OS X :: How To Move IWork From Its Default Location In Finder
Sep 30, 2010
I want to move Pages, Keynote and Numbers form their default location in Finder (/Applications/iWork '09) to /Applications, and still be able to update them. (When you move them, they don't update!) I want my Applications folder stack to look pretty.
Is their a .plist I can edit or something so that Software Update will recognize my iWork install and let me update?
(I know, I know, I have OCD. I'm a 'desktop perfectionist' )
I changed the account preferences (in the System Preferences) so that the username is pointed to Data/users/username
The Finder icon in the dock still opens to to Programs/users/username, even after rebooting. All other apps appear to be using Data/users/username for saving files and other stuff.
How do I change the Finder on the Dock to open to Data/users/username?
I'm used to working on a PC. When I open a file on a PC and then do a 'save-as', the PC always saves the new file in the same folder as the original. This seems so obvious, and 99% of the time is exactly what you want. On the other odd occasions it's simple to change the path.
But it doesn't happen on a Mac. MAC saves the file to wherever you last did a 'save-as'. Quite often I forget to check where this is and change it. I then have to do a 'Search' in 'Finder' to look for it. This gives me another problem, because 'Search' goes off hunting before you've even finished typing the name of the file - and either seems to find hundreds of unrelated items, or zilch! The 'help' on search doesn't help. The last time this happened to me, I could only find the file by searching manually in each of the places I thought it might be - and never managed to find it using the 'Search' facility.
I used to find 'Default Folder X' a help in regard to fixing the 'save-as' location, but the current version working in conjunction Snow Leopard, doesn't seem to be so effective.
I've been using Office forever but just decided to try iWork, and it turns out I love it 100x more than Office. I'm totally going to buy it when my trial expires. Before I do, one quick question that seems kind of obvious, even though I can't find the answer anywhere - is there any way to make iWork applications the default over Office?
I want to take a screenshot, (using the standard shortcuts, command shift 3) which saves it to desktop. Don't ask why, but I want to save it to a folder, elsewhere on the hard drive and I have a lot of shots to take and don't want to keep selecting/moving, etc. Any way to change the default save location? By the way, running Tiger, 10.4.11 on a MacBook.
I used to have it so that whenever I take a screenshot it would go to a folder of my choice. But I have recently put a new hard drive in my MacBook and thus have a new Leopard install and do not remember how I originally set this up because it was such a long time ago.
Does anyone know what Terminal command or something that will let me make my screenshots go to something like User/Tyler/Pictures/Screenshots?
I have just installed a new 128 SSD into my MacBook Pro instead of SuperDrive and kept also the old HDD inside. I made a clean install of Lion on the SSD which created a new Pictures folder on the SSD, but I want to have it linked to the old HDD. Is there any way how to change destination of these default folders? (I have tried to create symbolic link and put it instead of the Pictures folder, but Lion does not let me delete the Pictures folder...)Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2010
Note: I do not want to change external hard drives, but I want to change the LOCATION of my external and HOW the external is connected to my Macbook.
I have been running Time Machine, backing up to my WD 1TB Passport external drive via USB cable. I would like to lose the "umbilical cord" and connect wirelessly to the external via my (newest model) Airport Extreme base station. I want to do this without losing my previous backups.
When I connect via the AE, TimeMachine gives me the choice to backup to this drive but it starts from scratch, making a whole new backup.
When I click to "Enter Time Machine" it gives me the choice to "use previous disk" and when I click to "use selected disk" as in my screenshot, it allows me to peruse the old backups, I just am not able to continue backing up to that backup.
I would like to backup via the AE, but then also have the choice to remove it and connect directly via USB on occasion and continue the same Time Machine.
Is there any way to do this, or is this wishful thinking?
so I know it is possible to move a users home folder which includes the dekstop. But would it be possible to only move the desktop to another drive? If so, how would you do that?
IMAGINE I have 2 hard disk partitions on the SAME hard disk, one is called 'Macintosh HD' and the other is called 'My Data'.
The Plan: In the 'Macintosh HD', there are (1) system files & (2) users' settings. In the 'My Data', there are all the music, pictures, etc.
For example, the 'Macintosh HD' has 40GB and the 'My Data' has 120GB. All I want to do is to separate the SYSTEM and my DATA without migrating my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD' which contains folders called 'Music', 'Pictures'... to the partition 'My Data'.
I want to separate the system files and my data incase I need to reinstall the Mac OS X while leaving all my data untouched.
So the way I should do (I guess) is to leave my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD' empty, and create files called, for example, 'My Music', 'My Pictures', etc. in the 'My Data' partition. Then redirect the files 'Music', 'Pictures', etc. in my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD' to 'My Music', 'My Pictures', etc. in the 'My Data' partition.
In Windows XP or Windows 7, you can redirect those as using the methods below: (1)[URL] But I just don't know how to do that in Mac OS X, it seems that Mac OS X doesn't even provide a way for users to do so: [URL]
I saw a reply in macrumors forum and tried to move the 'Music', 'Pictures', etc. folders, but it turned out that those files were being copied, not moved. So I can't move the 'Music', 'Pictures', etc. to the partition 'My Data' and make aliases of them which can be put in my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD'.
So, are there only 3 options for me too choose? (1) stop trying to fight Apple and Mac OS X on where it puts things, just put all the things in my home folder inside 'Macintosh HD', using only 1 partition (2) move my home folder to the other disk partition, in this case, the partition 'My Data' (3) can't redirect the location of Music', 'Pictures', etc. folders in my home folder in the 'Macintosh HD', but just simply put things in the 'My Data'.
How do I set my Mac up so that when I get a Word, Excel or Powerpoint file, I can click on it to open it and have it automatically open in Pages, Numbers or Keynote?
I'm editing on Final Cut Pro but it's automatically saving all the files I am capturing to the hard disk using up all my storage space. I have a 2tb external hard drive how do I change the path so it will automatically save all the imported clips to the external hard drive?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just installed iWork '08 on my new Macbook pro (snow leopard and general '09 programs are on it) and for some reason, the text coloring and highlighting, generally anything to do with the text and whatever appears on the pages themselves have completely gone blank. The highlight appears as this light purplish color, I can not get the text to read as visible. It appears white no matter what. Even the text blinker isn't showing. Is there a problem with installing iWork '08 on an '09 based Mac? This is a legal copy of iWork I've had since buying my first Mac, so I know it can't really be the disc screwing up, is there anyone that might be able to help? This is an image of the problem. As you can see, the black is the default font color, but it does not show up as it. Also, the general coloration of it is off.
At times I would like to gather all files of a certain extension (aif or jpg or xlsx or¦) in one location. By adding the extension parameter to the finder's FIND command, I can easily see them all, but that's only the first half. How do I now move, or copy them all into a single folder, say, on the desktop?
I want to move the location of my iTunes library music files. At present they are all on my time machine . I want to move them all to my imac. Can I do that and keep all my playlists and play counts?
its 1000s of songs . Originally I used the time machine as a networked drive but it can cause the songs to pause so I'm thinking it would be better to have the songs on the internal imac drive
how can I move the songs so I can re-open iTunes and the playlists (with plays in the 100s) find the song in the new place?
I'm trying to set it so that all finder folders have to view property 'Snap to grid' enabled... I've done it before, but can't remember how to on my new MBP.
Recently, Finder windows have not been keeping there default size. For example, I have to extend the Finder window size every time when opening the Finder.
I created a lot of folders in Finder. I have to change Icon size, grid spacing, arrange and some more settings in view options. 'Cause it will take me hours to adjust these settings folder per folder I tried to use the "Use as defaults" command in view options... Doesn't work. (Other folders has the same old settings)Â How do i get the new view in all folders with only adjusting it one time for all folders?Â
I want to change the default finder toolbar icons (back, forward, path and view icons, search, etc), does anyone know the path location for these? I want to make my own icons in photoshop and manually change them, the same way you'd do with the log on screen or icon I know about the customize toolbar option, but that doesn't allow you to change the icons, just to arrange them.
How can I change the default window size of the Finder window? When I expland the box, finish doing my business and close it and then reopen a new finder window (after restarting my computer for example the window goes back to the original size). Other windows like safari, mail etc...they all remember the size i left them as but I Finder can't seem to do it Is there a way to fix this problem?
Is it possible to adjust the default width of columns in Finder? As you can see from the attached screenshot, almost all of my file names are too long to fit in the column, and I have to continually resize the width of the column to show everything.
I've been searching Google for a solution to this - I like all my Finder windows to be the same size, no matter what folder it is. Keeps everything looking universal. Nothing annoys me more than having to keep resizing bloody windows, because the default size has horizontal and vertical scroll bars! I like my Finder window to accommodate 5 folders horizontally.
I've been looking into Terminal commands to see if there is anything in there that would allow me to change the default dimensions, but found nothing.
I was wondering how do I set my finder window to open up in the same place on my screen and the same size every time? I have gone through all the settings, but every time I close finder and open it up again, it is back to the same default that I want to change?
When I have a Finder window open, and I press cmd-j to bring up view options, I get a "Use As Defaults" button at the bottom for all views except column! How do I use Column view as my system default for all windows?
Over the years my finder windows have been set to different colors, font sizes and so on. When I make a change I select the make default box in the show view options, but they never default except for that one finder window. I have erased com.apple.finder.plist and just for fun the com.apple.sidebarlists.plist but can not get the finder to go to a true default. Is there another plist that I am missing?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I am not a blonde