MacBook Pro :: Receiving Notification That Says Running Out Of Storage Space?
Sep 8, 2014
I am receiving notifications that I am running out of storage space. I backed up my mac book using an external and time machine. Can I delete some files to make room?Â
If so, Â
When I want to restore from my time machine, can I pick and choose, say certain songs, photos or documents?
Mac Pro, iOS 4.1
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May 4, 2012
I keep receiving "Mount Notification quit unexpectedly" at every boot up. Any ideas on how to fix this annoying error?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Windows 7
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Jun 10, 2012
I take tons of pictures and that is what's sucking up all of my memory. I currently have a 2011 Macbook Pro OS X Lion Version 10.7.4. 4 GB memory 2 GHz processor. Now that I look at the "About This Mac" it says all of my storage is "Other" with 0 KB in everything else like photos and apps which I know is false. Anyway, what should I do? Should I go to best buy and get a bigger memory? its currently 500 GB & 499.25 of that is filled up... What could I delete to free up space? Should I partition my photos onto an external hard drive?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 8, 2009
It came the time i knew it was going to come when i bought by MAB rev.1: I need more storage space. So far, I have been burning all movies on DVDs, but now i need space for music and pics. What is your advice? I do not want to buy a wired device, because MAB has only one USB port. At the same time they told me that the Time Capsule does not really work very well, and i do not really need another wireless router anyways. Would you guys reccomend another wireless HD? Which one? Or, put differently, what solution did you go for?
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Aug 29, 2014
I have completely ran out of space and I it says most of my storage is taken up by "other" Â ...
Is there a way to find out exactly what "other" is?
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Dec 4, 2014
when i go to storage i have 99gb of apps and 95gb of other the rest is some movies and music but i used to have over 89gb of free space and i have barely downloaded stuff on my macbook and now i don't even have 1.5gb of free space every time i power down and turn back on my mac i loose space, does any one know how to free some of the storage space under "other"
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 23, 2012
I just wonder - you get a lot less space for the money. Is Flash storage that much better?
MacBook Pro
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Mar 12, 2012
security copy eats my storage space on my MBP
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 18, 2012
however I can't seem to find where it shows my storage information?
MacBook Air
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Mar 23, 2012
I backed up my hard drive to an external drive. I now want to free up my hard drive storage space. How do I do that. I deleted several GB of iTunes but the free file space did not increase. How can I free up disk space?
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Oct 31, 2010
For those that are using the Macbook Air as their primary computer, what are people's solutions for the limited drive size of the Macbook Air?
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Aug 24, 2014
I can't seem to find out why my Mac is reporting such excessive storage use for "Photos". My iPhoto library says it's only about 1.47GB. Earlier today, I unchecked the option of importing photos from other locations to the iPhoto library, since we have an external hard drive that we use to store photos.Â
Why it's reporting such high usage? In the screenshot is OmniDiskSweeper, which shows sizes of each folder. They definitely aren't adding up to the 92GB that it says is in use, unless all that extra data is coming from some folder I don't have permission to.Â
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 15, 2012
I have a macbook air 128g and am running out of storage space. I am wondering if I can use icloud as a primary storage for my media files (Photos, music, video, etc). Then I could potentially remove from hard drive to free up space. I am concerned if this is possible and what the cons would be. I am thinking that Itunes library and photos would not be as quickly accesible as it would be using the hard drive.Â
MacBook Air
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Jun 26, 2014
Model - Macbook Pro 2013 Retina
Issue - In the disk utility, the free space under partition and Macintosh HD do not reflect on each other. There is the difference of about 10GB between these two.
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Aug 31, 2014
I had to delete a Yosemite partition I created on my mid 2012 macbook pro because the 16gig available filled up fast.
I check my HD and it was almost full to capacity, it shows I had 2.2 TB of photos and 1.5 TB of audio.
I don't know if this photos and music kept adding each time I sync my iphone or each time i log on to Facebook.
Anyway I would like to FREE UP THE SPACE but how, and would I need to have 3plus TB of external DH to do this, or what??????
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 26, 2012
Im getting an error message "running out of disk space please delete files on startup"Â Im importing movie files to the imovie projects, but im getting this message come up. Ive deleted the trash, but is there anything else i can do to make some disk space and if so where do i do that ?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 10, 2006
I have a white 2.0 Ghz MacBook running Tiger 10.4.8 with the latest firmware updates, and 2 GB RAM. I also have an external IDE drive partitioned as FAT32, sitting in a relatively-no-name enclosure via firewire, daisy-chained through my Presonus Firebox external audio unit (I know, not ideal for recording). The MacBook's HDD also has an NTFS partition with XP residing there. Now, it all worked great for a month now, but this week I started having a strange issue. First I noticed that the fans started kicking in even though I wasn't doing anything special. I fired the Activity Monitor up, and indeed, the CPU load was at 140%. So I looked among the processes, and one named "Mass Storage" seemed to be frozen. The obvious, but perhaps a little dangerous, thing to do was to quit it, so I did.
The CPU load returned to normal, and I was still able to access the external drive just fine. So, now, whenever I connect the firewire drive, the mass storage process hangs. I quit it, and everything goes back to normal from there. The question is.. Why does it freeze, and also, what is the whole <i>point</i> of the 'mass storage' process if quitting it doesn't affect anything? When I plug the drive in, iPhoto launches automatically, and by the files that mass storage opens, I'm going to try and track down what's causing it to hang. The last file it opens on the list is /dev/urandom. Also, now that I think about it, FAT32 probably isn't the best filesystem out there. I do need the drive to be compatible with both OS X and Windows though. I suppose I could try HFS+ under OS X, and then using Mac Drive under Win to access the disk.
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Apr 22, 2012
My computer is slow and storage is showing 70 GB of other (yellow). I don't know what it is?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 70 gb of storage is yellow
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Sep 11, 2009
My server that i currently have is seems to be on its last leg (4 years old with old slow hdd). Anyway, I'd like to replace it but would rather just use my mac pro. I need about 4TB of storage space. Ideally I'd have one hdd to kick in if another began to fail. From my readings it sounds like I need Raid5 (correct me if I'm wrong). I know this can be done but I've already used 3 drive bays that came with my mac pro, anyway I can setup a raid 5 and have the storage space? I guess what I'm looking for here is some type of RAID card (Arcea 1210?) and then a storage solution. Once thats figured out, I'll need to know how to power the hdds.
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Jul 21, 2010
I have already produced one thread on how to install an SSD into a 2008 mac pro found here - have a 2008 mac pro 2.8 octo and feeling my drives bottleneck the system i want a new solution to give it a new lease of life.Being ready to bite the bullet and buy myself an Intel M 160gb, I started reading about the Seagate Momentus XT. A hybrid drive which contains a 500GB 7200rpm 2.5" drive coupled with 4gbs NAND solid state memory (ssd) so launches all your programs OS etc lightening fast, comparable to an SSD, but provides the storage space of a HDD. So is a good compromise between the two. It also provides an Adaptive Memory Technology which intelligently monitors frequently used applications and places them into the solid state portion of the drive so they can be quickly recalled.
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Jun 22, 2012
My iMac displays a message that says the memory run out of space and this do not allow me to work with some of my apps. The problem is that i do not have installed data that can fill 500 GB... in the apple menu - about this mac - the storage status shown in yellow as other takes 499 GB of the space but I don't have this kind of data or it is something that I cannot see.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 3, 2012
So basically can you upgrade the 256 ram drive on the new mbp?
iPad 2, iOS 5
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Jun 10, 2012
I appear to have used up a huge proportion of my 1TB storage space! Usual stuff like movies, photos, word files appears to have used up just over 100GB but then i have 'other' shown as about 800GB! Is there anyway I can find out what 'other' actually represents?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 4, 2012
I have a 21.5 iMac with an i3 processor and 500GB hard drive. Unfortunately I am running out of internal storage space and I was wondering what options I have for upgrading the storage. I am also going through my photos (in iPhoto) and videos (in iMovies), deleting the ones I don't need. I also have a 500GB external hard drive with the purpose of backing up my iMac (via Time Machine). I can think of the following options and I was wondering what people think about them and if you could share any feedback / ideas? Internal Upgrade: Can I upgrade my storage internally on my iMac to another 500GB (i.e. 1TB in total)?External Upgrade Scenario 1: Purchase a 500GB external drive and save my iMovie and iPhoto library on it. Purchase another 500GB external hard drive as back up (via Time Machine) Question -> Can I run 2 back ups at the same time via Time Machine? One for my existing internal storage and another for iMovie and iPhoto library on the external 500GB hard drive.External Upgrade Scenario 2: Use my existing 500GB external hard drive (which I currently use to back up my iMac) and reformat it to save my iPhoto and iMovie library. Purchase a 1TB external hard drive to back up both my internal storage (500GB) and external storage (500GB). Is this even possible with Time Machine?
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Jul 4, 2012
I have a 21.5 iMac with an i3 processor and 500GB hard drive. Unfortunately I am running out of internal storage space and I was wondering what options I have for upgrading the storage. I am also going through my photos (in iPhoto) and videos (in iMovies), deleting the ones I don't need. I also have a 500GB external hard drive with the purpose of backing up my iMac (via Time Machine). I can think of the following options and I was wondering what people think about them and if you could share any feedback / ideas? Internal Upgrade: Can I upgrade my storage internally on my iMac to another 500GB (i.e. 1TB in total)?
1: Purchase a 500GB external drive and save my iMovie and iPhoto library on it. Purchase another 500GB external hard drive as back up (via Time Machine) Question -> Can I run 2 back ups at the same time via Time Machine? One for my existing internal storage and another for iMovie and iPhoto library on the external 500GB hard drive.External Upgrade Scenario
2: Use my existing 500GB external hard drive (which I currently use to back up my iMac) and reformat it to save my iPhoto and iMovie library. Purchase a 1TB external hard drive to back up both my internal storage (500GB) and external storage (500GB). Is this even possible with Time Machine?
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 29, 2008
I've been using my external hard drive for Time Machine for a while now (a Western Digital My Book) and have only used up about 100 of its 500 GB capacity. However, I'd like to temporarily use the remaining space on the drive as extra storage, since my other hard drive just died. Is there any way to do this without erasing everything that I've backed up with Time Machine already?
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Jun 3, 2012
If Photo Stream does not use any iCloud storage, how do I find out what is taking up my storage space?
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Jun 20, 2012
My Macbook Pro says that it has 300 GB taking up space in the 'other' category of the storage of my MACINTOSH HD. What can possibly take up 300 gb?? Is there a way that I can view the individual items that are taking up space in this 'other' category, or is there a way that I can erase them? My Macbook is always warning me that my "startup disk is almost full", because I do not have any remaining memory with 'other' taking up almost all of it. For this reason, my Macbook is running very slow at times, and is having many errors.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 8, 2010
I have a Sandisk Cruzer 16GB flash drive, which was working fine for months. It was formatted as FAT32 so I could move stuff back and forth between my tech school computer and my mac. I pulled the files off of it, and put an anti-malware program on it to troublshoot a netbook for class. The size of the drive is now shrinking, down currently to 43.5KB. I have no idea what may be causing it, or how to stop it.
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Apr 19, 2009
Has anyone tried using some of the NAS storage solutions out there as your Time Machine back up? If so, how well does it work? Reason I ask is because I'm thinking of getting one but I don't want to run into the same problem I had with mounting when I tried using an external HDD connected to my home server. I know it's not the same but I'm just asking to be safe.
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