MacBook :: Lost Sound On Notebook?
Feb 17, 2012I lost the sound on video clips and you tube. I have sound on I Tunes.
Mac OS X (10.5.4)
I lost the sound on video clips and you tube. I have sound on I Tunes.
Mac OS X (10.5.4)
I temporarily lost all sound on my MacBook Pro. I hooked it up to my television and had good sound. Then I unplugged it from the TV and lost all sound. I couldn't get sound through the speakers on my computer, television, or iPod headphones. I went online and searched for similar problems. I was amazed at how many people had the same problem. Many of these people were forced to send their computers to Apple to have it fixed. I found this: [URL]
View 7 Replies View Relatedi lost the sound of my mcbook air
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
My speaker icon in menu bar has turned gray and does not respond.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a MacBook Air and one day I lost the sound all together. I had tried to bring it back from the keyboard but it seems to be locked and cannot unlock it. Then I went to check on the sound in the system preferences and it is not showing anything either.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was just watching some youtube videos, and suddenly the video stopped working, I then refreshed it and the sound was gone. First I thought this was only in the youtube player, but now that I've tested both windows media player (which actually, for some reason, couldn't play ANYTHING whatsoever) and the volume control. I haven't tried a restart though, even though this may fix the problem, it's doesn't permanently resolve it. Has anyone else experienced this problem? And is there a fix for it, or is it just windows ****ing with me, as always?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a 2009 macbook with version 10.6.4, 2.13 GHz intel core 2 duo processor and a 2 GB MHz DDR2 SDRAM memory. Last week I was using to play music through an auditorium sound system and it sounded strange. The next day I had lost sound through the right side of my head phone jack. The left side is good along with the speaker.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing my Mac earlier today I lost all sound output, and attempted to reboot it to try and fix the problem. Now instead of booting it's stuck on the white loading screen. I've tried turning it off and on again from here, but I still get the same result.
This morning I realized that I have no sound. Was away all weekend and know that I had to reboot my systems to get to the internet. How do I get my sound back?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi just noticed that i no longer have a output sound there anyway i can get sound back or do i have to nuke it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter re-arranging my set-up, I suddenly have no sound from my external speakers (JBL Creature II). After the first panic, I figured I would try with my MBP. Odly, they work just fine with that. Then i tried with my headphones from my iPhone - no sound at alle. I?ve resetted PR-RAM (twice), and is now stocked - and pissed.
View 8 Replies View Relatedi was playing around iTunes open and everything then suddenly no sound, it was fine before so i checked all my setting everything's fine, checked wiring and power to soundsticks all good. Reboot and the loading alert plays nice and loud as always but log in and still no sound.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSaw a problem a member (steelfist) had awhile back regarding loss of sound from internal speakers. I needed to know how that was resolved since I have the exact problem on wife's ibook. Apple iBook Notebook 12.1" M9846LL/A (1.33 GHz PowerPC G4, 512 MB DDR SDRAM, 40 GB Hard Drive, Combo Drive, Built-in AirPort Extreme
Problem: Internal speaker option in sound preferences GONE all of a sudden. Only headphone option exists. Headphones sound good and so does any external speaker plugged in to that jack. But internal speakers are gone.
Tried: everything except reinstalling OS X. I've messed with opening and closing Garage Band, checked Midi defaults, tried to trip jack into not thinking headphones was plugged in - did the PRAM, power reset - no mutes on or sound lever out of balance either. Want to avoid sending unit in for repair if I can do it myself.
Need to know: Would opening the unit and unplugging / plugging the sound jack or speakers (if possible) make the system "see" the internal speakers? Or should I reinstall operating system? Just afraid of losing files.
My brother has just jumped on the Mac bandwagon and has bought himself a new 21.5-inch 4670 iMac after years of persuading him to ditch PC. He's only had it a few days, but he fears he may have messed things up with the audio after downloading and installing 3rd party drivers to make his existing external audio interface compatible with the iMac. This is the problem as he describes it: I first downloaded the UA25USBDRIVER from Edirol (Roland) and then installed it. However my audio interface (Cakewalk SPS-25) did not work therefore I uninstalled the driver with the uninstall option which came with the download.
I then downloaded the SoundBlaster.USB.Audio.Support.pkg from the following site (had to register first):
My Macbook pro got slow after installing OS X Lion but now it has got even slower?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I buy macbook pro 1.5 years ago. Now I want to sell my notebook to apple, add some money and buy new notebook from apple.
Is it possible to make it form thailand ?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
If it is possible to connect an IMac to a macbook pro and use the mbp's keyboard and screen as an external monitor? The reason is I need the most powerful IMac for the programs I am running, but i love notebook interfaces.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI dont call this for good, but it shows what is possible and that others work an Core i7-980X laptop while we get only C2D chips.
6 vs. 2 Cores for equal prices (sure not egual quality and it's very ugly) and Apple is still cool and thinks we are all happy with our mac's.
If this six core could run OSX, I would think about it. But I still hope for a 17"MBP with 4 cores.
Just wanted to start a thread here to say I came up with an exciting skin for my precious 11.6" MacBook Air. Even though I lucked out with the 50% discount at ZAGG on their Cyber Monday sale to pick up a plain invisibleSHIELD, I returned it unused when I came up with this concept. I'll be posting the usable skin images on ZAGG's Custom Skin Designer page as soon as I receive the final ZAGGskin product from them (hopefully before this weekend), apply it on my Air, and take some shots with it. My last skinmod with a Leica camera skin on my iPhone 4 was well-received enough to be picked up by Gizmodo on their blog post. In the meantime, this is a Photoshop mockup of what it will look like.
View 24 Replies View RelatedAre there any cases for 13" MBA that stays on the MBA while using the notebook with screen opened so you do not have to remove the MBA out of the sleeve each time you use it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am struggling to find how to access the special keyboard that most comps have
MacBook Pro, Sony Vio
It's the last question before I buy the MBA. I have a program that can run under Win or MAC. That's a Picture convert and compile program work with my project. This program needs 100% CPU to and last 15 minutes to work under my old Pemtium M 1.6Ghz notebook. Usually I do my job use my notebook in home or my desktop PC in office. But occasionally I need to do some compile outside the office.
So I really need to know whether the MBA will definitely shutdown one core when the CPU usage is 100% and last 15 minutes? Or maybe you can tell me if the MBA will shutdown when rendering a project in Mayar or 3D Max last 15 minutes. It's important to me before I buy the MBA. I just need a light notebook and I can do some hard job occasionally, but reliable. I like a Fujisu S6510 too, but it is too expensive and heaver than MBA.
Yesterday, I upgraded to iWork09 and today I cannot get my MacBookPro to turn on. I have tried all the recommended reboot methods but nothing seems to work. I suspect the new software is the culprit because at the end of the load, there was a message to say the disc could not complete because of 'damage'. The software worked fine but I noticed the notebook was running significantly slower and now, I cannot even turn on.
I'm in the process of researching my next notebook purchase. If people could attempt to maintain an unbiased viewpoint that would be very useful. I'm a qualified accountant currently offering personal tax and finance advice. The form factor I've decided on is 15". I've considered the 13" but I can't justify giving up the screen real-estate (and the fact I'd go for the hi-res screen) for the added mobility. My everyday tasks are split between work and home use. As a general oversight these include multimedia, photo editing and extensive MS Word/Excel. Assuming I go Mac OS I will also require decent Virtualization performance on the occasion I need to run Windows software I use for my work. The packages cannot be found in Mac OS form.
The following factors are also important:
-Build Quality
-Battery Life
-Value for Money Hardware & Specification
From the first two points you can see why I am considering the 15" mid-range i5 MBP. But I am struggling to overcome the third point. For example a similar specfied Vaio E Series is approx. $1000 ($700) a-drift and includes a BDVD player. But bad experiences with windows notebooks have taught me that they are generally built to last 18-24 months at the very best. If I could find a machine with the build quality and battery life of a MBP with a windows OS I'd be more than happy. Don't get me wrong, I love Mac OS, however the financial industry in the UK seems to be significantly dominated by Windows software and I refuse to run two machines.
Some DVD's will not work anymore in my apple notebook pro.can I use an ordinary cleaning CD for my apple notebook CD-drive?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I do not know why the notebook stopped recognizing the external mouse.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy my notebook screen goes blue sometimes and i can't do anything? even turn it off?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a MBP 13 hooked to an external display. When I shut the lid of the MBP, the external display turns off too, and I'd like the lid shut so the MBP doesn't take too much space on my desk.
How do I keep the external display on while the MBP's lid is shut?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
The usb wireless mouse (microsoft wireless mobile mouse 3000) will work perfectly fine until I plug my notebook in.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI would like to know wether is possible to use high performance programs such us aperture on a daily notebook like mackbook air.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)