OS X :: Handbrake Conversion - No Valid Source Found
Nov 11, 2010
Basically I am trying to convert a 2.2 GB .mov file that I shot and edited using Final Cut Prom to an MP-4 file using Handbrake. When I try to convert the file I get a message that reads. "No Valid Source Found". Why is this? I realize I can export as an MP-4 right out of Final Cut but the codecs in Final Cut aren't optimal enough to produce as high a quality video as it would be if I did a conversion using Handbrake.
I'm using a brand new MacBook to covert a DVD to m4v and it was running at a decent speed up until now. I just checked and it said it is converting 0.04 frames per second. Now, I don't know about you...but that's unbelievably slow. It occasionally goes up...to about 1 fps, but that's about it. I don't really wanna have to cancel it and start again as it has already taken around 2 hours to get to 80%.
I am very upset and am ready to buy a different computer for my personal use than my iMac 20". I am running OS X 10.5.6 and it's a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM and the 320 GB HD. My DVD/CD won't accept/load the CD/DVD at all and the real kicker of it is is that the machine JUST went off warranty. I think the CD/DVD is the Mitsubishi one. Any help would be GREAT.
I have been getting the error message:
There was an initialization error. A valid DVD drive could not be found [-70012].
I have tried to reset the parameters. I have tried to restart the computer and then wait for a few moments. I have tried to use the hold the mouse down and restart. I downloaded the Tray Eject applescript and don't know how to run that. I have NOT tried the shut off and unplug everything but will and see if that works.
My MacBook was working OK until I was asked to update the Superdrive Firmware Update 3.0 which I did. But after that the drive does not work - cannot play DVD and cannot eject. When I go into Applications and chose DVD Player, I got this error message "There was an intialization error. A valid DVD drive could not be found. -70012" What does this mean?
I tried these:
(1) Press the eject button (at top right hand corner of keyboard) (2) Rebooted and pressed eject button (3) Rebooted and pressed TrackPad (4) Connect a mouse and rebooted and pressed the left mouse key.
While me and my friends were trying to figure out possible causes of this issue on LED screens, someone came up with the brilliant idea that the problem could be caused by the sound speakers. His recently LED TV had the same problem. He found out that what was causing the yellowish tinge on his TV were the Sound Speakers. Volume speakers use magnets, so the magnetic field was screwing up the colors on his tv tending to yellow.
After having removed the Sound Speakers the yellow tinge disappeared in about 2/3 hours. I tried this on my led screen laptop with a magnet I had in the kitched, and guess what! It worked, color changed, not for yellow but it changed for sure. The Sound Speakers on new IMacs are near yellow tinge, that's why some people are getting it worse. I've reported to apple. Faulty design Quality Control. If you have his tell us if you're using internal or external speakers. This may lead us to more clues.
I have a BluRay rip in an MPG format.. Whenever I load it into Handbrake, Handbrake crashes. Is there any other application I can use to convert it to MP4?
has anyone tested out handbrake on their i7? I'm still waiting on my i7 but was curious just how fast a 2 hour DVD would take on handbrake for a mp4 appleTV format...
I have a valid Apple ID (as shown by the fact that I can log onto the Apple Support communities), but when I try to log into iTunes it says, "This Apple ID has not yet been used with the iTunes Store." I'm trying to log in so I can back up my iPhone with my iCloud (iCloud under my current, valid Apple ID). If I can successfully log into iTunes with this Apple ID, can I then successfully back up my iPhone with my iCloud?
I just got my first Mac and I am really happy with it. Just recently I started having a problem with my QuichTime Player. The player works perfectly with videos that I play from the laptop but when I try to play a video from [URL] the QuickTime player pops up with the message "URL not valid"! I have tried playing the videos from a different computer and that works without a problem.
I recently tried to login to my windows boot camp (Vista 32bit) and it won't recognize my password which I know is correct. I recently changed the login password on the Mac side. Could this be the cause of the problem?
I need to be able to use my VM Fusion side, but everytime I go on that side I get an error message saying, "Cannot find a valid peer process to connect to." This is only after I click report than I would get this message. A few seconds later I get Support Information Collected Box. It tells me, "support information has been saved to your desktop as vm-03-14-12.2011.tgz please include this file together with support request." Also, I have another VM Fusion opened that says the file specified is not a virtual disk.
Everytime I try to enter Gmail using Goggle Chrome, I get this message.Here it is the entire error message: The server's security certificate is not yet valid!You attempted to reach gmail.com, but the server presented a certificate that is not yet valid. No information is available to indicate whether that certificate can be trusted. Google Chrome cannot reliably guarantee that you are communicating with gmail.com and not an attacker. You should ensure that your clock and time zone are set correctly on your computer. If they are not, you should correct any issues and refresh this page.You cannot proceed because the website operator has requested heightened security for this domain.
I saw an imbox.mbox and sent messages.mbox on my old computer, emailed it to my new one, and tried to import it. However it said that they were not valid mbox files. So I went into target disk mode to look for other mail files, and couldn't find any.
Complete OS X freeze. Hard re-start, Went to re-open a pages document I was working on. It won't open: "not a valid Pages document". Thing is, I can view the document using QuickLook, no problem. Any way I can recover the text? (Tried TextEdit, Text Wrangler & BBedit, no joy). Why doesn't Pages keep backup / Autosave files?
I have downloaded Outlook to Mac Mail software to convert all my emails into .mbox format. However when I try to import them, Apple Mail detects my Sent Items and Outbox, but not my Inbox. When I try to import Inbox alone from a folder, it shows 'no valid mbox files', but my Entourage is able to import all my .mbox folders. On a side note, the .mbox files actually shows as a Microsoft Entourage folder with the Entourage file type icon there. Is this why Apple Mail cannot import it?
I was reading on a previous post that it was suggested a person with who was getting a "startup disk full" message like I am should use the disc utility to repair permissions. When I tried that I got this message: Error: No valid packages (-9997). What does that mean?
Also, I have an external drive and I use that to store pics and music and basically all my files. What more can I do to help with the full disc thing?
I have a Power Mac G4 AGP graphics 1.38 GB memory. Right now I have 204 GB available.
A few apps dont work since my 10.3.9 upgrade so I ran Disk Utiltiy to repair permissions and I get a No Valid Packages error. According to apple I should never move a file called BaseSystem.pkg (located in /Library/Receipts), which I didnt, but I think the 10.3.9 upgrade did... I checked out the path and the file is not there....
Anyway the 2 fixes are to 1) reinstall panther, which I cant do cuz of freelance deadlines or 2) to copy this file from another machine and put it in /library/Reciepts.
when trying to setup account, will not accept my mastercard, even though I have used it all over europe and the us, a us credit card with lithuanian billing address
I want to buy the new MBP Retina from Mac Mall in the US because of the exchange rate I save a lot now. Will the warranty be still valid if I take it to an Apple Store here in Italy when I'm still in warranty?
My macbook greeted me with the gray screen and folder with question mark this morning - I've tried everything listed on the Apple website for this issue, I've tried running the Disk Utility (although I'm getting an "error no valid packages" message) and I've tried running DiskWarrior. Disk Utility sees the harddrive - DiskWarrior does not.
The hard drive only "clicks" 3 times at bootup, but it stops immediately after. Can I conclude that the hard drive is not entirely defective that it's just a bad header, or boot sequence or whatever "fixable, I won't lose all my data" error? My other question is that if I can see the hard drive in Disk Utility, is it possible to create an image of it that I could say extract the data from on another Mac?
Recently I deleted my user account and created a new one to correct some issues I was having. After this I tried to import my old backedup emails from the dmg that was created from my erasure and Mail cannot see them. It tells me there are no valid mbox files. I've tried selecting every folder all the way out to the full Mail folder and no luck.
When I try to save a document I get the following error message no matter how simple the document name, even if it is one letter:
This is not a valid file name.
Try one or more of the following:
* Check the path to make sure it was typed correctly. * Select a file from the list of files and folders.
27-ince, Mid 2011 Processor 3.1 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 4 GB 1333 MHZ DDR3 Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB OS X 10.8.5(12F45) Microsoft Word for Mac 2011 Version 14.4.4 (140809)
I have some movie files and their extensions are dot avi or dot mp4 .
What Mac application would i use to convert those to dot mov ?
The application named MyLivingDesktop SceneImporter requires that the file be a dot mov file it does not "see" those files noted above. So therefore i'm stuck: can't import those files.
I've many songs in wma format that need to be converted before i can listen from itune. I did a search in this forum and found this recommendation.[URL]I called up Apple this morning and they recommended me a 3rd party which is Kigo Converter. I did a Goole search and turns out quite a few. Here is just one:[URL]I did further search and in fact there are plenty 3rd software for conversion.I'm quite confused. Can someone advise which is a proven one?
I'm trying to make an iTunes Store account with my mother's MasterCard. Everything in the setup process goes well until I hit the part when I must enter in my three-digit security code. I do so, then proceed. iTunes won't proceed because it appears I have not entered a valid security code. But the problem is, it is in fact valid: I've used it before for other things and it works fine. I've triple-checked; it's kinda hard to incorrectly type a three-digit number.