OS X :: Full Screen/window Capture App For Safari (scrollable)?
Nov 4, 2009
I've been using a plugin for firefox (on my PC) called screengrab, but the plugin isn't available on FireFox for mac.
It's an awesome plugin - basically it allows you to take a screenshot of an entire window in firefox, no matter how long it is. So far it's the only plugin I've found that let's you do it within firefox. I know there's a utility for OSX that lets you input a URL and it gives you a full page screenshot, but the problem is a lot of the time I need a screenshot from a website I'm logged into (email, college transcript, forums, etc.) so the app is somewhat useless in that regard since it doesn't work if you need to login.
I seem to have the following problem. not sure exactly how it started as my wife was using the mac at the time (she says she just dragged the safari to different desktop via mission control) but now the situation is as follows:
When I hit safari icon it switches on (I can see the little light dot underneath the icon and after right click I can see names of windows that are opened) however I can only see the Safari menu at the top but no window. If I scroll to the right or left to different desktops it's not there, the same goes if I double tap to see the Mission Control mode it's not there...
I so far figured out that once the Safari menu is visible on top of the screen I can go to View>Enter Full Screen and then Safari will come back into the full screen mode but once I unclick the full screen button in right top corner the whole window just swoops into the right top corner and it's nowhere to be found again.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 27" Mid 2011, Ci5 3.0GHz, 12GB RAM
I recently switched from Windows, and while I love OSX overall, I miss the ability to make a window fill the screen. I don't want to do it all the time, but want to be able to do it when I'm focusing on a single program, or want to use as much screen real estate as possible.
Are there any plugins, programs, or Automator settings that would allow me to do this?
1. Is there any way to be able to maximize a window to fullscreen by dragging the bottom right corner, like say a browser window, but have the dock overlap it? Auto-hide on the dock is too slow. If I have the dock on auto-hide, stretch a browser to full screen, then unhide the dock.. the dock does what I want and overlaps the maximized window. However as soon as I open a new window, or minimize/maximize the browser window, or hit the zoom button, it resizes so that it does not overlap the dock. It's annoying to lose 3/4" of vertical space on the bottom just for the dock..
2. Is there a keyboard shortcut for to mute the audio? I know there's a dedicated fn button on the MBP but I have a logitech 8 button mouse and on my PC the logitech software gave me "mute" as an option for what a button could do. Unfortunately I'm unable to get the logitech software working on my Mac so I downloaded Steermouse which is great but doesn't give me volume control options for my mouse buttons unless there's some kind of keyboard shortcut that exists?
3. Is there really no keyboard shortcut for the undo command???? That seems kind of crazy. It's blank in every application I've check, yet there's a keyboard shortcut for redo.
4. Is there anyway to remap cmd-x/c/v to ctrl-x/c/v like on a pc? The command button is so close, this is definitely one function that is better on a PC.
5. Is there a way to change the default file manager from finder to something else? I downloaded Macintosh Explorer and really like it, but everytime I open a folder on my desktop it opens it in finder (which I strongly dislike).
i was trying to get a screen capture of an issue with itunes when previewing tv shows/movies..etc but it appears you can no longer take screen caps of iTunes movies/tv shows (well ones you didnt import yourself).... or is there a work around?
I came across some strange Grab behavior today while trying to capture a maximized window using the shortcut key for a window grab.
While having the window I wanted to grab active, I pressed Cmd + Shift + 4 to get the box selection grab, then pressed Space to get the Window capture tool. I clicked the active window and this is what came out:
As you can see, the right side of the window is missing..
Can someone reproduce this? Or is it just on my end?
On my MacBook (running Leopard) Safari 3.0.4 will not go fullscreen, instead it leaves a small gap between the bottom of Safari and the bottom of my screen.
I just purchased a Mac Mini and am using a DVI to HDMI cable to connect it to my 42" Sony KDF-E42A10. I am unable to achieve full-screen resolution and downloaded SwitchResX to manually adjust the display. Does anyone know the timing parameters for the Sony or how to achieve full-screen resoltuion?
I had downloaded a great add-on for Safari sometime ago that let you set the default to full screen view, among other things of course. It began with a G and I cant remember the name of it.
I finally bought an iMac 27" today. very excited! i have a problem that i am starting to think is the norm...how do you make itunes & safari full screen
Ever since I upgraded to flash player "square" I am unable to view flash videos through safari in full screen. When I press the button to initiate full screen my screen turns black and I need to press the esc key to get back to the desktop.
Safari extension to enable full screen browsing? I tried to look for one, but couldn't find anything. This seems like it would be the perfect application of Safari extensions.
When I open safari by clicking on a link in my dock (on the little spring with an @ sign on it), my safari automatically opens in full screen mode. Can I turn this off so that it opens in just normal "windowed" mode?
A few weeks ago my 16-month old daughter was banging on the keyboard of my iMac. Somehow, she managed to get a full-screen (no tool bar, no menu, no scroll bar, just a big full screen image) of the webpage I was looking at on Safari. Does anyone know the keystroke she must have hit to make this happen?
I just updated to Safari 5.1.5 this morning as well as OS 10.7.3 and when in full-screen mode, the bookmarks bar as well as the toolbar will not drop down. Once I escape then I can see them fine. I'm also having issues with dragging or dropping ANYTHING. A gost image of what I am trying to move shows, and will not go away unless I force quit Mail or Safari. Needless to say, what I ws attempting to drag and drop does not take effect.
Safari will not allow me to enter full screen mode. This is a new occurrence as it has always worked before. When I either click on the two arrows on the top right of the browser or go to View > Enter Full Screen the browser makes a sound and remains the same.
For the last year I have been searching for a way to play Netflix instant streaming content on my external Cinema Display connected to my iMac. Once a movie was playing full screen on the external display if you clicked on anything on the main display the movie would fall out of full screen and back to window mode. This is highly annoying and I really wanted a solution.
I ran across Plex some months back and they had a Netflix plugin which solved the problem, or so I thought. While Plex could play movies from Netflix full screen on the external display without falling out of full screen, it came with a host of compromises. The first compromise was that in Plex my instant queue never reflected what was actually in my queue. Recently I had 116 movies in my queue and Plex reported only 80 of those. Worse if one of the movies I wanted to watch was missing I would try to use Plex's Netflix search function and Plex would still not find the movie. Some titles simply could not be found through Plex, a problem the author acknowledges and says he is working on with no ETA. The other issue I have with Plex is that the fast forward and rewind functions that work so well in the Netflix browser based player do not work at all in Plex, making navigation in a movie painful within Plex.
So tonight I set out to look for an alternative to Plex, I came up empty handed. Then I had an idea, I searched my Mac for the Silverlight plugin and when I found it was greeted with a window stating that an update was available. This has happened several times before and each time I updated with the hope that Microsoft fixed the external monitor viewing problem, but it always remained. So this time I updated and proceeded to run my usual test which is to put a Firefox browser window on my external display, play a movie, and then click the full screen button. The movie went full screen which it always does, then I clicked in my other Firefox window open on my main display, as always the window on the external monitor fell out of full screen.
Dejected I went on to my second test which is to perform the exact same sequence I just described but using Safari instead of Firefox. Again it went full screen on the external display but this time something was different! The window where I clicked full screen froze and a new window opened behind it in full screen. Now I had two windows open on the external display, the smaller frozen one and a full screen one playing the movie behind it. I minimized the small window which left only the full screen one playing on the external display. Then I clicked on a window on my main display and the movie continued to play full screen on the external monitor! Thinking it was a fluke I closed Safari and tried it again, it worked perfectly!
This is awesome now I can play my Netflix movies on my external display in full screen without any issues and I have all of the features of the Netflix browser based player, in particular fast forward and rewind.
One last thing, prior to this working playback in a browser window was extremely choppy for me. Plex did not play choppy and it was another reason I was using it for playback. Now in full screen with the browser based player through Safari there is absolutely no choppiness.
Just for reference here is everything I am running:
OS X 10.6 Safari 4.0.3 Silverlight plugin 3.0.40723.0 (which interestingly is dated July 23)
Even though my system told me an update was available I am confused by the July 23 date of the plugin. Maybe it wasn't the plugin that solved this but rather my newly installed Snow Leopard in conjunction with Safari 4.0.3? Whatever the case I am thrilled to report that it finally works!
Apple has shown interest in a new graphical user interface element that would allow devices running either Mac OS X or iOS to consolidate toolbars and menus and cut down on screen clutter.The plans were revealed in a patent application filed last week in Europe, under the name "Scrollable Menus and Toolbars." The document describes a system that would allow users to select an area and then scroll through menu items, giving a greater selection than can be displayed on the screen at one timeThe application notes that toolbars and menus for typical commands, such as opening a file or saving a document, "can take up valuable real estate in the graphical user interface."
This is the image I get on my iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo OSX10.5.4. I have repaired permisions and removed all login items. Once I move the cursor or open up a window the screen clears behind the cursor or window etc... It freezes up at least once or twice a day...
I started up again and attached another screen, the image was normal on both screens. But alone the iMac still starts up with the pixelated screen.
This is the image I get on my iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core Duo OSX10.5.4. I have repaired permisions and removed all login items. Once I move the cursor or open up a window the screen clears behind the cursor or window etc...Any suggestions? It freezes up at least once or twice a day...
I was wondering if there was a way to take a screen shot/screen grab ect. movies on mac? Because I wanted to put it as my desktop and take a few and just have them alternating.
I am using a macbook with lepard installed. I am running boot camp to be able to work on programms such as C++ and I need to get a screen shoot for the class. I have tried all of the Mac things that should work such as apple **** 4 and nothing happens for me. I have no print screen key as I am on a Mac ideas to capture the screen in the Windows side?