OS X :: File Sharing Checkbox Refuses To Check?
Aug 7, 2010
I had set up file sharing between our two macs in our home (both 10.6) with no problems.But our iMac's disk blew out and was replaced, with 10.6 reinstalled.
Now I find that the iMac can see my MacBook Pro, but when I try to enable file sharing on the iMac, the checkbox for File Sharing refuses to take a check: it briefly displays a - sign then reverts to blank. I have triple-checked that the security settings are the same on the two machines, and that the file permissions for the listed files are okay (ie, the same on the two computers).I presume I am missing something on permissions, but I am at a total loss as to what.
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Mar 18, 2008
I have just purchased a new iMac with Leopard. I already own a MBP with Tiger and I am trying to shares files between the two. The MBP connects to iMac and shows files easy as...however I have enabled sharing on iMac when I choose Network it recognises the MBP but always says connecting and after a few minutes shows connection failed.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have two users defined on my macbook (one is New, and the other one, the Old one, is what I've always had).I was re-configuring File Sharing on the Old user.I turned files sahring off in the Old User, but when I log into the New, I can still acess to some folders that I have never set to be shared; only few folders have the red restricted access on it. The New User does have file sharing disabled, and non of its folder can be accessed; so, it's working Ok for this New User.Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 3, 2012
I keep getting this same error message regardless if I go through the check available downloads etc or just try to restart the download.
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Apr 29, 2012
I need to check if an other applescript put a file on the desktop.however the name varies depending on the weekday it was make. (in the original script I have:
keystroke (("week ") & (do shell script "date +%U") & (".webarchive"))Â )Â
I think the script to check if the file is there should be something like this:tell application "Finder" try open "File:Path:To:Desktop:NameXX" on error Run an other script end tryend tell however I am not sure how to deal with the variable name.Â
MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
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Aug 4, 2009
I had a folder (called "Other") with read and write access for Joseph (Me), everyone, (unknown), and Joseph (Me, again), but for some reason I couldn't write to the folder - I only had read access even though three forms of me had read and write. I tried changing the permissions of the parent folder to read and write (which they already were for everyone, but I added my account too for the hell of it) and then applying it to the enclosed items, but that just added "wheel" to the Repairing permissions did nothing, I ended up just setting my entire Macintosh HD to read and write for everyone and a few other people, then applying to enclosed items. That worked, but then for some reason it changed my external hard drive's permissions to "Custom" for Me, Me, unknown, and everyone. I can't access my external at all now, and nothing happens when I try to change its permissions. There was a little checkbox that said "Ignore permissions"
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Oct 6, 2008
For the life of me, I cannot share movies stored on my iMac with any other device except my Apple TV.
I currently have most of my movie library archived in iTunes (90+ movies) that I converted to .mp4 or .mv4 using Handbrake. All of the movies are available on my AppleTV. I have three networked PCs, one ethernet, two wireless. I have enabled file sharing to all computers. I have installed iTunes on the wired PC as well as one wireless PC. I can share my iTunes music (but no video) between the iMac and PCs.
All three PCs are Windows XP SP2 machines. I can navigate to the movie folder located on the Mac on any computer. I cannot open any movie file. I can open and access shared PDFs, spreadsheets, word documents, pretty much anything I have access to EXCEPT the movies.
I CAN copy the movie from the host Mac to any PC with no issues. Then, Quicktime will play the movie. But, no matter what I try, I cannot stream the movies to any other device, except the Apple TV. (There are no movies stored on the Apple TV. I have a Time Capsule managing a wireless network that streams movies with only a few seconds delay.) I could see there being a time lag streaming a movie to a laptop with 500mb RAM and a G wireless connection, but the wired PC is connected with ethernet. It WILL allow me to copy a 2Gb movie from the iMAC to the PC in less than three minutes.
I initially only had "Read" permissions on the folder in question, but I did try "Read and Write" access to see what happened. Nada.
I cannot find a definitive answer as to sharing movies with iTunes. But, even if iTunes will only share music libraries, I still think that I should be able to stream movies by accessing the file directly. The wired PC is in my daughter's room, and I would like her to be able to stream movies from the iMac. If I navigate directly to the folder in question, one of two things happen. If I try to open a .mp4, I get "Error 50: An unknown error occured" If I try a .mv4, iTunes will open, but nothing happens. I can view the movies playlist under my shared library, but nothing happens when I attempt to open one.
Eventually, I would like to softmod a used XBOX my sister gave me to stream movies on the iMac to another TV. I even tried XBMC on the wired PC to act as a media manager since iTunes would not pull movies off the network. It will find the movies, but it will stall (I did not let it keep trying after 15 minutes of "buffering" a movie.)
I know I'm not the only one trying to share a library. Even if iTunes will not let me do it, I should be able to set something up so others on my LAN can access these files.
iMac specs:
2.4 GHz Intel, 2G RAM
OS X 10.5.5
Wired PC specs:
1.99 GHz Intel, 384mB RAM
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Jan 11, 2009
I have my new macbook pro with 10.5.6 and I have my custom built PC running Vista 32-bit Ultimate Service Pack 2.
I want to share files between the two.
So I enabled SMP sharing on my mac and I enabled file sharing on my PC. It was working fine and I got my stuff transferred over. Then all of a sudden it stopped connecting.
Now when I try to connect from my mac it gives me the error:
"The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "smb://" could not be read or written. (Error code -36)
I can access my mac from my PC.
I have searched for hours and tried redoing everything and I cannot get it to work.
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Jun 12, 2010
OK i've been trying for months to share files between my 24" imac and my gateway laptop with windows 7. i got it to work a couple times for like a day then all of a sudden my PC doesn't recognize my Mac any more and it doesn't show up in the network. The mac has file sharing and SMB turned on. I've tried tons of different ways i've found online but nothing works so far.
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Aug 8, 2010
I have had to create a second admin account due to a photoshop problem. I am trying make my picture folder on the original admin account visible to the second new account, all i get is the folders with a red minus sign against them.
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Aug 15, 2010
I setup file sharing on my mac to access files over ftp or afp. However, after deleting these shares from my system preferences sharing panel, I can still access these shares if I connect.
Please note that I am accessing the share from the computer itself. ie afp://
I'm not sure if this has any significance.
System Preferences
Accessing Shares
Successfully Connecting
Does anybody know what's going on?
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Mar 20, 2010
I am using Numbers 09 and would like to use the checkbox option in one of my tables, but am wondering if you can incorporate that in to a SUMIF or SUMIFS equation
=SUMIF(A1:A50,checked,B1:B50) or
Meaning sum cells in B1:B50 if its related cell in columns A is checked, depending on which equation you are familiar with.By checked, I mean the checkbox option in inspector under the cells tab within the drop down option.
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Jun 14, 2012
Cannot access the icloud service checkbox menu to bring over my Mobile Me mail account
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Sep 10, 2014
In iTunes 11.4 (which just updated today) - the Sync Music checkbox is missing for my iOS devices. The devices are the latest released versions from Apple (just verified).Â
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2
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Sep 10, 2010
I am getting a new mac and I would like to use my old one, Mac Mini, as a "media server" always on and has a big hard drive. Can I file share if I simply plug an ethernet cord INTO my mac mini and then INTO my iBook?
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Nov 1, 2010
I have a USB drive with a 5.25" HD in it hooked up to my mini running SL. On the USB drive, I have a file shared in the File Sharing section of System Preferences. The only option I have enabled is "Share files and folders using SMB." The machine trying to access the files is Windoze 7. After I enable file sharing on the mini, the PC can see it. But if I go for a long time, lets say overnight, if I try to access the files when I turn the PC on, it can not see the folder on the USB drive. But if I go to the mini, turn File Sharing off and immediately turn it on, the PC can see the shared folder. At first I thought it was maybe the harddrive being idled down, but it is not as I tested that theory. So what can I do to make sure the PC can see the shared folder all the time without me having to go into System Preferences all the time to turn it off/on for this to work?
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Nov 4, 2010
I've been using my MacMini as a server to backup and sync several Macs on my local LAN but recently I found the need to access certain files outside my LAN. That said, I set my router to forward ports 548, 9, and 5900 (file sharing, WOL, and screen sharing, respectively) to my MacMini. This has actually worked rather well for me -- other than WOL. So in an attempt to diagnose the WOL issue I started probing my router's incoming logs (to see if I can successfully send a WOL magic packet from outside my network) and thats when I noticed a few random IPs probing port 5900. So my question is, what are some security measures that I can take in order to prevent someone form accessing my MacMini from the open ports? In theory couldn't a simple program attempt to repeatedly connect to a port and brute force a password? Excuse my naivety with networking, but I'm a little concerned. I did some searching but I couldn't find anything substantial on the forums.
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Jun 7, 2007
File sharing between Mac and XP using VMWare?
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Jan 5, 2009
Have a Blackbook and a Unibody Pro on the same network. With the unibody, I can see the place files in the Blackbook's Drop Box, but when I go to open the newly-placed file in the Blackbook's Drop Box, I get a error message saying the file "is used by Mac OS X and cannot be opened". If I try to drag the file from the Blackbook's Drop Box to the desktop, I get the error "Some of the items you are moving are in use by another application. Move the items can cause problems with the application using them..."
What am I doing wrong?
- File sharing enabled on both computers
- Firewalls disabled on both
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Mar 23, 2009
I am running os x 10.5.6 on a macbook and windows vista on another laptop. I can't connect to my printer wirelessly from the laptop (not compatible), so I want to be able to print files on my macbook from the other laptop (which is connected to the printer). I've been using this [URL] guide in order to help me make it work, and I've looked at alot of other guides that say the same thing. I have all my settings exactly like these, however when I try to look at the Mac's files from Vista, I can get into the home folder but then cant access any of the other folders (music, documents, etc.) It simply says access denied, does not ask for a password or anything.
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Apr 22, 2009
so i've set up my iMac to let the MacBook receive files over my network. however, the finder on my MacBook displays 2 computers found:
1. a PC with the same IP address as my iMac
2. my iMac
i'm using my iMac's AirPort to share the internet connection throughout my apartment (since i don't have a wireless router), but why does the PC show up?
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Aug 20, 2009
I've had a fairly unusual problem since about 10.5.4 (on 10.5.8 now). My iMac, when connected to any other Leopard Mac, shows up as two computers in finder under "shared". Have a look at the attached pic. It shows its normal name as it should, but then it has the BSOD Windows icon (which represents a shared PC) with the name "mac001b63a6fc3b". Why would it do this? Does anyone know how to get this away?
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Dec 3, 2009
I've figured out the way to share between two macs by enabling "file sharing" to "everyone" connected to the same network. Suppose there're three macs in the network, A,B,C. Is it possible, however, just to share files in A with B and leave C unaccessible to A and B? To put this in short, may I share files to a specific user on the network instead of everyone?
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Dec 12, 2009
I have a small home network. Three macs all running the latest version of Snow Leopard (as of right now 10.6.2). I have my Mini acting as a file server. We do remote backups via SuperDuper to an attached HDD on the mini. So it just runs and does nothing. On the mini I have the admin account and then two "sharing" accounts. Lets call the sharing accounts 'user1' and 'user2'. I have shared one folder with 'user1' and a different folder with 'user2'. That way each user has their very own folder to put whatever file they want in there without the other user accidentally deleting or messing around with their files.
Both user account computers can connect to the Mini with no problem. The problem is that both user accounts can see and write to each other's folders. I have the permissions via "File Sharing" in System Preferences --> Sharing --> File Sharing set so that only the user and admin have read/write privileges and Everyone has no access. I know something is wrong because I have this exact setup at work and users can only see their shared folder.
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Apr 25, 2010
I have a Mac Mini working as a local serverHTPC and a MBP that I do my daily computing on. I also have a D-Link NAS drive that is plugged into my wireless router. Currently, the Mac Mini has nothing really on it, all the media is stored on the NAS drive. The Mini just mounts the NAS volume and serves up the media that way.
However, I recently followed the steps here [URL] to set up remote access to the Mini. That works fantastically. However, I CANNOT figure out how to access the NAS drive through the Mini. The NAS drive does not have WAN access, so I cant get it directly when I am away from home. Rather, what I expected to do was to mount the Mini (which had the NAS already mounted to it) and then I would be able to access all of the Mini's files as well as the NAS's files through it.
Alas, that does not seem to be the case. Although when I remotely mount the Mini I can access its files, as well as any LOCALLY attached drives (think usb HDDs physically attached to the Mini), but I cannot get to the NAS (even though its already been mounted). Whenever I try to select the NAS drive on the "file sharing" options on the mini, it never lets me select it, its all greyed out.
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May 26, 2010
I have a Mac Mini and my brother has one also. We live in different cities. Both of us want to be able to connect to each ones computer to swap files back and forth. Is there a way to do this within the OSX or do we need some type of third party software? I know there is Logmein, but the free version doesn't allow file swapping... only the Pro version does. Could you use an FTP client like Filezilla?
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Jun 23, 2010
Got my first mac today, and I realised that I could hook my old comp up to my iMac to speed up the file transfer process. Being completely clueless about macs, I found and followed this tut: [URL:...] which seems to work. However when I try to access the computer it just takes ages then times out. Firewall is off on both the PC and the mac, antivirus is off on the PC.
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Apr 6, 2012
I have 2 macs hooked up on a verizon wireless network. Got a new mac mini with Lion when my "old"Â Imac Intel core dou with tiger stopped working. However I had it repaired and now have both sharing the same wireless network.Since old Mac was online previously it is set now as the administrator. Don't know if that is the problem but file sharing privileges a denied and Iv'e tried everything
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.3)
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May 31, 2012
Soon as I upgrade to the latest version of OS X Lion, my Win 7 Pro machine can't see my Mac to map a drive.It worked perfectly when the mac was on snow leopard.I read somewhere that Apple removed/shutdown smb in the Lion operating system and that is what's causing this issue.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 12, 2012
Neither file or web sharing options appear in OSX Server 10.5.8. Had a so called expert migrate our old G4 server up to a newer G5 with 10.5.8. The job has never been finished and we cannot connect our accounts and other PCs to the network.
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