OS X :: HDD Icon Disappeared But Disk Still In Use?
Dec 8, 2008
I came back from a holiday and when I turned on my computer, my main HDD icon (same hdd that the system boots from) is no longer on my desktop nor in finder. I have to manually dig for it to be able to go through the files etc. Anyone knows why is that?
Also, the icon looks grayed a bit compared to others.
see picture for more details
Edit: the hdd in question is named Cindy just to clarify that
Let me preface that I'm new to the whole mac thing.
So I was trying to customize my dock and I downloaded CandyBar. After choosing a new Finder icon it asked me to log out to apply changes, when I logged back in my finder icon was gone. I went to CandyBar and clicked restore but it told me I never made any backup. I scrolled to where the original window to change the icon was (next to trash can etc) and the window to change it had also disappeared. Any advice on how to restore my Finder icon manually?
So I changed my menu bar to black and replaced the menu bar icons but now for some reason my airport menu bar icon does not show up anymore. I'm not sure if the aiport.menu was fully copied for it to work since when I tried copying the icons, all of them copied except the airport.menu because I got a message saying "Cannot copy because it is in use". So I deleted the file and copied the new one. So then I check on System Preferences > Network and check where it says "show airport status in menu bar" but it doesn't let me click on apply, it's greyed out. So when i exit System Preferences and go back, it's unchecked again.
Leopard had been working fine for me until this morning. Last night, when shutting down, I did software update and installed some update concerning Password Keychains. A few hours earlier, I installed some Software for my Harmony Remote and it said something like I did not have Administrative Access to the Apps folder.
Now, Spotlight has disappeared from my Desktop - see attachment.
I have tried all of the suggestions here: (Can't paste the link because now my Copy Paste isn't working). (OSX Daily Spotlight help page)
What's going on here?? No spotlight, no copy paste? (I have restarted, but it didnt change anything)
Edit: I also can't drag items from my desktop to my trashcan. I beginning to think these issues are about to snowball...
I tried to open my mac app store a few days ago but a question mark showed up on top of the icon, than the icon just disappeared and now I can't find it anywhere. How do I get it back?
Across the top of the OSX screen where you usually see the day/time, volume, bluetooth status etc, my airport icon has disappeared. I always go up there (naturally) to change networks depending on where I'm at and it has totally disappeared. This happened after I reset my airport configuration due to unknown errors. I haven't been able to find a way to bring it back though.
I just started using Skype and use a Plantronics USB headset/microphone. It works pretty well calling a phone but has a really annoying side tone when calling another computer.
My problem, though, is that since I started using the headset, just a few days ago, my built in microphone and speaker and the ability to plug in just a headset and listen have vanished. Also, the volume icon in the menu bar has disappeared. If I go to System preferences, there is only plantronics in the menu. I've tried restarting with no change. It used to work just fine...where might it have gone?
I forced rebooted my computer after my windows froze and after I turned it back on my mighty mouse didn't connect. So I went on into my Mac OSX and for some reason the icon in the System preference disappeared and I no longer saw the bluetooth icon. I went manually to applications and checked and there was only Bluetooth File Exchange. Picture included.
Messing around on new MacPro Work Station and discovered the icon in system preferences is missing; now can't adjust mouse and keyboard. Using os 10.5.6. Have fixed this once before on old g4 but am having a mental block {old age? } on how to now? I think you go into usr>preferences>trash the keyboard & mouse prefs and it will return to sys. prefs. I am at work now so can't try it.
And when I went to find the Lib plist file to delete it, I had no Library Folder in my user folder. This was repaired with Disk Utility. Aren't I supposed to have a Lib Folder in my User Fole
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a mytouch 4g cell phone with adapter cable, that use to be working just fine with my macbook pro. The cell phone icon would show up on my screen, and I could transfer pictures from there. Out of the blue, the icon for my phone is no longer showing up on the screen , therefore, I can no longer access pictures and tranfer them to my computer anymore.
Skype, Adium, IPhoto, Photobooth and preview have all just disappeared from my hard disk. I suspect someone might have been on my computer without me knowing but it seems unlikely they would've accidentally deleted all of that. Is there anyway I can get preview,iphoto,photobooth back without the apple cds? I'm afraid I don't have them anymore. Is there also any way I can check some sort of log to see what might have happened...
The situation I'm in is pretty akward and it's quite a long story but I'll try my best to explain everything.This afternoon I went to a friend's house to transfer some data to my external hard drive (MyBook Studio).Since my HD is formatted as HFS+ and my mate owns a Windows PC, I'd asked him to install MacDrive.
When we plugged in my HD, Windows just didn't detect it. We tried all sorts of things, including rebooting.. but nothing seemed to help. No matter what we did. The damn thing just didn't detect my hard drive. Not even with MacDrive.
I desperately wanted to transfer some data to my HD since I'd drove quite a while to get there. So after a bit of Google research we decided to create a partition. My HD has a capacity of 1 TB and only about half of it was being used.So we went on and created a NTFS partition of 400 GB. Now Windows could detect the partition we'd just made.
Everything went fine, we could now transfer some data to my HD.Nevertheless.. when I got home and connected my HD to my Macbook Pro, Finder could only see the partition which we formatted as NTFS. The other 600 GB, which we hadn't touched.. is nowhere to be found.
There's quite a lot of important data on there so I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me.
I just received my MBA back from having the hard disk replaced and the "eyeglasses" style bookmark icon has disappeared. It was my favorite. Has it been discontinued? It's not on the Safari/View/Custom Toolbar picture.
One quirk about the Finder is driving me bananas. I just recently bought a new Penryn Macbook Pro and its the first time I've had a triple digit hard drive (200 Gb). In the Finder view options in Leopard, I enabled the "Show item info" and the icon of the hard drive in the desktop displays the size of the hard drive and how much is free. Right now it says "185.99 GB, ...,27 GB free". (see jpeg)
The "..." is driving me up a wall. I can't stand that it won't display "127" and instead puts "...," in there. Is there any way to get the Finder to quit doing that?
I tried searching but I can't find anything here or elsewhere. Hoping you seasoned Mac users may know of something I can do about this.
I'm trying to clean up my desktop and am getting annoyed by the disk icon. It's the CD icon for The Sims 3. If I try to move it, it creates a copy, and if I try to trash it, it ejects the disk, and I play the game enough that I don't want to have to be getting it out and in and out and in all the time, especially where I currently have my computer set up.