OS X Mavericks :: Excessive Unauthorized Remote Access Attempts On IMac
Sep 5, 2014
This morning and throughout the day this is how my console looked:
My machine became unresponsive at times up to the point that I had to hard-restart it twice. Before today I hadn't noticed any weird activity like this, I looked up some of the ip addresses that appeared there and all of them were marked as malicious ip's.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this other than shutting down the vnc access? Is logmein a better/safer option? I need to connect to my machine remotely almost on a daily basis.
Why this started happening to my machine all of the sudden? is not like I keep highly classified info on that computer, is a common occurrence and I shouldn't worry? All the attempts are failed, but it got to a point where I'm getting more than one per second, so I guess that's what caused my machine to crash.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
One day ago I allowed remote access control to my Mac Book Pro OS10.9.4 to a company pretending to be Apple Authorized Online Services. After discovering this was a scam I need to be sure that they didn't leave or installed any app (hidden or not) and if so, how to delete it to prevent them to access my Mac again.
It would also be useful if there is a way to find out which information they may have accessed during the mentioned "session".
I read through kernel.log among other areas in Utilties:Console as I suspected someone had been on my laptop without permission. I am trying to figure out what they did. Can someone help? Here is what was I saw from the time I was away. Also,can someone tell me specifically what this means and what had to happen to log it?
5/5/12 9:20:36.000 AM kernel: MacAuthEvent en0 Auth result for: 00:1f:90:e0:8a:68 MAC AUTH succeeded
Here the the log:
5/5/12 9:11:32.000 AM kernel: hibernate_page_list_setall start 0xffffff806b70d000, 0xffffff806b7fe000 5/5/12 9:11:32.000 AM kernel: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 309 ms 5/5/12 9:11:32.000 AM kernel: pages 1016763, wire 198345, act 14913, inact 969, spec 360, zf 67, throt 0, could discard act 182759 inact 609864 purgeable 7394 spec 2092
I just bought a Netgear router and want to protect my internet access from unauthorized users. In order to lock protect, is manipulation Netgear specific or can I lock it through my Apple desk top?
Hoping someone can provide a few beginners tips here...
I'm trying to set up Remote HD app on my iPhone 4 so that I can tap in to my iMac remotely. I've set it up for the wireless LAN at home, but want to set it up to tap in over the web.
The Remote HD website gives a small paragraph on it but it doesn't really mean anything to me.
Can you give me any pointers on how to set this up?
I will be traveling overseas soon, I have a PowerBook and an Intel iMac, I want to be able to access some files from my PowerBook while I'm away, and at the same time, can I use the iSight in my iMac as a surveillance camera? Unacceptable answer: "use the search function, has been covered several times!". Acceptable answer: "go to bed, you obviously need some rest".
My sister in Paris has a problem with her iMac. I need to reinstal software for her. I am located in California and also have an iMac. How can I access her computer remotely?
About month or two ago, I started getting excessive ads on my computer. Scams, Microsoft stuff, Adobe Flash upgrades hat were obviously fake. The ads generally appeared on the pay, but evolved to gene ate separate tabs and windows. It gets really annoying when i can't click twice without getting a scam, or being redirected. I don't know if there are similar topics. i'm not going to look cause in the 5 minutes it took for me to write this, I've been redirected TWICE.
Lately, every time I open Safari the computer heats up and the fan blows continuously. This doesn't happen for Chrome, so I've had to use Chrome exclusively lately.
In Activity Monitor, Safari Networking has an energy impact of 100 and Average Energy Impact of 77, which Safari has an Average Energy Impact of 162. Chrome is at 11.
Info: Macbook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My new iMac can't seem to read CD's. When I insert a CD, it attempts to read it for about 5-10 seconds, and then spits it out. This doesn't seem normal. Is there anything I can do other than send it in for a repair?
I have been battling with fan speed on my iMac recently.
I installed iStat which shows normal temps, but the fan revs up to 4000rpm - for seemingly no reason at all. Sometimes its quiet for long periods. It sometimes helps for a while if I put the machine into Sleep mode, but then I hear the fan start to rev up again when I resume activity.
I have spent hours with tech support, who then upgraded me to a higher level of tech support. But still the problem continues.
So after upgrading to a mbp as my main machine, I retired my old imac to the bedroom for media center duty. I've got things close to how I want them with front row and plex doing most of the dirty work. For my planned use, no keyboard or mouse are needed. A combo of the apple remote and snatch on my itouch are doing quite well. The problem is, if I turn the machine off, it sees no mouse or keyboard over usb, and attempts to find them over bluetooth. Does anyone know how I can get rid of this? I've tried just turning bluetooth off before shutdown, but this doesn't seem to solve it. This is REALLY annoying, as I'd prefer to keep the machine off more often rather than having is sleep all the time.
I bought my current imac in late 07, I have the 2.0 20" with 1GB ram (don't know why I have upgraded) anyway, it seemed my mac was getting slower over time and I didn't really think anything of it. Its my first mac and I figured it was just like a PC in that hardware wares out. But the problem with the slowness wasn't the mac, it was GOOGLE! I downloaded google desktop about 2 months after i got the mac and its been on ever since. I rarely ever used it, only when spotlight failed to do a good enough job. So I finally opened up activity monitor to look at my ram usage (I am thinking about upping) with all these apps open (FCP, PS, etc) and I notice my cpu is being 50% used.
So I change to view all apps and it appears googledesktopdae and MDS (spotlight) were using 20-30% of my cpu! I finally got rid of it after reading a bunch of forums. Apparently even if you uninstall GD, its process google desktop still stays on your mac and runs. Anyway I don't know how much it has been using while I didn't even realize but in the last 45 minutes since I fully got it removed my computer has been a "screamer!" Does anyone else have this installed? is it using much of your CPU? BTW to fully remove it follow these steps:
1. Delete the google desktop like you normally do any other program
2: add these files to your trashcan: /Library/Google: delete entire folder /Library/Internet Plug-Ins: delete GoogleGadget.webplugin and GoogleOneClikPluginDeluxe.plugin /Library/LaunchAgents: delete com.google.Desktop.Agent.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons: delete com.google.Desktop.Daemon.plist, com.google.Desktop.StatUploader.plist, and com.google.GoogleML.plist
3. Then STOP the fallowing processes: GoogleDesktopDae MDS MDworker
Then you can permanently delete the google files. Note that you must top the above processes before you empty your trashcan or else your mac wont let you permanently delete them.
Woke up thinking I had slept longer than I thought with the sun already rising, until I realized it wasn't sunlight but the light from my awakened imac. I had put it to sleep hours before when I turned in. This one was purchased new last December. Is there any way of viewing what was going on in my computer that would have awakened it from sleep mode? Any way of seeing a history of attempts to use my wifi network?
I am getting HD noise like every 20 seconds. Even with no activity. Per the suggestions of another user, I typed this in terminal: iostat -w 1 disk0 And the sound seems to coincide with the output whenever the first column has a value other than 0. So it seems there is activity, it's just not user initiated. Is this some kind of energy saving feature that apple is doing or is it a logging application? Is anyone else having the same issues? Even if you're not, could you run the program and check for 1 or 2 minutes (without any other apps open or doing anything) to see if you also get a value other than 0 in the first column every so often and an associated sound?
I've set up an old MacPro to be a media center for my AppleTV. I'd like to set up a VNC client to work with the box so my wife can get her monitor back from me (I'm using her second monitor). I poked around and found Chicken of the VNC and thought this would work.
I just want to log into that machine through my MacBook. I thought that I just had to plug in the IP of the box and I'd pretty much be off and running but that isn't working out. CotVNC keeps locking up every time I try what I think is right. Can someone give me a quick and dirty run-down of what I need to do in order to do what I want?
I have got a Mac at home and I would like to remote access it from my Windows PC at the office. Is this possible? Remote access which means my PC screen would be exactly the same as my Mac at home.
i would like to be able to remotely access my macbook from anywhere across the internet. but i am looking for something more automatic, than the way i have set it up for my desktop using port forwarding, since i never know where the macbook will be and therefore a given network will already have its router configured and forwarded for my laptop.
i want to have access to file, isight, and screen sharing. i can only assume i need third party software but havent found any.
So two questions (I will try to write out as best as I can, hopefully it's understandable).
1: Is it possible that while I am on a business trip with my laptop that if I needed to access my network at work that I can remotely access it to view computers on the network with abilities to grab files from a computer, check things / alter things, and maintain. If so how?
2: If someone is on my network is it possible to see what traffic they are bringing in or out of my network without installing a file on their pc / mac to know the site they entered, file download, etc.
For those who travel a lot, and must sometimes use internet cafes (usually that have PCs), can you remote desktop into your home/office Mac via a PC securely? If so, how?
The latest version of GoToMyPC, announced Wednesday by Citrix Online, has been custom built for Mac OS X, aiming to better accommodate those using the remote access software on an Apple machine.
Through GoToMyPC version 7.0, customers will be able to have universal access to remote machines, whether they are running Windows or Mac OS X. According to IDC, Citrix is the global revenue leader for remote access software, with a share of more than 70 percent of the market.
"With this new release, we're giving Mac users what they've been asking for -- a reliable remote access service built specifically for the Mac," said Brett Caine, general manager of Citrix Online. "For the large and growing Mac community, they can rest assured of finally having a remote access service that works as advertised from the most trusted name in the category."
GoToMyPC is a part of Citrix Online's Web-based software that includes GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, and GoToAssist. Through GoToMyPC, users can access files, computer programs, e-mail and their company's network on a Mac or PC. Users install software and obtain access by logging in to the official Web site.
Users who want to access only a single computer can subscribe to the one computer plan at a cost of $19.95 per month, or save 25 percent and sign up for the $179.40 annual plan. A subscription for two computers runs $29.95 per month, or $269.40 per year. Professional and corporate plans are also available.
A subscription to GoToMyPC comes with no setup costs, free software and service upgrades, and 24/7 free technical support and maintenance.
To get the latest Mac-compatible version of GoToMyPC, buy it now from Citrix Online, or try it free for 30 days. Citrix is also offering customers a $10 off coupon when signing up for the service.
I would like to remote access my mac from home wherever I go. I don't want to do SSH or register at any website, I know it's better but all I'm looking for is to just be able to remote access my mac via screen share so here's what I've done so far.
I've opened the ports on the airport extreme base station (5900 etc.) and set the private ip address for the mac under port mapping.
I've set the private ip statically on my mac at home through system preferences
I've turned on screen share on my mac at home
I've recorded the public ip address for me to have for remotely logging in remotely
I've done all of these steps and I still can't remotely login to my mac at home. Now, the only thing I forgot to do is set the password under the screen sharing settings under sharing. Is that the only thing I need to do to be able to achieve successful remote access? Is there anything else I need to do besides creating a password for VNC and the step I've described above?
I've finished setting up a small server using the public folder on m,y mac mini running OS X 10.5.7. I'm able to easily access it and use my login to access the public folder on my home network. My question is, how can i set up a system by which remotely, I can login to access JUST the public folder on my mini. Is this possible? If not, what else could I do that would allow something like this.
I may be clutching at straws here but I'm wondering if there is an application that will allow me to access my office Mac from my home Mac, primarily to transfer files I may have forgotten to take home.
The key point here is that I don't leave my office Mac on, so is there a remote app that can also start the office Mac up ready for use remotely? Presumably there is one that would wake it but I prefer to shut down when I leave.
I cannot get write access to a remote AFP share. Here's what I have: Mac Mini which is where the share exists. I have file sharing turned on, the desired directories enabled via "system prefs" and both my local mac mini account and "administrators" group set for read and write access. The "everyone" group has "read only" access which seems to be enabled by default - I did not remove this permission. My local mac mini account also has my MobileMe account listed as the MobileMe user name in the account manager.
My account on my macbook has a different short name. When I connect to the mac mini via Finder (under "shared"), it connects using the mobileme account. I can view the AFP share on the mac mini, but I cannot write to it. I click "disconnect" and reconnect using my mac mini's user account (the admin level account that is set for read and write access in file sharing) and password, but the results are the same (read-only access). When I go back into the top level finder window for the mac mini, it shows it is connected as the mobile me account despite the fact that I purposely disconnected and re-connected using the mac mini account.
More info since original post: The pop-up errors I get when I try to write a file are (in order): "You may need to enter the name and password for an administrator on this computer to change the item named family-2009" (note family -2009 is an iMovie project). I'm not changing family-2009 and there is no remote copy, so I don't understand what it claims needs admin rights to change. If I click "continue" - The item "family-2009" contains one or more items you do not have permission to read. do you want to copy the items you are allowed to read?"
It's my iMovie project that I created from scratch, so I don't know where this bunk about not having read access to some of the items is coming from. If I click "continue" the final error is - The operation cannot be completed becaue an item with the name "family-2009" already exists. There is no such file with that name on the remote AFP share, so I don't know WTF this thing is trying to do. It's complaining about having read access to an existing file when the permissions are set for read and write and the file doesn't exist. Both systems are fully patched Leopard.
As you all probably have heard by now, some schools that give computers to students have been accessing the cameras in Macs to spy on the people using them. My sister is a college professor and her school gave her a Mac with a camera, how can she verify that no one has been spying on her? Is there anything she can do to prevent it from happening in the future?
My boss is going on a two week long tour, starting tomorrow, with her MacBook Air and I wanted to be able to assist her should she need any technical help on the go.
The only options I know for Remote Desktop Access are ChickenVNC and Remote Desktop from Apple, but both are a bit complicated depending on the connection you are using. Also, she wouldn't understand how to find her specific IP address, when on a hotel Wifi connection.
I was wondering if any of you have a suggestion for software that is extremely simple to use and would allow me to assist her through screen control, by having her simply opening and/or logging into the program.
I'm considering a MBA (not sure on the size yet), but need to know if I can use the built in Remote File Access to grab files from my PC or if I would need to buy the Airport Extreme as well.
I'm also curious if anyone has used GarageBand on the MBA and if it runs smoothly. I'm considering the 4 GB MBA primarily for this purpose.
I am moving to a new job that will be about 30 minutes away from home, and I'd like to be able to access my home Mac Pro. I should have fairly decent internet at the new home and new job, so I'd like to set up some sort of VPN or remote access.
Would having DynDNS and then VNC acccess be the best way to do this? What about setting up a VPN so I can access files from a work machine?
i just got a mac and am trying to figure out how to access a remote desktop connection for my work. on a pc, i went to the start menu, communication, and there was an option called 'remote desktop connection.'
when i clicked on that, microsoft outlook opened and there was a box for the ip address at my work. i filled in the ip and then i logged in with my work username and password.