I am be watching a movie on my iMac, or just do other tasks, and everything would all of a sudden freeze up on me, with the mouse cursor the only thing moving around. The system wont let me do anything, and I have to hold down the power button to shut it off.
I just got a used iMac (running 10.5.8) with the metal keyboard and mouse. I unpacked the box, plugged in the computer, hooked up the keyboard and mouse.The computer screen came up. I can move around a little via the keyboard's arrow keys but the cursor will not move via the mouse. I got it to move a little by swiping my thumb across the back but that is it. I switched my older, working, keyboard and mouse to the newer machine and it didn't work there. I switched the newer metal keyboard and mouse my older iMac and they worked just fine. What could be going on with the new (but used) computer? I have tried every port for the mouse, keyboard as well as every back port but nothing moves the cursor.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Computer was shipped from CA to NY.
spinning ball with movement and clicking cursor. spins forever. temporary fix running disc utilities, clean my mac and roboot. Same error found in safari preferences but recurs frequently and requires repeating fix for brief correction.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.66 Ghz processor
This Imac 7.1 2ghz, 20" is less than a year old. I switched because it promised friendlier functioning especially for my wife. I use Parallels for XP/Quicken only. What drives me crazy is a 2-5 second delay for almost anything I do: scroll, copy, move cursor, any art or photo ops and TYPing. I read all the things to reduce the Pinwheel and did them. Finally I added 2 more Gigs of memory (total 4) and it made no difference. Activity monitor shows tons of free memory.
I cannot believe that I use my tiny Asus to type most of my stuff now because on the iMac I can type something then in the middle of a word, count 'one thousand 1-3 then sometimes get a pinwheel for 2 counts and it resumes typing. It does not seem to matter much if I close everything else (wow that eliminates all that handy windows stuff Apple is famous for).
I have a few accounts on my Mac (Mavericks) that I use to train, operating my Mac with Airplay mirroring for demonstration. While in my primary account, Airplay (AppleTV3) works fine. Until recently it also worked fine while in my other accounts (all Admins).
About a month ago, Airplay with the secondary accounts no longer shows the mouse cursor. I can see the effects of the mouse (Dock magnifies, apps still open, etc.), but I can't see the actual cursor moving around the screen. My primary account continues to show the cursor during Airplay.
I created a new user account (Admin), and the new user account also is missing the cursor during Airplay. Updated all software, restored the AppleTV.
The mouse cursor on my iMac has a weird habit of jumping around. Eg, I'll be about to close a window, and then the cursor will suddenly jump to the bottom of the screen.This happens with both my Mighty Mouse, and a Microsoft one...
My i7 iMac arrived today with no screen issues and no major problems at all (after scouring the forums the past few weeks, I was a nervous wreck waiting for it). I ordered on Black Friday and believe I have one of the most recent batches with, I cross-my-fingers hope, none of the screen problems that have been reported. However, I am about to gouge my eyes out because of a blasted erratic mouse issue in OSX. I am using a Razer Naga (though it is still a problem with every other mouse I hook up) and regardless of the settings, the cursor is jumpy and impossible to control at times.
I am Bootcamp running Win7 64 and have zero mouse issues on that side of the computer. Its only when I boot into OSX that I have the mouse problems. I have tried the Naga drivers and two USB/Mouse shareware apps, all to no avail. Otherwise, the iMac runs like a dream. In WoW with Ultimate Settings I get 50 fps in Dalaran and 120+ out flying in the world. LotRO runs great as well -- with the recommended settings I am at around 60 fps at all times, even standing at the Prancing Pony in Bree.
I have a Imac 27" - suddenly it seems it freeze - I can move the cusor with the pad - but clicking dosn't activate the function. I have tried to restart (power off) but still the same. I succeded once to get i alive for 15 min. then it stopped working again. The Imac 27 is opdated and less than one year old.
My colleague reported me something a bit strange a creasy. They told me that the icon folder is following the cursor mouse. (It's not a joke) . I just experienced this right now, and I am going to explain step by step, what I did.
I opened Finder
I selected a folder to move it into the Favorite section (in order to access it quickly via the favorite bar)
I placed it between Desktop and Document.
While I move that folder, the folder icon appear close to the mouse cursor. This is normal
BUT when I released my button mouse in order to create the folder favorite, (between Desktop and Documents), the folder icon remind on the cursour mouse, and follow it.
Nothing freeze, I can mouve the mouse but it do not react to a click.
To "remove" the folder icon, I have to relauch the Finder (cmdt+shift+esc), or some time, it desappear after 3-4 minute.
When the icon is remove, the mouse is not working perfectly for a moment.
We have this problem while we mouve a pdf, or a .doc file.
My colleague work on iMac 10.9.4.
This problem happen while we want to create a favoris to a local folder or to a remote folder.
4/6 collabrators have this problem and there are all in the same office.
The particularity, they have all a wireless mouse, but I do not think the mouse devise cause this problem..
On restart the mouse moves but does not click. I thought it was the mouse and bought new one. After 24 hours same issue with the new mouse. Bought a new Apple Mouse yesterday and this morning same issue again. Usually after a wait the clicking becomes available.
I have a new iMac with mouse. Every time I move my mouse quickly left or right (i.e. if I am just moving it out of the way of my keyboard), the action causes the screen to close down so that I have to re-enter my password to get back to the pages I had open. It doesn't close down the computer, but puts it in sleep mode.
This is my first Mac user problem posting going back to my original SE! Power PC based imac running leopard 10.5.8 starts up but then mouse freezes after a few mins. Managed to change sleep mode to 15mins - same problem. Can't boot from Disk as same problem, also command+option and shift all still have mouse unmoved! Obvious change of keyboard and mouse have no effect. Could this be related to offspring's addition of ipad plugged into usb a few weeks back? He tends to unplug the device without ejecting!
Has anyone had a problem with their Intel iMac mouse freezing after it wakes up from being asleep. Check my sig for specs. In particular, we have a wireless mighty mouse and everytime you wake the computer from sleep, the mouse won't work. That includes taking out the batteries and putting them back in. Keyboard still works. Is the bluetooth going bad? Could it be the mouse? We're going to schedule an appointment with the Geniuses here in Memphis so maybe they can figure something out.
I have endless trouble with blue connectivity. I have tried all the obvious things. Like check the batteries, sync, pairing etc. The mouse is showing connected and strangely even wake the computer. Problem is then it freezes given no other option but to Hard start my mac. What a bummer. I am now using usb mouse no problem.
When I wake from sleep, my mouse cursor is a beachball that is NOT spinning. I can use my mouse like normal, move it, and click on things, but its still a beachball. I beleive it stays like this until the mouse is actually supposed to be a beachball (when I open a few programs at the same time and the computer starts "thinking"), then it starts spinning and after that it goes back to the normal black arror cursor.
Might be a problem from the 10.5.3 update? anyone else experience this?
I have late 2007 Mac mini and I have Snow Leopard installed and I was simply watching a Youtube video and then all of a sudden the entire system freezes (couldn't move the mouse) or anything and started choking on the audio (replaying a bit over and over)... had to manually power it off. The hard drive was replaced several months ago at the Apple Store... so I doubt it's the HD. The Mini is back on now of course... it's running fine, but I've never seen anything like that before. Anyone else ever have this issue?
well this problem recently developed probably within the last three months. Occasionally, while using my macbook pro my cursor will begin to make slight movements on its own. However, sometimes the movements are larger and can involve the cursor clicking and remaining 'clicked' on something.
Attached to my macbook is a wireless logitech keyboard, and a Razer Copperhead mouse. Prior to the copperhead I had a logitech mx518 but the problem still remained. I do not know what causes my cursor to move on its own and the issue does seem to occur when the mouse is unplugged as well. There is no dust or particles interfering with the optical sensor on the mouse and I am using a standard, clean, cloth pad. I just want to know what to do to correct this issue.
On my left I have a new HP 2311 23" monitor (maximum dpi 1600x900). On my right I have an old 23" Apple HD Cinema Display (max resolution 1920x1200). Both have a 16:9 aspect ratio. I just added the HP about a month ago, and this is the first I've had dual displays....so I'm still learning. I've noticed the following: If the cursor is on my Cinema Display and I move it left toward the HP, at about the top 1/4 of the screen the cursor won't cross over...it comes to the edge of the screen and stops. I have to move the cursor more toward the middle to cross over. When I move the cursor down toward the middle of the Cinema Display, it crosses over but appears a the top of the HP.
A similar thing happens moving from the HP to the Cinema Display, except at the bottom of the screen. The cursor won't cross for about the bottom 1/4 of the HP, and when I move the cursor up so it will cross, it appears at the bottom of the Cinema Display. It's almost like these screens are out of alignment....the HP sitting a few inches higher than the Cinema Display. My eyes aren't what they used to be, so the HP is set to 1344x756 and the Cinema Display is set to 1344x756 to make everything larger. However, I tried many variations of the resolution on both screens to see if that changed anything.....it didn't.
Info: 2.66 Ghz Quad-Core, Mac OS X (10.6.2), 8 GB 1066 MHz DDR3, Apple Cinema Display
I love my multitouch pad on my MacBook. Honestly, I prefer using it to any mouse!But it occurs to me that the ability to move windows by hovering the cursor over the bar at the top, then using the two finger scroll motion, would be really useful.Anyone know any mods that can do this
I currently have Steermouse installed but I only use it for this 'snap to' function - I only use the track pad. Are there any other apps (pref free) that provide this function? I am experiencing loss of cursor movement after hibernation and always have to restart the machine. I am going to un-install Steermouse pretty soon and then see if the problem still occurs. In the meantime if there are any alternatives it would be good to know. I am surprised its not a built in standard pref!
I am using MacBook Pro 13 inches for a year. I am facing cursor problem. Without touching either track pad or computer after log in, my cursor is moving around the screen and very difficult to control it. It also click and open/close some files automatically like a ghost. I tried to hold Comman+Option+P+R to reboot and it helps sometimes then happen same thing again and again. What should I do?
I am having problems with my cursor on my macbook. Since a recent software update I've not been able to move the cursor in any app. The only way it moves is when I type. I use the arrow-keys to quickly move around menus but that is impossible. I have looked at all the settings I can think of looking at, but nothing makes any difference. Helen BTW the OS is 10.6.8
Info: early 2006 mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 1.5GHz Intel, 1Gb 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM
I just got a MacBook Pro, and the button being part of the trackpads touch area is cusing me problems. Freuently when I go to click the button it moves the cursor slightly causing the click to be in the wrong place.
Is there a way to turn off the lower area of the trackpad or something? Can I replace it with a trackpad with a seperate button?
I am noticing that my cursor freezes or should I say it stalls for 1 - 4 seconds after various operations like opening, closing, reloading windows, or switching tools in Finale, Photoshop, etc. I'm using the Kensington expert mouse (trackball) with their latest drivers. I used it on my old G5 before I upgraded to this Mac Pro, and it's worked fine for many years.
Info: Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3.2GHz Quad-Core Xeon w 24 G RAM