MacBook :: The Current White Macbook Viable
Apr 17, 2010
I'll be buying a new laptop at the end of this year, and I was originally planning on buying a 13" Macbook Pro base model. But I've decided that it doesn't offer that much better specs than the standard Macbook, but I wouldn't mind spending the extra money if need be. I love the 13" screen size so that isn't an issue.But is the current white Macbook viable? Are there any planned future updates?Also I was wondering how long you think it will last me. It will have a normal amount of usage with; web browsing, word processing, photo/ light video editing and music. I'd like to get at least 5 years out of it
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Nov 20, 2010
I have a 2008 13" white, plastic MacBook. Its a bit slow, but adequate. Thinking of selling it and paying the difference to get the 11" MacBook Air. I've heard it is similar in speed and has the same processor.
The main problem I have with my current MacBook is that its heavy - I need something lightweight to easily carry to school and class for note-taking and such.
How is the Air better or worse, and would I be losing anything significantly by replacing the 08 plastic MB with a MBA?
macbook '08 specs: [URL]
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Apr 3, 2010
Does the current white macbook, with 2GB RAM, come with a single 2GB stick, or two 1GB sticks?
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May 15, 2012
So, I have a 2009 MBP 2.66 Duo Core, 4MB ram, 320GB HDD, GeForce 9600M GT 256. I play mostly WoW, LoL, Civ, some FPS, Diablo 3- now that it's out, and a handful of others... I was planning on upgrading my HDD to 1TB and possibly doing a raid configuration for speed, as well as upgrading to 8MB ram. I realize the graphics card is going to be my biggest downfall- and to my understanding, not upgradable. I guess my question is, Is the memory and HDD upgrades viable even though I probably won't be able to do anything with my graphics?
Time Capsule, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 17, 2009
Do the current MacBooks, both the white polycarbonate w/NVIDIA GeForce 9400M and the aluminum (Unibody) use the same or different LCD panels?I know that the white MacBook has fluorescent back lights for the display, whereas the aluminum MacBook has LED back lights. I also know that the white MacBook has a glossy LCD display, whereas the aluminum MacBook has an even glossier glass panel over the LCD display.I understand that both MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models use better LCD display panels, but I'm not in the market for either so that's a moot point. Since I've read conflicting reports as to whether one MacBook display is better or worse than the other what I'd like to know is if the physical LCD panel used in both varieties of MacBook is the same or different?
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Nov 1, 2010
I've been trying on and off for the past two years to install Windows on my Mid-Late 2008 MBP (C2D,10.5.8). The first time I tried it, I partitioned fine, got XP installed and went to install drivers from my OSX disc, but there were some errors and I couldn't get the trackpad/other essential drivers installed, even when I downloaded the drivers direct and put them on via USB or from the Mac partition. So I tried again a few months after having deleted the partition, but this time I couldn't partition it properly.
I just purchased the SL upgrade disc and I'm now thinking of putting Windows 7 on this. This prompts a few questions that I hope you guys can answer.
1. I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but just to check, will 64-bit Windows 7 work on my computer?
2. Will the drivers included on the 10.6 upgrade disc be sufficient to install Windows, or will I need my original install disc (which would be a pain to get)?
3. I'm getting Windows 7 through one of my school's programs, and it'll be an .iso. Obviously if I just burn this to a disc it should suffice, but will it cause any problems with the installation via bootcamp? As far as I know, unless my school's been doing some shady business it's!
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Mar 15, 2010
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick, that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
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May 4, 2005
I've begun to notice a ring, roughly three inches in diameter, in the middle of my Air, Rev C, Screen. It is a white ring, a couple of millimeters thick,that I can see best behind an all white screen, i.e. a blank page of a word processing document.
Anyone seen anything like this before. I can actually see part of it right on the white of the page I am typing in this thread.
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Mar 16, 2010
Figured it would be a little lighter to have a thread that shows that Apple's computer CAN and DO work occasionally....Here's my uptime on my i7! It wants me to reboot for Safari update, but I refuse. As of 8:42am PST, March 16, 2010:I guess currently I have the longest uptime of anyone in this thread!
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Jun 15, 2012
what is the current cost of battery replacement for a mid 2009 13" macbook pro
MBP 13, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 17, 2012
Now that the new macbook pro has usb 3.0, is there a way to convert my current macbook's usb 2.0 to 3.0?
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Jun 17, 2012
I have made a mess of everything to the point where I probably should start fresh and reload everything. Is there some way I could reset to original factory settings?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Oct 20, 2010
I have MacBook Pro about 17 months old (bought new Summer 2008). According to Coconut Battery, my current battery capacity is 96% after 185 cycles (see below). This was taken just after I re-calibrated the battery last night. I usually work the laptop from the battery ... I rarely leave the laptop plugged in unless charging, and when fully charged I always unplug and run the battery down before plugging in again. So, is 96% battery capacity good or bad for a 17 month old MacBook with 185 charge cycles? Is the way I'm charging ok, or is it better to have the MacBook plugged in continuously and have less charge cycles (would this give me a better battery health %)?
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Jan 6, 2011
I currently own a macbook pro (see below specifications). I would like to know if I could change my current hard drive (Hitachi HTS545050B9SA02 500GB @5400) to an SSD. Here are some concerns
1. Can i copy my exact hard drive with all the programs over without having to reinstall anything
2. What is the best 500gb SSd Harddrive for this laptop?
Model Name:MacBook Pro
Model Identifier:MacBookPro6,2
Processor Name:Intel Core i7
Processor Speed:2.66 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache (per core):256 KB
L3 Cache:4 MB
Memory:8 GB
Processor Interconnect Speed:4.8 GT/s
Boot ROM Version:MBP61.0057.B0C
SMC Version (system):1.58f15
Serial Number (system):W80150U5GD6
Hardware UUID:D3142A38-4F10-56FE-910E-F298BD4C664F
Sudden Motion Sensor:
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Jan 6, 2011
Assuming that the next Macbook Pro revision includes a Sandy Bridge i5, will the Sandy Bridge i5 be more powerful than the current 2.66 i7 included in the 15" Model?
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Feb 23, 2010
I have been waiting for arendale (or however you spell it) and I just can't seem to make myself wait any longer so my question is should I get the current 15" 3.06Ghz or wait..And another question what would be the difference in the 3.06 and the 2.8Ghz?Just really tired of waiting but I don't want my new mbp to be "old" in a week or so when the new ones come out I dunno.. maybe I'm chasing Technology here but I would really like an i5 or i7 chip
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Apr 13, 2010
If the 13" isn't updated I may get the current version...but was after some advice about the graphics card/processor (I realise I'm probably using the wrong term).
I'd read that users have to log off to switch the graphics option when using the mbp for heavier work.
Can anyone provide an idiot's guide on what this actually means? How often it has to be done, for what tasks (video editing etc) and how long the switch physically takes?
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Jun 6, 2010
I was an owner of a white macbook for just over a year until the motherboard decided to give up the ghost... So I eventually bought myself a new 13" Macbook Pro. Everything was going just beautifully, until I realised when I was charging it, I had this weird electrical current going through all the aluminum.First of all the first two things that came to mind was. What's the computer and most importantly MY health going to be like if its exposed to all this! Anyway. I read a few threads, and they were talking about the "Grounding" problem. Luckily I got my old macbook charger out and plugged it in.. The problem went! So I was then thinking on where in the charger lied the problem? So I took the cable part from the Megasafe to the socket from my macbook, and then put it into my macbook pro Megasafe... and everything worked brilliantly! I'm no genius, however if you guys feel that tingly electrical/static current going through you're MBP, go and buy yourself a new cable. However as Apple is so popular, I'm sure if you try one of you're friends (As they will undoubtably have one) and see if it is that the problem. In anycase, I'm very happy with my Macbook Pro Apple make some awesome products. Bill Gates should just pack up and go fishing if you ask me. He can never compete with Me old mate Steve
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Aug 4, 2010
I currently own a Mid-2007 entry-level MacBook. It's 3 years old now (I bought it for university), so now at the end of my degree I'm slightly curious as to the notebooks that Apple have in their line-up right now. I could probably stretch, if I were to buy one, to the entry-level 13" MacBook Pro. My question is, and this is just curiosity - is there much to be jealous of in the current entry level 13" MacBook Pro, compared to what I have now? I upgraded the RAM to 2GB and the HD to 500GB in the one I have now, but still I get jealous when I see pictures of the MBP - should I be? Or is what I currently have now not too bad?
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Apr 1, 2012
I want to use my gift card, but when I try to purchase the external harddrive I want, it says I'm in United States which is utter BS. I am in Australia, and my account is even set to Australia. I am so confused and frustrated, because I really want to buy a harddrive as soon as possible.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 11, 2012
I have a disk which I purchased a while ago which says it is Mac OS X 10.6 Retail and I am wondering if this is an upgrade or a whole new install? Am I going to lose information on my computer
My computer specs
MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro3,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 18, 2012
I'm getting the basic 13" MacBookPro sometime next week and I was wondering, how good is it for gaming? To be honest, I haven't played video games in a while (didn't have time then lost interest) but I still want to play Diablo3 during my spare time because I used to be a big fan of Diablo2 back in the day. Do you think I could run it?
2.5GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
Turbo Boost up to 3.1GHz
4GB 1600MHz memory
500GB 5400-rpm hard drive
Intel HD Graphics 4000
MacBook Pro
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Sep 9, 2014
I have OSX version 10.6.8. When I run software update, it tells me my software is up to date. On my other Macbook Pro, I have 10.9.4. I realize that I will have to run a series of updates to get from 10.6 to 10.9 but why won't software update allow me to update to the next OS version in the sequence?
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Sep 24, 2009
Alrighty, its been a while since I been on here but im in a situation. I currently own a macbook air while I LOVE it, it doesn't have a audio input, and I plan on recording, I know you can record through the usb but I don't have the equipment at the moment. I cant decide between the two, only reason Im condering the black though is because of the price. Keep in mind I do plan to record. Ram- Both can be maxed out Hard Drive- 80Gb is more than enough for me. Build material.. Well I loved my macbook airs aluminum shell at first, but I began getting dents, sure I didn't take the best care of it, but the dents annoy me alittle. The plastic I had was white and it shure did scratch and scuff pretty well but of course never held a dent. I really would love a computer that physically could take some abuse. Any reason I should go with the newer over the older? Money isn't a problem but I love to spend less, Im finding out more and more I don't need to have the newest flashyest stuff out.
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Sep 2, 2010
for work-related reasons I need a second external monitor for my Macbook. I do know that you can't plug in a second monitor but i found the "Matrox DualHead2Go". With this device you can use one input from the Macbook and split the output to 2 monitors with 1920x1200 pixel each. The Macbook thinks that it is one big monitor with 3840x1200 pixel. I guess many of you may know the DualHead2Go.
My questions:
1.) Does my graphics card work with such a high resolution? On it says "up to 2560 by 1600 pixels on an external display". But that would only result in 2 monitors with 1280 pixel width each. Is that correct? Is the graphics card not able to go higher?
2.) If it should work: is the Macbook fast enough to output 3840x1200 pixel? Would the CPU always run at 100%?
Info: I have the current Macbook Pro 13" with 2,4 Ghz Core2Duo, 4GB Ram and GeForce 320M.
I would really hate to switch to a larger Macbook or to a stationary Mac like the Mac Pro or iMac. I still want to be mobile without always synchronizing my work on both Macs.
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Jan 5, 2011
For the last two weeks I have been using my new macbook pro. I'm a bit concerned about the sound quality that i get from the speakers. According to specs it has a subwoofer (I know you can't expect much from a tiny laptop) but I still can't really hear any base/low frequencies and it sounds like a tiny cheap transistor radio . The volume is pretty high, I can listen to youtube etc, but its really almost only trebble. I expected a bit more. Is it normal for those macs or is it just mine?
I had Sony Vaio before and then Dell XPS 1530. Sony had way better speakers and even Dell seems to sound a bit less can-like/tiny...
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Sep 4, 2008
I'll be getting a MBP (hopefully soon, darn you update cycles!) to run Maya 2009 (also coming soon) and was wondering how it runs on the current mid-range MBPs. Is it 'fast'? Regarding current models, since we know nothing of the specs for the new ones: does the VRAM matter? Since I hear it all the time: am I better off running it under Bootcamp? (Maya 64 is Win-only.)
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Oct 11, 2009
I have the current model 15" MBP. I'm just wondering if there is a specific remote you need since they don't come with remotes any more I didn't know if Apple changed it or if they were only being cheap (which we know they are!). I need to use it for some Keynote presentations and I saw these on eBay and figured it wouldn't hurt to save $10 if they worked with my machine.
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May 7, 2010
I am planning on installing Windows 7 on my new macbook pro. have a windows vista install cd and then a windows 7 pro upgrade dvd. If i install it on my new mac will it automatically block my laptop??? i have searched online and there are conflicting responses to this? Do i need to uninstall it? is it automatic?
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Jun 5, 2010
my old, mid 2007 macbook had a firewire port that I plug my HD I use for time machine in (it can also be used as USB as well but I prefer it use firewire since I have uses for the two USB ports). Anyways, this new Macbook Pro I have has one too. Except... the connection is smaller on my new Macbook Pro... So I'm guessing there are different connection sizes and I need a new firewire cable? I think my current cable has the same size that both connects to the hard drive as to my old macbook. What labelling would I need to find to find a cable with the bigger connection on one side and the smaller connection on the other
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