OS X :: MacBook Airport Constantly Disconnecting And Reconnecting?
Mar 14, 2010
This issue started to appear few days ago, and it is really frustrating.
Every couple of minutes, my Airport disconnects from the networks and reconnects in a matter of seconds, causing all of my on-line activities to cancel, and IM programs to disconnect.
And the main concern is that I've had my Macbook for 2 and a half years already, and this never happened before. And now happens all the time.
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May 27, 2012
I have a 2.3 GHz MBP bought in 2011. It sits on my desk with the power adapter plugged in and I have a large monitor, keyboard and mouse attached. Typically every weekend or at least every other weekend I disconnect everything from the MBP and carry it around for a day or so until the battery is less than half charged. Then I reconnect everything and let it charge up.
1. Is what I do necessary and if so is that frequency of recharging sufficient?
2. Is it advisable to do a shut down before disconnecting everything and again before reconnecting?
3. If letting the battery run down once in a while is advisable, as a mater of convenience could I leave the MBP connected on my desk and just remove the power adapter, so it would still be connected to the monitor, keyboard and mouse just using the battery, and then reconnect the adapter when the battery is low?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Dec 14, 2009
I have a 2009 Mac Pro ("Cyrus").
Connected to it are via USB and video an Apple Cinema Display.
Connected to the Cinema Display are an apple keyboard and to it an Apple Mighty Mouse.
Sometimes the mouse pointer freezes (or rather is found frozen when I return to the machine and the screen saver was on) and the only way to get it back to work is to disconnect the mouse and reconnect it.
However, every second or so time I do this, the Mac Pro crashes. The screen turns darker and in the middle a multilingual text tells me that I have to restart my Mac.
Does this happen to anybody else?
How can I prevent it and why does Mac OS X crash over a USB event?
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Sep 9, 2010
Lately I've been noticing that my Airport disconnects about every 10 - 15 mins or so and then reconnects after it searches for a network, which is mine. 99% of the time I'm sitting right in front of my router. I've reset the router, rebooted, reset my pram, and the problem still persists. This issue doesn't occur on my girlfriends HP.
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Jun 24, 2012
My Mac Mini keeps disconnecting from the Wireless (Airport) when it goes to sleep. It didn't used to do this. I just went from Century Link Modem to Cable Modem. Is there a setting that got dropped in the transition?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 20, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.5.8. I have recently started having trouble staying connected to the internet via my wireless connection. I'm constantly getting disconnected from the internet - the AirPort status in the menu bar can have 4-5 bars, but I can still be dropped. When I click on the AirPort status in the menu bar, you can see the AirPort status going back and forth from "AirPort: On" to "AirPort: Scanning" continuously. It's very difficult to sign up for anything online when my connection keeps dropping. It's also very difficult to watch anything that's being streamed without it buffering all the time. I'm definitely technologically challenged, but it seems like it should be working and it seems like it should be a common sense kind of thing, but I'm not able to work it out on my own - my apple care has expired and I can get NO answers from Apple unless I want to pay for them.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Is it my new router?!
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Apr 21, 2012
how do I connect my airport express to my mac mini and keep it connected?
AirPort Express 802.11n (1st Gen), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 16, 2009
I'm already connected to a wi-fi and seeing as i'm on a desktop I don't think i'm going to be connecting to many others so how do I stop my AirPort card scanning for new networks constantly?
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Feb 1, 2010
I had modem/router, which I got from the phone company here. It wasn't working that great, so I decided to order a Netgear modem and an Apple Airport Extreme. I got the Netgear modem to get me on the web, and the ethernet connection light stayed on, but when I connect it to my AE, that ethernet light goes off and the AE is constantly blinking. I reset the modem, and still nothing. I then reset the AE, and still the same thing. And when I try to connect my MB and iMac wirelessly to the AE, it tells me there are no apple devices present, and to retry.
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Feb 28, 2009
On my old PowerBook pro running tiger my network was running fine and fast using my Airport extreme. But I just purchased a MacBook Pro and started up on 10.5.6 and the airport if constantly scanning even though it has full bars on my home airport. I have tried the following one at a time and together without success:
- Changed the channel away from the neighbors
- Changed to g only instead of b/g radio mode (older airport)
- Increased the mbps rate
- Interference robustness
- Closed network
The only way the scanning stops and then only temporarily is by clicking on the airport drop down on the menu bar.
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Jan 1, 2009
All of a sudden my MacBook Pro (early 08) and my Airport Express (n) are having massive problems keeping connected. Over the last couple of weeks I've had a lot of:
MBP not finding my APE, even though it's in the drop down list. When I click it it says I need a password (which it has pre-input in the password box) and, when I click OK, it tries to connect but fails saying "Connection Timeout".
It connects but then, 15 secs later, disconnects, then reconnects, then disconnects etc. and this goes on with the wifi symbol in the toolbar switching between black and grey until I restart the MBP.
If it does all work, it will often just stop. The internet will hang and when I click to reload, Safari says I'm not connected - even though the wifi is connected.
Often, no amount of restarting the MBP or APE will put it right (I've managed to get on right now by completely reconfiguring the APE).
Does anyone else have these issues? Anyone know what the problems are? I thought Apple stuff 'just worked'?!
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Aug 21, 2014
For the past month or so my iPad hasn't been able to connect to my 2013 Macbook Pro. I've tried solutions such as reinstalling iTunes and updating software but nothing has worked. I can connect to my PC fine but when I try to connect to the Macbook, it keeps quickly connecting and reconnecting. When I connect to the Macbook it gives me the message "iTunes could not connect to this iPhone. This device is no longer connected.". This seems to be a problem with the Macbook instead of the iPad. I haven't enabled it to connect over Wifi also.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2
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Mar 3, 2012
First off, apologies if this has been addressed in a previous post; went through a few pages and saw nothing that helped. I have been having problems with my i5 Thunderbolt 11" MacBook Air - running Lion 10.7.3 - reconnecting to my home network, which is listed as a Prefered Network, after being in sleep mode; especially after a long sleep, say overnight. Â
I know it's not my network because my 2.8 Core 2 Duo 15" MBP - running 10.6.8 - never has a problems reconnecting. I see other posts refering to a WiFi Update for other machines, but not the Air. And this was purchased with Lion, so while a re-install might solve the issue - again something I saw suggested - I would rather avoid the hassle. Â
I've checked with the "Apple people" at Best Buy - the closest thing I have to an Apple Store here in South Texas - and they say the recent update should have fixed the problem. Â Â [URL]..
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Feb 22, 2012
My 13" MacBook Air Mid-2011 Version currently running Mac OS X 10.7.3. Is constantly overheating and the fan is constantly loud. The fan is around 5500rpm even when I am not doing anything on it or even when it is off.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2012
Since I moved my apartment and got a new ISP, I am unable to connect to my mac mini server. Mac Mini is connected to my Airport WIFI and the TA/Modem but can't access using my Imac nor mac book pro. Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 12, 2010
I'm completely flummoxed. My magic mouse isn't connecting to my iMac. Is there any way to reconnect it using keyboard shortcuts? Is there any other way?
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May 13, 2012
Since updating to to 10.7.4 when ever I restart my iMac my wifi does not automatically reconnect. Additionally, I have to wait 30 to 45 seconds for my network to be seen by airport so that I can connect to it manually.Â
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 21, 2014
I started to relocate masters in Aperture (latest version) onto a disk image on my desktop as I have done many times in the past prior to archiving them and freeing up space on my hard drive.
All went well until in the middle of exporting one project the export suddenly stopped. The images that were successfully moved showed the grey square as normal but there were 6 that had a yellow warning flag. These are shown as being offline but not referenced so when I try to relocate masters they aren't shown.
I've looked in the library and there's no sign however I have found them in the vault so I copied them and pasted them into the library and also the disk image but Aperture still can't "see" them!
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Jul 6, 2009
After a few months of confusion, I think one of my USB ports is dying. I had been plugging a My Passport HDD into my left USB port and a fan/hub (plus other things into the hub) into the right USB port. I had been having problems using Time Machine even with a HDD attached to my computer, so I figured the HDD was bad. I bought a new one (Seagate 1.5TB at $120) and planned on using another 500GB drive I have for Time Machine.
At the same time, I had been plugging my new iPhone 3GS into either ports on a hub on that right port chain or directly into it. The phone would eject and reconnect a lot when doing that. When I tried it on the left USB port or even connected to that hub coming off the left port, no problems. I plugged up a different HDD to the right side. It also began ejecting and reconnecting from time to time.I think my USB port is going bad, but I'm not sure because I have never had one that worked well and then stopped on a factory-built system. The only other time I had problems was when I bought a big, fancy PC case with about 800 ports and one or two out of 500 on the front wouldn't work. This is a much bigger problem on a MacBook Pro. If this port does sound bad, would it be worth investing in an ExpressCard USB port card? I have a good 4 or 5 devices that I need plugged in, but I think I can manage using the fan/hub device for most of it.
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Oct 26, 2009
I moved my entire 1.4TB iTunes folder to my Drobo. Then I went into preferences and changed the iTunes Media Folder Location, and I also have Keep iTunes music folder organized. That worked fine all of the music, movies and TV shows opened up fine. Than after adding a new HDD to my drobo I opened my iTunes and all of a sudden it gives me the ! next to all my files and wants me to locate them, and the folder is still the same in the folder location. Is there anyway to fix this, or to automatically reconnect all my media instead of doing it 1 by 1.
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Feb 22, 2010
i had my entire iTunes library, about 150GB of music files, stored on an external hard drive that was starting act wonky. so i bought a new hard drive and copied all the music folders onto that new hard drive. but now iTunes doesn't recognize all those files in the new location. how do i reconnect my iTunes library to this new hard drive?
unfortunately, i've already deleted the old music files from the old hard drive so hopefully i don't need to do something with that.
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Jul 14, 2010
I recently bought a Macbook Pro (my first Mac). I'm having a problem whereby it keeps disconnecting (a few times a day) from the internet. When I click on network preferences -> Assist Me -> Diagnostics... the ISP, Internet & Server lights are red. I click continue under airport, select my network and it then says my internet appears to be working which it does until the next time.
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Dec 8, 2014
After downloading Yosemite, my computer (macbook pro) keeps disconnecting my home wifi. I had no problems with my wifi before and my roommates have no problems with it still (they do not have macs). This is only happening at home though, when I go anywhere else, my wifi stays connected. I have tried deleting/forgetting my wifi network and reconnecting, restarting my computer, i searched through my settings but I don't know what to do. It disconnects like every two minutes. When it disconnects and i go to reconnect, the wifi is still there and has full bars, my computer just doesn't stay connected to it.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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May 9, 2012
Is there any reason this would keep happening? Is there something I can do to stop it from happening?
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Sep 12, 2014
 My macbook pro, running on osx mavericks, disconnects from wifi for no reason. This happens often, but I can't find a solution. I have tried making a new location and deleting all my networks in the network preferences. I have also uncheck "wake for internet access" in the energy preferences. I have reseted my computer multiple times.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Macbook Pro 2009
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Dec 4, 2014
Macbook Pro (Mid-2012) Which I purchased 4 months ago.Â
It keeps dropping the signal about every 5 minutes, only on my home network. It's only this device too, since my phone and all of my roomates' devices are unphased. (streaming videos like it's no big deal)Â
This started happening after we lost connectivity with the snow a few days ago here in Seattle. I have tried all sort of troubleshooting, including the DNS thingy and restarting the router.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 11, 2014
I am using MBA 11" 2014. for connecting lan i use usb ethernet adapter. In the begging it works fine, but after 1 or 2 hours the connection gets automatically disconnected. at that time the usb ethernet interface says not connected while PPPoE is still connected(after some seconds it gets also disconnected for not having any connection). after unplugging and then again connecting the lan to the port after wards plugging the usb it gets connected. but the problem continues for some times. i have to unplug and plugged it in several time for connecting the usb ethernet interface. after a while it stops. but not stops completely...
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Dec 9, 2014
After upgrading to Yosemite 10.10.1, my MacBook Pro has been randomly disconnecting from the WiFi access point. Nothing has changed settings-wise, and none of the other devices have the same issue. Here's my log when it disconnects:Â
12/9/14 12:11:52.000 PM kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
12/9/14 12:11:52.000 PM kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 00:00:00:00:00:00
12/9/14 12:11:52.000 PM kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Dec 14, 2010
I have 1.5 year old MacBook P ro with 10.6.4 OS. The AirPort disconnects several times in an hour and connects again automatically in around a miutes. This problem started happening a few days ago. When the macbook is disconnected, iPad that I have on the wireless can connect to internet.
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Jun 4, 2014
kernel panics after using my MicroBook II USB interface with either Logic Pro 9 or Pro Tools 10, or even standalone programs. Â
My macbook is a mid 2012, 4 gb, 2,5 ghz i5 with OSX 10.9.3Â
The only way to really avoid this, that I've found, is to close every application and then disconnect it, but this doesn't work every time.
it would be nice to be able to disconnect the USB Interface without getting the "grey screen".Â
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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