MacBook Pro :: What To Do If The Images Are Pixelated On Computer
Mar 31, 2012What should I do if the images on my Macbook pro are pixelated? I have turned the computer off and on three times.
time capsule, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
What should I do if the images on my Macbook pro are pixelated? I have turned the computer off and on three times.
time capsule, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I've been noticing some weird issues lately. For no reason at all, my mouse pointer icon will start moving all over and click on random windows or icons. I'm quite sure the mouse is fine (clean, surface is clean), but it seems like it is lagging behind. For instance, if I goto open up a new window, nothing will happen. Then If I click elsewhere nothing will happen. Then all of a sudden the mouse icon will move all over the place.
My second issue is (and these are both hard to communicate via a message board) I'm starting to notice the images, windows, icons are starting to pixelate or look distorted on my screen. One minute whatever is on my screen will look fine, the next minute everything looks all jumbled up and pixelated.
I want to image a set of computers with a drive image without having to pull it from seperate hard drives and using disk utiliity to restore individually. How can I change how the computers are recognized so that they can be hooked into a pro and reconized as drives to include in a raid set? Target Disk Mode? Or is it even possible.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), raid, image, imaging, disk utility
I have a macbook Pro 13", bought in 2010. Recently my screen has been going pixelated at random times, it normally goes away fairly quick but is happening more and more. I'm wondering if it is the Video Card which needs to be replaced?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have been having problems with my Macbook pro(5 months old) screen lately. The screen goes all pixelated and messed up, please see pictures. I don't know what is wrong and surely this can't be lag as my laptop is a pretty good model and from the most recent update.It does this randomly ever now and again but it is very concerning to me. Should i consider asking for a new mac/refund.....
my late 2006 MacBook Pro's screen has turned all pixelated. Not sure if there's a way to fix this or if I should just take it in to the Genius Bar.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was using my computer and it was just fine. I closed it carefully (as always) and left for a few minutes. When I came back and opened it up, the screen was completely pixelated. I turned it on and off and read several forums and tried cleaning the drives and nothing is working at all. As I've been working on it parts of the pixelation of bright colors have begun flashing a little bit. Not a lot but a little. Black doesn't seem affected by the pixelation but you can see lines in the white areas. Also when images are fading in and out, they don't become pixelated until they are at their brightest. When they are fading in and out they appear fine.The graphics card in my computer is a Nividia GeForce GT 330M. SO I'm guessing from this that the graphics card is damaged or whatever. I can't afford to have apple repair it for $400 and the nearest apple store to me is two hours away.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Nividia GeForce GT 330M GraphicCard
I just got my uMBP 13 a couple of days ago, and today for the first time tried to play some .avi videos I have. I'm using vlc to play them. On my 4 year old Windows XP SP3 laptop they play clearly and sharp without any pixelation or graininess. But on my mac, these same videos pixelate and appear grainy when played. And now that I think about it, the Welcome animation that you see when you turn on your mac for the first time was pixelated and grainy as well. I didn't pay it any attention at the time because I was so excited about finally getting my mac.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy are text and graphics in pixelated in Numbers and iBooks applications, to name two, on the MacBook Pro Retina? All updates have been downloaded.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just got my MPB Retina and I'm loving it except for one tiny thing: I noticed that in the bottom corner of the dock when I have a window open you can see tiny pixelated tears from the reflection of the window. Here is a picture to show the tear: Here is a picture to show my dock with no windows open/tears:This could easily be a minor problem that Apple needs to fix with a software update, but I've been getting nervous with all of the problems people have been reporting about the screen.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
new Dell S2209W monitor to hook up to the Macbook as an external display and so far have been pretty disappointed. Sadly, it's not the monitor I'm disappointed in. First of all, a few comparison shots between the Macbook connected to S2009W and a PC connected to the S2009W:Macbook connected to Dell S2209W:PC Laptop connected to Dell S2209WSo what would you even call that effect? The colors in the shadows looked very dithered or pixelated on the Macbook, yet on the PC laptop the image looks great. Both laptops (the Macbook and PC) are running at the same, native resolution of 1920 x 1080. The wallpapers are scaled the same way on both.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm having a problem on my mbp screen, although it happened only once just an hour ago. The screen goes flickering magenta and white and some pixelated image. I needed to force shutdown using the power button because it seems to stalled. After restarting, it went to normal. I dunno if it has anything to do with the gfxstatus utility that I've installed the night before. I know it might be the nvidia graphic card itself but I just don't have a clue right now. My MBP is just 8 days old and my 1 to 1 exchange has expired since it covers the 1st 7 days only.
My MBP spec:
MacBook Pro 17" AG, i5 2.53 Ghz, 4gb RAM, 500gb Hitachi HD, 512mb nVidia GT330M video card, Mac OSX 10.6.3, with everything updated. Tthe attached pic is not showing the exact image since the screen was flickering etc and I'm just using a camera photo. I just noticed while I'm just surfing this forum + facebook, my temperature is at 67-70 degree celcius, which is high (normal around 38-45). I look at Activity Monitor and found that Kernel Task is using up to 80% of CPU. I have a feeling that this is not normal, and it had not happened before.
My MBPro, OSX 10.4.11 boots up to frozen blue screen with little pixelated squares.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I've noticed that finder, automatically saves unnecessary spam images and mixes them in with my important images, is there someway of either adding a spam label, to them, so they end up in another folder, or completely stopping the saving process entirely?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I receive a jpg (not a jpeg) from a mac via email it wont open in either outlook or picture viewer etc (win xp). But if the same image is sent to any other PC (from the ma user) it opens OK.The added twist. If another pc user opens (which it does with no issues) then closes and sends back to the failing pc it opens with no issues!
I just bought a Samsung XL2370 monitor to hook onto my MBP 15".
Problem: the image is pixelated and blurry green. I can slightly see the background though. Screen works fine on a Windows pc. Before I hooked up a 19" on my MBP and that also worked.
I tried the menu but no luck. And when I choose the auto adjustment a message appears 'not available'.
Sometime this morning the screen on my mac became very distorted (almost pixelated.) I restarted while holding the shift key and it was resolved for about five minutes, then started up again. A friend suggested it could be a blown video card? I've attached a photo.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI own a Mac Pro (2x2.8ghz Quad Core Xeon, 6gb DDR2 Ram, Nvidia 8800GT, running in 64-bit mode), and a 30" cinema display. I am running OS 10.6.5 at the moment as well.
What happens (and its been happening all day, rarely happened in the past), is that my entire screen freezes up for no real reason, and becomes completely pixelated and nothing but my cursor moves.
The pixelation even makes it through the force shut down and into the grey apple startup screen, the logo is pixelated there as well.
For some reason, I can't seem to reset the PRAM (no second startup chime?), and I can't seem to enter safe-mode either (shift at startup?)
Right now, the problem isn't happening, but at this rate I expect it to start pixelating very, very soon.
Does anyone have any tips?
I have AppleCare, but I need to fix this asap. I'm a photographer and a very big project depends on it (needs to be submitted by tomorrow morning).
I've had two crashes (really weird ones) since I got my mac pro 3 weeks ago. Is that too many to have and should I be worried about this?
Description: The screen distorts - I see a version of the app I had open but it's all distorted and pixelated. There are medium to small squares everywhere that imbue things w/ different colors. I can move a version of the pointer around (almost like a pointer attached to a box) but I can't click on anything. Nothing responds.
Since updating to Yosemite I get a pixelated screen on my IMAC ..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI own an early 2008 iMac running Snow Leopard. A few months ago, it started getting a little buggy and running slow, you know, things you would expect from a computer that's now 2 years old. But then it started freezing and giving me "kernel panics". Of course, the first thing I did was install VirusBarrier and remove any and all viruses it could find, and I repaired the disk and disk permissions and ran all the diagnostic tests from the install DVD. Then I left it unplugged for a day, upgraded the memory from 2 GB to 4 GB and did everything a second time. After all that, everything seemed to work just fine.
Now it seems to be starting all over again! This time the virus scan only picked up a few Windows viruses on an old external hard drive and repairing the disk, disk permissions, and running diagnostics turned up nothing. I've done everything I know to do, short of taking the thing back to Apple! Right now, the main issue is this bug at startup that's really just freaking me out. Linked is a video of what happens. The apps that run at startup are BumpTop, HughesNet Status Meter (as of last month), and Brother Printer Utility. [URL]
I'm on Mac Pro os x 10.5.4 and having a problem with my computer waking up from sleep or as it is booting up.
As it wakes up from sleep, the screen becomes blank or shows weird, pixelated bars all over the screen. When I try to move the mouse or press something on keypad, the computer freezes after and I would have to force shutting it down by pressing the power. It doesn't always happen, but quite often these days.
Also, when it's booting up, it sometimes will freeze with a blank screen in the middle and won't show the desktop.
Everything worked fine until a few days ago, and i'm wondering what's suddenly causing this problem.
Whenever I play HD movies on my iMac in full screen with QuickTime, you can always see the pixels, some are big some small, like boxes. Is there any fix to this? also this is a Aluminum mid level 20 inch iMac
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've had my 15 inch Macbook Pro for almost four years and haven't had any major problems with it until today. I was browsing online when suddenly my screen was filled with this pixelated horizontal lines all across the screen.I restarted the computer... heard the start up chime then came a grey screen with the same lines, I can see the apple logo at the start up and the loading bar underneath it... then the screen turns blue, still with the lines and that is all I'm able to see
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy computer (24" 3.06Ghz intel core 2 duo) won't start. When I try to turn on or restart my iMac I get vertical rows of pixelated lines across my monitor on the white startup background with the apple logo and it will either freeze up or the background turns gray and I get a message that says I should restart my computer. This has also happened when restarting using the Apple hardware test (which doesn't report any errors).
View 7 Replies View RelatedStarting two days ago, after about 20 minutes of use on my mac, some of the icons on my desktop will suddenly have distorted pixels, as well as all of the open windows will have a black box surrounding it. I am almost positive that this has nothing to do with my video hardware going bad, rather something corrupted in the operating system. This has happened sometime after I had installed the Adobe CS5 photoshop trial. I have recently uninstalled it, but this problem still persists. As soon as I log out, or restart the computer, everything is back to normal. When the 15-20 minute mark comes, all of a sudden everything starts getting distorted. I am also running Mac OS X 10.6.3 currently.
In the image you can see that the bottom dock is corrupted looking as well but the icons stay in tact. This is very odd.
I have an iMac G4 running 10.4.11. (not intel). When I turned it on today, it was all pixilated, little white squares in between the colored ones. I can hardly make out what is on the screen so I can?t really choose anything using the mouse. Everything else seems normal except for the the screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe display on My IMac G5 running 10.5.8 is pink and the images are ghostlike! My screen saver is neon green! Is my Mac dying? It has done this before and after I was doing my work for a few hours, it come back to normal and shocked my eyes! This time it has been going on for about 4 days now!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I don't do a lot with Mini DV, but I have a mini dv tape that I'm attempting to capture using FCP7. Basically when I play the video to a TV off the camcorder, it looks fine, and when I play it in the "log and capture" preview window it looks fine, but when I actually capture it, the video is very pixelated/chunky. What am I doing wrong here? I notice that in the "log and capture" preview window, there are interlacing/combing lines, and when I play the captured clip, there are not. Can FCP7 be trying to deinterlace my footage and butchering it in the process? I'd rather have combing than this pixelated mess.
You can see a comparison in the screenshot here, especially noticeable in this comparison along the roof lines: [URL] ...
Got the iMac 27" Late 2009 (bought it when it came out). Its always had the 'pixelated' issue (see attachment) just before the login screen appears but I've never bothered too much as its not been a problem, until recently where I am getting a lot of 'Kernel Panics' (screen wipes down and locks done entirely, have to restart to get the system up and running again). I am starting to think that the screen issue is finally starting to shows its true colours. Yes, I've done the PRAM resets, disk repairs, up-to-date with all the software etc. No joy.
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