OS X Mavericks :: 10.7.2 Sometimes Places 31 Character Limit On File Names?
Sep 3, 2014
This error notice doesn't make sense, since many of my file names exceed 31 char. This error message pops up when saving documents, esp. web pages. As a consequence, OSX will refuse to let me save the file, until I shorten the name and so remove informative identifying features of the file name. But most of the time, OSX is perfectly happy to save files with names longer than 31 char. How can I get this error notice and block to turn off?
I just tried to save a file with a rather long name. I got an error message that said I could not use filenames longer than 31 characters, I seem to remember that before I got this computer (iMac 21.5"), I used to have longer filenames than 31 characters! Is my memory faulty or is the operating system, "Mavericks" 10.9.3 deficient in this area, also?Â
I do not want only the file names of a given folder with its subfolder (mark all and copy to Coda or Text Edit) BUT I also want other attributes like creation date e.g.Â
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), itunes 11.1.4
I was wondering if there is a small file size limit to the FAT32 file system. I recently picked up a 1TB WD external with Firewire (pre-formatted FAT32) and have been transferring movies and such fine, but I just tried transferring an HD movie (5GB) and some large .dmg's/.iso's and they all just fail with an error.
Is this a size limitation, and will i need to reformat the drive to fix it, or is there something else I'm missing?
I have just updated my HD to a SSD and noticed in the sidebar under Places I have the usual listing of Desktop, Home and Documents but another file that's never been there before has appeared. How can I delete it permanently? Searching for the file name on the computer brings no results. It look like a zip file that ends with 3x.gz.
I am trying to change to a new password but first I must type exactly the password the site has given me. and one of the keyboard characters I do not recognize. It looks like a little crown. where I will find it on the keyboard?
With Character Viewer open, the "Pictographs" and the "Emoji" characters appear too small to see their details on my 13" MacBook Pro. Is there a way to make them look bigger so I can see their differences better without having to click on each one?Â
Starting yesterday, at about 6pm CET, I am unable to log into iMessage on Mavericks (10.9.4) -- "Could not sign in. Please check your network connection and try again."
I tried the following, to no avail:reset my AppleID password (and use the new password to try and log in)make sure the system timezone was correctquit iMessage, and rebootverify I could log into iMessage on my iPhoneÂ
Other people around me on the same network can connect just fine, so I am suspecting I may have something to do with the ID itself, which contains a "+".Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I use the Apple character in Twitter to distinguish myself as an Apple computer user. When someone asked me how I got that in my profile I went through the steps and found that the character was missing from the keyboard and character viewer. Did Apple remove it in Snow leopard or did I do something to lose it? If I can get it back how do I do that?
I've had a 1tb western digital hard drive for over a year. In which time I've used it to capture hours upon hours of hdv footage through fcp on my old macbook, with out any problems.
However I have recently bought a brand new imac and when I tried to set the same hdd as my scratch disk, in fcp, a msg comes up saying "The selected disk is formatted using FAT32 which has a 4gb file size limit." And sure enough when i try to copy a file which has a size greater than 4gb on to the drive "the operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occured (error code 0)" pops up!!
I'm the administrator of my computer, but I want to create an account similar to the guest account, one which does not have access to my own home folder, files, etc. Unlike the guest account, I don't want all the files and preferences to be deleted upon logging out.
Pretty much a separate account, completely unrelated to the administrator account.
I have to have someone use my macbook and I have created a guest account. I want to limit the documents that they can view. Basically I want to keep them out of my financial information.
I'm relatively new to using a Mac seriously, having just acquired a lovely new MBP with Snow Leopard installed. I may be missing something obvious, but is there a way to limit the icon preview feature to just showing previews for files less than a certain size? My background is with Linux, and KDE provides a configurable file size cut off above which icon previews are not shown.
I ask because I've got a folder full of large (ie 16GB) ASCII files full of output from some scientific algorithms. Whenever I browse to that folder, the Quick Look Helper eats up all 8GB of my system memory before the OS kills it off and it moves on to the next file. This is *really* irritating.
So, is there a way to limit icon preview's behaviour to small (ie normal) files, or do I just have to turn it off completely?
I'm having an issue copying from one external to another (I just recently got 1TB for x-mas). Both of the drives are western digitals, so they're very good. The problem I'm having is every time it gets to my iTunes music, I get this error: You can't copy some of these items because their names are the same as other items on the destination volume, and that volume doesn't distinguish between upper - and lowercase letters in filenames.
I've used Handbrake to encode several movies. Because I wanted them as "lossless" as possible they were encoded used H.264 (and are m4v files) and are in the 7-8GB range.
I'm not actually importing the movies but just pointing iTunes to the drive they sit on. For some reason it won't add them to the iTunes library. What gives? Is there a file size limit?
We had everything working perfectly with an earlier version of Lion Server. The update to 10.7.3, or 4, seems to have opened access to all files for all users. Much to our surprise, this wide-open access started without warning. Â
- We have an external drive that contains all of the company's archivesÂ
- We had set access for one employee to get to the files he needs, and different access for another employee. Neither saw sharepoints outside of their access settings.Â
After an update, each employee can see and log in to all sharepoints. There doesn't seem to be a way to limit access for each employee now. I can set 'read' access for one employee, but it doesn't stop the other employee from accessing that sharepoint/folder.Â
I formatted a 2 TB Seagate Backup Plus Slim portable drive as MacOs Journal Extended Journaled (Encrypted). I tried to create four partitions on the drive, but got a message stating that not more than two partitions could be created.
Every unix system that I've worked with has had case-sensitive file names. In other words, file name "foo" is different than "Foo" is different than "FOO" and so on. In the MAC OS X shell,
if I have a file name FOO, and I type "more foo", then the contents of FOO are displayed, instead of an error message saying "foo not found". It also means that I can't really create files "foo" and "FOO".
Is this something that Apple has implemented on top of unix? Is it possible to get around this, so that the names do indeed become case-sensitive? It doesn't seem like an inherent unix thing, because if I type "f <tab>", and the only file in the directory.
I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of an app (or an option I'm missing in finder) that might be able to export the names of files in a certain folder (and subfolders, if possible) to a text file. I know how to print a list using applescript, but I'd like to be able to have the list in an editable text file.
Is there anyway we can enable the use of colons ( in file names)? But there has to be some system file that lets me change what I can use and what I can't.
The directory seems to have to rebuild each session. I open a folder and have to wait 8 seconds for the file to build then I can see the contents. After that, the folder opens immediately and will operate without problems UNTIL I shutdown. After restart, the folder stalls again as it builds the directory once more. My machine has multiple drives so I have triple boot and the other drives work fine so it is the system, not the computer itself.
Info:Powermac G4 FW800 Dual 1.25, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
Has anyone noticed a strange 10 user file sharing limit after upgrading to 10.7.4 server? Using DeployStudio to mass deploy 10.7.4 Lion images in a school. Since upgrading to 10.7.4 server, I am now limited to 10 logins on the repository. Thought this might be a DeployStudio issue, but it seems more like the server is imposing the restriction. If I do a manual login to the shared folder where the image files are kept on the server, I can only do it from 10 computers and computer 11 will refuse to login.
I bought a Promise Pegasus2 to replace all my external drives, including Time Machine. The only problem is that I don't want my backups filling 12TB of disk space that I'll be using for other files as well.Â
Is there no option to set a quota or limit as to how much space Time Machine can use? The Promise Utility doesn't have any options either.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
For example, i set up the time limit to 1/2 hour for both week days and weekends. But I still I can get more than 6 hours. I searched the forum, historically Apple OSX has parental control bugs in versions.Â
What's the fix or remedy or other apps to limit the hour? Some people point out "time limit" and "bed time" conflicts with each other, check only one on solved some people's problem. But it doesn't work for me
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I restarted my macbook pro (10.5.6) last night after really slow internet speeds, and when it booted back up all my desktop folders disappeared. I can't even find a single file name anymore anywhere on the harddrive.
Apple support said they've seen the desktop directory glitch with the finder, but we could not reverse whatever happend and they suggested I spend $100 bucks on Disc Warrior.
How am I going to find about 1700 files????? My time machine drive stopped backing up two months ago, ggggrrrrrrr -right when I needed it eh?!
Does anyone have any ideas what I can try to get back the file names and folders?
I know the data is still on the drive, just with no allocations.
I've repaired all disc permissions 3 times-it keeps having to repair them everytime I reboot.Terry