OS X :: App Icons Missing After 10.6.6 Update?

Jan 6, 2011

After running today's update, trying out the App Store for the first time, I noticed that the icons for many of my apps have disappeared from the dock. They also don't show up in the Command-Tab floater window. I've tried logging out and rebooting but the problem persists.

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OS X :: Icons Missing In Finder / Apps And Video Icon Missing

Nov 30, 2010

Over the last few days I've noticed a problem with missing icons. It seems to mainly effect icons in the Trash but I have one or two missing icons for videos and apps within the Finder and on the Desktop. The icon is completely gone - I have to click on the filename to select it. Quicklook works OK (for video).

I can't think of anything I've installed that would have done it except Onyx, but I haven't run that in weeks. I did repair permissions a few days ago but I doubt that could break this. It persists after a reboot. I can't get it to happen on command, it just randomly occurs. Creating a New Folder always works OK.

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OS X :: Icons Missing On Top Of Screen

Oct 23, 2010

all the items/icons on the top right hand corner of my macbook pro are missing i don't know what happend and i now want to switch to my other account and i'm unable to do so because of this incident does any one know how to solve this? i already tried to download butler two times-- i thought maybe i could use that to switch over but butler isn't responding despite having been successfully downloaded.

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OS X :: Missing Icons In Sidebar?

Oct 22, 2009

Some of my custom icons in the finder sidebar have been replaced by a generic icon (dog-eared white paper icon), sometimes they come back when you click on them.

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QuickTime :: Get A Update When The Update States That An MSI For The Previous Version Is Missing?

Mar 23, 2012

How do you get a new version of Quicktime when it states that the msi for the old version is no longer available?

Quicktime, Windows

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OS X :: Lost Or Missing Menu Bar Icons?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm not sure what is going on, but some time ago my Spotlight icon in the menubar disappeared. Now for some reason the Eject icon is on the far right where Spotlight should be. Also the keyboard shortcut is not working. To do a search I have to now go to the finder and hit Command-F. I really miss not having Spotlight

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OS X :: Desktop Icons And Folders Missing?

Jun 16, 2009

yesterday I wasn't able to click on my desktop icon in finder so I thought its just something silly. I turned off the computer and went to work. When I came back, I turned it back on, to realize that all icons are gone except my HDD, TM HDD and Windows HDD. Everything else is gone.

I entered the time machine and all back ups are gone too except today's and yesterday's. On yesterday's back up I do have the desktop folders and icon untouched but not on todays.

I tried permission, PRM reset, Onyx maintenance and cleaning but nothing is working. When I put a file name in the finder to find it it doesn't find it.

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OS X :: Images Missing From File Icons

Aug 13, 2009

I recently installed Transmission (a bit torrent client) to see how good it is. Previous to this I have always used Limewire. I didn't like Transmission so I deleted it, but now all my .torrent files no longer have the torrent/limewire image on them. Now they are just plain white files.

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Safari :: 5.1.7 Dock Icons Missing?

May 16, 2012

After updating my OS X  which brought Safari up to 5.1.7 the saved links I had in my dock are blank. Even though i can click in that area and the pages will load. I can't figure out how to fix this.    Also, when I drag a link from the address bar to the desktop the icon that appears is nothing more than a blank white page.   

Safari 5.1.7, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Missing Icons From Photoshop CS6

May 22, 2012

When saving a file from Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended, file icons will not be saved with any format (forget about the alpha channel docs) - png, tif, jpg, psd, etc. I booted from my Lion Installer flash drive, repaired permissions and disk and some icon previews reappeared. Some didn't. No generic icon or anything. My Photoshop prefs are set to save a preview on the icons, as are with the 3 other Mac users who have reported the same problem.

Info:Mac OS X (10.7.4), 16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD

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OS X :: Missing Icons On Upper Left Corner?

Feb 28, 2009

I wanted to change the icon for my HD on the desktop but when I did the get info for the image i wanted to use it wouldnt work. The upper left corner simply shows a jpeg logo image on all my photos! so it wont let me change the icon. I don't know why they are missing. I got a new hard drive 2 days ago from the Apple store because they told me it was faulty.

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OS X :: Updated To 10.5.7 - Icons Missing And System Freezes

Jun 2, 2009

I've been experience intermediate issues ranging from not showing icons standard in OSX (such as in my shared devices, HardDrive icons tha tmount on the desktop, etc) this is a unibody 2.4ghz i got in February that came with 10.5.5 and used combo updates on each update...ive done a blank install from scratch with nothing on it and i still experience the missing icon issues that dont happen on other unibody mbps i use ??

((the other macbook pro im connecting to is an identical model 2.4 and the other one is a unibody 17, they display the proper icons under 10.5.7, unlike shown below))

My system gets random freezes even when nothing but the browser, word or small applications, it will beachball for aboud 30seconds to 2minutes even after a clean install and a combo straight to 10.5.7 any ideas on these issues? Am I the only one who is having these missing icon issues...even after a clean isntall with the original OSX Install Discs?

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OS X :: Missing Application Icons - Not Appearing In Folder

Nov 26, 2009

I was reviewing Apple Support's Mac 101, Files and Folders Lesson and I noted that compared to some of their screenshot application items (Finder/MacIntosh HD/Applications), I have an empty space where, I assume, application folders where. I have a blank spot (Sorted by Name) after the Address Book (which I think was the AppleScript folder), a blank sport after the DVD Player (which I think was Expose), and a couple others. Where did my application icons go! I still have the Expose feature if I use the mouse, but I'm curious as to why they no longer appear in the folder. Can I, without much trouble, reload all applications from my Snow Leopard upgrade disk? If so, how? My iMac is an early 2009, 24" w/ 2.66Ghz processor.

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OS X :: Missing Apps And Icons In Snow Leopard?

Jul 2, 2010

This started about a month ago, the icons on my doc started disappearing and appearing rotating between apps. Then it finally stopped on Firefox IMovie Terminal System Preferences and text edit. Then the apps started disappearing Ones I have found missing so far are dictionary and calculator.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: System Preference Icons Missing?

May 9, 2012

Since installing Lion, the icons on my system preferences pane have all changed to the same icon as the system preferences app. i.e just the cogs.how this may have happened and how I can revert back to the standard images please? The selections are all there, but all showing the same cog image.i have seen some previous discussions about removing apple.com/preference panes cache but I dont have it in my Library.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Finder Icons Missing - How To Find Them

May 9, 2012

Since a few days the icons in my finder has disappeared. I'm running OSX 10.7?

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Software :: Unable To See Icons - Fiinder Icon Is Missing

May 17, 2009

New to using mac. My Finder Icon on my Dock just disappear or went missing and was wondering how to get it back there!!!

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OS X :: Dock Icons Missing - System Fonts Changed

Jan 3, 2011

All of a sudden I restarted my computer and the dock didn't show up and the fonts for the clock and battery were different. The widgets also would not show up. Also missing was some of the icons for random programs (applications, illustrator, pictures etc.) I am thinking I might have deleted some of the systems files? In safe mode the dock and widgets work and the fonts are correct however the icons are still missing.

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Applications :: Office 2008 Toolbar Icons Missing

Jan 10, 2011

I am using Microsoft Office for Mac 2008, which has been performing fine for many months. Now all of a sudden the icons are missing on my toolbars. All that it shows in the toolbar window, (both standard and format toolbars), is the text without the icons, with just a blank dark area where the tool icons should be, leaving the toolbar impossible to use in any practical way. No amount of selecting or de-selecting the toolbars via drop down window "view", or changing the option for "text and icons", or "resetting� the toolbars in �customise� will change this situation. The problem has occurred in all of "word", "excel", "PowerPoint" and �Entourage�. I have tried reinstalling office from the original CD, but the problem persists. I have even quarantined the �normal.dotm� file before reinstalling office, but it simply created a new "normal" file with the same result. No icons on the toolbars. I am using OS X leopard. I haven't yet resorted to reinstalling leopard, but what else is there?!? Any clues to what has caused this to suddenly occur?

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OS X :: Download Icon Missing - Folder Icons Are Changed?

Dec 18, 2009

I really need your help with this one. I was changing all of my folder icons and for some strange reason the Downloads icon will not change and now wont even appear. Please see attached screenshot.I have done the following to try and fix this problem:

1. Used LiteIcon and Candybar but both weren't able to fix the problem.

2. I went to /system/Library/coresevices/coretypes.bundle/contents/resources and the correct downloads icon does appear. It just wont appear in the Finder Window.

3. I have rebooted, logged in and even did a system cache clear and still nothing.

4. Tried to change it manually with the Command I and copy and paste with changing permissions. Nothing worked.

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OS X :: Dock / Top Menu And Desktop Icons Missing On Startup

Jun 1, 2010

Sometimes when I restart my machine running 10.5.8 my desktop background appears but my dock, top menu and desktop icons do not appear. If I force a shutdown and restart, everything comes up normally. This doesn't happen every time I restart, but it has started only recently. I've repaired permissions already.

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OS X Mavericks :: Icons For Newly Installed Apps Are Missing?

Aug 23, 2014

When I install new applications on my MacBook Pro, the icons are missing and instead, showing the generic "App" icon. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: Toolbar Icons Missing - Time And Date As Well

Sep 6, 2014

The time and date,  wifi and other icons are missing from the toolbar. Other icons are missing from the finder window and the dismiss and minimize icons are missing from all windows.  I have tried to delete the com.apple.systemuiserver.plist file and also tried to reboot in safe mode to no avail.  When I do reboot, the some, but not all, of the top bar icons appear then disappear.  It must be a plist file but I haven't a clue as to which one...

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IMac :: Taskbar Missing Across The Top / Unable To Click Icons In Dock

May 19, 2009

I booted my new 2009 iMac this afternoon and when it came up there was no taskbar across the top. I could not click on the icons on the dock either. the mouse worked and the desktop was there. I have a mouse on my Logitech keyboard and it worked so I know the keyboard did. I had no way to shut down so I held the button down till the machine powered down and it did in a second or so.

I waited about a minute and booted back up again and all came up like normal except the hard drive was running like crazy and the machine was super sluggish.After about a minute the hard drive quit running and all seemed normal.

I shut down like normal and then shut off the surge strip machine is plugged into to have a total power cut. Let sit about 2 minutes powered back on and booted machine and it booted like normal and acts perfectly normal. What caused the anomaly???

Never done it before and machine is about 2 months or old or so. Bought it as soon as new iMac's were released this year. It is the flagship 3.06 iMac. Bone stock. It has all the latest updates. Running 10.5.7

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Spotlight System Preferences Pane Icons Missing?

Mar 8, 2012

I've cleared the preference file and system prefs/spotlight caches with no luck. Repaired permissions.  It seems the Music icon is holding up the others. If I re-arrange them they break only after "Music." This is in the console after opening the preference pane: 

3/8/12 1:18:15.593 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music
3/8/12 1:18:15.594 PM System Preferences: Rebuilding icon cache.
3/8/12 1:18:15.773 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music 

and earlier, 

3/8/12 12:33:33.922 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Applications
3/8/12 12:33:33.922 PM System Preferences: Rebuilding icon cache.
3/8/12 12:33:34.111 PM System Preferences: Missing icon for Music 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Safari :: Preference Icons Missing When Attempted To Download Extension

May 12, 2012

A couple weeks ago, I attempted to download an extension for Safari (unfortunately, I can't remember the name), and there wasn't any indication that it was being downloaded. Upon quitting Safari immediately afterward, when I opened up Safari's preference window, I noticed that some of the preference icons were missing. How to restore these icons?

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OS X :: Update Changed Icons?

Sep 17, 2008

update changed my icons?

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OS X :: Menubar Icons Disappeared After Update To 10.6.2?

Nov 10, 2009

after updating to 10.6.2 all apple menubar icons are not showing up: [URL]

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: URL Icons Changed After 10.7.3 Update

Feb 4, 2012

Now I've updated my MBA with 10.7.3 and I've seen that all URL icons (html, url, ecc) have changed with a document with the Safari logo instead the classic icon with '@' [URL] How can replace this? Also in my iMac 27"....

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Stacks Icons Don't Update

Feb 27, 2012

Ever since I've been using Lion (came pre-installed on my MacBook Air), I've noticed that the top icons in stacks do not update unless the Dock is restarted (with a "killall Dock" from the Terminal, or by logging out/restarting, etc). This happens for absolutely any folder that is added to the Dock as a stack. When a new file is added to the folder, the stack simply shows a generic white file icon on top. Once the Dock is restarted, the stack will show the proper preview as it should. 

So far I've tried deleting and re-creating stacks, repairing permissions from Disk Utility, reseting ACLs on the home folder, and even deleting the caches and .plist files for the Dock, Quick Look, and Finder. Nothing has made a difference. 

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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