When I want to contact anyone from their "contact Us" link on their web page my computer opens "Mail" automatically. I use gmail and I would like it to be my default email application. How do i change the default email from "mail" to gmail? I use snow leopard.
in Mail, the order of the accounts specified which was the default one (i.e. the one at the top of the list). I have 3 email accounts. For some reason, my Gmail account is always the default one. I want my MobileMe account to be the default.
Every time I write an email using iCloud, (I'm still using the SL, OS) the default font is Helvetica, which I really don't like. I would like to be able to change the Helvetica font to another font, but I can't find a way to change it.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iMac 27"/ iMac 20"/ Macbook Air 13"
The title says all. I want to open everything that isn't already associated with an app in textedit, instead of the horridly repetitive and time consuming "open with...". How do I do this?
I've been into macs and OSX for a few years but not really done any real tweaks like changing the default icons. Whats the best free app for changing the icons? Candybar 3?
is there a way in leopard to globally set a default application to open files with a designated ending? for example, my system will open ALL .php files in dreamweaver, while i prefer to have the system open them in bbedit i know there is a way to open a specific file with a certain application but i am finding it annoying to have to do it every time instead of just being able to double click the file and have it opened in the prope application.
Is there anyway to make Yahoo my default mail app, using Leopard 10.5.1? I can't seem to find anything on Yahoo's site.
Along those same lines, it's very annoying when I accidentally click a link, then Mail.app opens. However, I don't use Mail. Can I just delete the app?
If so, what would happen if I did accidentally click an emailto link (assuming that Yahoo can't yet be a default mail app)?
My mail.app seems to be stuck on the wrong sort default. Like most people, I prefer my messages sorted in date order. Somehow, my work mailbox has become stuck on sort by message subject. I can change it to sort by date, however, if I send an email (in any account), it reverts back to sorting by subject. Quitting and restarting Mail.app also reverts it to sort by subject. It now seems to be spreading to my other mailboxes.
I have recently dipped a toe into the world of torrents (I know this is probably something that you cannot be seen to condone), some software packages contain exe files which previously my Macbook Pro, running Tiger, has been able to read and open but recently TextEdit has been set as the default application to open them. I'm not sure how this has happened, is there anyway around this without having to reboot the OS?
After doing this tutorial: url... I have a problem with default application settings (file association). In other words, file function "Open with" is empty. I chose default app for specific file type, do function "change all" (or just start specific application) and everything works fine. Files are associated whit that app. But after restar (or shutdown) every association is reset to none (open whit also empty). FileVault is off.So after restart I must to associate files whit programs manual, or launch all programs.
What I tried: Deleting com.apple.LaunchServices.plist - no help Script run in Terminal: /System/ Library/ Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices. /Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -seed - works, restores default applications and Open with list (but only till restart)MAINTENANCE app- works after first restart, after second restart the same problem
Is there a way to replace Aqua/Quartz as the default bootup desktop environment and instead start X with a window manager of my choice? I made an .xinitrc but not sure how to stop Aqua/Quartz from starting at bootup and replace it with X and my window manager.
I feel stupid for even asking this because it seems like something I'd normally be able to figure out but I've searched a bit with no results. Oddly enough, this only seems to have become an issue since the 10.6.4 update. In Mail, I can't seem to set the default email address to be used when composing a new email.
As it's default setting, .wmv files open up with VLC. How do I change it so it's default program is Quicktime? I have the codec installed and it plays with no problem. I know I can go into "get info" and check "always open with" but it only does it with that file and not all .wmv files
I have two email addresses set up with Mail. But I want one of them to be the default email address when I compose a new message. I often forget to change the email address and end up sending with an email address I didn't want to use.
Mail 2.0 has this, but I can't seem to find it anywhere in Mail 3.0?
I've come across a strange problem that I'm not sure if Mac Mail will be able to deal with natively. Basically, I have several contacts in my address book that have 2 addresses; work and home. I also have 2 mail accounts set up; my work account and my home account. I've run into a few problems at work when I'm sending email to colleagues as it was auto-selecting their personal addresses when I typed in their names. I managed to fix that but now when I send mail from my personal account, the auto-select chooses their work email first so I have to scroll down to choose their personal account.
Is there a way of getting mail to understand that if I'm sending mail from my personal account, then "home" addresses should show up first in auto-complete but if I'm sending from my work account, then "work" addresses should show up first? I understand this is probably a bit of a long shot without a third party tool but thought it best to ask!
In my Mail app I currently have two email accounts set up. One is my main email and one is my college email. I only use the college email account because my school sends all of their stuff through it so I need to monitor it. For some reason however, this account has become the default account that Mail wants to send through. To use the other account I have to click the drop down menu under the subject field. This happens even though my main account is the top account on that drop down menu. I have looked through all the preferences and cannot see where I can choose a default sending account.
For various reasons I prefer to use Entourage as my default e-mail client, but although I have set Entourage to be my default email client in Preferences whenever another application tries to send an automated email (Such as iCal for an alarm) then it tries to open Mail which is not set up...
Does anyone know if its possible to change this? I don't like being forced to use Mail.
Why does the default email reader in Mail Preferences keep changing to Outllook after I set it to Mail 5.2 and then close the preference pane? The Default in Outlook is set as Mail 5.2.