MacBook Pro :: Unable To Find 'Pages' After Download?
Mar 5, 2012
Have recently bought MacBook Pro and very new to it all having been a long term PC user. I downloaded Pages; received notification of download. Now can't find Pages on my laptop at all.Â
Ive recently downloaded a trail for the download accelerator DAP (Download Accelerator Plus) to speed up the download of a world of warcraft patch. Unfortunately, I had to delete this program when I realized that this was causing my computer to overheat due to pushing my computer's abilities through the roof. My computer has not been damaged in anyway, and i have "deleted" the program but when i still continue to try to download something it says that "DAP Plugin cannot find Download accelerator plus"; even thuogh i just deleted everything. so then i try to delete the plugin, but my mac says that "this item cannot be deleted when it is in use" but it really is not.
Can any of you help me to try to delete this plugin so i can start downloading again. After several attempts and techniques I STILL am not able to download anythinh
If it helps here is my computer info: iMac G5 1.9 GHz PowerPC G5 512MB RAM 10.4.11
some time ago, I accidently deleted firefox off my desktop and have been unable to download it from the net since.It is an older ibook G4 I have,maybe this has something to do with it?But I did have firefox before so surely this is not the reason.What happenned first was I would download it,put into applications and drag below which seemed to work fine, until I clicked on it and it dissappeared?Could'nt figure it out..? So I kept trying and trying and the same thing..Now when I go to download it,It saves as dmg?but fails to open saying it (failed to mount)?It doesn't even have the firefox symbol? Does anyone know what is wrong and why can I not get firefox back on my desktop.I have another browser Opera which is fine, but I need firefox specificly for working on my website.If anyone might have any answers why this is not working I would really appreciate it.Its Mac os x version:10.3.9
I have a MacPro 2009 with OS X 10.9.5 installed. I just added a PCI-e card with a SSD on it. Can I install a fresh copy of OS X 10.9.5 on the SSD and use it as a boot drive too? I plan on using my MacPro for audio production and the requirements are quite stringent to be able to provide good performance. So, my hope is that I can boot to my existing HD while using Office, Safari, etc but when I want to use it for audio production be able to boot to the SSD and have nothing on it except my audio software (Cubase, Wavelab, & associated plug-ins) on the working system. I also plan on upgrading to Yosemite for my "regular" HD boot drive but leaving Mavericks on the SSD for the time being as the audio production software is not yet compatible with Yosemite.Â
I don't want to just move from my existing HD to the new SSD as I don't want all the associated software to be copied over as well. Just a clean install of Mavericks on the extra internal SSD. There is nothing on the SSD at this time. Only initialized. I believe I can use a keyboard short-cut on boot to tell which drive to boot from but I have not been able to find a way to download Mavericks to do a fresh install of it on the new SSD.
When downloading small files online they will download through Speed Download. Before I installed Speed Download it would just download through the regular downloading client. How do I change it back to using the regular one as standard? I use firefox btw
I have tranferred all my documents to the icloud from mobileme but cannot figure out how to access the icloud to download my Pages docs. What software do I need to have on my computer and how do I go about getting my Pages documents so I can print them? I've spent too many hours reading about this on the web and have not found any answers. This should be easier.
When I try to download something from or other websites, it just goes to a blank page and the download never happen, I open the download tab and saw it was blank.
this really frustrating, its the same on Safari and mozilla on my Mac.
I am trying to download MAC OSX 10.5 that I just purchased and my hard drive on the computer won't show up as a destination drive to download the software on. I erased the disk figuring that would help but it did not. Any ideas as to what the problem is .The computer is a PowerMac G5 1.8 mhz, 1GB RAM, 160MB HD.
I know how to dl on a PC but how I would I do it on a Mac? On PC, I play the MP3 and a file dl to your temp file. On Mac how would I go about it? Is is the same as the Activity monitor when you want to dl a video from YouTube?
When I attempt to download a .wmv file, it appears to download (as evidenced in download manager) but then stalls forever and never finishes the job. I can download other media files without problem. I have updated WMP. Im on G4 PB 10.4.3.
I've succesfully drug some Pages Documents into iCloud on my iMac. Only one shows the download options of PDF and Word and shows the first page of the Document in Pages.All the rest show a generic Pages icon on the face of the document and only the option to download as a Pages Document. What do I do to get the PDF option?Â
I down loaded corel word perfect and I cannot find a way to install the .exe file. The down load has been saved in dosn load folder. This MacBook Air is my first Apple buy.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)
Does anyone know of a very good external Blu ray burner for a Mac??
I have just got a new 11,6 air. It is not my first Mac, and I have always found Xcode on the install discs, but where is it now? I can't find it in the install usb stick.
So both of my hinges died and no applecare. So I wanted to see if anyone came up with a DIY solution or know anything about hinges and is it possible to make some little one and maybe for other air users.
There is no way I am paying for a new air or repairing it. Im almost close to getting my Mac Pro.
The only thing on the hinge is Patent number: RE37712
I transfered my files from my old PC to my MacBook Pro. It created an alternate user and requires a password. I tried to use my old PC password but it isn't accepting it. How do I find the password it wants or create a new one?
I wnated to download the new mountain lion software but I can't get it in the App Store, because there is no App Store on my computer. Can I download it? Is it supposed to be in my applications folder?
For some reason recently when I go to download anything I see the 'swirly indicator' at the top of the page briefly, then it stops and there is no new download in the Download Folder and Finder does not show any new file. Not the usual popping up of a window where I can see the size of the file and the download progress and the get the file from Downloads as was the case previously.
I have been unable to download files from the internet like google chrome or kies for samsung. whenever i click on the download link, it just leads me to a blank page. I tried using rockmelt browser but the same situation occurs. i copied the download link into safari, the page wont load.
Whats the normal temperature suppose to be for the CPU? Mine is at 72 Degree's Cel. I tried using smc fan control on my new MBP and set the fan speeds higher and it didnt seem to work so I used fan Control which Worked my Cpu's temp is 72 Degee with fans spinning at 5000 rpm is this normal?