MacBook :: Screen Goes Blank When I'm On Battery Power

May 20, 2012

My screen goes blank when I'm on battery power. What should I do?

Mac OS X (10.5.6), MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: No Second Screen On Battery Power?

Nov 16, 2010

Am I right in assuming that my MBP will switch off power to the Mini Displayport, when running on batteries ?Well mine does, but want to make sure that's right ?

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MacBook :: Set Screen Brightness Battery / Power?

Jan 19, 2009

I am just wondering if there is a way to have a brightness preset for when the macbook is plugged into the wall and running on battery?Eg. When plugged in I want 100% prightness, but when running off battery it automatically lowers the brightness.Right now I manually lower it and some times forget.. especially times when I need that extra bit of battery power

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MacBook Air :: Screen Brightness Suddenly Increase Or Decrease / Happens Under Battery Power

Jul 8, 2008

I've noticed recently that my screen brightness will suddenly increase or decrease by itself. When I press one of the control buttons it indicates that it is 3 or 4 steps higher or lower (obviously allowing for the fact that pressing a control button moves you one step anyway!) I have the 1.8 SDD. I love the machine....but anyone have any ideas about this. It only happens under battery power.

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OS X :: White Macbook Runs On AC Power (no Battery) But Not On Battery?

Apr 29, 2010

Just wondering if anyone has ever encountered this or if any experts out there know of the issue.I have a spare White Macbook (late 2008: Core 2 Duo 2.1GHz, 1GB, 120GB) that I'd like to set up for my brother to use to introduce him to the wonderful world of Macs. The problem it is having is that when I have a battery connected to it (I tried 2 different ones included a known-good one that is brand-new just purchased from Apple) it powers on and gives me the chime, but then immediately shuts off unexpectedly giving that little "whine" sound like if it just lost power all of a sudden. However, when i take out the battery, and just plug it into the Magsafe AC charger it works fine. Also when just trying to run on battery it does not turn on at all. Here's some cliffs:

1) Macbook with just battery does not turn on
2) Macbook with battery + Magsafe AC charger connects powers on, gives the chime, but then immediately shuts off making the "whine" sound as if the power was suddenly cut off
3) Macbook with no battery connected and just the Magsafe AC charger connected works fine.Do you guys think this is either:

A) battery connector issue (the little piece with the metal wires that the battery connects to. ~$50 part)
B) Logic Board issue

I already tried resetting the PRAM and SMU to no avail.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Running On Reserve Battery Power

Jun 18, 2010

I just turned on my 13" MBP and got this message. Apparently, this is supposed to come up when there is only like 5% charge left. My battery indicator at the top of the screen said there was 22% charge left. Also, according to IStat, my battery's health has already dropped down to 97% after only about 2 weeks and 5 cycles. Is this normal? I'm going to try recallibrating my battery by fully charging it and then letting it fully drain. Is there a good chance that this solves this problem?

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MacBook Air :: "Proper" Battery Usage For New - Aka Power Supply Vs Battery?

Nov 29, 2010

As I just bought a 13" MBA, I am still in my "babying" phase of the machine and want its battery power/capacity to last as long as possible. I have already done the battery calibration recommended by Apple (not even sure if its 'necessary' but I did it anyways), with charging, resting, draining, resting, and re-charging. But now I am worried about the battery cycles. Should I only plug my MBA in when the battery is close to being drained (aka use it on battery power for most of my usage?) or is it okay to drain the battery to like 80% remaining, charge, and then drain to 70% remaining, then charge again? Im not sure if Im making sense, but basically I don't want to be wasting these valuable cycles, as they seem to determine battery health and longevity. So what is the proper battery usage for the MBA, or is it basically use off power when you want and use on power supply when its available?

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MacBook :: "Battery Not Charging, Power Source: Power Adapter"

May 22, 2012

I recently discovered my computer had died while it was sleeping. I tried charging it but am recieving the "Battery not charging, power source: power adapter" status.My power cord light is green, always. and the computer dies instantly when I remove the magsafe.

I've tried the "remove the battery, press the power button, plug in the magsafe" troubleshooting process, but it doesn't work.I've noticed that even with the battery out, the charger reads a green light.I've tried several outlets with the same results.Here are my battery stats 

Battery Information: 
Model Information:
Serial Number:    DP-ASMB016-384e-7636
Manufacturer:    DP


MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Won't Power Up - Battery Indicator Showed One Flickering Power Circle?

Mar 19, 2008

My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.

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Power Mac :: G4 Doesn't Power On Internal Battery Replaced?

Apr 30, 2012

tried 2 boot up my G4, nothing, replaced internal battery, no status change, advice? would still like to be able to use it if possible and affordable

G4 dual os boot, Mac OS X (10.4.11), will also boot up in OS 9.2.2 when

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MacBook :: What Does A Blank Screen Mean

Feb 5, 2012

what does a blank screen mean?

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MacBook Air :: Screen Gets Blank - Need To Restart

Dec 21, 2010

Got this mac friday but haven't really played with it before yesterday. My problem is:

1) Yesterday I went for logging in to facebook, but suddenly the screen went green? Had to close the mac down and start it again.
2) After I had turned it on and was on the desktop the screen (with me doing nothing) went white, and I had to do the same again.
3) This morning when I wanted to turn the mac on, it wouldn't! But few hours later I tried again and there I could turn it on by pressing esc + start button.

Should I call for a replacement? (Already had two - 1 with dead pixel and 1 with creaking).

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MacBook :: Screen Goes Blank When Being Moved / Fix It?

Dec 21, 2010

1 month past warranty expiration and now my screen goes blank when I adjust the angle. Is this usually something major or just loose connection?

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MacBook Pro :: Blank Screen - Hiccup?

Jan 1, 2011

I was using it in my bedroom, it was plugged in. I went to make some food, and upon my return I am greeted by a blank screen, probably just a hiccup right? So I held the power button down expecting it to spring back in to life. But it didn't. It wouldn't turn back on. At all. Luckily, I thought, I have my old 2006 Macbook that I keep as a back up just for times like this. As it hasn't been turned on for a while, the low battery warning comes on, so I plug it in. 10 seconds later, it hibernates. I switch it back on, but it keeps hibernating for no good reason. So I think restarting it will solve the problem. It didn't. It too, now wouldn't turn back on. At all.

In the space of a few minutes, they both completely died. I've tried resetting SMC, PRAM, everything I've found on Apple's support page and forums like this. Nothing has worked. The light on the power cable glows orange when plugged in, so it is still charging, and the battery indicator lights on the side of the MBP work fine. Aside from that, they are both completely lifeless...........

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MacBook Pro :: Blank Screen On 2008

Jul 2, 2009

when I turn on my computer there is a blank screen. You can still hear the normal noises coming from the computer like any normal boot-up. But if I let my computer sit for a while without turning it on, it will turn on with weird almost static noises. If I force shut down then try again, I get the normal boot-up noises. I tried the safe boot-up method,holding down the shift button while turning the computer on, but no dice. I actually tried this method on both the good and static noise boot-up.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Went Blank But Computer Still On

Jul 25, 2009

Yesterday I was working with my MBP in one of my client's office and the computer went blank. The screen turn to black and it was still ON. I had to press the ON/OFF button to shut the computer.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Blank After Loading Ram

Mar 25, 2012

I'm trying to upgrade to LION to move to iCloud...the folks at the genius bar recommended that I go from 2gb ram to 4. They gave me the website to purchase the memory and told me how to load it. Prior to loading, I shutdown the computer and unplugged it. I then removed the 2 1 gb cards  and replaced with 2gb cards. The loading seems to have gone fine, but all I get is a power light on the front of the case and a sound that makes me think it's running....the screen is totallly black though.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: ICloud Screen Is Blank?

Apr 3, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro with 10.7.3 installed.  When I go to my system settings and click on iCloud the page is blank.  Just grey screen in the window where it should show whatever should show with iCloud.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: It Turns On But Screen Is Blank

May 30, 2012

After turning machine on I can hear it powering up but the screen is blank...I can see the little white light on the right lit up!

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Goes Blank When Start Up

Jun 2, 2012

I am currently running OS X Lion. There are no system updates. My macbook pro JUST started doing this. It never did it before. When I shut my computer and let it sit for however long and then open my computer, the screen comes on, and then about 5 seconds after that, the screen goes blank. In order to turn my screen on, I have to adjust the brightness on my keyboard EVERY single time.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: Blank Screen When Powering Up?

Dec 9, 2014

My macbok air has a blank screen when powering it up, why ?

MacBook Air, iOS 8.1.1

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Power Mac G5 :: Blank CDs Not Mounting -trying To Reset PRAM

Nov 30, 2007

I have tried two different brands of blank CDR in my drive and both times, they fail to mount and in Disk Utility, show up as Sony DVDs (neither of them is a Sony or a DVD), but not writable. I have no problem with media that already has content. I've tried resetting PRAM, but nothing else yet.

Powermac G5
Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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Power Mac :: System Preferences Window Blank?

May 24, 2012

Why is the systems preference window blank - as well as all the pull downs?

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Nov 2010 Blank Screen? - How To Repair It

Nov 4, 2010

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Safari/533.18.5)

Any solution when New Macbook Air 13" goes Blank (white)?

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MacBook Pro :: Webcam Not Working - Just Blank Screen

May 10, 2007

I haven't used my built-in web cam in months now and out of sheer bordem decided to play around with Photo Booth, to my surprise nothing was showing up. It's just a blank screen. The little green light by the lens goes on, but nothing comes up.

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Boot - Sits On Blank Screen

Jan 30, 2009

I'm trying to fix my GF's Macbook Pro. This thing since day 1 has had so many little issues she's replacing it with a Dell. Anyhow, I want to try to fix the computer and I'm very good with computer hardware, just not familiar with troubleshooting Macs. The computer when turned on doesn't make a sound, it just sits at a blank screen with the power LED on the front lit solid. I have tried resetting the PRAM, resetting the SMC, and reseating the memory. I even swapped the memory.

It's the same behavior each time, just sits there, nothing comes on the screen. No noises. It does get quite warm sitting there powered on, though not obscenely hot. I can power it off with the power button as well. I have heard of trying to boot off of the restore CD or something but I feel that won't work and the problem is most likely hardware related. Nothing strange happened before this computer stopped working. It was not dropped, no water, or anything like that.

Specs are the machine is as follows:
15" Macbook Pro 2.2 Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2GB, 128MB VRAM, 120GB 5400 RPM Drive

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OS X :: Macbook Won't Start Up, But It Shows Blank Screen?

Mar 16, 2009

my macbook was almost dead on power when I shut it down. I couldn't charge it because I was on a plane. Anyway, I plugged it in recently and tried starting it up, it makes the start up sound but won't get passed a blank white screen. Is there anyway to fix this? I've heard reinstalling the startup cd might work, but will I lose my files on it? All the pictures of my dog that just passed away on it, and I don't want to lose these. I just got the right cds to back them up and was going to.

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OS X :: Unibody Macbook Pro - Blank Screen On Wake Up?

Mar 22, 2009

This has happened 2 times (rarely). Basically, when I wake up the macbook pro, the screen would remain "blank". I know the screen is on because I can see the mouse pointer but the whole screen is black. I'm assuming Finder has crashed?

I don't know how to restart on the macbook (ctrl + alt + del didn't work, using option didn't either) so I just held down the power button for 4 seconds and restarted that way.

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MacBook :: OS X Blank Gray Screen At Startup

Apr 20, 2009

I was using my computer normally, it started to move slowly, so I properly shut it down. After leaving it off for a few minutes, I started it up again. However, every time I press the power button, it comes on and there is just a blank gray screen. No folder with a question mark on it, just a blank gray screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Goes Blank For A Split Second/fixing It?

Sep 3, 2009

It just started this afternoon, every 15-20 minutes the screen goes blank once for less than a second and comes back. I haven't upgraded to snow leopard yet, haven't changed anything recently. It's only a few months old so should I take it to an apple store or is there something simple that might fix it?

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