OS X :: Apple Script And Process Launch?
Aug 4, 2010
I need an AppleScript that will continousley check if a specific process is running, then initiate something once this process is running. I tried about a hundred different things but nothing will work
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May 28, 2012
There is always a blue screen appears after the Apple logo during the booting process. And then everything is back to normal. What is this thing? Is there something wrong with my screen or something?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 21, 2014
For reasons which escape me, since I rebooted yesterday, I have been unable to launch TextEdit, Preview or Pages - they just say not responding when their icon is ctrl-clicked in the Dock. I just checked Numbers and Keynote, which I have never used and after their initial welcome screen, they too became unresponsive. As far as I can tell, GarageBand, iPhoto and probably others in iLife are unaffected, neither are Mail and Safari.Â
I found that a similar problem was being experienced a few years ago by some people using TextEdit and Preview and it was solved by re-signing the application in Terminal. I have tried that but it hasn't worked. I have repaired permissions and I'm just downloading the Mavericks installer so that I can make a USB installer and re-install OS X 10.9.3.Â
I am downloading which may save me the trouble of re-installing OS X 10.9.3, I'd be very grateful.
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a Mac Pro with several raid array and single drives attached (1x Wiebetech RTX600 Raid 5 through SCSI; 1x CalDigit HDElement Raid 5 through miniSAS; 4x internal drives).Unfortunately, due to various reasons (electricity outtage and software crashes), I'm experiencing system crashes and need to hard re-start the system. Upon restart, I am able to boot back into Mac OS X, but sometimes one, or both of the raid arrays will not mount.However, after a period of 0.5 - 2 hours, the array would magically re-appear again. Sometimes this might even happen to internal drives that I had mounted inside the chassis of the Mac Pro.
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Feb 26, 2010
I am wondering if anyone knows of a good osx based alternative to Process Explorer on windows - what I'd like to be able to do is graph CPU and memory for a specific process and ideally see what network connections a specific process has open. atMonitor seems to do this pretty well generally, but not for specific processes (this is for monitoring a multiplayer flash game).
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Apr 5, 2010
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs made an appearance Saturday for the iPad launch, talking with customers and even giving a hands-on demo of the device at his company's Palo Alto, Calif., store. As first reported by Cult of Mac, Twitter user Cedric Lignier spotted Jobs at the store wearing blue jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie sweater over his trademark mock turtleneck. Jobs reportedly showed a little girl how to use the iPad, and Lignier said he believed the girl might have been Jobs' daughter. According to the San Jose Mercury News, Jobs arrived at the University Avenue store shortly before noon, causing a great deal of interest among the patrons there.
"Many in the crowd pulled out cameras and iPhones to capture the most magic of Silicon Valley moments," the report said. "Jobs chatted with a handful of other shoppers, but even his 30-minute invasion did not get in the way of their serious business � the buying of and playing with new iPads." Jobs has been seen at that location before, which is just 20 minutes from Apple's campus at 1 Infinite Loop. When the iPhone first launched in 2007, Jobs appeared and spoke with programmers Andy Hertzfeld and Bill Atkinson.................
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Sep 6, 2009
Since I upgraded to SL 2 days ago (very smooth), I've had the following 2 issues, I need help with one of them (item number one below);
1. in the Apple mail app, now my inbox shows the Notes (you know the yellow notes that appear on iphone also) also, how do i stop notes from showing ?
2. every-time a launch Zinio reader its gives a message that system wants to download rosetta... I keep on saying no. I though Rosetta was the compatibility between intel and PPC and getting rosetta on SL defeats the purpose of the smaller footprint of the operating system !
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Jan 14, 2010
i want something similar to Window's Performance Monitor (Perfmon) on MAC. i need logs for the CPU usage of a particular process on MAC OSX. let me know if there is an in-built MAC utility or suggest some external application.
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Dec 9, 2010
Just browsing around, noticed this one process...seems like a lot of threads compared to other processes.
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May 11, 2005
Is there a way to set the priority of a certain process in OSX? Whenever i'm rendering something in Final Cut Pro or any other program, it slows down the whole system (duh), but whenever i'm doing something under windows (rendering 3D or whatever) I can turn down the the priority in the task manager (where would windows be without CTRL+ALT+DELETE) so the whole system doesent slow down to a crawl and I can contunue to do other things while the system is busy rendering. I know it will take a little longer to render depending on whatever else im doing, but i hate slowdowns so much (especially a slow dock).
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Feb 16, 2009
I have a big movie that takes hours to convert. I have a ibook g4 and an imac. Is it possible to hook them up and use both of their cpu to convert the movie, without separating the process?
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Apr 21, 2009
This is left over from a WD backup process that I deleted. Keeps trying to run, but can't find the file. How do I stop launchd from trying to run it.4/21/09 8:28:28 AM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.memeo.WDMemeod[404]) posix_spawnp("/Library/Application Support/Memeo/WD Anywhere Backup/Daemons/WDMemeod", ...): No such file or directory
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May 12, 2009
So I've been noticing the fans on my MBP were starting to run pretty hard today which never happens. I checked the activity monitor and I have a process called SH (127) that was eating up like 12-15% of CPU. Does anybody know what this process is? Why is it taking so much CPU horsepower?
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Jun 29, 2009
I'm a brand new Mac Pro owner and in one weekend I was able to convert more of my collection than I could in weeks with my other mac. It's nuts! I owe a lot of that to this board, and I thank you guys for it. I'm hoping maybe there's a better way to speed up my current process.
Anyways, on to the topic. Right now my steps are:
1. Insert DVD and RipIt takes care of the rest (with a non-riplocked drive). Takes 8-12 minutes per DVD.
2. I'll do a stack of my DVDs then queue up a list with the terminal-updated version of Handbrake.
Each movie takes 25-45 minutes, using only 30% processor power, tops.
3. I usually run two instances of Handbrake to speed up the process. They read the DVD images from my main drive and they write to a second internal drive. Last night I had 15 movies queued up for each Handbrake instance and let it go overnight. All 30 were done by 7:30 this morning (started the process at about midnight).
Going through my entire collection has reminded me of how many bad movies I've bought over the years. There's just some need I have to get my entire collection ready to go on my Apple TV's.
How about you guys? What's your process look like? I'd like to see quicker conversions, but I think I'd need an SSD and better optimized Handbrake to make that happen.
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Nov 10, 2009
For the last week, my Mac has been running very slow. Even when I don't have any apps open, it still lags. I opened up Activity Monitor to see what is going on. I see that a root process "AgentDaemon" is taking up almost all my CPU and RAM.
When I try to quit (or force quit) this process in the Activity Monitor, it will go away for a second and then come right back.
Does anyone know what purpose the "AgentDaemon" serves? And why is it hogging all my CPU and RAM?
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Mar 31, 2012
There is a process, "PocketCloudService" that I cannot finish even from terminal (kill PID), the response is "Operation not permitted". I did the same of killing proceses from terminal and it worked, but it doesn't with this process. It belonged to a program that I unistalled, "Pocket Cloud". I reinstalled that program and unistalled again, but the process continues running, even if I restart the mac. It's annoying because sometimes it spends about 80% CPU, warming my mac (and my patience!), therefore I finish the process "PocketCloudService" from Activity Monitor, but it restarts few seconds after. I just want to delete or block the source that launches that process and not have to stop it manually anymore.From activity monitor when I check the process, the main process is "launchd (1)", user: root (0)
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 12, 2012
mds is using 4.7GB of real & 6.7GB of virtual memory and using ~ 15% of CPU. The Spotlight icon does not indicate that it's indexing. I have added multiple folders and drives to the Privacy tab in Spotlight prefs. I disabled Alfred & Hazel and that didn't change anything.
Info:Mac Pro Xeon 2.93, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Oct 14, 2008
Can anyone tell what is the command line to use to kill a process using its name.
I'm on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger PPC et Mac OS X 10.5 Leaopard Intel
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Sep 12, 2010
I have a process running prl_vm_service and it is making my HDD very noisy. I think that spotlight keep indexing this file. Because when is shut down this process my HDD become almost silent. I would like to prevent this process to startup when I reboot my iMac. Is there a way to do this. I am aware that Parralles (this process belongs to it) needs it, but still I want to prevent this process to startup.
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Nov 26, 2010
A while back I installed an application that allowed me to stream media from my Mac to my PS3, called Gridcast. It didn't work well, so I got rid of it. Since then I have had two processes constantly running, "gridcastd" & "GridCastAlerts." When i select and quit the processes nothing happens, they just continues to run.
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May 23, 2006
Well I just switched over to Macs on sunday with a new MacBook. Coming from Windows XP theres two things I miss and I want to know if there are any applications to chnage this:
1) In OS X you can only resize windows from the bottom right corner which gets kind of annoying. In Windows XP you can resize from any corner including the sides with that little black adjuster arrow, is there any program or any way I can naturally do something similiar in OS X?
2) I want my Dock to be more like the Start Bar in Windows XP. Meaning that I want all my programs to stop at the Dock on the bottom. Some program automatically stop at the Dock and can't be pulled down behind the Dock, such as iPhoto. Other programs however, such as iTunes, can be pulled down behind the dock and I don't like that. Is there any way I can naturally change this or any application I can download?
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Sep 7, 2006
I just had a unique OSX experience (for me, at least). An application became unresponsive, so I tried to force-quit it from the Dock. It would not quit. Then I tried to tried it from the force-quit dialog. Nothing. Then I opened the Activity Monitor and tried to quit the process. Again, the application window sat open. Then I pulled out my last trick and attempted to kill the process in Terminal. To my amazement, it just sat there. I tried to shut down, but it timed-out. In the end, I had to shut the Mac down with the power button, the first time in years that I've had to do this. Otherwise, OSX (10.4.7) seemed to be working fine -- I was able to quit all my other running application in an orderly fashion before shutting down.
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Jan 23, 2009
I installed Google Picasa far Mac on a 10.5.6 leopard machine. Today, a window told me that I should update my version of Picasa, but Picasa was not running. The updater was well hidden. In fact, there is no google updater in my StartupItems. Furthermore, there is no goo* process among the running processes. The only upd* process is "update", whose function I ignore. Does anyone know which one is the Google Updater process? At Google they forgot to add "sudo" and User Authentication in the updater. The updater fails also when launched with Administrator privileges. That's funny, the mighty Google offering us such pearls of Mac programming.
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Feb 16, 2009
What would be an ideal diagnostics/ system check up to run? I have Tool Tech Deluxe, Drive Genius 2, and Onyx.
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Mar 5, 2009
I am new to Mac. I just bought a new Macbook Pro for my daughter for her birthday. Actually she is new to Mac. Anyway, I am setting up Boot camp with Windows for her as well as some other software. When the macbook first booted, it played this wicked cool movie with "welcome" in a bunch of languages, then went through the setup process. Is there a flag I can set somewhere that will force that to happen again when she first starts it up?
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Mar 5, 2009
i'm trying to use gimp on my new macbook and the toolbox window has moved into a position where the bottom corner is off the bottom of the screen. i therefore cannot resize it! i've been googleing everything i can think of but cannot find an answer on how to resize this (i have tried a few solutions which only seem to apply to regular osx apps). i am more than willing to set the window sizes in some sort of a config file, but i can't find one.
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Apr 27, 2009
Just a quick question that i couldn't get the answer on. I want to use bootcamp to run XP on my Imac and I know it has to be a real XP not an update but what I also need to know is if I just go through the bootcamp setup now to run windows on my Mac can I install parrellels in a month or so when i buy it or is it best to go through bootcamp and parrallels in the same process? Now I just have to track down my XP disk and make sure it's not a damn update.
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Jun 30, 2009
I've got the activity monitor open in front of me. There are the usual apps I can see, Logic, FF, iTunes, Finder, MS Messenger etc etc. Though there is a lot of other stuff, I don't know what it is (probably system stuff?). For instance there is configd, syslogd, mds, cron most of these have root inb the server column. In the User column for my name I can see mdworker, pboard, launchd and couple of others.
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May 14, 2010
How long does it usually take to burn a movie (approx 700mb - 1GB lasting roughly 2hours) on a new macbook pro 13" ? My friend has an macbook alu and she said it took her 6 hours to burn a movie. We have a hunk a junk PC with a DVD burner and took 2 hours to burn a DVD. Anyway I can speed things up?
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Jul 8, 2008
I am trying to reinstall Mac OS X with the CDs supplied with my Mac Book, but when I put in cd #2, the installation process restarts when it gets to iWeb. It just keeps restarting. I followed all the directions with the software.
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