MacBook :: Safari Hangs With Show All Bookmarks Option
Jun 29, 2012
When I hit Bookmarks>show all Bookmarks, I get a fast visual 'flash' but the Bookmarks window does not appear, and an accompanying change in the bookmark icon in the bookmarks bar. When I again return to Bookmarks, rather than 'show all Bookmarks' I find 'hide all Bookmarks,' but other than the flash and the change from 'show' to 'hide' no bookmarks list has appeared. On the second attempt, I get the spinning beach ball, then Safari hangs, and the icon in the dock no longer shows 'quit' but 'force quit.' Running 2008 MacBook and Snow Leopard.
After a hd failure and complete system restore, I am unable to manage my bookmarks. I'm using iCloud and I have tried turning off bookmarks in all devices as well as other procedures outlined here including resetting safari.Â
I'm running Safari 4.1.3 under Tiger 10.4.11. (Machine specs below.)Â
Selecting either Show All Bookmarks or Show All History brings up only totally blank tabs labeled bookmarks:// in both cases, not the familiar window where one can organize and edit Bookmarks and view and search History.
Have already repeatedly trashed the Bookmarks.plist and the History.plist, as well as in my user Library. (There are corresponding files in my root level Library. Also Repaired Permissions and Verified disk.Â
My default browser is Firefox, but I like to use Safari occasionally in a couple of sites.
2.5 GHz Power Mac (PPC) G5-Quad; 16GB RAM; mutant, flashed 550MHz nVidia GeForce 7800GTX 1,700MHz 512MB VRAM; ATTO ExpressPCI UL5D LP SCSI card; Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11 and Leopard 10.5.8 boot drives; Spotblight, Dashboard and Time Machine permanently disabled; dual 22" CRT monitors; USB wireless 'n' available but connected to the Internet via wired Ethernet; FW flatbed scanner; 2 SCSI scanners (one tabloid-size transparency scanner and a film scanner); various internal & external HDs; FW Epson 2200 and Ethernet Samsung ML-2850ND printers; 2 X Back-UPS RS 1500 XS units.
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.5G5Quad,16GB,7800GTX 512MB, Tiger
Other than going into 'show all Bookmarks' is there any alternative way of editing my bookmarks? I've collected hundreds and dragging them around one by one is going to be pretty time consuming. I used to have a third-party app called 'Bookmark Farm' which gave me a way of visually categorizing in a graphic layout. Now, when I want to Bookmark, got to scroll through folders and subfolders. Must be an easier way!
After using Firefox and many others on the Mac, it's now my default browser. It's the only browser that's in the dock, actually. But I have a complaint about it.On a MacBook, the screen isn't wide enough for all of my bookmarks to show up in the bookmarks bar. The "bookmarks" menu in the bookmarks bar is hiding the last bookmark I have. How do I get rid of that? The top menu already has a bookmarks pull down menu.
All my bookmarks in the bookmarks bar. I want to move them all so they are just in bookmarks menu dont want anything in bookmarks bar. I have edited renamed moved the bookmarks from bookmarks bar without a problem until I quite safari. Once I reopen safari all changes I made disappear and it reverts back to original with all bookmarks on bookmarks bar. what am I doing wrong that i cannot make permanent changes to my bookmark bar on Safari 5.1.3?
After my recovery drive went missing and trying to reinstall it, had to do a format of my hard drive and reinstall everything once I got OS X reinstalled and up-to-date, I tried to import my bookmarks from a backup bookmarks file, when I quit safari and re-open safari bookmarks were missing and default ones back in place. When searching though the forums for how to fix this problem but too know unluck they did not work.
I use Xmarks to sync my bookmarks from FF to Safari, but on Safari, the bookmark bar shows the number of link inside a Folder/Dropdown, is there a way to hide that ?
My macbook won't show the screen where you hold down the option key and it won't show the apple logo or the spinning gear just a blank white screen when I turn it on. I replaced the old hard drive with a brand new 500 gb 2.5 inch data hard drive.I also purchased a brand new copy of OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.when I put the disc in and power it on holding the option key nothing happens just a white screen with no apple logo or spinning gear.
Yesterday I bought my first Mac (13 inch mid 2014 retina macbook pro). But now I have a question. When I want to watch a video on youtube, the highest quality I can choose is 720p. And I know these videos can be viewed in higher qualities (1080p or higher). Even on my girlfriends macbook pro (13 inch non retina) I can view these videos in 1080p. I took a print screen to show you what I mean.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have an HP printer and I can't use the scan option because it doesn't show up on my computer. ANd when I try it from the printer it gives me an error window.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am running Safari 5.0.6 on OSX 10.5.8. I have had this problem for the past year and has become gradually worst, on 2 separate machines. I have resetted Safari numerous times, I have repaired permission, re-booted computer, and as suggested by a Genius at apple store, re-booted in "safe booth" to clean up stuff. It appeared to work for about 1 month, until it slows to a crawl, and become unresponsive.
Problem is now it does not seem to cut it anymore. I performed all of theses operations on both My desktop (power PC G5) and my laptop Macbook (intel) again yesterday. On my desktop, Safari is working marginally, but on my laptop it is not at all. The laptop is a more recent machine, but is less responsive. When I use other browsers, like google chrome or firefox, I can surf the web no problem. How to clean Safari up to run anew again.
Info: 2-G5 1.8ghz, 1.5GB ram, 2-23Cinema display, Epson 900, Sony TRV-17, MacBook 2GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
What happened to the old spotlight show all display? I liked having everything organized and all, so I could just type, click show all and then I could search through all the results. Can I get that back? [URL]. That's the window I want.
There used to be an option in Safari under Bookmarks to 'manage bookmarks' or something like that. Now, I can't figure out how to view all my bookmarks so I can organize them in different folders through drag and drop...
I'm having an issue with my bookmarks on the bookmark bar, being deleted and then replaced with my sister's bookmarks. Not to mention that my sister's bookmark's are on her macbook air. So, it is not even like we are using the same computer! Is it because we both are using the same time machine and it is switching them? This has happen a few times. But usually i get hers and mine stay and i just delete hers. This time though, mine were deleted and replaced with hers. I can't figure out how to get mine back and i needed some of those links i saved! they were for school/ other important things!
I have opened the Bookmark Icon. I see individual bookmarks on the left side of my computer screen. There isn't anything on the right side of my screen so how do I remove my Bookmarks?
Info: macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
My safari v 5.1.7 hangs while trying to open iys homepage (ie. Yahoo) after a system update. Currently system version is 10.6.8 I have tried various methods such as emptying cache, reset safari and update DNS Servers in the Network. And none works. Â
I would like to add another color for the events in my calendar, but when I click on the drop box, it only shows me home and work with no "other" option, like I've seen other people talking about. How do I add a color?
I have managed to transfer all of my music video and apps from my external hard drive onto my new macbook (replacement for my ibook). Is there any particular procedure I need to follow so as to ensure I do not lose any data. Obviously my new macbook will be where I am syncing from now on. As an aside will the sync transfer my bookmarks into safari?
I'm a brand new Mac user! How do I import bookmarks from Safari to Opera? I saw one response to access the file bookmarks.plist in Library, but this file is not there;i.e. Library>Safari does not exist. I have been able to retrieve the file bookmarks.html - can I use this?
This was happening with my old 2006 Macbook. I just upgraded to a new MacBook Pro the other day and I am still having the same problem. For years it worked without a problem. One day I cleared the cache and Safari no longer saved bookmarks or allowed me to delete exisiting ones.
I have OS 10.9.4, with Safari 7.0.6. Most of the time I cannot load any pages with Safari, even though my IMac can. The two machines have exactly the same software, and are connected to the same Comcast wireless. The problem briefly goes away. But after loading only a few web pages, the problem returns. The browser begins to load a page, and then hangs. When a page does load, it is much slower than on the desktop.
Was trying to install Windows XP through BootCamp. The installation did not go through, and I quit it. After I tried to restart the computer however, it kept going to a black screen with a blinking _ on top.
I restarted, pressing the "option" key and the only partition that shows up there is one for Windows. I can't see one labeled "Mac" or something like it anywhere. I tried using the Repair Disk Utility but it won't actually give me the option to repair ir.