Trash has emptied 7 items in the last 20 minutes, and has 692 items to go. now, I know what you're thinking: "this guy sure has a lot of crap on his system" ... but I don't. I just did a complete erase and reinstall 2 weekends ago, and have not gone through nearly that many items. I'll leave it overnight but this just seems to be taking forever.
When deleting using Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 , I have to enter my password and the file does not pass throughout the Trash. I want to use the Trash as a buffer. How do I fill the Trash can when deleting? Up until recently, deleted files went into the Trash.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Admin User
The question might be stupid but is there any way to deleted some selected items from Trash? As I see, either I can delete everything from Trash or none.
I have a folder over 1 GB (in my HDD), with Windows Executable files; along with .dmg's, a video, and a few text files.For some reason, the files just do not want to erase themselves. I've tried a Secure Empty of the trash can; I've tried entering a sudo comain in Terminal, but it won't let me enter my password; I've tried dragging into Shredder, on MacKeeper, but it takes forever to in there, so I end up giving up.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 13-inch 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Anyone have a clue why my MBP is doing this? somehow I my trashcan acquired a file that said backup.something which looked like a full backup of my harddrive, but I already have it backed up in time machine on my backup drive. It's been deleting from 300,000 down to 80,000 for about 13 hours. I tried to take the folder out but it just started copying everything to the desktop which was gonna take the same amount of time. Should I let it keep deleting?
my files have started skipping the trash bin and directly deleting themselves when I drag one to the trash. Whether I hit delete, drag into an open trash window, or just drag to the trash icon, the file doesn't go into the trash, but rather deletes right away, with the standard "Are you sure you want to delete 'x'?" As if I was emptying the trash bin.
I have been clearing up my itunes music and have sometimes not clicked on the move files to trash to completely delete them. They are now removed form the itunes library but how do I find all the files no longer in itunes, but still held in the itunes directory? Also, I read that there could also be many duplicates, is there a way I can find them as well? I dont want to have to buy a third party program.
Now when I drag things to the trash a message comes up telling me if I want to delete the file(s), they will be permanently delete. I don't no what happened but I used to be able to drag the file into the trash and empty the trash whenever I wanted.
I just opened my Trash bin, and there were maybe 12-15 items in ithere. But when I use Secure Delete, the pop-up box says there are 931 items, and it then proceeds to delete them---I guess.I only saw the 12-15 files, and that's it.
I have a MacBook Pro and downloaded ROES software from Nations Photo Lab to create a wedding album and now I no longer want the software on my computer. It will not let me drop it in the trash bin. I did a command I to make sure the program was unlocked, still no luck. How do I go about removing this program from my computer.
Running 10.6.4 on a 27" iMac 3.06 GHz C2D. I was irritated by sometimes not being able to empty items from my trash(message that file was in use when it wasn't). I found on a command for terminal(cd ~/.Trash && sudo rm -rf ) followed by directory/filename which allowed these pesky files to be deleted which worked great. I was showing my manager the trick I'd found and while doing so, it stopped deleting the files.
Now when I put items in the trash I get a message 'Are you sure you want to delete "xxxx.yyy"? This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action" instead of putting it in the trash. The files I was trying to delete when I was doing my doomed demo will not delete even after a restart. I did a fix permissions on my drive with Disk Utility which was no help in this regard.
I would like to be able to store deleted emails indefinitely until I empty the trash mailbox. Even though I check "never" in the mailbox behavior, it only keeps the messages for 30 days.
I downloaded a windows based file, (2GB) and my Trash Folder will not delete. It keeps hanging up when I try to delete. What cleaner can I get to completely delete?
I have a flash drive that I use a good bit, but recently it's started doing this thing where it won't eject. Even force ejects hang and I literally have to restart the computer to get the message to go away.
It also has issues deleting files. Perfect example, I just plugged it in, dragged one file to the trash, didn't do anything else, and when I try to empty the trash it says that file is in use when it definitely is not. Then, giving up on that I try to eject the drive and it won't.
I'd say it won't eject about 3/4 of the time. Other drives are fine, so it's not something I'm doing, and it does it on every computer I try, so it's not just my computer in particular.Any ideas what might be causing this?
When right-clicking on a file or folder I should get the contextual menu option to 'Move to Trash'. Instead, the item is deleted immediately. Where is the setting that could have changed this?
For some reason, now when I delete or try to drag files/folders to trash, I get warning message 'This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.' And the files do NOT go into trash. Same if I CMD delete. I noticed this when I emptied the Aperture trash, got a warning something about permissions and cannot empty some files. They disappeared from Aperture, but the referenced master files were still in the original folder on my HD.(So I relocated the masters I was keeping, then deleted the remaining, they did not go into the trash but were permanently deleted). I don't recall changing any settings!I checked in Finder > Preferences > Advanced > 'Empty trash securely' is NOT selected.
can someone help as my girlfriend and me are both new to Mac's She was trying to clean up her photo folders after copying some over from her old PC, and in doing so deleted ALL her photo�s to the trash and then emptied the trash! iphoto would not load because it said there was no library. after downloading some software we could scan the HD and extract all the jpeg files to an external HD, then we could copy them back into the iphoto library! The problem is that most of the time when she is using iphoto and starts editing a photo it will run VERY slow. I am wandering if i can put the iLife 09 DVD in her iMac and reinstall it??? And will that do anything like deleting existing photo�s / music? Like i said we are both new to Mac�s and i still haven�t got my head round the file system from my old PC
Recently i tried deleting an unused folder i made accidentally and i realized it did go into the trash and sit, but rather just asked me if i wanted to delete it immediately. It used to just go into the trash until i emptied it. Whats going on with the trash and how do i fix it?
My iMac has been running very very slowly for about 2 weeks. I am talking very very slowly. It seems to be processing time. I will be in word, move the cursor and it will take a few seconds to get there. Sometimes I have to wait a minute after I click on something for the cursor to catch up, and (hate to say it) even 2 minutes. That's like a millennium in Mac time.
I have two folders in my trash which I cannot empty. No matter how many times I try these folders will not go away. I have open the "info" link and marked them read and write without success.
How do you delete individual items from Trash without emptying entire Trash? If I highlight one item in Trash, the only option is the Empty button. I'm afraid it will empty the whole thing. I don't want to do that.
My 24" iMac (2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, running OSX 10.6.1) crashed during a normal shutdown sequence and had to be closed down by holding in the power button. This resulted in three zero kB alias files with random names such as "." in the trash.
I cannot empty these files from the trash by any normal means and the trash icon permanently shows full. The files can be selected but cannot be dragged to the desktop or renamed. Other files put in the trash can be deleted normally.