OS X :: How To Undo Dual Boot Running XP
Oct 31, 2009I have a MSI wind u120. I was running windows XP and now have dual booted so I am also running OS X. I'm trying to figure out how to uninstall OS X. I'd like the HD space back.
View 1 RepliesI have a MSI wind u120. I was running windows XP and now have dual booted so I am also running OS X. I'm trying to figure out how to uninstall OS X. I'd like the HD space back.
View 1 RepliesI have two machines. A dual 1.8ghz G5 with 5gb ram. And a new 2.66ghz macbook pro with 4gb ram and 7200rpm drive. For everyday use, the Macbook is faster, but not by much and I prefer to just use the G5 because of the bigger screen. However, the G5 is mainly my media center (store all of my movies and TV shows on it). I really like HD and the Macbook will run 1080P without a problem, but the G5 will only run 720P, and only some at that. Some 720P videos it will skip with. It is a solid machine, (I know they are older, but it really is not bad, and is there anyway I can make it handle all 720P smoothly?
For storage, searching the web, and watching movies, this computer is still great. But more and more things are in HD now and it is a bummer having some of them skip a few times when watching.
I have a MacBook with the Mini-DVI to DVI adapter. I am wondering if it is possible to run dual external monitors.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an old iMac G3 in my room running Mac OS 10.3 Panther. Just recently, I hooked up a VGA CRT monitor in an attempt to run dual displays. However, it seems that all the machine or OS is capable of is running in mirrored mode.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am new here, and have searched, but just needed to get some input. I currently have a Macbook, but want to get a Mac mini for the desk. I would like to run 2 of the inexpensive 24" monitors independently. All I use is iWork, heavy Internet, light movies, and rarely games (would like to try Starcraft 2), but mostly work stuff. Nothing intense.
What would be the earliest Mac mini that could handle this?
I am running a PowerMac Dual 2.0 G5 with the latest updated version of Tiger. I have maxed out the RAM to 8GB and upgraded the original video card to support my 30" display. I use a helper applications called "Free RAM". This program basically calculates what RAM you have available.
I am a graphic designer and need to run Quark Xpress 7, InDesign, Photoshop & Illustrator (CS4 with latest updates) simultaneously. On top of these 4 I also run Mail, Safari, Acrobat Professional, Extensis Suitcase X and iBiz (time management). These programs are all running all the time.
After launch and all apps running, everything is great. I have 2.95 GB of RAM still free (Free RAM). As the day goes by, and I have opened and closed numerous files this amount of free RAM dwindles and eventually I am left with 96 mb of RAM just before the CPU says "Enough is enough!" and everything grinds to a halt. Now previously I was running CS2 and I never ran into this issue. The problem started when I upgraded to CS3. Now with CS4 I am seeing the issue almost daily.
Now comes the question... Is the issue simply outdated hardware? Or, do I have a software issue.I am afraid to purchase a new CPU in the attempts to remedy this problem. If, in fact it is only a software issue. I find it strange that after a restart I have almost 3GB of RAM available. And yet as the day goes by I run out of RAM. I understand that as I open files more RAM will be used to support the open file.However, after the file is closed the RAM should free-up and be available again.
I have a Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3 running 10.5.8, I understand that I can not upgrade to Lion, so what will happen to my Mobile me, which I can not live with out? Also will I be able to get Icloud to work?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Can I get ICloud to work
Not sure if there is anything newer firmware than 1.02 but I need ~something~ to drive my new minty Eizo 30" on my unibody MBP
View 11 Replies View Related[URL] Will this fit a PowerMac G5 1.6 ghz. I have a AGP port 8x. Do you think this is a good card if someone is running dual monitors with Motion and Final Cut
Mac OS X (10.3.8)
I am willing to either dual boot windows 7 and mac os x on a computer i just built with i7 processor or just install mac os x on that computer. I have download iatkos v1.0 and snow leopold. the computer can boot on either one. My problem is after I selected the language I was asked where I wanted to install the program,I was stuck there.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an iMac G3 and Mac OS X Cheetah. The machine came with Panther and OS9 (on the same partition). However I have an OSX 10.0 (for blast to the past needs) disc laying around here. I don't have the Panther disc so I don't want to delete anything Mac OS X-related. I know that I should probably delete Mac OS 9 to save HD space. But can I just install 10.0 on the same partition and select it from Startup Disk?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook with OS X 10.5.5 on it. I'm allowed to use my personal laptop at work, but they have said I must have dual-boot and only use the one partition while I'm at work, to access the programs I need to while at work. Everything must be completely separate (my personal stuff, and work stuff). Their software is both in mac and pc versions. Instead of using bootcamp and having a dual-boot option for Windows I'd like to instead have two OS X partitions to boot to, one for personal use, one for work. I tried using bootcamp and then loading my OS X DVD into the drive to create a second partition, and it won't work. It seems Bootcamp is made to work when only creating a second partition with Windows. Well, then I went to the mac store and spoke to a Genius and well they said it's something I need to make an appointment for and come in to do, because it's fairly complex.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIt is a great machine to work on and no problems at all with it. My question is:
1. Do you know when we can expect the new imac generation?
2. Can i run Vista and mac osx with a dual boot?
3. Can you also post what you like and dislike with the imac?
Instead all the fans go super nova and it sounds like it will fly off.
I have heard it before on other machnes, usually broken ones.
After a few forced shut downs it starts up fine.
Is it possible to dual boot a XP with OS X 10.5.8 without using Boot Camp? When I boot to the XP Disk at start up, my computer is able to start the XP setup, but I don't want to mess anything up. Is that the right thing to do? When/How/Where do i partition?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am happy with my MBP and I have an old laptop running XP . I want to know why one should dual boot . And waht methods can be adopted to dual boot Mac OS X snow leopard with windows 7 .
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm running 10.5.7 and Boot camp - is there any way to force my Mac to always ask which disk to start up without always having to hold the option key?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook Pro with a 2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo and 2GB RAM. I want to install Windows 7 to run some Windows apps that refuse to work under WINE.
I already have the disk, so should I dual-boot using Boot Camp, or use VMWare Fusion?
I have bootcamp with Snow Leopard and Windows 7 in my macbook (latest white one).
I mainly use Snow Leopard.
Both OS are working fine until I restart my mac in Snow Leopard yesterday.
After starting song appeared and it directly go to Windows 7.
I pressed Option (Alt) key and chose Snow Leopard but it still go into Windows.
I even changed boot option in Windows > Control Panel > Boot Camp Option to OSX but it doesn't work.
At the moment I have Windows 7 32 bit OS. I've always wanted either an iMac, or atleast the Mac OS. I've recently found out it's only £20.99, and i've always thought it was a lot more than that, which is a bargain! The only thing which is stopping me from buying it at the moment, is that certain programs which I use reguarlarly won't work on Mac, and I really need those programs. Is their anyway I could dual-boot it with Windows 7, so I give Windows 7 say only 8gb of my hard drive, and Mac the rest?
Setting up a dualboot with Windows 7 Shine V2 and Lion...
iPhone 3G, Mac OS X (10.7.3), DualBoot
So the other day I came home to find my powermac g5 frozen with the fans going crazy. After a hard reset the machine would no longer boot any further than the grey apple (kernel) stage. After pulling the video card the machine would boot up and I could log in using remote desktop from my laptop.
The machine ran that way for a couple of days until I got a new video card. When I put the new video card in the machine would not boot again.(The new card is exactly the same one as the old one)(ATI Radeon X800 XT mac edition).
After pulling the card the machine still wouldn't boot (exact same behavior as with the card) until I let it sit unplugged for 20 minutes or so. Also when it's not booting I can see that a little red light comes on on the logic board behind the cpu's.
Anyways I'm thinking it may be a power supply issue but if any experts wanna help me out with some advice I'd be very grateful.....
Well Today I tried using a pci video card from a g5 xserve and it exhibited the same behavior so now I know it's not the agp slot.
When it has the cards in it won't do anything except make the bong and the fans come on and then after a minute or so a red light comes on behind the processor and the fans start revving up super loud.
At first it would display up till the grey apple stage of the boot sequence and then hang.Now the display does not come on at all. When it is doing this the machine will not respond to any keystrokes etc.
When I pull the cards out all is normal and I can boot into target disk ,safe boot,whatever except I need to connect to it via remote desktop to see anything. Like this the machine is stable and will run normally. I also tried disconnecting the optical drive and hard drives and swapping the ram to see if that helped but it didn't. Of course I have reset Pram and the pmu also. Is the logic board toast? I can't run any hardware test or asd's with no video to see if there are any errors...
I have two Macs that run Snow Leopard. Lion looks to be quite different and offer great new features, particularly the app store. So, can a Mac become dual boot like a Linux can? I mean, may I co-install Lion side by side with Snow leopard rather than overwrite it? I have successfully done this operation on a Linux Ubuntu netbook with two different versions of Ubuntu, and a Windows 7/Ubuntu netbook. But I've never tried this on a Mac. Does a Mac OSX install allow options for how the user will install the new OS?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy HDD is split to 3 partitions at the moment:
-Mac OS X (primary, OS does not boot)
-Storage (formatted for Mac)
-Windows (NTFS)
Is it possible to reinstall Mac OS X without formatting storage nor Windows partitions?
Is it possible to put a C2D processor in the PowerMac G5? Or can the Dual-core PPC G5s run boot camp? I was going to make it a gaming computer, as I will only buy Mac =].
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to use dual 3870 Crossfire in Boot Camp Windows and not have OS X choke.Note I am NOT asking to have Crossfire work in OS X, I just want OS X to use one of the cards while both work when booted into Windows.
Does anybody know, on a Jan08 Mac Pro Xeon, if I install dual 3870 cards with the Crossfire jumper connected, will OS X ignore the jumper and work properly on a single card?
I already have workarounds for power connections.
I have Leopard installed on my main drive (MacPro). I was wondering if I could install Leopard again, but on another one of my internal drives for experimental purposes? Would I be able to choose which install to boot from? To clarify, I don't want to create another user account, I want to dual boot the same OS.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI recently got a new hard drive and I want to install Mac OS X 10.5 and Windows XP on it.
Is it possible to format one partition with the Mac GUID for OS X and the other partition as a Master Record for Windows XP?
Or does Mac OS X/Windows XP dual-booting has to be done through the bootcamp?
I have an old Powerbook G4 1.33GHz. Which is Mac OS9 Compatible. Is it possible to dual boot this system with OS9 and Leopard. I really want to upgrade from tiger but I don't want to lose classic support. If it is possible to do this could you tell me how or point me to a website that can show me.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook Pro 5,5 running snow leopard and I would really like to dual boot it with ubuntu 9.10 does anyone know the best way to do this or if ubuntu is compatible with the mac hardware?
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