OS X :: Does IMacs Come With Spotlight?
Mar 7, 2010Does the iMacs come with spotlight. I saw the mentioning of it and wanted to see if I have it... looks like I don't. I just bought my iMac last month.
View 4 RepliesDoes the iMacs come with spotlight. I saw the mentioning of it and wanted to see if I have it... looks like I don't. I just bought my iMac last month.
View 4 RepliesThis is a odd question, but are Intel macs louder than previous macs? I just recieved an Intel iMac as a replacement for my dead iMac G5 and both myself and my family has noticed a loud sound (Sounds like a needle playing on an old record player) which is coming from the iMac. My first iMac was very quiet, however when I start using the new iMac this odd sound keeps happening. Is this normal? I am just worried that this scratching sound might by evidence of something breaking down. Also the sound is a lot louder when under Windows XP.
PS: the sound is loud enough to be picked up on the internal microphone, however I don't know how to link the file to Macrumors.
I am aware of the heating up of the new iMacs and how they get quite hot. Mine however heats up to about 60?C (140?F) in about 10 mins with only safari running. Now i don't think this is normal even for them, is anyone having this problem, is it actually normal or do i have an especially hot iMac.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf the 21.5" and 27" iMacs use the same i5 processor, why is it that the 21.5" can only be upgraded to 8G of RAM while the 27" can be upgraded to 16G? And why can you get the 1MB video card on the bigger unit?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm having problems executing a successful screen grab on my iMac.Ive always used Shift+Cloverleaf+4 to select a portion of the screen and then get a snapshot, and that still seems to work because im hearing the photosnap sound.The problem occurs when i go to paste this captured selection, nothing happens. I cant paste it in photoshop, email, or anywhere for that matter.
View 4 Replies View Relatedsometimes it would be nice to just have all info/app's/media accesable from ALL apple platforms.Reading from my desk/imac would be nice too.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCustomers participating in Apple's official support discussions (one, two) have reported that the new iMac will technically continue to run when the freeze occurs, but that it becomes impossible to control or switch to programs without a hard reset.
"Whatever was going on at the time continues, so if you were listening to music it continues to play," one user wrote. "The mouse pointer moves but you cannot select anything. Tabbing through apps doesn't work."
Significantly, some can still control basic functions from the keyboard, such as pausing music or activating the Caps Lock key.
I would like to know if Macs are used in Product Design, Graphic Design and Architecture. If you are in any of these industries your comment will be very helpful.
Also I'm a high school student and is planning to buy a iMac or Macbook if they do use Macs in the industries I mentioned above, so sudjestions on which ones would run the programs used in those jobs would be great.
what is the difference between eMacs and iMacs lol,,other than their names,
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe Mid-2010 iMacs all have ATI GPUs so does that point to MBPs going to ATI rather than nvidia?
Since MBPs use Apple designed graphics switching rather than nvidia's Optimus, I wouldn't see why they couldn't do the same thing with ATI as they do with nvidia.
I looked through a few pages of threads and did not see this so here I go.Is there a problem with the new iMac and their airport card? I bought a new iMac 21.5" to replace my 20" early 2007 model and the internet stayed connected to my router for maybe the first few days but now it keeps disconnecting. It sometimes will reconnect once I turn the card off and then on again other time I need to restart the computer to get it to connect. There have even been a few times when a restart does nothing for the problem. This problem is not just a once in awhile thing. Just this morning, I worked on my computer for like 20 minutes and it disconnected itself about 5-6 times while just downloading some music in iTunes and surfing this forum.
Is this just me? or is this a wide spread problem? I want to know so I can take it to the Genius Bar if this is just me to have them fix it.
I have waited along time to upgrade my trusty imac g4. I know there is allot of negative remarks, about the new imac's. gfx card, glossy screen, and now there is some negative posts about the 20'' models using a low quality "tn" type lcd screen. which is lower quality than what was used in the last imac model line. Does any body know what was used in the last line of imac g4's late 2004. will this screen be comparable or worse than my g4?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust wanna know if the latest iMacs can receive wifi out of the box, sorry for noob question
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to upgrade the graphics memory on the new 27" iMACs? They give the option of 1 or 2 GB of memory but is that one of those soldered in components or can memory be added after the purchase?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I currently have about 8 iMacs in our lab on OS X 10.5.8 with all of their updates. When attempted to reach an SMB share on a Windows 2008 server by way of smb://10.x.x.x each mac starts to error. It reaches the server and asks for their login, but after the correct info is inputted the mac starts to act up. The apple menu disappears and so does every icon on the desktop. The finder navigator becomes inaccessible and you aren't really able to do anything until the computer is forced to shut down by holding down the power button. I turned on Activity Monitor and then tried to connect to a server and saw that the processes Finder and ReportCrash both appear and then disappear about every 15 seconds or less. Over and over again with no popup reporting the crash to the user.
View 2 Replies View RelatedApple has released a new beta of the Mac OS X 10.6.2 update with fixes for various performance issues dealing with AirPort, graphics drivers, and Apple TV, among others.
Those familiar with the build, titled 10C540 have said that it contains fixes for AirPort performance issues on the newly released iMacs and also resolves a problem which arose when plugging and unplugging a system to an Apple TV. A VMWare fix is also included, presumably for the newly released Fusion version 3.0.
The new build also fixes reported panic issues with USB, Apple Filing Protocol, and some video cards.
In the 10.6.2 update, Apple plans on fixing and tweaking nearly 150 OS X components.
Some components slated for fixes include: AppleBacklight, Battery Menu, Dictionary, Expose, FileSync, Family Controls, Fonts, Front Row, HFS, Inkwell, iPhoto, MobileMe, OpenCL, Parental Controls, QuickTime, Screen Sharing, Spell Checker, Spotlight, Time Machine, and USB.
Mac OS X 10.6.2 is expected to be released sometime in November and will reportedly be around 480 MB in size.[ View this article at AppleInsider.com ]
I have 3 Apple computers connected to my home network. I have a Macbook Air Running Mavericks, I new 27 inch iMac running Yosemite, and a 4 year old iMac running Yosemite.
The older iMac I use as a place to store my content. My music, movies, and pictures. When I purchase new music ( Yup, I still by CDs from time to time ) I rip them to the iMac than import the CD to my Macbook Air. So home sharing is on for both computers and both the laptop and the older iMac can see each others libraries.
I just purchased the new iMac recently and am finally getting around to getting my music moved onto it. So my intention was to turn on Home Sharing then import my music from the older iMac to the newer iMac. Here is where things get odd. I turned on the older iMac ( Home Sharing already turned on ). Then I went down stairs and turned on the new iMac and activated Home Sharing. Neither iMac was able to see each others library. So I turn on my Macbook Air and now the Macbook Air and the older iMac can see each others libraries but the new iMac can only see the Macbook Airs library and not the older iMacs library.
Apple Remote Desktop, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I found this article below when searching on iMac i7 info.We took delivery of the brand spankin' new 27" i7 iMac last week and connected it immediately to our Final Share SAN in about 5 minutes for video editing. Quick tests showed the SAN was connected and working fine.Then today I started really editing on it and I'm dropping frames every 10 to 30 seconds. Now it appears the ethernet controller that is in the new Mac cannot support the speeds necessary to edit video via the SAN. Our 2 year old iMacs can, but the brand spanking new, most powerful iMac cannot.I'm at a loss as to how Apple can improve every aspect of this machine, including the absolutely stunning 27" LED backlit display, but then cut back on something as simple as an Ethernet Controller that should be designed to work with today's equipment running high speed internet instead of stepping backwards to the speed of older model PowerMac machines.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm asking myself if it's possible to connect two 27" iMacs with the "Mini-Display-Port to Mini-Display-Port" Cable. I wonna use oneof the iMacs as the primary computer and on the second one just the display to extend my screen.
MacBook Pro 17"
Mac OS X (10.6.1)
What you say guys?
I know the same article is on main page
I've just ordered an i5 Mac Mini and while it's destined to be used as a media-centre/ streamer connected to my TV via HDMI, initially I want to hook it up to the display on my 2011 iMac. Can one of you clever bods point me in the direction of what cable I need, and also what do I need to do to the iMac to make it behave as just a monitor? Is it just a matter of plugging in the cables and off I go?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is old news maybe by couple of months BUT still. I've just experienced this on my Core i7... Fast CPU still hog by the dam MDS spotlight process due to Firefox "Profile" folder.
I am trying to figure out how to do something using Spotlight and am not having any luck. Can you give me a hand? I would like to search my hard disks for all files that end in a certain file type (example: .jpg), and show the total size of them. If I type in jpg in Spotlight, it shows all the files. At the bottom, I can see where it says "more than 10,000 found" However, if I want to look at the file size of a single file, I have to right click it, and select Get Info. If I select View, Show View Options, Size is grayed out to where I cannot select it. So I cant sort the files by the largest files. How can I do all of this in Spotlight? I saw a few apps (Houdahspot, PathFinder) that seem to fit the bill, but I would prefer to do this natively in OSX, or at least find a free app. I shudder to think of spending $30-$40 just to sort files.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIt's not finding anything, not even files on the desktop. It's not indexing the drive. It's doing sweet eff-all, it's doing squat. I've restarted. Twice. MBP 17" C2D, 10.4.9 Spotlight is crucial to me for searching emails and PDFs.
View 20 Replies View RelatedI installed 10.5.6 yesterday, and now Spotlight keeps freezing / crashing (just Spotlight, everything else is fine). I can't see if it's related to 10.5.6 or not (I'm not techie enough).
View 6 Replies View RelatedI tried to re index my spotlight index, and after doing so, it will not index any files unless I manually re open them.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have gone to the "Private" tab under Spotlight preferences and dragged in my hard drive. The green "plus" sign lights up, but once I let go nothing ever gets added to the list. I've tried it with everything and nothing gets added.
I've gone to Terminal and typed "sudo mdutil -E /" plus my password. It returns: "Error, no index found for volume."
I've tried "sudo open /.Spotlight-V100" and it says the folder cannot be opened because I do not have sufficient access privileges. Does anyone know where to find this folder on my hard drive so I can get to it manually? I am hoping it might ask for my password once I'm there. As the administrator, does anyone know how to make the OS know that I do have sufficient privileges?
The things I have not done are use disk repair because I do not have a boot disk. I have not reinstalled because the OS came on my computer and I have no disks. I would think re-installing would do the trick, but there has to be something else going on that can be tweeked, wouldn't you think?
I installed SL 10a432. Transferred a lot of files to the share/dropbox. In swedish this is called:
~/Delad/Brevl�demapp/ which in English would translate to "~/Shared/Mailbox folder/" or something similar, it not related to emails, just the literal translation....
what should I write in spotlight to reach this folder? i have tried loads of combination but I cannot find this folder in spotlight but I can find the items in it...
if I write "dela" as in "Delad" it suggest "delat" like it would suggest share insted of shared when it in fact was called shared....
I have my spotlight set so only applications come up... but when I search for any program all these .jar files come up as applications. They are not applications and filed in the wrong folder. How do I make it so they do not show up? I've tried hiding my entire harddrive except for the App folder to show up but that means not being able to search anything.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNot sure whats changed, but now when I plug in my external drives. Spotlight (mds) spins for a good while then eventually hangs. I can't figure out what the problem is.
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