MacBook Pro :: Send A "photo-booth" Video To Regular Windows Computer Via Email?
May 3, 2012
I have been trying to send videos from my photo booth album, i've tried more than once, and various videos. But, on the receiving hand, they are not able to open it because "it's not compatible" with their computer. They do not have an Apple computer, but how could I convert the video into a file they can open and view?
I used to click a pic and then click the email button at the bottom of iPhoto.
Mac mail would open and I could compose a regular email.
Now I can only choose the cute options, which have no room for any significant text. I realize I can drag and drop, but was wondering if I'm missing something.
Me and some friends were messing around on Photo Booth and we took a lengthy video (about 10 minutes) to put up on Youtube. We weren't done with the video and everything was still recording when I left for a minute.When I returned, Photo Booth was closed. My friend has never used a Mac before and he's not sure what he did. He says he was trying to quit out of another program and he might've accidentally quit Photo Booth. Either that, or he pressed the X, thinking it was the minimize button on Windows.Anyways, where is the part of the video that we actually recorded? Did the entire thing not get saved at all just because we might've quit out of the program near the end of our video?
I just upgraded to leopard on my MacBook Pro (2.4ghz Duo & 2GB ram) and have been messing around in Photo Booth, I noticed when I record a video with a video backdrop the process turns out sluggish and jerky. It only seems to be the backdrop that is quite laggy so I was wondering if this is just a case of there not being enough ram to handle it or is something else up.
I was on photo booth when i accidentally erased an important video. Is there anyway that I can get it back without having to pay anything? I've looked in my trash but I can't find anything.
When recording video in PhotoBooth mst of it is not captured. For example, say I record a video for 3 minutes, the clock will say 3 minutes, and once I hit stop the resulting video file will be around a minute long. This is happening with all recordings, however I do not have such problems when using video capture in iMovie.
After migrating from a computer with Snow Leopard to a computer with Mavericks, photo booth will not even launch. Trashed photo booth preferences pfile, fixed permissions in disk utilities, still no launch. Not that big a deal, I don't need to save any previous photo captures, but would like to know whats going on given how much I paid to upgrade to this new mac.
i just a macbook (used from a friend) and I decided to record in photo booth a 2 minute video of me and my son (i have done two before and worked fine) and I thought it went well but when I decided to play it the only thing that worked on it was the video but had no audio playback. What happen and is their a program that can maybe retreat the sound it maybe its still in the file?
So I recently moved EVERYTHING from my old Mac desktop to my new one. When I record a video and then click to watch it, the recording screen will go black and the little color wheel will show up and long story short, I havent been able to watch any videos for a few days (for the first couple hours after the stuff on my old imac -> new imac, I could watch videos perfectly fine. Maybe its because I am currently updating iPhoto and its taking a veryyyy long time.) But...with my old iMac, I had about 10 slides of extra photobooth effects. It slowed down photobooth TREMENDOUSLY but I didnt know how to uninstall them.Unfortunately, those same effects have moved over to my new mac and its driving me nuts. I thought that was the culprit and tried uninstalling them. I cant do Library>Compositions>erase because when I do so, theres nothing there to delete!
I have just upgraded to Lion/iCloud. I am trying to send a photo with an email. Photostream is on. But I am being told that 'The email server didn’t recognize your username/password combination'.
Somebody posted a pic of them with new effects and said " I am loving these new photo booth effects." I dont have them and I would like them. How can i get them.
My land line is dead ... so no phone nor internet at home. But I can use my iPhone'hot spot to get on the web from my iMac. Great ... it works ! I cannot send email from my computer using my iPhone's hot spot with Mail. How do I do that ?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac Intel - 3,06 GHZ - 21" - 12.0 Go
I cant change effects while I am recording a video. I seen other people do it that have macs. I Cant find the bubbles effect or letters effect. Is this only available for macbook pro? I just have the macbook.
I have previously been able to use FaceTime and Photo Booth on my Macbook Pro, however I tried to use FaceTime a few days ago and it tells me there is "no camera connected". To be clear I have never used an external camera, I have only every used the iSight that is built into my laptop. This problem is not application specific nor is it user specific. I haven't dropped my laptop or done anything to it physically that I can think would have hurt the laptops camera. Does anyone know how I can fix it and get the camera back?
When i open photobooth or Facetime, or any other programe to use my inbuilt camera it comes up with "no camera connected".One day it was working, i had no accidents that i recall that would have caused this to happen and there are no other issues just this!
I recently wiped my mac and photo booth no longer works. The application comes up but the loading symbol just goes round and round for hours and nothing happens, even the little green light doesn't come on. At the top of the mac screen in photo booth>camera section it says 'no camera available' but when i open my FaceTime the light comes on and camera works. How can i fix my photo booth??
I bought a Macbook off line recently but I cant find my photo book app. I looked everywhere, spotlight, applications, etc., and still cant find it. I have tiger os but no disk. What should I do? Is there something I can purchase? Don't I need photo booth in order to operate my built in camera?