OS X Mavericks :: Blue Bands Appear On Screen After Update

Aug 28, 2014

I recently upgraded to Mavericks and was greeted with a horrible strip of vertical blue bands across the screen with shimmering in places that are grey.

When I attempt using Photoshop, all my gradients were appearing as low res bands.

My videos are worse hit as they all appear in low res.

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Intel Mac :: 27 Blue Strips, After Loading Blue Screen Or Load Of Blue Dots

Mar 29, 2012

I have iMac 27 and screen problem on start up i have blue vertical lines, when it start i have a lot of blue dots and nothing else. when I connect outside monitor its showing the same.

Just installed lion and still the same problem when it starts blue dots, when startup in safe mode loads of blue lines and dots on the screen.

iMovie (iOS), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Blue Screen With Swirling Thing On Startup / After Installing Update

Aug 18, 2010

I just installed an update on my macbook, but once it completed, it got stuck at the blue loading screen with the swirling thing for more than 10 minutes (I started to pay attention when I noticed it hadn't booted up faster, so I'm not exactly sure how long it took). It eventually restarted itself though. It's happened once before, but I did what I use to do on my old windows laptop and just held down the power button until it powered off, let it sit for a little bit, and then booted it back up. It worked just fine.

My question is, is anyone else having this problem and is there a fix? Is this something I need to be worried about? Did I somehow mess something up by powering it down and back up before? Forgot to mention what macbook pro it is (if it matters). 15in MBP, OS X 10.6.4, 2.4GHz Intel core i5, 4G RAM...

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OS X Mavericks :: Screen With Blue Background While Boot For Nearly 1 Second

Jun 26, 2014

Display flatters for up to one second while doing the regular boot.Means it gets blue with Apple logo bright - like a negative of original screen.Was not observed with Mavericks first releases .1, .2.iMac Late 2013, 27 inch, NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M 1024 MB.Again possibly a problem with SMC and it's reset as first solution candidate,or rather graphics?

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OS X Mavericks :: Blue Screen Flash Upon Start Up

Jun 6, 2014

I have been getting blue screen which flashes about a second (once) at the start-up apple screen, but it is not stucked, it jumped to log-in screen immedaitely or rather normally. However I do understand that it should not be a normal start-up because when I just bring this mac home I do not have this problem before.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: (10.10.1) MacBook Pro Gives Blue Screen On Startup

Sep 6, 2014

Starting my MacBook Pro running Mavericks gives me a 'Blue Screen'.  

Starting using Cmd-R does not give me the option to use Internet Recovery and eventually gives a 'blue screen' (sometimes grey)

Starting using Opt gives me the choice of  'Macintosh HD' and 'Recovery-10.9.3' - both choices give me a blue (or grey) screen

Starting using 'Shift' displays a progress bar, which completes, and then gives a 'blue screen' (sometimes grey)

Starting using Cmd-S gives me a :/ root# prompt

After running fsck -fy twice I get the message:  '** The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK.'

typing 'exit' to attempt a re-boot gives a 'blue screen' (sometimes grey) 

I have tried resetting NVRAM and PRAM

I have tried resetting SMC   

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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OS X :: Blue Screen Of Death At Startup / Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 2.3

Nov 8, 2008

My friend updated her 13" Black MacBook yesterday, specifically the "Digital Camera Raw Compatibility Update 2.3". After a reboot, she got the Apple "Blue Screen of Death", with no login window showing. Looking at system.log, there's a section that looks to be the culprit (this began after restarting due to the install of the update):

Nov 7 13:55:29 Philbert /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow[31]: Login Window Application Started
Nov 7 13:55:30 Philbert /usr/sbin/ocspd[53]: starting
Nov 7 13:55:35 Philbert kernel[0]: display: Not usable
Nov 7 13:55:35 Philbert com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.WindowServer[50]): Exited abnormally: Hangup
Nov 7 13:55:35 Philbert com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.WindowServer): Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
Nov 7 13:55:42 Philbert com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.WindowServer[64]): Exited abnormally: Hangup
Nov 7 13:55:42 Philbert com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.WindowServer): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Nov 7 13:55:52 Philbert com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.WindowServer[67]): Exited abnormally: Hangup
Nov 7 13:55:52 Philbert com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.WindowServer): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Nov 7 13:56:02 Philbert com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.WindowServer[70]): Exited abnormally: Hangup

Here are some things I've observed/tried, many from sources via the Internet:

- I'm able to login in single-user mode
- I'm not able to login in Safe Mode (hangs on white screen with Apple logo)
- I've tried booting off the 10.5 install DVD and running Disk Utility - verify/repair disk, this comes back ok. However, if I try to verify/repair permissions, it runs for about 10 - 20 mins then freezes. I let the frozen process run overnight (10-12 hours) and no feedback. I can move the mouse, but I cannot select anything.
- When the laptop is booted and on the blue screen, I can connect to it via AFP
- I've tried manually changing the permissions of "/", by doing - chmod 775 /; chmod 1775 /;
- I've tried removing the com.apple.WindowServer.plist and com.apple.loginscreen.plist files in case they were corrupted by the update
- I tried running the "installer" command to re-install the update package from the command line. I run it with the "verbose" flags, I get no output and the process hangs.

Since I can connect via AFP I figure I'll be backing the data up and re-installing OS X. Pretty lame though, considering this failure was caused by running a Software Update. Anyone have a last minute suggestion for me before I go down that path?I've attached the full system.log.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Displaying Blue / Purple Tint - OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Sep 9, 2014

My macbook screen has turned blue/purple as picture depicts. Any solution to this?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), mid 2012 release

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MacBook Pro :: Ran A Recent Update, And Computer Woke Up With Plain Blue Screen And Spinning Beach Ball?

Apr 8, 2012

just ran a recent update for my macbook pro/mid 2010, and the computer just woke up with a plain blue screen & spinning beach ball - I had to do a hard shut down.I am also having the problem of having my screen going black for a couple of seconds, I read up on it in Support.  But I was wondering if there is something else going on.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Screen Goes Blue While Using / Diffrent Blue Colors Appear On Screen?

Sep 17, 2010

while i am using my macbook the screen will suddenly go blue and flash between different blue colors like it is trying to work. sometimes it comes back on but most of the time it stays like that. I have to force shut down with the button and then restart...about half the time it is still flashing blue after the restart and if it does work, it goes blue eventually.

dont know if its a problem with the screen or what because the computer continues to work...if there is a movie on, you can here it in the background and the screen just flashes.

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 09 Screen Blue - Dark / Deep Blue Always Look Like Purple Colour

Jan 1, 2010

I just got a new mid 09 macbook pro no matter how I calibrate the screen. the dark/deep blue will always look like purple colour.

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MacBook Pro :: Black Screen After Mavericks Update

Aug 27, 2014

About 6 months to a year ago, I had water damage onto the macbook pro, it completely didn't work for ages, however yesterday I thought I might as well try it again, and it worked! I was super happy that the laptop worked completely fine! 

However, in system properties it was only saying it has the intel chip, not the nvidia one, so I thought maybe the graphics card was broken from the water damage? I was not too sure. 

I then went to upgrade to mavericks, as soon as the update finished, black screen! From the second I turn on the notebook its black, no cursor no nothing, the PC turns on fine, I can type my password, then search for itunes, hit play on the keyboard and music plays. So its literally just a pure black screen. I try to hold CMD-R when restarting the notebook and nothing, pure black screen the screen never comes on at all! 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012)

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Hardware :: AEBS Allows Control Between Bands?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm having a hard time finding an answer to what may be a dumb question. If I have the latest version of the AEBS, can I have my iPhone connected via g wireless on the 2.4GHz band control iTunes on a MacBook connected via n on the 5.0 GHz band? In other words, does the router bridge the 2 radios together so the devices can see each other between the 2.4 and 5.0 bands?

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme - Set Up Simultaneous Bands?

Sep 20, 2009

The Airport Extreme is supposed to operate simultaneous 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. I take that to mean they can both be run at the same time. If so, how do I set them up to operate simultaneously?

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PowerPC :: Load Up The Blue Screen With The Apple Logo, But Then The Screen Goes Black Or Flickers?

Feb 4, 2008

I am looking at purchasing an Ibook G4 but the description of the item includes this:"When you switch it on it begins to load up i.e. the blue screen with the Apple logo, but then the screen goes black or flickers. Said friend has kindly wiped the hard drive for me so now when you switch it on it makes the �opening� noise then you get a blue screen with alternating �?� and the Finder logo."

I have a feeling this may have been a temporary fault with the screen connector being loose and possibly damaged.But i assume the alternating "?" and the "finder logo" is simply a lack of OS?

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PowerPC :: Alternating Blue Screen With Grey Apple Screen / IBook Updated To 10.5.6

Dec 26, 2008

just installed 10.5.6 on their last gen. iBook.She left the iBook plugged in to the mains and came back to find that the iBook was alternating between the grey Apple screen and a light blue desktop screen where she could see the cursor. Sometimes it would also switch to a blue screen without a cursor.

I've tried holding shift during startup - no effect.
I've tried rebooting NVRAM - no effect.

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Mac :: After Windows Installation Blue Screen Appears With Cursor On Screen But It Freezes Completely

Jan 18, 2010

After windows is installed a Blue screen appears with cursor on screen but it freezes completely.I can fix this by restarting my mac , then once windows restarts i insert the Mac OS disc , select the disc within my computer but the following message appears "Package requires new version of installer"

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MacBook :: Screen Not Working Fine / Blue Screen Appears And Then Everything Gets Dark

Aug 2, 2010

I have a problem with my MacBook screen. Everytime I try to turn on the MacBook, the blue screen appears for a second and then everything gets dark (but I can see that the computer turned on normally, it's just the screen that gets almost black, without light). Sometimes only the right side of the screen is blue and then gets dark just like the left one. I was looking for the problem and I perceived that the left side seems to be loose and I can't fix it. What should I do?

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MacBook Pro :: Grey Screen No Apple Followed By Blue Screen With Vertical Lines?

Nov 30, 2014

grey screen no apple followed by blue screen with vertical lines. Graphics and logic board replaced <6 months ago. What to do? I held down shift, it gets HOT HOT and makes noises. (for safety mode) followed by a blank grey screen and blue screen. Then tried the other way (I think  it's command alt delete? I don't remember) and it turned from grey (no apple symbol) to blue blank. Then third time, grey followed by blue with vertical lines, not blocky clear lines that you can see if you are close to it. 

MacBook Pro, OS Lion

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Intel Mac :: Clicked The Mouse To Open The Password Screen, & A Blank Blue/black Screen Appeared?

Jul 3, 2012

New to Mac computers. When trying to open computer after being in sleep mode, I clicked the mouse to open the password screen, & a blank blue/black screen appeared & the mouse timer( colored circle) appeared, as if to be waiting. I had to unplug the computer to reboot it. This has happened twice in 2 days.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)

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Hardware :: Using AirPort Extreme Dual Band/router Allows Sharing Between Both Bands?

Oct 4, 2010

I am looking to get a AirPort Extreme base station and use the dual radio modes. However, there are some peripherals like printers and game consoles that will not run on the 5 GHz band. Could anybody please tell me if the router allows sharing between both bands or just in each individual band?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Bands In Pictures Printed From Preview (due To Image Expansion)

Mar 25, 2012

When I print a color picure from Preview, areas of medium color like an evening sky show bands about one inch wide. parallel to the print head movement direction. So one inch tall band will be lighter, the next darker. These are subtle differences, but ruin the print. I've contacted Epson who told me to try all the things I had already tried e.g. clean, calibrate, & align printer, new Epson brad ink, etc. They said if that didn't work it was the computer, or the cable, which I find unlikely. So I then tried printing from Gimp and Picasa, which did not have the problem, but also printed at the correcct size instead of expanding the image to fit the paper. This happens with both small images 320X231 as well as large ones 1600X1200 

I read a comment in the community written in 2009 that said "After you choose File -> Print, under the "Orientation" section, about halfway down, is a drop-down menu. Choose "Preview" in there. After that, use the Scaling options to get it to print the size you want." I tried that but it  doesn't change the size of the printed image. I also tried fiddling with the image size on the Tools menu but that didn't help. It seems like the only way to shrink the image on the paper is to change to a smaller paper size, which is a workaround.Are these bands being caused by the expansion of the image? It's being blown up about 60%.Background: Preview version 5.0.3, OS 10.6.8, printer connected directly via USB.  Printer is Epson Workforce 633

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: Screen Is Like Halfway - Only Two Inches Of Screen Is Blue

Aug 11, 2006

i have a mac ibook..and the screen is like halfway on there..and halfway not..the left two inches of the screen is blue...and everything is blurry except the background

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Intel Mac :: The Dreaded Blue Screen The Screen Burn?

May 14, 2012

I had the dreaded blue screen a week ago, thanks to a bit of research here I booted from disk, then disk utility, permisions and then finally a reinstall.but now unfortunatly I seem to have a shadow or some kind of screen burn for lack of better words on the bottom left side of my 27" LED imac  

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Grey (mostly) Blue (sometimes) When Starting MacBook Pro

Jun 4, 2014

I had my mac book hooked up to the tv via hdmi cable as I often do. After finishing using I closed the lid as usual and when I came to use it again I it wasn't responding and was a little warm.  

When I rebooted manually I got the chime, the apple logo, the rotating grey wheel then a plain grey screen. 

I've tried all the different resets, i.e cmd r, shift, cmd r p, cmd v, cmd s. 

When I did a different safe mode start up with the black screen and white letter modes I could see a few errors but went sure what they meant and they disappeared and it went to a blue screen which is also what happens when I do cmd r. 

I don't have lion. I have the latest osx upgrade from about 2 months ago (can't remember the name)

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), iOS 7.1.1

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OS X :: MAC Not Get Out Of Blue Screen

Dec 11, 2008

I know yall probably get this a lot but I am having a lot of trouble rebooting my macbook. A while ago I was using my computer and all of a sudden it froze I then tried rebooting with the start up disk and was successful and everything began working fine again until all of sudden my mac just froze. I powered the mac down and i wouldnt turn on, so I tried to reboot the system again and everything was going fine the computer was installing all the software so I left it going overnight for Disk 1 to complete, when I woke up all I saw was a blue screen with a white box saying MAC OS X and under a blue bar with "starting Mac OS X" underneith. I then powered the computer down and redid the apple, option P R to reset the Ram again but I still get this blue screen that I cant get past. I have read about booting the computer up in safe mode and i tried that but that didnt seem to work.

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Mac Pro :: Boots Into Blue Screen?

Dec 22, 2010

I tried booting up my Mac Pro, and it boots into a blank blue screen. I tried this several times, but no dice. Cannot boot into safe mode either. This happened about a month ago, and I did another reinstall. When I booted into my Apple Mac OSX Snow Leopard disk to repair, and it said everything was repaired.

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OS X :: ATI 3870 HD - Getting Blue Screen

Mar 7, 2009

I just installed the graphic card and when I turn on my Mac I get the Apple Logo and the spinning progress wheel and then the screen turns blue for 5 mins and then turns on. The tech at OWC said that it is normal to do that the first time but should speed up after the subsequent restarts, etc. Well, it is continuing to take 5 mins to start up.

Here are some screen shots of my Graphics card info and then another shot thats drivers installed YES and drivers installed NO. Is that correct?

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Mac Mini :: My Screen Is Blue On It

Jul 2, 2012

I have an old mini mac and is working but the screen is blue and have tightened the connections but still blue screen???

Info:Mac mini, iOS 4

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OS X :: MacBook Won't Start Beyond Blue Screen

Oct 4, 2008

I've had a MacBook for about four months, completely standard version, no modifications, no nothing. It's been working perfectly. I've the latest version of Leopard and any other software update that comes with. Today I've been working on setting up a new user account entitled "Work" - for obvious purposes. I've copied my regular account's home folder as well as applications and such to make "Work" as much of a copy of my regular account as possible - let's call that account "Me".

And so I've mostly been browsing around "Work" trying to give it the same access to files as "Me" has - "Me" is an administrator, "Work" is standard - by changing access and privileges. I had some problems getting "Work" to save - when I would log out and then log in again, "Work" would have lost the preferences, e.g. Stacks and Dock settings. I also couldn't change the desktop picture for whatever reason.

So then I was going to log out "Work" to see if it still had the saving problem, and it lagged behind a lot, so I did the emergency-turn-off-by-holding-down-power-button-that-you're-not-supposed-to-do thing. And then when I tried to restart, it wouldn't............

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