OS X Mavericks :: Excel For Mac Non-responsive Separators
Jun 5, 2014
I recently purchased a MacBook Pro with Microsoft Office 2011 included. Everything works well until a put numbers into Excel. No matter what I change, numbers will have separators as per the Indian system. That is, in stead of 1,234,000, it will automatically put 12,34,000. I've tried everything I know to change the setting, but it always defaults to this.
MS Excel put two files on my desktop that cannot be opened, moved or trashed. They are not files I created, and are identified by a random series of 8 letters/numbers. When I try to open or move them there's simply no response. When I try to trash them I get the message: "The item 'xxxxxxxx' can't be moved to the Trash because it can't be deleted." I had this same problem a couple years ago and I called Apple Care and they walked me through how to delete the files. Now my Apple Care is expired and I'd rather not pay $50 to resolve a rather simple problem. It's just that I can't recall the procedure for deleting these files. how to get these files off the desktop?
I have 5000 contacts stored in Excel sheet and I am using Office 2010. It’s such a cumbersome task to copy each contact in Gmail for bulk emailing. Is there any online tool available through which I can convert all these contacts into single VCF file?
I want to upgrade to Mavericks from MAC 10.6 but I am getting a warning that if I do Microsoft Word and Excel will not work because they are PowerPC based applications. Is there any way to get them to work OK if I complete the upgrade?
I searched on this topic and just find old references to "Address Book" which i guess does not exist anymore.
I have an Excel worksheet of about 200 names, street addresses, and email addresses, one contact in each row. One column is the email addresses, which is all I want. If I could get the names too that would be nice.
I try the Contacts import command, but cannot import the section of the worksheet I want. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I highlight the contacts column in the worksheet and go to the file with the Contacts import command and find it is "dimmed" -- I cannot click on it.
The printing area is smaller than the page I want to print, 3 or 4 columns are on an other page to the right of the print area that I can print, I am not great on excel but would like to move the printing area so it can take all of it.
I updated to 10.6.1 last night...ever since then, I've noticed that tap-to-click seems to be much less responsive, if that makes sense. I guess it seems less sensitive, in that before it never "missed" a click when I tapped my finger anywhere on the trackpad. Now it seems like I'm tapping 2-3 times to get it to recognize. Has anyone else noticed this? There is no where to adjust the sensitivity, and since I am a big use of this feature I'm finding it really, really annoying.
I am searching for a plugin, software or a solution for a situation I have with an Excel/Word Mail Merge.
It's a law firm we specialize in DUI/DWI and Reckless Driving defense. We subscribe to a data collection service that pulls data from various court systems around the state. We are then given this data by jurisdiction. The Excel files we receive come with 2 workbooks in one file for Traffic and Criminal arrests data with name, address, reason for arrest, etc, etc.
What I have been doing is opening each Excel file and copying and pasting into a new worksheet only grabbing the DUI and Reckless driving arrests because tis is all I am needing from the various files. I then save the new workbook and do a mail merge with Word from this newly created workbook.
Now my question is there such a plugin or software that will combine all the Excel files I receive from the Data collection house and then be able to filter out only the DUI and Reckless Driving arrests to a single Excel Workbook?
1. Turned the List Manager on by accident in Excel. Can't figure out how to turn it off now. I am using Excel 2004, and a MAC mouse - so no right-clicking for me...
2. How do I move columns in Excel? I select the column on top, but then try dragging it to a place I'd like it to move, but nothing happens. How do I do that?
3. General Mac Word/Excel question - how do I get to use "Home" and "End" buttons? When I hit them I simply jump somewhere, but not to the beginning or end of the paragraph. I have a MAC keyboard with the "Home" and "End" buttons along with the "Help", "Delete", "Pg Up" and "Pg Dwn" keys - basically it looks a lot like a PC keyboard...
My macbook pro is Early 2010 model. I had it for like 4 months now. For some reason, my macbook pro's trackpad is slow. It doesn't scroll fast and it freezes on me. Not the macbook pro, but glass trackpad is just unresponsive.
I've had my 13inch MBP back in August and for the past few weeks have noticed a change in the behavior of my trackpad. I took my MBP to the Apple store 2 weeks ago simply for them to check if there was any liquid damage on the laptop because I was considering purchasing AppleCare before the 1 year deadline is up this coming August.....At the Apple Store the employee took it to the back, came back 10 minutes later and said everything was fine, no problems at all.
However since about 2 weeks ago i've noticed my tackpad isn't as responsive when i'm browsing the web, or anything for that matter. Whether i'm actually pressing on the trackpad as a button or am just tapping the trackpad to open a new tab or w/e, it's either not as responsive as it once was or not at all anymore.
Should I call AppleCare and deal with this? What would they do? I'm wondering if its worth it or not...especially considering that the trackpad still works fully/completely, just not as great as it once was and/or not good at all. I guess my case may be considered a subjective so am wondering if they would even do anything about it......of course I doubt this would call for a macbook replacement and since its a unibody my thinking is that they can't just replace the keyboard/trackpad like they did with the old white macbooks...
I am running Safari 5.0.6 on OSX 10.5.8. I have had this problem for the past year and has become gradually worst, on 2 separate machines. I have resetted Safari numerous times, I have repaired permission, re-booted computer, and as suggested by a Genius at apple store, re-booted in "safe booth" to clean up stuff. It appeared to work for about 1 month, until it slows to a crawl, and become unresponsive.
Problem is now it does not seem to cut it anymore. I performed all of theses operations on both My desktop (power PC G5) and my laptop Macbook (intel) again yesterday.On my desktop, Safari is working marginally, but on my laptop it is not at all. The laptop is a more recent machine, but is less responsive. When I use other browsers, like google chrome or firefox, I can surf the web no problem.How to clean Safari up to run anew again.
Info: 2-G5 1.8ghz, 1.5GB ram, 2-23Cinema display, Epson 900, Sony TRV-17, MacBook 2GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
When I open up my finder, and try to search through files with my mouse, i will click on a folder with my mouse and the sub folders will not show up. It looks like they don't exist. BUT when I use my up and down arrows to search through the files, everything works great. The files show up immediately.
I have been asked to do a project at work in Excel. I am keeping track of around 7,000 properties all over the United States. My boss wants to know a lot about each one. I am really struggling with the weather part!! I need to somehow pull the temp and if its snowing or raining from the internet into excel. I have all the addresses and zip codes for each property. I was thinking i could write a formula that looks at an RSS feed or website (like yahoo or Google weather) based on the zip code of the address. I could also write the formula that pulls the weather to excel then VLOOKUP the zip. Does anyone have any ideas about this?? I am not sure what to do!!
I have been asked to do a project at work in Excel. I am keeping track of around 7,000 properties all over the United States. My boss wants to know a lot about each one. I am really struggling with the weather part!! I need to somehow pull the temp and if its snowing or raining from the internet into excel. I have all the addresses and zip codes for each property. I was thinking i could write a formula that looks at an RSS feed or website (like yahoo or Google weather) based on the zip code of the address. I could also write the formula that pulls the weather to excel then VLOOKUP the zip. Does anyone have any ideas about this?? I am not sure what to do
I am the owner of an Aluminum Macbook from '08, and I haven't had any issues with my Macbook until recently. I've found that recently, my trackpad has become less and less responsive to clicking and dragging, and it actually got to a point where it would not respond at all (had to hook up a wired mouse). The actual movement of the cursor and multi-finger gestures work perfectly fine though. Has anyone else had this issue? I just wanted to get a general idea before I call up Applecare. Nothing has been spilt on Macbook.
My Macbook has started to freeze up constantly after startup, applications are non-responsive. I can still move the mouse around the screen when this happens but the pointer soon turns into the beach-ball icon and after 5 minutes things go back to normal but only for a minute or two before everything starts freezing up again. There is a clicking noise coming from inside the mac whenever this happens.I have run a virus check which reported no infections and i have uninstalled all programs installed since the problem occurred but to no avail.
I got a brand new 4th Generation Ipod Shuffle. When I connect it (USB) to my Mac mini (2008), the wired aluminum Mac USB keyboard no longer responds. Disconnecting the shuffle returns the keyboard to normal function. I have Snow Leopard (10.6.8), iTunes 10.6.1(7). Is this a limitation of the Mac mini? Do some of the USB ports "share" power, and will isolating the Shuffle to an unshared port resolve this? (I don't know which might be shared...)
I was playing a trackpad button intensive game and everything was fine. I shut down my game, closed the computer, and went to bed.
The next day, I opened my MBA and the physical trackpad button doesn't seem to work properly. If I push it down, I feel the button engage, but unless I'm touching it in the lefthand corner, there is no response on the screen. I've enabled touch-to-click and I can still get the left side to work, but this is really annoying.
I can't see any warping in the surface of the trackpad and I don't own a Bluetooth mouse.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I recently purchased my first MAC with Excel for Mac 2008. I am unable to open any files created in it on my PC which has Excel 2003. Apple is of no help. They had assured me of compatibility at purchase citing the new open format. The MAC Excel 08 file won't open on the MAC on which is was created with their Numbers program either.
When I send my .xls files from my Mac (Office 2008) to my boss's Windows machine (Office 2003), he gets an error message when he attempts to open the excel spreadsheet: Excel has encountered an error and must shut down. I've sent files to other computers and not had a problem, and my boss has received other excel files and been able to open them. So it must be something between these two machines/softwares that is affecting it. Any suggestions or ideas? I can add any additional info you need.