MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find 15" Losing Hinge' Issue?

Aug 20, 2009

Has there been any merit to the claims that a visit to the Genius bar will send your MBP back to you with a stiffer lid?

I understand that there are countless mentions on this board about the issue, but I just want to know if there's any kind of resolution or "fix" for this.

I absolutely adore my new MBP, coming from a Penryn. The only thing I hate is the loose hinges. It's almost embarrassing when someone else is using your machine and they comment on how annoying or flimsy the lid feels.

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Find Hinge?

Apr 27, 2009

So both of my hinges died and no applecare. So I wanted to see if anyone came up with a DIY solution or know anything about hinges and is it possible to make some little one and maybe for other air users.

There is no way I am paying for a new air or repairing it. Im almost close to getting my Mac Pro.

The only thing on the hinge is Patent number: RE37712


Any more info would be nice.

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MacBook :: How To Find Hinge Noise?

Feb 6, 2010

I just got my new white unibody Macbook in the post today and I have one small problem.

When I open the lid the hinge makes a little click noise every time it goes past the vertical position. It doesn't happen when I close it just open.

The noise is very quiet, it's not loud or anything like that. I'm just curious to see if anyone else has had a problem like this before?

I'm pretty sure it's cause the laptop is new and it will just go away but I just wanted to quickly ask on here but I spend all day putting my data on the machine and settings it up.

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MacBook :: Hinge Making Cracking Noise / Lubricating The Hinge?

Sep 8, 2006

I got my Unibody MacBook the first day they were available, and since late December, the hinge has gotten stiffer and stiffer, making a cracking noise when I move it after it stays in one position for a few seconds.

I took it to the Genius Bar (covered under AppleCare) but the people there wouldn't do anything about it, saying it's within normal spec and classifying it as a "user perception issue." (The slightly condescending sound of that phrase is for another post.)

Has anyone attempted to lubricate the hinge in their laptop themselves? I removed all of the bottom paneling and looked at the hinge, but didn't see how to separate it from the case easily. Would it be a bad idea to try to squirt a little silicone lubricant into the hinge to see if that helps the issue? Is there another trick I could try.My mom has a Unibody Pro with a hinge that glides nice and smoothly and it's annoying mine is no longer working properly like this.

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MacBook Pro :: Stop Hinge Plastic From Creaking / Black Plastic Hinge Cover Is Cheap And Creaks

Feb 15, 2007

Build-quality wise the unibodies are really as perfect as I've ever experienced any machine to be. Simply amazing. BUT, the black plastic hinge cover is cheap and creaks as soon as I grab the computer or open the display. I opened her up to see if there was anything I could do to reinforce it or something, but I didn't want to mess with it.

Quite a few seem to have this 'issue' and I thought maybe somebody has figured out a solution?Such a shame on an otherwise perfect machine. I would have preferred the same kind of rubbery plastic that was on the old generation MBP

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Hardware :: Unable To Know About IBook Hinge?

Feb 25, 2009

When I raise the lid on my white dual USB iBook circa 2001, it sounds like an elephant passing wind sitting on a bass drum.

I looked at it carefully and noted that the ends of the hinge (the pins) that fit into the main body of the laptop are very loose fit in the socket. Indeed, I can move the hinged end of the cover up and down on the pins even though it doesn't open or shut without effort.

I don't understand where the hinge is binding with the pins on the ends so loose. Even a dummy like me knows an expensive repair job when he sees one, and I have a towering disinclination to spend anything on such an ancient machine even if it does work fine.

I'll bet my front seat at the follies there's some ingenious dude out there who's had the same problem and maybe fixed it himself with a can of oil and a hammer.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Blu Ray Burner

Nov 22, 2010

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

Does anyone know of a very good external Blu ray burner for a Mac??

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MacBook Air :: Unable To Find The Xcode

Jan 7, 2011

I have just got a new 11,6 air. It is not my first Mac, and I have always found Xcode on the install discs, but where is it now? I can't find it in the install usb stick.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Password

Mar 11, 2012

I transfered my files from my old PC to my MacBook Pro. It created an alternate user and requires a password. I tried to use my old PC password but it isn't accepting it. How do I find the password it wants or create a new one?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Unable To Find App Store On My Macbook

May 8, 2012

I wnated to download the new mountain lion software but I can't get it in the App Store, because there is no App Store on my computer. Can I download it? Is it supposed to be in my applications folder?

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MacBook :: Unable To Find Alu MB Trackpad Button?

Nov 12, 2008

So what do you think about it?

I'm not too fond of it, I think its noisy and needs just a slight too much force to click. I only click it when I "right click"

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Normal 2.53 Ghz Temp

Jul 10, 2009

Whats the normal temperature suppose to be for the CPU? Mine is at 72 Degree's Cel. I tried using smc fan control on my new MBP and set the fan speeds higher and it didnt seem to work so I used fan Control which Worked my Cpu's temp is 72 Degee with fans spinning at 5000 rpm is this normal?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Answers Elsewhere So Have Been Redirected Here?

Jun 8, 2010

ive been having this problem for over a week now and i cant seem to find an answer on how to fix it.i recently downloaded a file which had some vsts in it(demo's)i installed them but ever since then i cant get past the initial desktop screen on my macbook pro.(you know just before your icons pop up on the desktop screen)
i keep getting the spinning wheel.

now ive tried every command under the sun to rectify this but its not working.its been suggested to me that i should boot from my install disk but after moving countries i lost it.i did happen to get a mac osx disk from a friend of mine but this only lets me get into a sreen where i can perform actions in disk utility and a few other irrelevant actions.i know what file has done this and i just want to be able to get into my harddrive and delete it.i was also under the impression that if i had a copy of osx i could boot from it.this to me meant that i could use my computer normally but bypass the internal startup but maybe im wrong in assuming that.

im at my wits end and very close to bringing it into a shop where ill more than likely be charged to have them do something i feel might be a simple fix.

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MacBook :: Unable To Find Terminal Commands...

Aug 16, 2010

My macbook 2006 recently would not boot properly. By that i mean it takes about a good 5 minutes to boot to a messed up looking desktop.

Before i restore the system i need to get some files off of the machine. (The gui side freezes when i try to drag and drop).

I can boot into single use mode and use terminal but i do not know how to do the command mv /documents...etc but i don't know what drive my usb stick is or that it is mounted.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Home Network On It

Feb 21, 2012

I have trouble finding my secure home network with my Mac and iPad, though my iPhone finds it. If I leave the network unsecured, I find it immediately, though when I secure it with a WPA 2, it disappears from the Airport network list.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find 'Pages' After Download?

Mar 5, 2012

Have recently bought MacBook Pro and very new to it all having been a long term PC user. I downloaded Pages; received notification of download. Now can't find Pages on my laptop at all. 


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MacBook Air :: Unable To Find Drivers From Internet?

May 22, 2012

i format my macbook air and installed only windows 7 ..but unable to find drivers from internet.

Macbook air , Model - a1370 11 inch

MacBook Air, Windows7

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Access Internet / Cannot Find Network

Dec 17, 2010

I'm visiting my mom and trying to access the internet via one of her neighbors. He's has ok'd this and gave me his password. In the past, this has worked. But now, my daughter can access internet on her mac, but I cannot. I have both mac right here side by side. One has access, one does not.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Keyboard Backlight Settings

Jan 9, 2011

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

Have a mid 2010, 13" mbp; read some posts, but can't find it under system> keyboard settings...

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Organize All Movies / Can't Find Settings

Jul 25, 2009

A few years ago I decided to put all my DVD's in storage and rip them in divx/h264 format to an external HD that I plugged into my PS3 for easy access. The problem is that when my GF and I want to watch a movie, I have to explain each movie and we choose one based on the title without access to the movie cover or any meta data. I was wondering if there was a program akin to itunes that would go through my hard drive and (with some help with me) identify each movie and find the cover art etc. I don't know how automatic this will be. I don't mind spending some time assisting the program but I don't want to go and do it by hand.

If you find a windows software I can run it on virtualbox as well.

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MacBook :: Unable To Upgrade / Can't Find Apps For High Speed

Nov 11, 2010

So I got my first laptop and decided to splurge and got a mac. Now it's great, works great, took me a while to get used to the OS but love my mac now. I use it predominantly for surfing and just basic but am also doing filmmaking. My friend has a macbook pro with 4gb ram and better proccessor, and we used that for film editing, but want to make upgrade mine into one as well (filmmaking laptop). I also may want to use it for gaming (starcraft), photoshop and just a whole bunch of apps and programs. Should I upgrade the ram, get it upgraded for me (get someone to put in the ram) should I even buy ram, is there anything I can do to make a faster processor? Also, my internet is kinda slow, anything I can do to speed it up? Finally, my mac sometimes lags when there's a lot off apps open so I was thinking of upgrading it. I don't have much of a budget (probably not even a 100) so I need something cheap, but don't want shotty second hand stuff. How much can I add, and what else can I do? On another note, Ive been using firefox as my default browser and have added a whole bunch off addons, any other programs I should get for firefox OR any programs I should get for my mac?

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Driver For This Platform / Get Message When Restart

Apr 23, 2010

from Leopard,inserted the installer dvd and restarted but this came out on the screen:

"panic(cpu 0 caller 0x002E54BC): unable to find driver for this platform: Powerbook5,2" ...

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find Library That Contains Minecraft / Application Support

Jun 21, 2012

I have tried to find the library that holds the application support folder.I had it and now I am unable to find it.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Unable To Find Backup Option / Installing Tiger Snow Leopard

Sep 12, 2009

"it is possible to completely erase a hard drive and install Snow Leopard without a pre-existing operating system in place, enabling users to bypass the possible headaches of an upgrade and go with a clean install instead. Wired said many users upgrading from Tiger should probably consider backing up their files from Tiger and doing a clean install instead."

I don't have an external harddrive. What other backup options do I have?

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MacBook :: How To Use Hinge?

Aug 5, 2008

After playing with my friend's MacBook, and having a long hard think, I'm definitely of the opinion that the hinge on my MacBook is far too loose. It can still support itself, but I get major wobble upon opening, it even wobbles when I type (not ferociously).

I don't get any sort of resiliance when I try to open or close it, I literally have to be careful as so not to slam it, it's like I'm closing thin air.

It just doesn't feel sturdy enough for a notebook which needs everyday carting around and use.

Also when the MB is closed the top lid (with the screen) slides a bit this way and that over the base. Only a few millimeters, but enough to notice.

The problem is, I'm most likely only going to get one opportunity to get to see an genius.

The MB is covered by AppleCare and so forth, but will the genius open the thing up right there and then and give whatever needs tightening a good tighten?

Have any of you experienced this issue before and was it solved, and if so how? (Time, in-store or send off job, etc etc).

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MacBook Air :: Does AIR 11 Loses Hinge?

Oct 24, 2010

I just unboxed this beauty. This is my first mac ever and I love it so far. However one thing I noticed straight out of the box was how loose the hinges are. The screen tilts if I move the macbook air to a 90 degree angle. I've own quite a few laptops but this is the first one with a loose hinge straight out of the box. Is this normal or should I be meeting with a nerd?

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Screen Hinge?

Dec 7, 2010

On another post...I indicated that I bought a MacBook Pro 13 inch laptop loaded up with all the goodies and decided to cancel my order due in part to possibly saving by installing my own SSD and RAM. I did not really mention the main reason that I cancelled my order....

I did not mention that I went to a local Best Buy and checked out the 13 inch MacBook Pro on display. I was kind of shocked to note the amount of wiggle that was present on the display screen of the 13 inch. I read another thread about the screen becoming loose and wobbly on the 13 inch MBP after time.

Does this occur on the 15 and 17 inch models as well?

I have a 3-4 year old 15 inch MBP and the screen is still solid as a rock. I hate to spend dollars on a lesser quality product so I thought I would ask if this screen weakness comes with all of the newer MacBook Pro models.

(I did not check out the 15 or 17 inch models at Best Buy...but I intend to go back and see if they are weak also). I want to buy a 15 inch I hope that they are solid as a rock as my older MBP.

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MacBook Air :: Which Way Is Good To Fix A Hinge?

Mar 18, 2009

It appears that the MacBook Air may have a hinge problem.

Mine sure does, exactly as described, see [URL].

Not sure if a lawsuit will fix mine, but if it gets noticed maybe Apple will respond. Anyone else having this problem?

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MacBook Air :: MBA Rev A Hinge Repair?

Jun 26, 2009

So I just got my MacBook Air (rev A) back from AppleCare after my hinge (like many others', apparently) decided to randomly bust itself. I was very pleased that when I took my MBA to the Apple Store, they didn't bat an eye about replacing the hinge (I'd heard horror stories about Apple denying the part was defective and calling the damage a user error, even with computers covered under warranty). But I was shocked when my package arrived today and the letter inside detailed the parts replaced. Keep in mind, the only thing wrong with my computer (as far as I could tell) was a broken hinge. Here's what they replaced:

Antenna window
Video Display Panel
Bottom Case
Display Housing
Clutch (two different part numbers)
Top Case
Logic Board

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MacBook :: Does Your Lid/hinge Squeak A Lot?

Mar 28, 2010

I want to take it to an Apple Store but doubt they will help me since my AppleCare ran out.

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