MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Does Not Light Up Well?
Jun 1, 2012My 2010 Macbook pro 17 inch does not turn on. the 85W Magsafe power adapter shows a dim light when plugged in. What do I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My 2010 Macbook pro 17 inch does not turn on. the 85W Magsafe power adapter shows a dim light when plugged in. What do I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
my magsafe light goes dim green, orange, or off when plugged into my macbook
it still charges it fine, an it never stops charing, just the light goes dim. if i wiggle the wire the light turns back on.
i went to the apple store, the guy didnt look at it but i explained the above, he said its normal an his does the same an come back if it stops chargin
what do you thing? should i go back or call or is it fine.
I've just plugged my laptop in here at work, the light on the magsafe doesn't appear. at the top it says its running on power adapter.
Last night however i did notice that the light on the magsafe was a light green color, not the normal green/orange it usually is.
Any idea?, its a AluMB from Oct 2008. Could it be my battery or just the charger?. I do have Apple care.
I dont know what the dim light signifies
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When i connect my Magsafe charger the light will often become dim green and stop charging the laptop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
Magsafe light flashes green to red and battery will not charge.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy Magsafe charger started acting really odd today. It started with the light not working when I was charging the computer. Even tough the light didn't come on the computer still said it was charging. I unplugged it for a bit & plunged it back in. This time the light came on & it was green even though it wasn't fully charged. But now when i unplug it, the light stays on as long as its plugged into the wall. The only thing I've changed lately is I replaced the hard drive, but its been about a week and this just started happening tonight.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI had my original MBP charger replaced a while ago because the magsafe adapter light was not working. (but it charged the computer fine, weirdly enough) Then, about a month ago, the light on that one went out too. The apple store replaced it with one of the new MBA chargers style. That one worked for about a day, and now intermittently goes off. What is wrong here?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt started last night when my adapter freyed, melted and became useless (a common problem with the MagSafe). I called to bitch to Apple, but they just wanted to make sure nobody died and no houses burned down and then told me to go buy a new adapter. I did that today, but now my computer wont hold a charge and is stuck at 0% and shows the charged icon over the battery. The weird thing is that the light on the MagSafe head is an extremely dim green. You need to turn the lights off to really see that it is lit, but very weakly.
So, I went back to the Apple store and tried the charger on a different computer and it worked fine. And we tried a completely different charger on my macbook and the same dimly lit light thing happened. So i dont think its the charger. Then we put my battery in a different macbook and it took a charge. So i dont think its the battery. Any ideas??? Is it a coincidence my 18 month old hassle-free (until now) macbook has had two problems in the last 24 hrs? It isn't under warranty.
I've been asked to take a look at a friends white macbook that won't power on. I've tried resetting the smc etc., with no joy. The battery charge indicator shows 1 fully lit green light and the magsafe connector also is green. Pressing the power button doesn't do anything, no lights, beeps etc. I've tried another power adapter and the magsafe light remains green when connected but the battery still shows 1 green led. Considering the macbook thinks its charged but the battery isn't, is this a dead logic board? Or something else? This macbook is well out of warranty.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOver the past few months, I have noticed that my MagSafe light will randomly stop working when I plug it into my MacBook. I just unplug it, and plug it back in and it works normally. It seems like the computer still charges though.
View 5 Replies View RelatedEvery once in a while, the green light on my Magsafe adapter will turn off, but the computer will indicate that it's still running off of AC power. If I unplug the adapter from the computer and then plug it back in, it'll immediately light up again. or some times i tap on it and it start again!
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I have a Late 2009 Macbook Pro, it came with the original magsafe adapter. The adapter doesn't always work all the time, sometimes theres a really dim green light.
One of the prongs that go into the wall is slightly bent so it might be because of that.
My question is will Apple replace this charger for me? Do they give the new magsafe adapters as replacements or will they give me an old one?
I just got my new MBA 13" ultimate and this battery never seems to be fully charged (system shows 99% charging for over 1 hour now) and magsafe light been amber throughout the entire time. I'm worried it may be a battery problem, tried resetting SMC two times but no effect.
View 20 Replies View Relatedi just got my MBA on monday and now the magsafe adaptor doesn't work anymore, it flashes green light and does not charge. Does anyone know what's wrong with it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedA few hours ago my MBP (15" from January 2011) had almost no battery, so I plugged in the charger - but nothing happened. No green or orange light - or indicator on finder. I went to System Information which confirmed that it had 0% battery left and it wasn't charging, even with the MagSafe correctly plugged in.
I checked the wall connector and it's functioning well on other devices. The battery eventually died and now my macbook won't turn on. The light on the adapter and on the side of the notebook flashes green inconsistently. It won't turn on since it has no battery. I've tried reseting the SMC but nothing happend.
Sooooo I just got my brand shiny new CTO 4GB 13.3 MBA this morning at about 9:45 am yesterday in Illinois. I was sposed to go to bed because I am working nights at the moment but i stayed up for hours setting it up and playing with it (my first MAC) and so I finally get home after working a 12 hour night shift and open up my new MBA expecting instant on and....nothing. The damn thing will not turn on and I tried all the tricks of the trade (suggested by apple support page) and nothing. It was fully charged when I left it in the morning. Also, my magsafe charge light is green which means it is still fully charged right??? Man what a super disappointment. My first MAC and it freaking dies immediately. My Win 7 desktop at least started...good ole faithful (granted it took about 55 seconds...pff)
I'm so sad!
iv see the magsafe light dim green then i bump it an it goes back to bright green?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI wonder if somebody has a similar problem. MacBook pro 2008 (15", 2.2 GHz, 2 GB RAM) has the Magsafe adapter light off when fully charged. When disconnected-reconnected, it starts glowing green again.
History: about 6 months ago, the screen wiring and video card were replaced by Apple. The battery was replaced a long time ago. Symptoms after card replacement (not necessarily related to it) included spontaneous wake from sleep when the lid was closed, although the "wake from sleep at Ethernet activity" was disabled. In the Apple store they reset the power management unit and the unwanted wake up stopped. The computer is always plugged into the wall outlet when at home but travels often during the day and is on battery power then.
Two other laptops (2007 and 2009) always have the adapter green light on when the battery is fully charged. The "abnormal" one now has a replacement adapter plugged in and for several days the light was on when charged. Today it turned off again. Apple does not list that option and only vaguely states that when fully charged, the adapter light is green. Anything to do with the power port contacts? If yes, how can one diagnose or repair it? Will Apple hardware test do it? Or is this within normal behavior? Also, I am not sure whether this is serious or not since the battery charges...
I did not find any answers on the web, so I am posting it here.
I've got the new i5 mbp which has the right angle magsafe plug. Can I use any older magsafe adapter on the machine?I need 2 more (one for work and one for home), i'm too lazy to take it out of the bag, or I always forget to put it back when I need it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I am in a quiet room, I notice a light humming coming from my macbook pro and also a light vibration on the right side. Is this just the hd spinning or something to be concerned about? it is 2 weeks old.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have had my MacBook (aluminum) for 6 days, and all of a sudden I go to plug it in to charge (10% left) and the led on the magsafe doesn't come on and the computer doesn't recorgnize the charger (even in system profiler). Upon closer inspection I noticed the LED is on on the magsafe, it is just a very faint shade of green. I have tried a charger from a different MacBook but no luck. And I have also tried my charger and a different macbook and it charged it just fine.. so it's probably not my charger. I know I can go get it replaced but I would really like to not have to take a 45 minute drive to the apple store if i can avoid it. Also, if I get a replacement is it possible for them to just swap my HDD with the new one?
View 24 Replies View RelatedSo my replacement magsafe adapter is acting up, it seems these last about six months... My MBP is just fresh out of warranty but I recall reading something about "Even if your notebook is out of warranty" somewhere on the apple site. I can't imagine this is the case, but is it? Can I get a new magsafe?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI don't know so what magsafe does the macbook air use? magsafe 2? or the ones on the macbook pro?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1
Just upgraded my MBP from one of the first unibodys. The new computer is great, but the power cord? Surely that was one giant leap backwards? Yeah it looks cool, but I have nearly destroyed my new MBP many times - that old panicy, heart in mouth feeling when you trip over the power cord and turn round to see you computer sliding towards the edge of the table is back! With the cord parallel to the body rather than perpendicular it doesn't seem to have the leverage to pop out easy any more. Admittedly I am clumsier than most, but then thats why I loved the old magsafe so much. It makes me wornder, am I just using it wrong or does anybody else wish for simpler times?
View 18 Replies View Relatedeither it's a newbie's tendency to worry but my magsafe charger for my 2010 15inch i5 MBP is getting way too hot for comfort.
nothing has corroded (yet) but the magsafe itself feels extremely hot to touch after 30mins or so of use.
is this normal or is it time i give Apple a call?
Like many of you, my magsafe finally started getting hot enough to make popcorn. Where I would have gone out and bought another, a simple dead short was too easy of a repair.... and I can use that $80 for other Apple goodies. I might as well get something out of my electronics degree. I decided to take pics to share. Since I seem to take pics of things people like these days, I've watermarked them to avoid any *more* theft of images. Apologies in advance for the watermarks. I would have written this as a DIY, but I determined if you couldn't get the jist from the pics, you shouldn't be attempting it. (Self solving problem) Basically what happens is that the outer shielding breaks FIRST from the flexxing of the cable. Once the outer shielding breaks the wire loses all it's structural integrity and it's a very short time before the inner wire starts poking through and creating small dead shorts between the + and - voltage of the two. This is why some days it is blisteringly hot and some days it is not. There are only small strands of the inner wire poking through and each time they make contact they burn off, creating a very hot wire, but one that seems to fix itself or only randomly get hot. If you continue to use the adapter in this situation you WILL end up with a fire that can threaten your book, your home, and your life.
At this point in the life of the wire it is in critical. The inner wire is breaching the jacket and the outer wire has nearly broken in half. The effects are a very poor connection on the negative shielding which creates heat by lack of ability to properly transfer energy. The heat warms up the already damaged inner jacket and the next thing you know.... you are here complaining about your Magsafe almost burning your leg off. With a little skill, you can fix this issue and save $80. The process took me 45 minutes and cost me NOTHING. My adapter is like new and will last me another year before I have to do it again. Inevitably by design, all Magsafe's will fail. I don't know about you, but I have better things to do with my $80, so once a year I don't mind making this repair. If you buy a new Magsafe it WILL fail again. The revision of a SLIGHTLY larger rubber grommet is a horrible fix with minimal results.
I ask because the voltage is higher (16.5v vs 14.5v). I would assume the 60watt would charge faster, but not sure if the voltage increase will do damage.
View 10 Replies View RelatedToday I connected my macbook pro to my LED Cinema Display and the MagSafe connector's light was blinking like a hard disk's status light. Is this normal?... it's blinking rapidly like when the light of an external HD is showing the disk is in use. Something like that.
I just checked the battery status in iStats and it's giving me a 91% healthe.. . How could that be if this mac is 6 months old.
Can anyone confirm that the chargers are different on the new MBPs? I saw this video on youtube: [URL]
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