What is that noise when you turn on the macbook? It is like some sort of "scanner" noise... i dont know how to explain it. what happens inside when the noise happens, what is the computer doing?
My Macbook Air has suddenly decided not to turn. I have tried the rebook using the left hand side keys 'shift/control/option & power' but still nothing happens. Every now and again when I try turning it on using the power button the fan turns on and is really loud?
When I turn on my 17" iMac I hear a loud clicking noise. The noise repeats every few minutes and finally a folder icon appears with a question mark in it. Could my hard drive be failing?
When I plug it in, the computer makes a horrrible noise, and then when I press the power button, it flashes, and the noise becomes much louder. It origionally turned on to the hd selection screen when I first got it, and I accidentally left it on all day. When I got home, it was making the noise. I know it is not the hard drive, because it dieson't have one, and Imacs don't have fans.
I just got my 2.0ghz Alu Macbook a few days ago and everything works perfectly well, the thing is that after day one the magsafe started to emit a low pitched electrical whistling noise. It tends to be there a few minutes after booting into the OS and then it turns down to almost unhearable, but I experienced it returning after a few hours of use and then disappearing again. If I move close to the escape key I can hear a crackling noise emitting from the magsafe.I'm not trying to be overly nitpicky or anything but I read somewhere that if it's doing that it would be a faulty Mag-Safe board or something.
Does any one you guys know anything about this? I have the 14 days to return it as I bought it online from the Apple Store so if it's a faulty part that might die/break/ cause problems later I might have to.
Sometimes I lift and carefully move my 17-inch MBP a short distance to another flat surface without putting it to sleep mode, it starts making really loud mechanical noise when I put it down, so loud that people in the same room can hear the noise and I can feel vibrations too! What causes this? Where does this noise come from? Is my MBP defective?
My first generation unibody Macbook hasn't had any problems to this date but now it's constantly making that mechanical loading-like noise which is usually heard when the Macbook is switched on (the noise before the start up sound) or when the lid is opened to wake up the computer. Is there a fix to this?
On my 13" MacBook Pro, the hinge makes a cracking noise on the right side of the computer (near the power button) when the screen is positioned all the way back.The entire hinge also makes a loud popping noise when I adjust the screen position. The screen seems very tight, and it takes a little bit of effort to move the screen, and when the screen is moved it makes the loud popping noise.
This is probably going to make some of you guys cringe, but sometimes putting pressure down on the top of the case close to where the black hinge meets to unibody enclosure seems to stop the popping noises. Putting downwards pressure on the hinge, or flipping the computer over and putting pressure on it that way, also seems to alter how much popping noise there is.
If I mess around a bit with applying pressure on different parts of the computer around the hinge, I can usually eliminate the noise. But, the cracking noise when I put the screen all the way back is still there.Any ideas what to do? It's not interfering with the operation of the computer, it's just incredibly annoying and this is only a four month old machine which shouldn't be creaking and cracking already.
Has anyone else had problems with an old G3 Pismo making an annoying squealing noise when plugged into a charger? There's a lot of noises mentioned in mac/apple forums but none of them relate to this one. Here's what it is not:
It's not coming from the screen or the fan or the speakers (it's under the keyboard). It's not low or slightly annoying (it is a loud squeal). It happens only when the power adaptor is plugged into the laptop.(it used to cease after I unplugged the power adaptor and plugged it back in three times; now that solution doesn't stop the noise anymore). It charges ok, and runs ok, scream or no-scream. It's quiet right now, but if I move the adaptor to another plug it will start again.
I was going to live with this, but today after an hour of operating quietly it just started again, and I hate to leave the house with this going.(it will scream whether the laptop is on or off. I have a really old battery and cannot replace it (I am currently staying in Mexico for the summer). Battery life is 45 min. I haven't tried pulling the battery out. That would be too easy.
This all started when I bought a replacement power adaptor (generic),after the original one melted down, but I could stop the screaming by unplugging/plugging it in again once or twice. Then I bought an expensive iGo adaptor, and it does the same thing.
I Did the PRAM and PMU reset.I can hear it over music or the tv. It grew lower in pitch today after squealing for a half hour. I'd normally not let it go on that long, but i was in the other room.Is my PISMO dying?
(400 mhz pismo G3 500 sdram, osx-10.39, no os-9 or Classic, new 80g HD)
I just got my macbook pro yesterday and ran it all yesterday not hearing anything. Today when I woke it from sleep I could clearly hear the fan or hard drive going. I was in a quiet room and it's quite annoying.
istat says its at 2000 rpm so thats when I started thinking it may be the hard disk. It does pulse every now and then but thats even while it's just sitting idle.
I guess I could live with it but its just annoying. Anyone else having this?
I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?
But I can turn it off, if I choose "Share my internet connection for other units". (I don't know, if this is the right text in english, because my OSX is in german)
2) Now Bluetooth is OFF:
But I can't turn it on, because the checkbox "ON" is inactive.
It turns only on, if I choose "New Unit"(?). Then there is a new window, that says, that this is only possible if Bluetooth turns on. If I say OK, bluetooth turns ON.
Back to 1)
What's the problem. Why is this f* checkbox for turning bluetooth on and off inactive?
This is not a hardware problem, because I can have stable bluetooth connections.
I did a smc and am pram reset. But it doesn't help.
Had (used) iBook G4 several months now & thoroughly enjoy it, even tho' I live in the sticks where there's no hi-speed/wireless available; I connect to internet & power, which is fine.
This weekend I went to turn off my iBook & it wouldn't turn off. It's now permanently on, with opening info barely visible (like I need to click on F2 to brighten up, except nothing happens).
Currently using my "back up" computer, my iMac Grape, which is pretty much an antique by now.
I was playing around with my mac g4 logic board... ( yes, i know... ) anyways, i press the power, the light turns on, and the fan spinns up then everything just turns off... http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=95035 ^ my tower, (agp graphics, ftw)
As per title... Loud grinding sound, goes away on restart, seems to be happening more consistently in the past few days (noticed it last week for first time). The MBP is 3 years old I have an appointment at apple store for tomorrow, im pretty sure they'll just say that the right fan needs to be replaced (applecare warranty ended a month ago of course)
There seems to be an occasional clicking noise coming from the hard drive on my new alumn macbook . is that normal? anyone experiencing the same? diskutility says nothing is wrong with it and it seems to be functioning fine so far.
awhile ago I posted about a high pitched noise that I thought was cpu whine, well Here I am, about 3 Months after it had initially started, It did stop for awhile and now its back. This time around though, I noticed that it only does it when I use the trackpad, In the time that it had stopped doing it, I had purchased a mighty mouse, and since it started doing it again, about 3 or 4 days ago, I noticed that it only does it when i use the trackpad and not the mouse. If it helps any, it is a bluetooth mouse.
I'm getting a loud noise which sounds like it's coming from possibly the fan when I try to play a disc from my CSI season. The dvd does play with picture and sound and everything fine but the noise persists until i eject the dvd. It is a loud vibrating sound which starts shortly after i insert the disc. It simply sounds like the fan is hitting something inside the laptop but it stops the instant that i eject it.
I hear some noise in my macbook pro and i dont know the reason. i tried everything to fix such as reseting SMC but it didnt fix. I dont really know the reason. Is it because i upgraded my mac os x from 10.5.8 to 10.6.3 and should i format my computer? the noise is not that much however when i compare it to other mac it seems that something is wrong. the noise is from the fan beside the mouse pad.
I am just wondering why, when I close the lid, it makes a ticking noise. It is as if something is stuck in the hinges but I've checked and cleaned it and it seems fine. Anyone else had this problem or know how I should fix it? It used to be smooth and ticking-noise-free, but now its gone funny.
I have a 3 month old MacBook Pro 13inch, whenever I 2 finger scroll on webpages in chrome or safari there is a scratching sound which comes from the top left of the mac. The sound is similar to processor noise but can be louder. I have noticed that the sound is less amplified when running without the power cable attached, but is still there.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Just received the new Macbook Pro 17" with I7 option as well as the 7200rpm HD 500gb. The machine works great so far. However, there is a slight vibration I can feel on the aluminum in front of the keyboard and basically across the machine, though when I moved it from a glass table to a wooden desk it was much decreased. The machine is also much noisier than I thought it would be, though I did know when I went for the 7200 option that it might be noisier.
Is this normal because of the HD or I7 chip? I can return the machine and exchange it, but the anti-glare screen seems ok with no pixel problems, etc., so I don't want to look for trouble without a benefit. Is it possible this is not the HD? (vibration and noise does seem to emanate from the left side-I believe it is a Seagate, ID starts with ST)
just got a span new 15' mbp, i have started to notice a little barely audible "chinking" sound when using the trackpad or keyboard. is this normal? anything to worry about? just having spent a lot of money id rather put any problems right at the start before they get any worse.