Intel Mac :: Safari Not Being As Responsive When Running Youtube?

Mar 18, 2012

has anyone else noticed safari not being as responsive when running youtube i have a new imac

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: 5.0.6 Hangs Or Less Responsive On MacBook

May 1, 2012

I am running Safari 5.0.6 on OSX 10.5.8. I have had this problem for the past year and has become gradually worst, on 2 separate machines. I have resetted Safari numerous times, I have repaired permission, re-booted computer, and as suggested by a Genius at apple store, re-booted in "safe booth" to clean up stuff. It appeared to work for about 1 month, until it slows to a crawl, and become unresponsive.

Problem is now it does not seem to cut it anymore. I performed all of theses operations on both My desktop (power PC G5) and my laptop Macbook (intel) again yesterday. On my desktop, Safari is working marginally, but on my laptop it is not at all. The laptop is a more recent machine, but is less responsive. When I use other browsers, like google chrome or firefox, I can surf the web no problem. How to clean Safari up to run anew again.

2-G5 1.8ghz, 1.5GB ram, 2-23Cinema display, Epson 900, Sony TRV-17, MacBook 2GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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Intel Mac :: Watching YouTube Videos On Safari

Apr 2, 2012

I am trying to watch videos on youtube with safari. When I play a video, it seems to lock everything up until the video is fully loaded. My internet speed on any other website watching any other videos is perfectly fine. Anyone have any ideas as to why Youtube videos are freezing and not functioning right when everything else is?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Intel Mac :: YouTube Video Does Not Play In Safari

May 13, 2012

YouTube video does not play in Safari?All I get in a black box?

Intel iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Aperture 3.2.2, Adobe CS 4

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Intel Mac :: Close Buttons Are Non Responsive

Apr 20, 2012

I have a pair of frozen pop ups both including web plug ins from Safari. The Close buttons are non responsive and I have tried turning on and off.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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Intel Mac :: Keyboard Is Not Responsive Upon Booting Up

Jun 19, 2012

I powered down my iMac for one day.  Upon booting up, my mouse and keyboard do not communicate with the screen.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Youtube Will Not Play Video On Safari Or Chrome?

May 19, 2012

I cannot get youtube to play on my iMac with OS 10.7.4 on safari or chrome additionally it will not play on any of my notebooks(MBP 15 2008w/ SL and a MBP 13 with Lion 10.7.4)removing and reinstalling chrome, flash.  I've tried the switch from 32 to 64 to 32 bit and back.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Internet Is Running Very Slow On Safari - Takes 11 Seconds To Load A Page?

May 5, 2012

I have an iMac model identifier 9.1, with Mac OS X v10.5.8 and safari version 5.0.6. All programs are running normally (fast) except safari. When I try to load webpages it takes about 11 seconds to fully load. All other computers in my house are connected to the same internet and running fine. What do I do to make the loading faster?

iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Overheating And Shutting Down On YouTube - Fans Not Running?

Jul 5, 2012

My Macbook's been overheating and shutting itself down the past two days, usually when on YouTube. Having installed the Fan Control system preference, I can see the fans aren't running at all. My first thought is that they might be broken, but this happened for a little while last year, too, and the fans started working again after a while. Also, it's been miserably hot in my area the past week, and I wonder if that's contributed to it, too (even though the laptop's in an air-conditioned room). Anyway, should I wait and see if the fans begin working again, take it to a repair shop (warranty's expired, so I'm not keen on that), or maybe buy a cooler pad?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Blank Screen But YouTube Is Running At The Background

Jun 22, 2014

I was watching YouTube on my Mac book Air. I paused it and closed the laptop. When I opened it and tried to turn it on, it shows a blank screen. But when I press esc,  I can barely see a very very very faint login page with the box asking for my password. When I type my password, it logs in and I can play the YouTube and hear everything and all. But my screen is just black. My keyboard lights doesn't light up either. I've tried everything.

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OS X Mavericks :: MacBook Pro Running 10.9.5 - No YouTube Sound But ITunes Sounds Fine

Dec 6, 2014

What cause the youtube sound to fail?

MacBook Pro, os 10.9.5

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Intel Mac :: Running Constantly Hot - Changed The Hard Drive But It Is Running Hot?

Mar 5, 2012

I've had an iMac for just about a year and over time I guess I just didn't notice but the machine always ran very quietly.  At the same time the back of the computer would heat up so bad that it would nearly burn my hand if I left it there.  Well last week I decided to upgrade to Lion from Snow Leopard and when I did the install failed and froze up the hard drive.  I took the computer in to the apple store and they determined that it had to have a new hard drive installed because the old one (only a year old) had a physical malfunction (was broke).  So anyway I have my iMac back and get it started up, backed up from time machine, and then finally get Lion istalled - and now all of the sudden I notice that the fans in the computer are CONSTANTLY blowing - I can hear them spinning and can hear the air venting out of the back of the computer - and the computer is STILL really hot on the backside of the screen.   

So now I am wondering if the originial problem was the computer heating up and if that may have broken the otherwise good hard drive?  Also now that I have a new hard drive - should I be concerned about the fans being on ALL the time?  I mean they never go off.  Even when I leave the computer for hours and come back to it and the screen is asleep the fans are STILL buzzing away at top speed. Here is the stats on the computer at the time that I'm typing this note - there are no other programs running than Firefox and Mail.  Also - I don't know what the optical drive is exaclty - but if it's the DVD drive (superdrive) - there is nothing in the DVD disc drive 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Slow Running - Steps For Making It Smoothly Running?

Mar 21, 2012

my 4 year old IMac 2.4ghz intel core 2 duo with 2gb running 10.7.3 has been running really slow since I installed photoshop CS4 and upgraded to lion ( I have 137gb of free space on hard drive) I mean it wont quit out of photoshop I always have to do a force quit and most applications run really slow. Do I need a new computer , what should I go for to have a smooth running mac?Was thinking of a new IMac 27-inch: 2.7GHz with 4gb memory. 

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Safari - YouTube Subscription Bar Gone

Aug 25, 2010

On Youtube there used to be a Subscription bar that would have all the recent video's by the people you have subscribed to in and you could skip to the next video in your subscription etc. Now it seems to have gone for me though and I don't see any way for skipping to the next video in your subscription without going back and clicking on subscriptions then choosing the video. Is it the same for everybody else or has anyone still got the subscription bar there?

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OS X :: YouTube On Safari Messed Up

Nov 25, 2009

It only looks like this in safari, firefox is fine.

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Applications :: Youtube Looks Different On Safari?

Feb 7, 2010

it looks like this on safari. On firefox, it looks normal.

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OS X :: Youtube Not Working On Safari?

Jul 2, 2010

Since yesterday, Youtube hasn't been working for me when I use Safari.

If I click on a video, the comments and everything will load, but the spot where the video itself should be playing is just a black screen. Researching this problem, it seems that it's usually a firefox issue, but I'm having it on Safari.

Youtube is working on Firefox, so it's not just Youtube being down or something. Also, I can't see embedded videos from Youtube on forums or anything.

Things I've tried and have failed:

- Resetting Safari (clearing cookies/cache)
- Logging out of Youtube
- Resetting my computer
- Turning off my ad blocker
- Changing my I.P. (probably stupid, but just in case I got super banned from youtube somehow)

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No Youtube Audio In Safari For Pc

Apr 6, 2012

there is not audio in safari, it plays the video but the audio its not working, and its only in safari because Itried with Chromo and it worked

Windows XP

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YouTube Slow On Safari 5.1.5

Apr 26, 2012

Since I've upgraded to Safari 5.1.5 YouTube videos take forever to load, or never load at all.I do not see this problem in Chrome or Firefox.I've tried deleting my Flash Cookies (read online that it could help), but it hasn't changed anything.Anyone have ideas as to what's preventing YouTube videos from loading quickly as they have done in the past?I like Safari, and hope to continue using it; but at the moment it's simply unusable for my needs.

Mac Pro 8-Core, Mac OS X (10.6.4), FCP 7.02

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Safari :: Can't Get Youtube Account

Jun 22, 2012

I cant get a youtube account,,

and the google account doesnt open in the Youtube app.?

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OS X :: Tap To Click Less Responsive With 10.6.1

Sep 11, 2009

I updated to 10.6.1 last night...ever since then, I've noticed that tap-to-click seems to be much less responsive, if that makes sense. I guess it seems less sensitive, in that before it never "missed" a click when I tapped my finger anywhere on the trackpad. Now it seems like I'm tapping 2-3 times to get it to recognize. Has anyone else noticed this? There is no where to adjust the sensitivity, and since I am a big use of this feature I'm finding it really, really annoying.

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OS X :: Safari And YouTube - JavaScript Shut Off

Aug 6, 2009

So I rebooted my Mac after installing some software updates. I then go to YouTube... but there is a problem, it looks funny. I can't watch any videos because it says "Hello, either you have JavaScript shut off or you don't have the latest version of Flash Player Installed"

1. I tried installing Flash again, nothing
2. Checked Javascript, same thing happened.
Firefox works well I guess.

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OS X :: YouTube Keeps Locking / Crashing Safari

Jan 3, 2010

Every time I visit Youtubes home page my CPU locks up or safari crashes. It has been crashing a lot only over the last 3 days. This youtube thing has been going on for 1 day so far. I am on Leopard and everything is up to date.

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Applications :: Youtube's HTML5 In Safari 4

Feb 22, 2010

i've been testing youtube's html5 beta on my aluminum macbook, 2,4ghz, 2gb ram, nvidia 6400m, OSX 10.5.8 after reading everywhere that it was less resource intensive than flash video, in fact, most of the things i've read said it was a huge performance boost. Nevertheless, after checking activity monitor I get Youtube with html5, around 95.0 CPU usage Youtube with flash video, around 65.0 CPU usage. So, whats the problem with my mac?? why do i get this results when lots of people are saying they get around 15% cpu usage with youtube html5 an safari 4?

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Applications :: YouTube Layout Bug In Safari

Apr 25, 2010

Does this happen to anyone else? Any advice on how to fix it?

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Applications :: Youtube And Safari Looking Funny?

May 6, 2010

I dunno if anyone else is having the same problem. But recently whenever i browse youtube, i get some funny orientated screen!

Look at the picture.. notice how the sidebar always goes to the side.. i dunno what's causing this.

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OS X :: Shockwave Crashing Safari And Youtube

Jun 18, 2010

Ever since running the latest Safari update on my imac every time I visit a page with shockwave it gives me an error and locks up safari.

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Safari :: Some YouTube Videos Just Won't Load

Feb 9, 2012

Some YouTube videos just wont load. The counter of the video counts up to 00:04 and then resets to 00:00 again and again, while the loading wheel in the video box just spins. Firefox plus others - works fine. 

Macbook Pro 17, Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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Safari :: Youtube Videos Never Start

Mar 12, 2012

Now all youtube videos never start.

Info:Mac Pro 12 core, Mac OS X (10.6.4), ATI RadeonHD 5870, 32 gigs RAM, Wacom Intuos tablet

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Safari :: Won't Let To Watch Videos On Youtube

Mar 14, 2012

Safari wont allow me to watch majority of the videos on youtube. Why is this?

Also is there anything i can do to download flash? It won't let me do that either.

MacBook Pro

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