backup drive. Wirelessly or otherwise
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm interested in replacing my 250GB HDD for a 80GB SSD. I want to use the old drive as a USB backup disk for Time Machine, but is 5400 RPM fast enough for this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI got the fatal folder with with question mark and grinding sound of the hard drive when starting my 2008 Mac Pro this weekend. After some diagnostics it was obvious the Hard Drive is dead, of course its the main drive that runs the OS and all my apps. I am picking up a new drive today and was wondering the best approach to get it up and running again. Everying it is backed-up on my external drive through Time Machine. Since the drive is dead I can't use a copy cloner to the new drive. Would I install the the hardrive and start the Mac Pro to boot off the Leopard CD, intall that and then try to run the backup from Time Machine?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI filled up a 250gb My Book external drive using Time Machine. Replaced it with 500gb My Book and now can't read the old 250gb one when I reconnect it. My iMac doesn't recognize it. (I lost a large picture folder that is now only on the 250gb drive).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Mac Mini and a Macbook can I hook a firewire drive to my Mac Mini partition it in half and wireless use the drive as a Time Machine on my macbook or is this a shot in the dark. I just don't see myself being able to afford a time capsule.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was thinking of getting an external hard drive for use with Time Machine. On Amazon I found a Seagate 1.5 TB unit for $129. However there is a similar model "for the mac" for $192. I am wondering if the cheaper unit would work, or if the one for 50% has some indispensable feature.
View 21 Replies View Relatedi was backing up my macbook nightly up until a few months ago but then stopped.
i want to wipe the external drive im using and start all over with fresh back ups. can anyone explain to me how i can do all this? i completely cant remember how i did it first time around!
I may need to take my new 27" iMac in for a replacement and only have with me a 250gb usb hard drive. I have used 182gb's of space on my iMac as of right now. Should I be OK for this one back up? While on the subject, what size external back drive should I be looking at?
View 3 Replies View RelatedTime machine only backs up the changing files in Mac. I want to use Time machine so it can back up my drive completely. From my music to pictures, to Apps to settings. I have a Case sensitive structure and I am about to format it to a non-case sensitive. And I want to back up everything. Is time machine a program for me?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'd like to add a backup HD to my Mac Pro. Not with the intention of doing a RAID set up, but rather just for Time Machine. The two drives in my line of sight are the...
WD Caviar Green 1T
( http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.asp?driveid=763 )
and the
Hitachi Desk Star 7K1000.C
( http://www.hitachigst.com/portal/sit...star/7K1000.C/ )
I know there's the Caviar Black, as well,, that has a 5 year warranty as opposed to each of the above's 3 year. But I hear its on the loud side, and since it won't be running much more than every other week I don't see the need for the added performance. But perhaps the 5 year warranty alone is worth it. I'm also aware that the Caviar Green will spin at 54K, and that Hitachi is at 72K. Again, the intent and purpose is to be that of a backup HD.
I have a friend that works in Google's server R&D department that swears by Hitachi (based on their excessive testing standards). But I have no experience with Hitachi. So I'm looking for a few more real world stories on what you all are currently experiencing. My main concern is which will be the least problematic over the long haul. I am not interested in Seagate's, nor Samsung's.
As it's a always a good idea to have an 'off site' backup. I thought of buying an external HD, setting it up at a family members house and backing up to it through time machine and an internet connection. I would prefer not to pay for a costly 'remote backup' subscription. Could someone guide me through the steps necessary to make this happen. Or suggest an alternative approach to automatically backing up offsite? One problem I can foresee is the large volumes of data involved, pictures, video etc. (even though I could do the initial backup through a 'hard-wired' connection.)
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