OS X :: External HDD Crashed - How To Save The Information On It

Aug 9, 2009

I have important information on it. is their anyways to save the information on it?

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MacBook Pro :: IMovie 09 Crashed When Try To Save A Movie

Sep 7, 2014

I am running Mac OS 10.9.4 on my MacBook Pro. I am trying to share an iMovie on facebook and everytime I try to save my movie iMovie 09 crashes...everytime!

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Can Save Files From A Crashed 13-inch Mid 2012

Dec 3, 2014

I have booted the macbook pro using my desktop computer but I want to know if I can go in and transfer files over.  Currently I am on the OS X Utilities page and I can't get any further (I don't know what to do from here).  I have tried to repair the disk but it says that it can't repair the disk...am I out of luck for my unsaved files or is there anyway to get them?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)

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OS X :: Can Format The Drive Correctly - Cannot Save Information

Nov 27, 2009

What I did was I inserted the OSX disc, rebooted and waited for the mac osx setup to start from the disc. After selecting english as my main language I launced disk utility from the task bar.I choose to "'Erase" The entire drive which took a few seconds and I ended up with a supposedly blank 160GB drive called "Untitled" My question is was this done correctly? I reinstalled OSX on this "Untitled" drive and after a reboot the introduction movie started rolling.

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OS X :: External HDD Crashed-- No Utilities Working

Apr 12, 2010

I have tried:

Disk Utility
Disk Warrior
Drive Genius 2
TechTool Pro 5

When I tried to rebuild the hard drive on each one, they all gave me the result, "failed," basically, except TechTool Pro 5, which said it completed it with no problems, but obviously it had no idea what it was speaking of because the external hard drive still did not mount on the desktop. I chose basically every thing that each program offered me that might help the disk, but I think it's finally dead. I've had to rebuild it about 3 or 4 times now and it's only been a year or so...

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Hardware :: External Hard Drive Crashed

Dec 21, 2009

My 500GB external hard drive (Hitachi DeskStar) crashed! The blue light comes on, and I can hear the hard drive spinning, then sounds like it's stuck, or clicking ...

Same thing happens to the internal HD on my iBook G4. Sometimes the internal HD works, sometimes not.

I desparately need to find someway to attempt to either fix the external 500GB HD, or recover the files. The 500GB was my main HD, and I have so much very important data that I need to recover (no backups!).

I have years of research (lots of family history), thousands of pictures (many very old), my personal journals that I've been keeping for years, personal information, letters, documents, family videos, and all of my e-mail.

Somebody was telling me that there is special software that will recognize the HD, and allow you to recover the files.

What would you recommend? At the present I have no money to do anything, but will save up for the recovery software. My uncle is getting me a new hard drive, so I'll have that to back up the files when I have the recovery software ...

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IMac :: Backing Up External HDD - Crashed Three Times

Nov 12, 2010

I had a HDD fail. I backed up as much as I could save onto an older 500 gig drive, 365 gig in total. I then bought a bunch of 2 TB drives to make proper backups so I don't loose stuff in future. Anyway I have tried to copy the 365 gig from the older 500 gig drive over to the new 2TB drive. On my Mac pro it crashed three times after getting through about 50 gig. I have just tried connecting both drives to my imac and instead of copying all 365 gig in one go I tried one folder, it is 50 gig.

I have just come home and it says "copying 35.5 gig of 50 gig, about 30 minutes to go, it has crashed. It seems I can't easily back up my drives? They are both formatted as Mac Extended Journaled. I have googled and can't find any reference to this problem. I have checked to make sure my drives don;t go to sleep after 10 minutes and they don't. The files aren't corrupt btw. I have had issues in the past backing up mac drives for some strange reason.

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OS X :: Recovering Files From Crashed Macbook On External Drive?

Jun 2, 2009

My macbook refuses to boot and freezes with either the blue or grey screen of death. I took my computer to the Genius Bar and the guy said my drive was dead but said I could possibly recover some of my files with an external hard drive. How exactly would I go about doing this? I've searched through posts but haven't really found anything specific. Do I go through Disk Utility or do I need a third party program like Data Rescue? He said to just boot from an external drive and then browse my old hard drive (which does show up in Disk Utility) and move things over.

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ITunes :: External Drive Crashed Where Music Was Stored?

Feb 15, 2012

Had everything conolsodated on an external drive which crashed. I have it stored on another system so I can easily get a new drive and put it on there. My questions are: I have around 200gbs of music, the extensions or whatnot are on the iMac drive, but the bulk of the music itself was on the crashed drive. I'd like to clean up the huge selection of songs when I copy to the new drive. So say I copy half of it to the new drive...obviously all the extra extensions and whatnot will still be on the iTunes on iMac.

Is there an easy way around this, meaning to get all the extra/old itunes extensions out of iTunes without wiping iTunes completely? Or will I have to manually delete all unwanted extensions and so forth? Also, maybe 100 sings were purchased through the iTunes Store (the rest was from years of CD collecting), those were on the crashed drive as well. I think I can, but want to double check...am I able to redownloaded those directly from the iTunes store? All software and such are up to date running Snow Leopard.

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OS X :: Information/MM 5400 Or External FW800 7200?

Apr 4, 2009

I can't find any conclusive info on this, can anyone shed any light?

I basically thinking of using my external as my main drive instead of the bundled Mac Mini hard drive.

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Intel Mac :: How To Transfer PC Information From External Hard Drive

Apr 2, 2012

I had an external hard drive I used for my pc with things on there I wanted to move over to my IMac. When I try to use it, the IMac wants to wipe it clean. How do I transfer the information from the external hard drive to the IMac?


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MacBook Air :: Cannot Pass Information From Mac To My External Hard Drive

Apr 9, 2012

I have an external hard drive that I use to use with my old PC . On the external hard drive box it says its compatible with both windows and Max os x. I can pass files from my external hard drive to Mac but I cannot pass files from my MacBook Air to my external hard drive. No messages comes up or anything explain why it simply doesnt allow me to do so. What can I do?

MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: Remove Information On External Hard Drive?

Jun 3, 2012

How do i clean my trash on a external hard drive.  Ishuts down when i try to empty trash on the external hard drive.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Time Machine - Retrieve Information When Original External Drive Is Gone?

Sep 2, 2010

it does not back up only my internal drive, but also two external drives. However, I have noticed something. The one external drive I unplug sometimes to use somewhere else. When I do this and go into time machine, that drive no longer appears in the history.

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Applications :: Get Slow Information Processing Using An External For Itunes Library

Nov 27, 2009

I have my iTunes library on my 1TB external, and recently I have noticed that when I do stuff like changing the genre on songs that it takes a while to process. Anyone else having this problem? I have contacted WD and they said to try a new USB cable and then if that didn't work, to reformat it. So right now I am in the process of moving the 700gb to my imac so that i can try to reformat.

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MacBook :: Transfer Information From External Hard Drive To New Mac During Initial Setup?

Dec 10, 2014

How do i transfer information from my external hard drive to my new mac during initial setup?

Mac Book

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OS X Yosemite :: Use Time Machine To Transfer Some Of Information From External Hard Drive To Mac Mini

Dec 2, 2014

Computer: Mac Mini, 2009 or so, 160 GB HD (about 50 available), Yosemite.

Issue:  Set up a separate user and trying to import information from a Mac Book that is having issues.  Mac Book was backed up to an external HD via Time Machine

Question:  Is it possible to use time machine to transfer some of the information (photos, music, files) from the external hard drive to the Mac Mini?  Is it possible to extract the information from the hard drive by connecting it to the Mac Mini without using Time Machine?

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MacBook Pro :: Possible To Change Information To Information

Jun 24, 2012

I have my dad's old mac book pro and am wondering if it is possible to change the information to my information. For example when I emailed my wife an invitation on icalendar my dad got it as well on his email.

Mac Pro

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OS X :: Can't Save A File To My External Hard Drive

Nov 14, 2009

Try as I might, I cannot save a document, or anything to m y external hard drive that I plug into my MacBook Pro. Its my hard drvie, its NOT write protected, and I backed up all my PC files there so as to "Move to a mac" This mac will be useless if I cannot figure this out... what a pain.
It tells me that when I try to save it the hard drive is full or write protected, neither of which is true.... what could be the problem here?

I can't believe also there was no resident paint type program with the mac, and that you can't have tabs always open on Safari.

Also, I hate the way everything dissapears off my screen and I have to search through all the icons on the doc to find what I am looking for.... I really miss the start button with all my programs there for browsing... some things are definitly clunkier on the MAC..

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Software :: Cannot Save To External Firewire Hard

Sep 9, 2008

I am having trouble saving anything to my external firewire hard drive. This started a few weeks ago. I am able to retrieve use but not modify any file on the drive. I have tried changing permissions but no luck.

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MobileMe :: Save IDisk To An External Drive?

May 20, 2012

How can I save my iDisk to an external drive rather than to my MacBook Pro's hard drive?  Also how come iDisk and my Mac hard drive no longer show in the finder's list of drives (since I upgraded to OSX)?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5), also PowerBook G4

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Save Library To External Drive

Sep 7, 2014

I cannot find where my library is on the hard drive in order to save it to an external drive

iPod classic

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Hardware :: Save Desk Space Using MBP And External Display - Is This Possible

Sep 7, 2009

I need a large display to do architecture work (via AutoCAD running through Boot Camp) at school. I think my best bet is to get an external display (not the LED Cinema, that's too expensive), as well as the Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mighty Mouse. My questions is probably pretty dumb, but...

...once I connect all of the peripherals, do I need to keep my MBP open, or can I close the screen (keeping it on) and stick it on a shelf under my desk?

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OS X :: Cannot Save Final Cut Studio 2 On External Hard Drive

Feb 7, 2010

I installed final cut studio 2 to my macbook pro from my friend external hard drive and I have it all saved up in my memory.

Now i m upgrading my macbook pro and would like to save final cut studio to my wd external hard drive so i can install it in my new macbook pro but it will not allow me it tells me there is an unexpected error code 0.

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Hardware :: External Storage - Save Photos And Music?

Feb 24, 2010

I finally decided that I need something were to save my photos and music. All my DB of music and photos is consuming lots of my disk space at my imac (just 350GB) what should I buy? Any ideas on what brand and good external HDD?? would it be smart having a mini server instead?

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Software :: Save Photos To External Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2009

I would like to "copy" NOT "move" photos from the Mac to an external hard drive. How do I export it & still keep the photos in the Mac?

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MacBook Pro :: Save Photos To External Hard Drive?

Apr 12, 2012

I have just transferred photos from my camera to iphotos on my mac book pro and now I want to save the photos on my external hard drive

Info:Mac Pro

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QuickTime :: Save Folder To External Hard Drive?

Apr 15, 2012

i cannot save my folder to the external hard drive by simply dragging it. how can save a folder to a hard drive. my hard drive is 500 gig free space and folder is about 5 gig file.

Info:iPhone 4, Serial: 79037G2YA4S

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MacBook Pro :: Save Files From It To An External Hard Drive?

May 5, 2012

Ive always been a PC user until recently when i purchased a macbook pro. I have an external hard drive that i used to back up all my files including word documents & mp3's etc. I now want to use the same hard drive to back up files from my macbook but i dont want to make a copy of the entire drive (like with time line) i just want to save individual files. When i go to do this, a light grey circle appears with a 'cross out' and i am unnable to copy/save the file. In the past (with PC) all i have had to do is drop and drag to perform this function.

Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Save All Libraries Into External Hard Drive

Nov 30, 2014

I recently purchased an external hard drive to store my Final Cut Pro projects, and what I would like to happen is that I see projects stored on my computer when the drive is not plugged in I would like to see the projects stored on my computer. If this is not possible I would at least like to be able to see the project stored on my drive and edit them Final Cut Pro. I only see the projects on my computer in Final Cut Pro even when the hard drive is plugged in and it has projects on it. I basically want to store my Final Cut Pro projects and be able to edit them on my external drive. (final cut pro 10.1.3 latest build of Yosemite)

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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