MacBook Pro :: Trackpad Button Has Become Overly Sensitive?
Jul 1, 2012
After years of faithful sevice, my MacBook Pro has recently taken to registering clicks as double or even triple clicks, and I have to try several times to get the single click I want. Actually, it's become so sensitive that it only takes a light touch (less than needed for the button to click) to think that it's being clicked. I assume this is a hardware issue. Do I need to take my computer apart to solve it?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 11, 2012
My daughter's macbook mouse will "click" when she presses the panel near the trackpad. Anybody have this problem? Recently changed the battery (non-apple), but even using the old battery this still happens.
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Feb 7, 2010
I've had my Macbook Pro since mid 2009. It's been great, never had any real problems. Then in about October, I noticed one side of my trackpad wasn't offering as much resistance as it was before. I just ignored it, didn't mind too much. But it progressively got worse, and eventually got so sensitive that I couldn't even scroll without it clicking when I didn't want it too.I was pretty upset, called apple, they told me to send it in and fixed it for free. It was all very nice, orderly, and quick. So I was satisfied.But, lo and behold, it's at it again. I can't believe it. It hasn't gotten so sensitive that I can't use it yet, but I'm very upset right now. I have no idea why it's doing this. It's not really overheating, I have never dropped or hit my macbook. I'm the only one who uses it. I don't abuse it at all.
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Nov 2, 2009
I dual-boot OS X with Windows 7 (Home Premium) on my MacBook Air and the trackpad is super sensitive in Bootcamp. It's not the cursor speed, but the accidental "mouse clicks" while moving the cursor across the screen that have become troublesome (I daytrade securities in Windows, and a rogue mouse can be an absolute back-breaker). The only resolution has been to disable "tap to click" in the Bootcamp Control Panel. I've seen dozens of aged threads across the web regarding the issue that unfortunately provide no real solution for this. Do you have any solutions of your own?
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Apr 8, 2009
My MB's trackpad button is spoilt, I think there's something wrong with the spring which makes it unclickable and sometimes remains pressed.
Is there anyway to disable only the trackpad button but not the whole trackpad? Tapping still works, but the MB mistakens it as dragging sometimes because the button is stuck as a pressed button.
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Dec 4, 2014
This issue may have been present in Mavericks as well, but I have no first hand experience with Mavericks. I was recently updated to Yosemite at work and this is when my Mighty Mouse (wired, with a scroll wheel button on top, NOT MAGIC MOUSE) started going nuts.
I have my work settings matched exactly to the settings on my Mighty Mouse at home running on Mountain Lion. Horizontal scrolling is not an issue at all, but vertical scrolling is so incredible sensitive. I very slight scroll will send me to the op or bottom of a page in almost all applications. It is extremely annoying in my Adobe apps. I work in Illustrator moots the day and this scrolling issue has killed my production time.
I use my vertical and horizontal scrolling quite a lot in doing my work. The vertical again is fine and seems to match my scrolling at home, but any more than a single click of the scroll wheel since updating to Yosemite will send my cursor off of the artboard, which is sometimes very large. I t has too often centime to the edges of the pasteboard which than takes forever to try to scroll back into position. I simply use the Fit Artboard in Window key command to center my work on screen and then gently scroll to where I need to be.
To set my scrolling speed to slow will correct the vertical scrolling but will make my horizontal scrolling so heavy that I have to resort to using the hand tool to move around in my Illustrator app, which I have employed full-on at this point because it is the only consistent solution I have found.
Many people have suggested that I get rid of the Mighty Mouse and use the Magic Mouse. I have many reasons for not doing this (my 3D work needs a middle button for one), but I have also been reading that these Magic Mouse users are having their own scrolling issues.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Sep 10, 2010
This is an early 2008 MBP, so I have a button separate from the track pad. For the last several days it has been most of the time clicking twice when I press it. The first one doesnt do anything, the second one actually clicks (that is, if I dont push it all the way down it clicks the first time and doesnt do anything, if i push it harder, it clicks the second time).
What can I do about this?
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Jan 22, 2008
So, first of all, here's some advice: Don't leave your macbook open, on the floor. You never know what cups you've left there.
In other news, I spilled coke (the soda) on my macbook keyboard/trackpad. I put it on the floor because I thought that it would keep it cooler, since I was installing something and the fans were going *******.
The keys seem fine, but now the trackpad button has a sticky feeling and sound to it, which is very annoying/disconcerting. Is this a genius bar job, or can I get in there and clean it myself?
It's mostly cosmetic, as the trackpad still works, but I wonder what will happen as the coke starts a new life under there congealing and whatever.
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May 17, 2008
So I'm using my air today and when I press the trackpad button slightly, it makes a clicking noise... of course, not the click it makes when you fully press it. Hard to explain the sound, but before it really recognizes the function, it makes a sound like an external mouse click. sorry if this doesn't make sense... hard to explain.
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Jul 4, 2008
What is the cause of this is it software or hardware? I'm puzzled as to how it's possible for it recover overnight so that it's reliable again the next morning.
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Jan 28, 2009
I've had my macbook for nearly 2 good years and really up until about a couple months ago I noticed that my trackpad button started to get bits of dirt in it and it gave it a metallic clicking sound that kinda annoys me. how to clean out this dirt.
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Mar 27, 2009
My MBA's trackpad button is weird, i bought the computer brand new and from day one the button seems to be a little off. You can click it but sometimes you have to work really hard to keep it clicked. i.e. if i'm dragging a window sometimes it just stops holding the window. Also double clicking is difficult and clicking on different parts of the button is difficult. Do you think it's enough to take it in to the bar?
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Sep 11, 2009
I have a late 2008 unibody MacBook. This happened before, and now is doing it again. When I click or even tap to click, my MacBook acts like I am holding the button down. If I click in sons text it just keeps highlighting as I move, if I click the bachround it wants to just keep making a box. The only wY u can get it to stop is to hold down power till it shuts off. Everything else works like normal, but the MacBook acts like I am holding the button down.
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Mar 7, 2010
I've been considering either a MacBook Pro 13" or a MacBook Air. I'll probably wait until the next MB Pro refresh (looks to be toward the end of March), and either pick up a new one, or possibly a refurb (of the earlier models) or close-out. Not sure yet.
I'm a long-time Mac user, on Macs exclusively since 1987, so no stranger to the platform.
I was checking out the MacBook Air (Apple Store and Best Buy), and noticed something about the trackpad.
It has the "button" at the bottom. But - try as I might - I could not configure it to do a "right click" (that is to say, press "towards the right" on the button to display a contextual menu).
I was able to go to the "trackpad" preference, and was able to set up the "two-finger touch" to invoke the "right click". But there seems to be no way to use the right end of the trackpad button itself to do this.
Is this correct, or did I miss something?
By comparison, it is easy to set up the MacBook Pro to do a right-click, even with its "buttonless" trackpad.
But this feature seems missing from the MB Air.
Is it?
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Feb 21, 2012
The trackpad button on my 2008 macbook is sticking and not working.
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Nov 12, 2008
So what do you think about it?
I'm not too fond of it, I think its noisy and needs just a slight too much force to click. I only click it when I "right click"
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Jan 23, 2009
Just bought my MBA about a month ago. Recently it started doing something weird, mostly on the dock icons.
Sometimes when I go to click on an icon, it doesn't do anything, regardless of whether I am clicking, double clicking, or pushing the button below the trackpad. I end up having to move the cursor off of the icon and back on once or twice before it will let me click.
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Mar 13, 2009
Just had my air replaced by customer relations following three faults in the first 5 weeks of owning - the new one's great - had it for 4 days but i've just noticed that the bezel is getting scratched where the trackpad button sits (at either side) surely this isn't normal?It's not a biggy at the moment - the left side is noticeable - the right is if the light shines on it in the right way.Is this just "how they are"? My white macbook wrist rest broke for a similar reason, but after almost 2 years of daily service, 4 days and marking?I really feel that Apple must be thinking i'm a constant moaner! I really am not it just seems to be bad luck.
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Sep 11, 2010
Have been playing around with the MBA for about a day and a half now. A couple of questions which I wanted to see if they are to be expected:
1) When using the trackpad and the trackpad button, I have noticed that the button only registers clicks when pushed in the center. Pushing the button on the far right or far left doesn't register a click. Is this normal?
2) I am using the Apple in-ear headphones occassionaly to listen to a dictation that hasn't been transcribed yet. I noticed that the volume up/volume down buttons and the play/pause button don't work on the MBA, but do work on my MBP. I was wonder if someone had a pair of these headphones or even the Apple iPhone earphones, would you be willing to test it on your computer and see if the volume up/down and play/pause buttons on the headphones work?
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Dec 31, 2010
Has anyone else noticed that the trackpad button requires more force towards the top (it is harder to push closer to the section that is near the space bar)? It seems to still work at the top but I have to push down really hard on it.
Is this normal?
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Mar 16, 2008
For people to start getting use to not having a button with the track pad and only learn to use multitouch like how it is on iphone?I realize now that i turn on trackpad clicking that i just about NEVER use my think click button. Also the click button is so small i'm thinking they did it on purpose so it'll force us to use multitouch.
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Feb 26, 2009
basically i havent had my macbook air that long (few month, maybe few more) but all of a sudden the click button on the trackpad has almost became slightly annoying, that when you press it slightly it clicks in as if youve clicked but nothing has happened, and then i press a slight bit more (normal pressure for a click) and it works normal. its just really annoying and it seems to be getting worse at one end, and ideally id like it to stop.
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Jun 6, 2009
I have a question about the trackpad on my unibody macbook with the bad screen sadly . Is the "button" area of the trackpad (where the button would be) suppose to be unresponsive to movements, for example, when I move slowly along the button area, my mouse curser does not move at all while any movement in the middle is registered with high sensitivity. It only starts to register when I move towards to middle of the trackpad or quickly along the button. However, three and four finger gestures work perfectly along the button area. I have also notice that the corners of the trackpad are also unresponsive to movements.
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Aug 30, 2009
The whole typing level surface (track-pad, palmrests, keyboard) are all acting like they're the trackpad button. If I rest my palms on the palmrest, it's registered as a click. If I press the keys any harder than super lightly as I type, it's a click. The issue is much worse when my laptop is on my lap as opposed to a hard flat surface. Sometimes, I seem to lose total control. I'll be using the trackpad to navigate around my monitor, and it will act as though I'm constantly clicking (following links, dragging icons around, etc). It's getting REALLY irritating. I know I'll most likely end up having to make the journey to the Apple Store, but I thought I'd try here first just to see if anyone at least has an idea of what could be causing this.
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Jan 25, 2009
title says it all really. Every time I touch, even lightly the button below the trackpad I get a double click. It's making it impossible to highlight text and windows automatically go into the dock if I try to move them. Is it something serious or could I just try and fix it by dismantling and cleaning it? I'd rather not take it apart, to be honest.
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Jun 17, 2014
I was playing a trackpad button intensive game and everything was fine. I shut down my game, closed the computer, and went to bed.
The next day, I opened my MBA and the physical trackpad button doesn't seem to work properly. If I push it down, I feel the button engage, but unless I'm touching it in the lefthand corner, there is no response on the screen. I've enabled touch-to-click and I can still get the left side to work, but this is really annoying.
I can't see any warping in the surface of the trackpad and I don't own a Bluetooth mouse.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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May 17, 2012
It feels like there is less room for the left button to press down and the right button clicks loudly when I press down on it. Everything still woks in terms of clicking but it's so annoying to have to press down harder than I have to.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 7, 2009
I've noticed that when I try clicking on the trackpad's button, most of the time it will register the press and other times it doesn't. The button, physically, doesn't feel any different whether it registers the click or not. The button "clicks" down like normal and doesn't feel loose. Also, when I click and hold on the button and try to move my finger around the trackpad to highlight text or drag a folder, most of the time, the computer acts like I let go of the button and pressed it down again multiple times. While it does this, my finger remains on the trackpad button without being lifted. I recently upgraded my Mac to Snow Leopard but the problem occurred even with Leopard installed. I'm unsure as to whether or not this is a software or hardware issue. Could it be that there's something lodged under the trackpad button to cause this? If so, how would I be able to check under the button?
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Aug 1, 2010
I've had a few repairs done on my Macbook a week or so ago, including having the keyboard top case replaced, because parts of it had frayed away. Since I've had it back the trackpad button is squeaking incessantly when pressed, with normal pressure applied. It's really irritating, and I use my Macbook frequently. What do you think I should do about it?
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Dec 28, 2005
I don't know if anyone else has ever had this problem, but it's driving me nutts. The trackpad button has done this once before where it would be real loud when you click it. There's a lot of play in it and sometimes clicks twice but only the second click registers... it's hard to explain.
The first time this happened it went awhile after a days use. However, now it's doing it again and it's been a few days now and it's so anoying!
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