MacBook Pro :: External Display Turns Off When Notebook Lid Is Closed
Jun 30, 2012
I have a MBP 13 hooked to an external display. When I shut the lid of the MBP, the external display turns off too, and I'd like the lid shut so the MBP doesn't take too much space on my desk.
How do I keep the external display on while the MBP's lid is shut?
I have an 13" MBP that I ordered new in April, 2012. It is running Lion. I have an external monitor that is capable of 1440x900 resolution. I have an external keyboard and trackpad hooked up, and I like to close my MBP up and stick it in a BookArc. I want to be able to have the internal display disabled and to have the MBP only allow me to put windows on the external display, so long as the lid is closed. I also want to be sure that I am taking advantage of the resolutions available on my external monitor, which are higher than those supported by the internal display (specifically 1440x900).
This doesn't seem to work because I either have to allow the MBP to continue to draw my desktop across both screens (internal and external), OR use the "mirror displays" mode, which restricts my resolution of my external monitor. This means I either forgoe the additional resolution benefits of my external monitor, or I end up with windows that fall off-the-cliff, so to speak, because they are drawn in the portion of the desktop that would be shown on my internal display (which is closed).
I've read the community support pages on using the MBP with an external monitor, most relevantly, this page. It simply recommends using the "mirror displays" option. However, this option, as I mentioned above, doesn't allow me to make use of the additional resolution, and my external display looks bad. how to keep the 13" MBP in closed clamshell position, with the internal display disabled, and use my external monitor at resolutions higher than those allowed by the 13" MBP but which are available to my external monitor when not in "mirror displays" mode?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), External display (1440x900)
I am wondering that is it essential to connect power adaptor all the time while operating in closed calmshell mode? When I unpluged the cable it didn't work. Is there some way?
The external 19" LCD display does not work with the lid closed. However, it does work in full 1680x1050 when mirroring is turned off and the lid is open. When I turn mirroring on and the lid is open, the external display does not work at full 1680x1050, it shrinks the external view so the resolution is 1680x1050 but only displays 1280x800 worth of pixels.
* lid closed, mirroring on, external display does not work (goes into "out of range" mode)
* lid closed, mirroring off, external display does not work (goes into "out of range" mode)
* lid open, mirroring on, external display will not do a full 1680x1050, instead will do 1280x800
* lid open, mirroring off, external display will do a full 1680x1050
A USB keyboard and mouse are attached. This exact setup worked flawlessly with a gen1 macbook pro out of the box.
How do I make the display work with the lid closed?
So I've recently connected my MacBook to an external display (a TV actually). Obviously, when I close the MacBook's screen the computer goes to sleep. How do I stop this from happening? I checked in 'help', it said that if I connected the monitor to the computer after closing the display, the computer would continue to run with the display closed. I've already connected it all though (running cables through cabinets, etc.) and I don't really want to undo all of that! Is there an easier way to set the computer to stay on (as opposed to entering sleep mode) when the display is closed?
I have a Macbook Air, and i just picked up the new LED ACD from my local apple store. Since im new to mac, is there a way to either close my Air and not have it go to sleep? I want to use the external display as the primary display with my laptop closed, any ideas?
I typed Mac Help about "to operate the portable computer with an external monitor attached and the display closed. When I close the display of my Mac Book or MacBookPro, the external monitor such as my 50" Plasma monitor or video projector would go black. I read the Help and it said and required the USB Mouse and Keyboard to close the Macbook display and put computer sleep. My question is will the Apple blue tooth or wireless keyboard and mice will work with out using the USB? Has any one try that? I am not sure if I should buy wired or wireless to operate this.
If you want to use the external display as the main display, and close the macbook pro is it possible that the macbook pro might overheat, or have negative impacts on the machine for keeping it closed while in use?
I am on a 17" macbook pro using lion and my laptop wont go to sleep. I shut the lid and the screen turns off but I hear it still going and the light in the front doesn't begin to blink like it is suppose to. I have reset the pram and the smc and its still not working
I have connected an external monitor to my MacbookPro. I wish to close the lid on the notebook but the display goes out (monitor and notebook) and I am unable to find the setting to keep it on.
I have a macbook pro and I want to be able to hook it up to my TV and close the laptop lid. Every time I close the lid, the TV goes black no matter what settings I change! I'm not sure if the laptop is going to sleep, or just disconnecting the TV as a display.
I've tried something called Caffeine, but it didn't do a thing.
This started a week ago, When my early 2011 MacBook Pro8,2 (running Lion) is plugged in and I close the lid, the light on the side stays a solid bright white. When I open, my display turns on for about a second or two, but then turns off, causing me to have to unplug my laptop inorder to get the display back on.
I have a 2 year old aluminum (not uni-body) 15" Macbook Pro. Today when I turned on my computer, the front light went on, I heard the hard drive spin but the screeen remains completely black.
I've just bought a Dell 2209WA. I'm struggling a little with colour profiles and monitor setting, not sure which is the best thing to do. I'll be working with some things that need to be printed out and some that are for web only. So I'm guessing I'll need to use different colour profiles depending on what I'm doing, is that right? Can anyone recommend some to me?1. Is it possible to close my macbook pro yet still have it working through my monitor? I have a wireless keyboard so it'd be preferable if I close close the mac and run the monitor from it.
I recently purchased a ColorVision Spyder 2 to calibrate my MacBook Pro display (I have the 9C83 panel). The results were wonderful—everything seemed to improve colorwise. There is one exception, though: in applications that use ColorSync (Safari, iPhoto, etc.) blues turn purple. Not just a purpleish-shade of blue—purple. The easiest way to see this is by opening a color picker, such as the one in Pages or Adium. Using the RGB sliders to choose a perfect blue—255—it's easy to see that it's purple. Other interface elements changed, too: blue menus, such as when you organize bookmarks in Safari, become purple. I found a long thread about the issue here, but no conclusion seems to be reached. It looks like the color spectrum created by these hardware profilers puts blue very far away from the sRGB blue, causing an adjustment to purple. A lot of people here use calibration tools on their MacBook Pros—has anyone else seen this? And you if have, is there a workaround?
I have a 2009 unibody macbook pro. I have 42 in lcd tv. I have a minidisplay to vga adapter and a vga cable. When I try to connect the monitor to the mbp when the lid is open nothing is detected. I do not get any options to change to mirror mode or am able to change any settings regarding the monitor. I can change the resolution of the built in display only. Now for the twist. If I connect everything, do a restart and close the lid, as the computer boots up the external monitor works. Its the grey boot screen with the apple logo. But as soon as the computer begins to load the desktop, the monitor losses the signal. At first I thought it was going into sleep mode, so I hooked up a usb mouse to keep the computer awake. I tried the process again, and as soon as it goes to the desktop it losses the signal. So I don't think it is sleep mode. I downloaded the minidisplay prot firmware update, but because the screen is not detected when the lid is open I cant run it. When the lid is closed the computer either goes to sleep or doesn't send the desktop signal and I still cant run it. Nothing happens if I change between the video cards (9400 and 9600gm). Is it a resolution issue? Do the vga cables have a max resolution that is lower than 1900 x 1200?
however i hear that having your macbook closed is bad for it? i have the white 2.1ghz one (early 2008?) i'd like to close it and stuff to save space or what not.
how can i turn on the macbook without openening it if its safe to keep it closed while running off my external montor?
i have been a 13" macbook user for over a year and love every moment of it.
I work on large spreadsheets daily with the laptop open and another 19" monitor. I am considering adding another monitor and keeping the laptop closed.
Is such setup possible? Have 2 screens on my desk, plugging the laptop to them, keeping it closed and working solely of the 2 external monitors?
I would like to run a Macbook Pro Retina (2014) with the lid closed and all video and audio via HDMI routed to an external monitor (Samsung Syncmaster from 2010). Is this possible? When I try this, no sound is transferred to the external monitor and I cannot operate the Macbook Pro with the lid closed. As soon as I close the lid, it cuts the signal to the external screen. I’ve tried looking for previous posts but they’re about MCP’s connecting via Thunderbolt or DVI.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 16Gb, 256Gb SSD
I am currently am using a MacBook Pro mid 2007 and was wondering it is possible to connect it to an external monitor and if so use it when closed without the comp going into sleep mode.
How do you tell the MacBook Pro to output to the Apple Cinema Display when the lid is closed rather than go to sleep? I know you can use the ACD as a secondary screen OR as the only screen with the MBP lid closed. Is there a setting somewhere for this?
Has any one had any problems using an external display (Apple 24 inch LED is what I am using) with Bootcamp with an Apple laptop (recent MBP) in the closed lid position. I start Bootcamp & Windows, close the lid, but the display/computer won't restart once I plug in the peripherals.