OS X :: IBook G4 Not Reading DVDs But Recognize CDs
Aug 19, 2010
Our iBook G4 won't recognize DVDs. It reads CDs fine, and I just upgraded the OS to Tiger and it read that DVD as well. However, when inserting a regular DVD (movie, etc., original copy, not burned) it says "this disc contains no volumes recognized by OS". I reinstalled the original OS and software, upgraded to Tiger and have reset the computer and checked the system preferences to make sure it wasn't set to ignore DVDs. The player worked in the past, not sure what is going on.
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Mar 24, 2012
Our Imac G5 is no longer reading DVDs.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), randomly goes to sleep
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Aug 30, 2014
My Macbook pro has started to eject cds and dvds without reading them. This is a new development, it did not used to do this.
I have tried a number of different cds and dvds but none seem to be accepted.
What can be done...do I need take it in or is the problem fixable?
MacBook Pro
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Sep 2, 2008
I've rented 3 dvds from Netflix and tried to watch them in my MBP, thinking there was a problem with the dvd, but they all have the same issues. The video will suddenly freeze but the audio keeps going. The only way I can get out of this frozen screen is to use the remote that came w/ my MBP to eject the dvd. Also, the dvd menus are no longer functional. I can only press play but I can not navigate the menus with my remote, or with the mouse (the mouse cursor disappears now when I put a dvd in the drive). When I press play, it will play for about 10 minutes and then freeze. It seems like each time it's freezing about halfway into a track/chapter. I can eject the dvd, go back to the beginning, skip forward to the next track, and rewind to just after the point where it freezes, but I have to do this with EVERY track/chapter.
And I have to eject it every time or it won't play at all. This is a dvd-burning Superdrive. I have no idea how I would go about replacing the drive if it's broken, as it's built into the laptop with no way that I can see to access it. The laptop is just barely out of warranty. Here's another Mac oddity: when I log into Apple's own forums, the option to post a new thread in any of their forums is gone. It's not at the top of the page where it used to be, nor is it anywhere on any of the pages that I've visited. I'm talking about when I go to the main discussions page, and then click on the link for Macbook Pro or iPod, there's nothing there for posting.
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Jun 24, 2012
Superdrive not reading dvd movies after lion upgrade.
Also cannot bure DVD -r discs after upgrade. All was fine with Leopard.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 28, 2010
Hope you can help out here. Been having a few problems reading DVDs ( slightly funny sound when spinning then spits them out ) - although it would read some OK, such as System disk.I out in a DVD just now, and it pulled it in, but then nothing - no spinup at all.And now I can't eject it - tried the eject button, logging out and back in again, restarting while holding down the trackpad button.Nothing worksAny ideas?Macbook Pro 2.8
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Feb 1, 2009
The local Apple Store recently replaced the logic board and power supply for my G5 iMac. Today I tried to load the system restore disc to re-install the OS etc. in an effort to prepare it to sell (I want to have all my data gone).I put in the disc. The computer took the disc but it never showed up on the desktop or finder. And yes, my system preferences are set to open a finder window when a CD or DVD is put in the drive. Ejecting it became a challenge. I tried holding down the mouse button while booting, and booting into the open firmware (got an error message when I typed "eject cd"). Resetting the PRAM failed to help. The only thing that worked was to jam a credit card in the slot and stop the disc from spinning, and the machine spit it out.
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May 2, 2012
When I insert a DVD it nothing happens. I hear it spin for a few seconds and then it is ejected. Will not launch DVDPLayer or start playing if I open DVDPLayer. MUsic CDs work fine. Is this a hardware failure or can I try some
Info:iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 13, 2009
My son made me a DVD-r of mp3 files and a dvd on his new mac. I cannot get it to read on my system. Other CDs and dvds work fine so know disk drive is ok. I have tried the disk on windows based computers and it works fine. Is my computer too old to read or do you have a suggestion on how to read? When I insert the disk, nothing comes up on the desktop to click on to read.
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May 8, 2012
Nothing appears on the desktop, and the DVD doesn't play (this is the second DVD I've tried). The drive works to download software though. These are commercial DVDs from Lovefilm in the UK - there are bound to be some scratches - does this mean I can only play new DVDs?
Also, if I click Finder to eject the DVD, the command is light gray, meaning the IMAC has not actually registered that there's a DVD in the drive, so I have to log off and on again for the DVD icon to appear on the desktop, at which point I can eject it. However, if I click it, it doesn't play. I'd really like to play films if I can.
I don't know what operating system I have, except that it's MAC OS X. I only just got it new two days ago.
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Sep 7, 2010
I have numerous books in iTunes, some PDF files and others ePub files. When I double click on a PDF file book in iTunes, Preview on my MBP will open up allowing me to read it. However, when clicking an ePub file nothing happens. Nothing opens. And of course I'd like for something to open up allowing me to read it on my Mac.
I bring up this thread cause I remember not too long ago Pages allowed for ePub conversion, figuring at the very least Pages could/would open up. Anyone have any recommendations for my wanted outcome of wanting an ePub file from iTunes to open up on my Mac?
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Aug 15, 2006
I am about to get a Sherwood home theater receiver (RD-8601) and I want to watch dvds on my iBook g4, with surround sound coming through the receiver.
If I connect my 1/8 inch stereo jack to the inputs (RCA) on the receiver, can the receiver turn it into 5.1? OR Do I need something like the FireWave that will send 5.1 to the receiver? I did search for and read similar posts, but did not find my answer.
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Sep 3, 2007
my ibook doesn't read dvds anymore like it used to, but it will read blank ones if i use an external dvd drive, but when i try and insert a normal dvd (ive tried a lot of dvds so its not just one disc) in the laptop drive or the external one, it says "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." and gives me an option to ignore or eject.
i tried creating a new account, but the same thing happened, so i used my install disks to install mac os x on an external drive and booted from that and the disk worked! but, ive got lots of important data on the laptop drive, so im stuck here.
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Aug 19, 2006
It has decided that it just won't recognize them. I played lots of 'em for a few months, but now when I try it says there are no files the mac os x can read.
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Mar 15, 2007
I have an ibook g4 1.2 ghz 14 inch model with the 60 gig HD runnig Os X. One day, it start freezing up, and when I restart it, it would be fine. However, after a couple of day, it would not longer boot and I would get the folder with finder and question mark. I ran the hardware test on the CD, and it said I had a mass storage error. So, I went and bought a new hd and put it in. (another hitachi one, exactly the same). So i boot it up, run the hard ware test and it is fine. Then I go about installing os x and stuff, and everything is fine. However, on my first restart a couple of hours later, my computer no longer boots up again. I run disk utility, and it does not see any Hard drives, and when i reattempt to install my os x, it can not find a destination folder. What is going on? Also, I have the old HD from my ibook that I put in my external Hd case. If this thing is not actully broken, can I use it to boot through the usb 2.0 drive on my mac? I tried to plug it in, but for some reason no power goes to it, but if i plug it to my desktop, it powers up. (the light on the case)
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Jun 6, 2008
Part of my iBook says there is an initialization error when I open up the DVD program, and the other part of it says I have have no drive at all. But I have tried everything that I was told to do. Basically I have a problem with my white iBook Laptop, a G3-4 800 mhz, which runs on OSX-10.14.11, and has 384 sd-ram
It has a DVD application program, but opening it just gives an initialization error. The date on the App is something from earlier this year, so it's not that old. It has the corporate "DVD" player logo. (but it won't open) If I drop down the Apple menu at the top corner, "About this Mac" I see the list, and if I select Burners, it says No Burner Found. If I look for CD or Audio devices, there is nothing like that on the list but i can find the cd drive under ATA drives (it has the HD listed, and then a CD drive). When I open Disk Utility to find out about 'repairing disk permissions' all I see on the left side of the screen are 2 drives: the hard drive and a CD drive (LG Model 8245B), and I cannot select 'repair permissions' or 'verify' because they are in light grey (un-selectable). If I click on 'First Aid" bacically nothing happens. It's sort of like "nothing's broken, nothing to fix."
So I went on to reset the PRAM, as this was the last suggestion
someone gave me.
Some interesting things: The thing plays CD's. It detects a CD drive, like I said. There is no CD/Audio player Application, anywhere (i was looking to see if it was read/write). There is also, buried somewhere, an older Apple DVD application, for an Apple DVD player. It wants to run on OS-9. So I open OS-9, and after OS9 has opened, it tells me that OS-9 doesn't support it.
The DVD application I mentioned earlier (it's about 28 MB) is newer, and runs on OS-X 10.14. (So.. yes, this was an OS-9 computer which got upgraded to OS 10.4.11)
Lastly, it came from a brother in law who is a filmmaker, and I know that he used it for DVD's. I was told i could also burn with it.(it doesn't burn cd's right now) He re-set some names and passwords when he gave it to me; from what I can see, all the 'permissions' are ok, and set to my name. I have his passwords in case I need them.
If the computer has forgotten that it has a DVD drive, then I can't run OS 10 (which is a dvd), if it were to crash. This worries me, since I had to do this with my old Pismo only 2 months after buying it (at least it had a dvd drive!) I lifted the keyboard to see if there was a label on the cd-dvd player.
Nothing. I can't pull it out (like I could in my old Pismo) to examine the underside. How does it come out? (it's a tray-loader)
Before I start trying to remove the drive, just to see what it says...
Is there any program on the iBook which will actually detect, and tell me what hardware I have? I think that the computer still thinks it has the old cd drive in it, even though it was obviously upgraded to a dvd drive. If I could find out the brand I could maybe download some software driver
for it..?
(i am sort of afraid to go poking around the system files if I know that I cannot use the OS- 10 startup disk when it crashes (since it is a dvd)...
So is it beginning to sound like there WAS a dvd drive in there first, which burned out, and was replaced by a cheaper LG (that's Dell) CD-R drive
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Sep 28, 2008
My iBook could be on it's last leg. I have an iBook G4 1.2 Ghz with 512 mb of RAM running 10.3.9. It started about 2 to 5 months ago. When I restart my computer, instead of the white screen with the grey Apple logo that appears during a normal start-up, I get the grey screen with a flashing box with a picture of the world inside the flashing box, then the small flashing folder that flashes the OSX logo, then a question mark (?), then it would go into the normal start-up screen (white w/Apple logo). I thought this was the Safe mode boot.
Well, recently, it would just stay on the flashing OSX logo and "?" and nothing would happen. So I would do a forced shut down (holding the power down) and power it back up. Same thing. I'd repeat this for 30 minutes to an hour, restarting anywhere from 15 to 30 times and it would eventually work.
So, the flashing OSX logo and "?" happened again last night, and I could not get it to boot after countless restarts. This morning, I grab my iBook Install disc to do a full restore. I restart and hold the C key to boot from the install disc. I go through the normal steps and when I get to Choose the Drive or Destination tab, my hard drive isn't listed. Nothing is listed. I reboot holding the option key to run the Apple hard ware test. Airport passes, Logic Board passes, then I get an error when the Mass Storage test runs. Reboot and run Test again, same results. I reboot to the install disc again and it still says no drive. I open Disc Utility and the only drive it reads is the iBook Install Disc. I restart normally, and it loads fine, and I instantly come here to seek a diagnostic as to what my problem is.
I don't understand is the strange frequency or my problem. Sometimes it works, sometimes I have to restart it a dozen or so times. How can it not recognize my hard drive [I]some[I] of the time and not all of the time? I don't want to do a full restore just yet. I'd like to know what my problem is before I do anything drastic. I do have my hard drive backed up.
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Feb 24, 2009
I�m not new to macs, but i am to my ibook g4. I just got this for my birthday and it is a secondhand Mac. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change the question mark, apostrophe, and others on the keyboard, to actually type what they are.
This is the question mark: �
this is the slash: �
it also does the same thing for the apostrophe and the quote.
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Jul 2, 2009
I had to replace the hard drive on my daughter's iBook G4. I replaced the original Toshiba with a seagate 160gb ATA drive. When using the original install disk, the installer cannot find the hard drive to install the OS on. I was told the problem could only be the cable or a DOA drive; so I got another new hard drive and replaced the replacement, being sure that the cable was connected properly. In the past, I've replaced hard drives several times in various machines I've owned.
I seem to remember that on one occasion I had the same problem, and found the unmounted drive with Tech Tool Deluxe that I had gotten with an old AppleCare purchase. On this iBook G4, however, the Tech Tools disk won't boot the machine. Perhaps I am mis-remembering that incident, but I'm pretty sure that I was able to mount a hard disk in the past using some sort of software. Problem is that this iBookG4 won't boot off of ANY of my older system disks I own.
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Nov 27, 2004
my home-country local MAC forum cannot resolve. The thing is,that I did a bit of overclocking on my G3 DUAL USB 500MHZ IBOOK.I overclocked FSB bus to 100MHZ and CPU speed to 600MHZ.But after
that,my IBOOK wouldn't recognize internal HDD.Laptop itself works just fine, it boots from OSX Panther CD and so on,but OSX install JUST WON'T SHOW ME ANY HARD DRIVE WHERE TO INSTALL ITSELF ON TO.As you know... CD and HDD are connected via the same cable to the motherboard and CD works fine.I thought that maybe the part of the cable which was connected to the hdd was broken,so I changed the hole cable.Nothing happened,everything was still the same.I have tested HDD in other computer and it works fine.Also I have tried 2 different HDD-s in Ibook- still the same.I have also tried to reset everything I can> power managment reset (through that button) and reset via functsion+option+p+r (on keyboard...or smth. like that) My smartness has run out.What shall I do?
I should mention that if I don't but any OS cd into the CD-DRIVE,then I get flashing folder with question-mark on my screen.
Anyway,I think that the problem might be related to hdd partitions.I deleted my original OSX partition right after I got overclocked laptop back (because OSX install didn't recognized it) and then changed HDD-s partition to FAT32.(I thought that maybe OSX partition had been damaged during the overclocking process) But maybe the problem was still the cable (right in the beginning) and now OSX install wouldn't recognize my hdd, because it's in FAT32 format? Other thing what makes me think about that: as I told,if there is no CD in CD-DRIVE IBook shows blinking question mark with a folder on its screen.But yesterday I managed to delete hdd's FAT32 partition and replace it with HSF+. (in other laptop and in Windows XP) And when I but that hdd with HSF+ back to my IBOOK one change occured.Now, if it is turned on without OSX CD in it's CD-DRIVE, it shows on screen at first big globe and after a while blinking question mark with a folder.Therefore I assume,that the problem cannot be in hardware,because if I changed HDD partion type, then something else also changed?? Anyway OSX install still didn't show any HDD. What I have to do?? Could FSB upgrade be the key to that problem? (I don't want to believe it,because I read,that if overclocked,IBOOK would work fine, or it would crash- nothing related to the hdd.)
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Nov 14, 2008
iBook is 800mhz, 512m with a 20g hd. The iBook boots to the login screen but won't accept the password. I have even tried older passwords just in case. I tried holding down the c while booting from the cd; sounds like the cdrom spins but again it boots to the login screen. I tried holding the Apple & S key to get to single user but it goes to the login screen. I tried holding the option key which brings up the start-up drives, but can't change to the fire wire drive because the password is unaccepted.
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Oct 16, 2007
So i bought a 1gig RAM stick for my iBook for Kahlon. Kahlon said that this RAM was supported for my iBook. The specs for my iBook are 12in, 1.2 Ghz, 120gb hard drive and 1.25 gigs of RAM. Ok so I put in my RAM in about March and it worked fine for about 3 months. Then in late July my Mac started showing the "Grey Screen of Death." So i thought that it might of been the hard drive so i did some repairs and nothing changed. So then after that I reformatted my hard drive and reinstall Tiger and nothing changed either. So i finally took out my RAM and tested to see if that was the problem and low and behold my computer ran fine (a little slow because it was was running on 256mb of RAM but it ran fine for about a week). Then I put the RAM back on in it but the Computer only read that the 1gig stick was actually a 512mb RAM stick but it still worked fine for a week until I installed a update and so I had to restart my computer (restart being the Key Word). So when I restarted my computer my computer recognized that it had a total of 1.25gigs of RAM. But when i went to start up itunes or any other application it would immediately show the "Grey Screen of Death." Does anyone know what could have happened I think that it is the Logic Board but I don't know.
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Nov 14, 2008
Ive searched all over, and cant find a solution. I put in a new HD for the 1.2ghz iBook 12", and it wont be recognized by the computer. I tried resetting the Vram/Pram, with no success. I also made sure the hd connector is connected. When I hold down "C" to the install disc, it reads the disc, but does not detect the HD. When I do not hold down c, it takes me to a question mark/folder icon.
I do not think its the new hard disk or connector or logic board, because I have read others having the problem...some say it is the firmware, and that its the OS/Installer disc that has the error...but I have no clue how to fix it.
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May 27, 2012
I had a IBook G4 and an external hard drive as its back up.IBook running something like Snow Lepord, anyway I have a Intel Macbook now with Lion, Ive been told here there is a possible confliction between the AMP external harddrive and lion.I will say a few times I have for limited time been able to access the drive on the newer MacBook, but then Lion (I think) drops it.
MacBook, iOS 5.1
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Nov 16, 2009
Been searching online for an easy way to copy DVDs to the hard drive so they can be watched without the external DVD player needed for the MacBook Air.I've converted the DVD to a .DMG file using the disk utility tool and then mounted it...but cant figure out how to make it actually execute inside of QuickTime...
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Oct 17, 2005
I have an iBook (running OS X Tiger) which is wirelessly connected to a home network via a wireless router. On this network I have a Windows PC to which a HP Laserjet 1010 is connected via USB. I would like to be able to share this printer on the Windows PC so that I can print from the iBook.I have set file and print sharing options on the Windows PC. I have then added a new printer in OS X over 'Windows Printing'. OS X sees the printer and allows me to add it after puting in a username and password (I used the 'Guest' username). However when I try and print from the iBook the printer initialises and then procedes to print "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 %RBINumCopies: 1 %%..." and then lots of random letters. I thought that this looked like the iBook wasn't using the right drivers and after checking it appears it is using Generic Printer drivers.
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Aug 13, 2010
I have a G3 iBook and just the other day the display stopped working. There were no signs of the display going bad, it's just went. Am I able to boot the iBook via Target Disk Mode on my PowerBook and run the iBook Hardware Test CD on it? Also, can I reboot my PowerBook and choose the iBook as the startup volume?
I know how to do Target Disk Mode but the latter I'm not sure about.
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Oct 20, 2006
My brother's iBook G4 (800Mhz, First Rev) has completely splattered itself and we're getting a new Macbook for him under insurance. My iBook G3 (White, 900Mhz G3..the last G3 Rev of the iBook) has a failing hard drive.
Now, could I swap out those two drives, at least to recover stuff? And is there a specific method of opening up the iBook G4 so that I don't break stuff (I've already messed with my G3..and ended up with a dozen extra screws ^_^
Mainly the aim is to salvage the hard drive and swap them out; replacing my faulty iBook G3 one with the iBook G4 one which is perfectly fine.
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Apr 5, 2007
My iBook G4 power supply failed and I'm awaiting a replacement. In the mean time, can I use the power supply from my iBook G3 with the iBook G4?
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Jul 13, 2008
Right now I have a G3 iBook (900 MHz, 640 MB RAM, Combodrive, 40 GB HDD). I'm looking at a G4 iBook (1.2 GHz, 768 MB RAM, Superdrive, 60 GB HDD).
How much faster would the G4 be over my G3. I figure that after selling my G3, the G4 would only be another $200ish on top of it. Would this be worth it?
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