OS X :: Disable Spotlight On Certain Removable Drive
Nov 1, 2010
I notice every time I plug in a removable USB hard drive, spotlight will start to index files within the drive and result in my drive to take time to be recognized and become usable. Is there any option within the snowleopard that would allow me to disable certain removable drive?
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Dec 20, 2010
i recently read that disabling Spot will make a minor boost to game performance. my question is: how do i disable it?
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Feb 8, 2010
So in Windows, if you were to disable Windows Indexing for search (but leave search on), you'll still be able to search for files, just at a extremely slower rate because theres no index available. Having an SSD, this is faster and I like that feature but in OSX, I can't figure out if there's anything to disable indexing but still have spotlight be able to find/search for files.
It's not being done out of paranoia or such, but for some reason, MDS always goes off whenever the system is started, any minor file is changed and such, it's actually being a huge drain on system resources. The MDS runs for about 10 minutes each time, taking up 30-70% cpu usually and i really want to disable it but still have spotlight searching available.
Can this be done? or is something that only windows' would have?
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Feb 14, 2012
I cannot disable spotlight - it is endlessly indexing. I have dropped the main drive into Provacy under Spotlight. I have dropped my other 3 drives there as well. I have taken them out and reurned them many times - no change. I repaired disk permissions many times - no change. I downloaded and installed the 10.6.8 Combo update - no change. It keeps indexing and says: Indexing _____________'s Mac Pro. And the estimated time is not there - just that barber pole. And I believe it is affecting my applications - I am having major problems with Avid's Pro Tools 9.0.6. Is there anything else that I can try? I do own Spotless but I stopped using it over a year ago - it didn't seem to do anything more than what I could do using the Privacy option. It it possible that Spotless might be able to do something that I cannot?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 16 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
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Dec 17, 2010
I use an external, removable hard drive both as my Time Machine and for "extra storage." I would like to back up my external removable hard drive using an online storage company like Mozy or Carbonite, but am not having much luck in finding one who will backup this type of drive. Does anyone use a backup service for something like this?
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Apr 4, 2010
On Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 (Intel) and on a FileVault protected user my home directory is appearing as a removabile drive on my desktop and everywhere else. I had to reconfigure iTunes, Firefox and Camino both fail to start and not to mention other applications not being able to find my/their stuff. This started happening after I updated via the Software Update app a day or two ago.
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May 17, 2012
I have moved my itunes library to a removable hard drive. Every time I try to trash my old itunes file and access the removable HD, I cant find it from iTunes. the only thing I can get it to do is to reload (duplicate) the entire 30gb library on the HD I want it off of. Now I have 2 duplicate versions of my library, but still can't get it to keep the files on the HD.
itunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 8, 2009
Anyone know if the hard drive is as easy to change as the previous unibody?
I believe they remove the doors for access to the area, but I haven't seen shots of the back of the 13" MBP yet.
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May 9, 2012
Is it possible to install windows 7 on my macbook from a removable hard drive using boot camp? How would I do this?
MacBook, iOS 5.1
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Aug 30, 2014
I am trying to save an excel file from Mac Prro to an external Hard Drive (admittidly a reasonably old hard drive), but recevie the message 'You do not have permission to save files to Removable Drive : Folder Name: Document. How to resolve this?
MacBook Pro, iOS 2.x
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Jun 25, 2014
I have a new USB 2/3 portable external drive, the kind without a spinning disk. I have been using Super Duper! to make a bootable backup, but it has been taking forever (3+ days) to copy my 435 GB of data.
When writing back, someone at Super Duper support asked if I had added my drive to Spotlight Privacy. I looked this up in the Apple knowledge base, but no definition turned up.
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Oct 29, 2007
Spotlight doesn't seem to be searching my library folder. I want it to though, is there any way to make it search the entire drive? Does it do this for other people, is my install bad I have had not problems except this.
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Mar 27, 2008
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3). Ok, so lately it seems that spotlight is missing things, iCal events, address book entries, etc. So I'd like to force it to just reindex my internal hard drive, how can I accomplish this?
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Jan 12, 2009
I noticed the other day that mds was taking up all my cpu power, and spotlight was trying to index my drive, with 876489 hours remaining. Did a bit of googling and found and got a terminal command to reset the whole of spotlight, left it over night next morning it was stuck at 90%. I then tried the application spotless to reset spotlight...left it over night now stuck on 89% with 157859 hours remaining. IMac G5 2.1Gz, 350GB of a 500GB drive used.
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May 8, 2008
When and how often does Spotlight index a drive? After 1-1/2 months of owning my MBA, Spotlight is indexing my drive today. I don't know if it is doing it for the first time. But it is the first time I noticed it, as it is slowing down everything, and is taking forever (~ 1-2 min for every 1%).
I would have thought my drive would be all indexed by now -- 90+ days of owning it.
I wonder if it has anything to do with what I am doing on my computer today, that may have trigger this. I copied 3 dvd movie files over and was ripping them with Handbrake today to get ready for a trip next week. I also connected an external drive to have it re-formated. However, after all the ripping was done, and external drive removed. It is still indexing at the moment (2 more hours to go according to the progress bar).
I am tempted to restart the computer, and stop the indexing. But then I shouldn't, if it's a part of the normal routine.
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Jun 23, 2009
right, i have a HFS formatted 500gb external drive which i use everyday, but today spotlight just keeps indexing it, it has a lot of media on it which i access daily so spotlight is needed to search it.
i mean its been indexing for a good 2 hours.
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Nov 22, 2008
I have an iomega network drive on which I store my itunes library. However spotlight does not find any files on this drive.
I have tried mdutil -i on /Volumes/Network drive and mdutil -E
It says it has turned on indexing, but it still will not find any files. Does anyone know how to make spotlight index this network drive, or recommend an app that will allow me to search network drives
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Jan 29, 2010
I would simply like to use cmd+spacebar to be able to search files that are located on my Time Capsule.
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Feb 20, 2008
I've just installed 10.5 and the .2 update in the past couple of days. Everything was working okay and then it appeared that Spotlight started to hang on something. Once it started hanging, weird things started to happen with my drives. As a professional photographer, my drives are my life and when weird things start to happen, I get a little freaked out.Yesterday, a message popped up saying something like the volume was corrupt and I should backup and reformat. Last night, everything pretty much stopped working. Any access to that volume caused the machine to completely lock up. Spotlight was saying, and still is, that there are a little over 2 million hours left to index.
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Apr 2, 2009
I upgraded my harddrive this weekend. Here is how I did it:
1.) replaced the hard drive in my laptop
2.) Loaded Leopard onto the new hard drive
3.) Connected my old drive in an enclosure as an external drive
4.) Used the migration assistant to migrate my profile and files from the old drive.
Everything is good, but spotlight doesn't work well. It misses tons of stuff that IS there. I think the drive needs to be re-indexed?
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May 17, 2012
It's actually one of five partions on the external drive, and the only one with a problem. Two of the other four are nicely on the Privacy List, and the other two are both indexed and kept nicely up to date. But the Fifth cannot be indexed, although it once was partially. I have run Spotless, which lists all other drives just as I expect but for this one it reports: "The Metadata Server is reporting that content indexing is DISABLED for the volume Fifth but the volume itself is reporting that the content indexing status is set to ENABLED." It is possible to find an 8Kb index on the volume, then Trash and delete it; Spotlight immediately re-creates another index-in-waiting but does not actually do the indexing or add anything in the folder. An added frustration is that the 'folder' is both invisible, locked and seems to be without 'ownership' or other conventional attributes.
1) I have done the primitive Add to Privacy and Remove Dance nothing has changed.
2) I have used Terminal, deleted all .Spotlight-V100 indexes, disabled Spotlight rebooted, renabled it and rebooted—nothing has changed. This included carefully following steps in other posters' accounts (some failed, some succeeded) and a site that gave a particularly thorough version.
3) I have used Spotless although it offers to do such things as Delete the empty index and re-start Indxing, it then reports it couldn't due to an unexpected error.
4) Some folks have pointed to another faulty invisible file variously naming it '.metadate_never_index' and '.metadataneverindex', to be found in '.hostconfig' or eleswhere at the root and destroyed, but I never didscovered anything like it. I did perhaps succeed in adding the line: SPOTLIGHT=-YES- to that file, based on another bit of advice, but it seems to have had no effect.
The terrible irony is that I use FindAnyFile and good ol' FileBuddy for all my searching. All I want is to 'Show Item Info' in Finder's View Options. Wouldn't you know that needs the Spotlight 'app'.Assuming the Spotless message is accurate, I need to convince the MetadataServer that indexing for that partition is enabled. How do I do that
McBk w/10.6.8, QkSlvrG4 w/10.3,10.4
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Dec 3, 2014
I have recently upgraded to Yosemite but when I use Spotlight to search for a file spotlight does not search or include any files on my external hard drive. I have had one community member suggest to explicitly check the Spotlight index via command line. I tried to follow his instructions but my limited skills produced a zero. Unfortunately, he hasn't replied back for further instruction.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 15, 2008
One of my important external hard drives recently died and I was wondering of there was a way to see a list of files that were on the drive before it crashed, maybe the spotlight index?
Before sending the drive in for recovery (and not attempting to change the logic board myself) I would like to see if there is any private data on the drive that I wouldn't want to fall into the wrong hands.
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Oct 13, 2009
A while back I switched a external drive from being plugged directly into the USB port of my mac to being plugged into the USB port of a Time Capsule, now accessed via wireless network. When the disk was plugged directly to computer Spotlight would find files with the search string contained within the body of the document. Now it doesn't do this (it will only find file names). Is this standard behavior of disks connected to a Time Capsule or am I missing something?
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Aug 1, 2009
I want to disable t-mobile's connection application from popping up everytime i plug in the 3g modem device. i'm connecting through mac os'x native interface so i don't need the heavy connection application from t-mobile.
the 3g modem device presents itself also as a storage device so, a dmg present in the usb file system is fired as the usb device is plugged.
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May 1, 2012
My superdrive has given up, with a CD inside it. Took it to apple store who confirmed was broken, but the cost to repair was high, and was advised to purchase a cheap external drive. My problem is that the mac keeps trying to read the CD every so often, and the noise as it "whirrs" is really annoying.
how to simply disable the superdrive - I have got the music into iTunes anyway, so don't need the drive?
imac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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May 14, 2012
I want to list the files (Canon images, file names of the form img_xxxx) stored on an external drive (named WINBACK), a partition on a USB HDD. What I did:
1. Clicked on drive WINBACK in Finder.
2. Typed img in spotlight search box - Finder window changed to the full spotlight window. Window shows <Search: 'This Mac' "WINBACK">
3. Changed 'Contents' to 'File Name' so top line of display showed < Search: 'This Mac' "WINBACK" | 'File Name' >.
4. Clicked + to give a search line.
5. On search line changed 'Kind' to 'Name', changed 'matches' to 'begins with' from the drop down lists and then typed 'img_' into the search box.
6. Clicked + to give another search line.
7. Changed 'Kind' to 'File extension', and typed 'jpg' into the search box.
8. This gave a list of files img_xxxx.jpg (obviously 0 < xxxx < 10,000).
As there appeared to be some duplicates I checked the paths of the files. Some were from "WINBACK" but most were from various locations on the internal drive.
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Feb 14, 2010
When the unibody Macbook Pros came out, I remember hearing people make a big deal about the non user-serviceable battery, or whatever. But I was using an early 2009 15" model, and I noticed that the battery was quite easy to remove- just push a button on the bottom, pop out a panel, and there it is- not screwed in or anything.
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Aug 17, 2007
i turn on my powerbook, after about 10 minutes a loud vibration along with noise comes from what i am sure is the dvd drive, and crashes my finder (computer). there is no disk in the drive and I have tried using it with a disk in the drive, but the same thing happens.my warranty is well over, i just need it to work and don't need the dvd drive.so, my question:is it possible to disable or remove the drive from the computer and it still function?
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Apr 21, 2009
Would like to disable my external drive from automounting every time a user logs in. Added an /etc/fstab, but still automounts on login. I would like this drive to mount only when I choose to mount it.
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