OS X :: Changing My Macs Theme?
Oct 2, 2010
I was wondering if its possible, and if so, how to change the theme of my mac? The default metallic that the Mac comes with is pretty boring to me, and I was wondering how I would go about changing my theme to a custom made one.
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Mar 11, 2009
I am looking to see if there is a program(s) out there to change OS X desktop theme. Mainly how the tool bar looks/acts.
I want my kids to start using my G4 and they have no concept of where to look for the apps folder or how it works. They are used to Window and Ubuntu.
I like how Ubuntu has programs ot change how the tool bar acts. I was hoping to change the mac a little.
Also off the base of this thread, coming from a Windows and Linux past, is it an issue if my kids just click the red X instead of using the File/quit method to close programs? I see the menu bar still exists when they just hit the X..
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Dec 29, 2008
does anyone know if there is a application like shapeshifter that changed the appearance of the top menubar?
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May 6, 2012
In powerpoint mac 2008, how do i apply a theme to a single slide without it changing other slides' themes in the powerpoint?
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Jan 8, 2011
I was browsing for a way to theme the OSX stock skin--i've been used to doing it on my windows computers with windowsblinds, but upon searching, the only thing that was able to theme OSX Leopard is now obsolete (Magnifique)
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Aug 10, 2008
I have an iMac which runs 10.5, and I was wondering, I love the look of vista, so is there a way to customize the looks of the computer to do this (Install a Vista theme, if you will)?
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Nov 16, 2008
maybe I'm just stupid, but I have tried to download a theme from InterfaceLIFT but I can't open it. While it is downloading it has a zip icon next to it, but when it's done and I try to open it, it comes up as a word document that has nothing but code on it. Do I need to click, drag and drop it somewhere or something? Should I be opening it with a certain application?
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Apr 12, 2009
I have seen many screenshots (like the one below) of modified menu bars that have probably been made using some application. I like how you can change the WiFi icon to cell bars. And I have no idea how they got links to Macintosh HD, movies and TV shows on the desktop. Does anyone know what app that is?
And on the desktop, I have seen that some people have their iTunes album artwork and the song playing show on their desktops. I have many different commands, like the date and time, running on my desktop using Geektool. But I have never thought that geektool would be able to show the artwork though. Is there another app that lets you have this or is it also geektool?
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May 9, 2009
about a month or two ago I was trying to change the theme and the software I used had a restore theme but it had a weird glossy thing over the buttons and the close and minimize and change window size buttons where to small so after digging around I found this theme where the buttons where normal but the menubar scroll bar and a few other things are changed still so I uninstalled the software and the theme stayed how can I bring back the original with all the icons the same and all that stuff without losing my files.
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Jan 17, 2010
Is there a way to do my idea? You plug in the flash drive and when you double-click it, and background pops up with a little box for you to enter a password. I don't think any apps can do this, but is it possible?
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Jun 13, 2012
I have a 27" iMac with a near top configuration. I use it for a large part of the time in a business context, and for that I use Illustrator and Photoshop CS5 extensively. After a difficult conversion from WindowsLand - my fault, I'm sure - I'm now a very enthusiastic Apple customer. The rest of the time is email, on the Web, hosting a large family photo library, music and all the usual stuff.
I also have an iPad 1st generation, which I use for email and as a storage for my digital photographs when I go on long haul vacations, two or three times a year [family live abroad]. While the iPad is great, it doesn't have ethernet, and not all places have WiFi. Also, photo management and linking to social media sites is a bit of a kludge. It doesn't run MS Office for Mac either.
So I am considering buying a laptop for use when I'm not in front of the iMac. I have ruled out the 15" MacBook Pro on size and portability grounds [and the new retina model on cost], so I'm looking at the 13" MacBook Pro, primarily because I had assumed the Air would not be sufficently powerful or capable for my needs. Now I'm in a quandary. Which might be the best option - MBP or MBA?
I like the MBP because it is upgradeable, whereas the Air isn't. However, I'm not replaceing the iMac with the laptop, simply wishing to be able to do a small amount of support work for my colleagues when I'm away. If I buy the best configuration for my needs to start with, why would I need to upgrade it? In addition, both the MBA and MBA can provide the ethernet that the iPad can't [albeit with an add-on for the Air] and can deal with the output from my digital cameras better than the iPad can.
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Jun 23, 2012
I installed the OS X Lion theme called "Crystal Black", and I'm really sick of it.There is no uninstaller app in the package, how can I delete it or restore the theme to the default OS X Lion theme?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 26, 2010
Is there any application that can create an iOS theme on a os x computer? This would let you use the mouse as your finger to swipe through different pages (not like spaces)? I have heard chatter that when (if) MacBooks get touch screens, then Apple may produce an iOS like system for them.
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Aug 30, 2010
I was wondering if anyone knew of a dock theme or hack that I could install relatively painlessly on 10.6.4 that makes the Dock, when placed at the bottom, look like it does when placed on either side of the screen. I've been looking all over the place but all I've found are themes for Candybar and co. that make the reflective bottom area some weird different color or texture. I would like to see a theme that makes the Dock more 2D-ish and at least similar to what you see on the sides of the screen when placed there.
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Jul 8, 2009
I like the pro theme (or skin, or whatever you want to call it) in the settings for the terminal.... I also like to use the tabs. The problem is whenever I open a new tab, it goes right back to the default white background terminal. How do I make it so that the theme applies to new tabs as well?
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Sep 10, 2009
In Tiger, you have the app Uno, that unifies the look throughout osx.
Is there any app available that unifies the look in Itunes 9 in mac osx?
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Mar 21, 2010
I don't like the idea of Mail.app downloading the whole e-mail when I want to check for new ones.Is there any way to make it only get the subject? The idea here is to download the whole mail only if I want to (like clicking on the subject).
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Apr 22, 2010
I just updated my MBP to 10.6.3 after it restarted I can only have the Graphite theme. I ve changed it to blue in the system preferences but it didn't change anything.It's not important but oh well, has it happened to anyone else?
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May 8, 2010
I was messing around with a lot of different themes in Snow Leopard. I used different ones and I don't think I properly did them right. For instance, I have the menu bar set to one, and then I have the "Close, Minimize, and Expand" buttons set to something different. To get to my question, how do I revert the theme back to the original Snow Leopard theme. I have tried the option in Themepark, but some of the themes still stayed.
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Jul 14, 2010
So I've downloaded both geektool and bowtie. The default bowtie themes are boring and I have downloaded more that are compatible with geektool but have NO clue what to do. I could use some tips.
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Feb 9, 2012
can I add music to "theme" in IDVD 11?
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 10, 2012
I have downloaded the new Lion version and it comes with this really ugly ical leather theme...I want to change it back or just change it to something else....I have 6 different calendars since I am operating a salon and the new colours aren't as bright and nice and the font is all ugly...
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 2, 2012
i just installed this curse called the AMORA THEME. it is a theme that looked cool but i guess it is not compatiable wiht lion. How do i uninstall it, it comes with an uninstall buddy but it does not work. my computer is now ugly.Any way to uninstall with terminal?
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Sep 6, 2014
I installed one of available themes from deviantart. It was looking good on screenshots. But when I installed that, It was messed up my Mavericks Theme.
I uninstalled that theme. No i'm not having my older theme or default theme for mavericks. How can i have that.
I read in the instructions in Theme the way to uninstall. There it was written to restore finder, preferencePans, Safari etc. But I didn't take any backup.
How do I get preferencePans and finder etc.. ?
Can I reinstall Mac OSx - Mavericks?. Is there any option to just instal or over write and still I could get all of my files save?
Or is there any way I can download only these files if available online?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Core 2 Due, 4GB
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Sep 11, 2010
yet the default theme is a very dark gray theme much like Safari but much darker. I have tried looking for other lighter themes with no luck. how to turn off the theme so I just have a much brighter looking interface?
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Jan 5, 2010
I'm trying to compress (.zip) a RapidWeaver theme to email. The theme is a package of other files and folders including images, stylesheets and scripts. There are no other compressed files within this package or Flash files. When the file has been saved to my desktop, I right click and select "Compress" from the menu. The progress bar gets about 2 thirds along and just freezes. Evidently there is a corrupt file or something in this package, because I have never had this problem before. The package is only 1.6MB in size.
There are about 150 files in this theme. I have looked for any suspect messages in Console.app to try and work out which file is corrupt or causing the problem. But nothing seems to be shown? If I compress the RapidWeaver theme as a GZip file using TarPit, it works fine. But this does not solve the issue of somebody else trying to compress the sent file and hitting the same problem. So my question is how can I work out which file in the package is causing the error?
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm trying to edit the Bowtie theme Curl, which can be found below.[URL]
I'm not very good at editing the scripts and what not, but basically as you can see from the screenshot at the link above, there are the 5 rating buttons and the X, I was able to remove those so it's just the album cover.
Every time a new song starts playing the theme will have the band and song title scroll by. What I want to do is have the song/band title constantly scrolling by instead of just when a new song is played.
I'm not sure if im posting this in the right section or if I worded this right
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May 27, 2012
where can I find my iDVD theme folder
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 23, 2008
I'm have an old iBook Clamshell 320mb of RAM with OS X 10.2.8 installed, and today I tried to replace the Extras.rsrc with the "Liger" theme (you know the one that makes it look like leopard?) but I didn't know it wouldn't work with 10.2 so I took the original put it in a folder on the desktop called 'System Files Needed Don't Delete' and then I restarted the computer, and it won't boot to the login screen and just stays blue with the cursor. Is there some way I can fix this without installing 10.1.4 again, and not sending it to a friend who can install 10.2.8? I only have the 10.1.4 install disk.
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Feb 16, 2009
I bought a BlackBerry Pearl 8110 and also download PocketMac from BlackBerry's official site. I put the latest OS on the BlackBerry and installed the latest PocketMac version + the USB drive as instructed to by the BlackBerry site. I'm trying to install this bphone theme (iPhone look-alike) and PocketMac just hangs. I checked it, and it is not responding. Seems to have a problem opening /dev/cu.blackberry as it hangs thereafter in console.
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