MacBook Air :: What Magsafe Does It Use

Jun 13, 2012

I don't know so what magsafe does the macbook air use? magsafe 2? or the ones on the macbook pro?

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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MacBook Pro :: 85w Magsafe's Plug - Can I Use Any Older Magsafe Adapter On The Machine?

Sep 24, 2010

I've got the new i5 mbp which has the right angle magsafe plug. Can I use any older magsafe adapter on the machine?I need 2 more (one for work and one for home), i'm too lazy to take it out of the bag, or I always forget to put it back when I need it.

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MacBook :: LED On MagSafe Does Not Come On

Jan 31, 2009

I have had my MacBook (aluminum) for 6 days, and all of a sudden I go to plug it in to charge (10% left) and the led on the magsafe doesn't come on and the computer doesn't recorgnize the charger (even in system profiler). Upon closer inspection I noticed the LED is on on the magsafe, it is just a very faint shade of green. I have tried a charger from a different MacBook but no luck. And I have also tried my charger and a different macbook and it charged it just fine.. so it's probably not my charger. I know I can go get it replaced but I would really like to not have to take a 45 minute drive to the apple store if i can avoid it. Also, if I get a replacement is it possible for them to just swap my HDD with the new one?

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MacBook Pro :: To Get A New Magsafe?

Dec 26, 2009

So my replacement magsafe adapter is acting up, it seems these last about six months... My MBP is just fresh out of warranty but I recall reading something about "Even if your notebook is out of warranty" somewhere on the apple site. I can't imagine this is the case, but is it? Can I get a new magsafe?

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MacBook Pro :: New MagSafe Not So Safe?

Sep 20, 2010

Just upgraded my MBP from one of the first unibodys. The new computer is great, but the power cord? Surely that was one giant leap backwards? Yeah it looks cool, but I have nearly destroyed my new MBP many times - that old panicy, heart in mouth feeling when you trip over the power cord and turn round to see you computer sliding towards the edge of the table is back! With the cord parallel to the body rather than perpendicular it doesn't seem to have the leverage to pop out easy any more. Admittedly I am clumsier than most, but then thats why I loved the old magsafe so much. It makes me wornder, am I just using it wrong or does anybody else wish for simpler times?

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MacBook Pro :: Does Magsafe Charger Very Hot Normally?

Oct 2, 2010

either it's a newbie's tendency to worry but my magsafe charger for my 2010 15inch i5 MBP is getting way too hot for comfort.

nothing has corroded (yet) but the magsafe itself feels extremely hot to touch after 30mins or so of use.

is this normal or is it time i give Apple a call?

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MacBook Pro :: MAGSAFE Started Getting Hot

Jan 16, 2008

Like many of you, my magsafe finally started getting hot enough to make popcorn. Where I would have gone out and bought another, a simple dead short was too easy of a repair.... and I can use that $80 for other Apple goodies. I might as well get something out of my electronics degree. I decided to take pics to share. Since I seem to take pics of things people like these days, I've watermarked them to avoid any *more* theft of images. Apologies in advance for the watermarks. I would have written this as a DIY, but I determined if you couldn't get the jist from the pics, you shouldn't be attempting it. (Self solving problem) Basically what happens is that the outer shielding breaks FIRST from the flexxing of the cable. Once the outer shielding breaks the wire loses all it's structural integrity and it's a very short time before the inner wire starts poking through and creating small dead shorts between the + and - voltage of the two. This is why some days it is blisteringly hot and some days it is not. There are only small strands of the inner wire poking through and each time they make contact they burn off, creating a very hot wire, but one that seems to fix itself or only randomly get hot. If you continue to use the adapter in this situation you WILL end up with a fire that can threaten your book, your home, and your life.

At this point in the life of the wire it is in critical. The inner wire is breaching the jacket and the outer wire has nearly broken in half. The effects are a very poor connection on the negative shielding which creates heat by lack of ability to properly transfer energy. The heat warms up the already damaged inner jacket and the next thing you know.... you are here complaining about your Magsafe almost burning your leg off. With a little skill, you can fix this issue and save $80. The process took me 45 minutes and cost me NOTHING. My adapter is like new and will last me another year before I have to do it again. Inevitably by design, all Magsafe's will fail. I don't know about you, but I have better things to do with my $80, so once a year I don't mind making this repair. If you buy a new Magsafe it WILL fail again. The revision of a SLIGHTLY larger rubber grommet is a horrible fix with minimal results.

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MacBook Air :: Safe To Use 60w Magsafe?

Sep 6, 2009

I ask because the voltage is higher (16.5v vs 14.5v). I would assume the 60watt would charge faster, but not sure if the voltage increase will do damage.

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MacBook Pro :: Using MagSafe Connector?

Feb 19, 2010

Today I connected my macbook pro to my LED Cinema Display and the MagSafe connector's light was blinking like a hard disk's status light. Is this normal?... it's blinking rapidly like when the light of an external HD is showing the disk is in use. Something like that.

I just checked the battery status in iStats and it's giving me a 91% healthe.. . How could that be if this mac is 6 months old.

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MacBook Pro :: Different Magsafe Charger?

Apr 13, 2010

Can anyone confirm that the chargers are different on the new MBPs? I saw this video on youtube: [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Does Not Light Up Well?

Jun 1, 2012

My 2010 Macbook pro 17 inch does not turn on. the 85W Magsafe power adapter shows a dim light when plugged in. What do I do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Connector Compatibility

Sep 22, 2010

I'm thinking about buying one of the Hypermac External Batteries ([URL]) for traveling and such.

They offer their models with either the old Magsafe connector or the new, silver, tubular connector. I would prefer the tubular connector, but I have the old style MBP (non-unibody).

Is the new style connector compatible with the old style MBP?

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MacBook Pro :: Melting MagSafe Cable?

Sep 25, 2006

Melting MagSafe Cable? why

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MacBook :: Finding Magsafe Connector?

May 4, 2009

Does anyone think apple should change all the magsafe connectors to be like the ones on the macbook air? I think those look better than the all white ones that ship with the mb and mbp.

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MacBook :: MagSafe Charger Replacement?

Jun 2, 2009

well my charger recently got hit with the frayed connector problem. I called Apple and they sent me a replacement via overnight shipping (really awesome).

Anyways, both representatives I talked to when they said they would send it said I need to send the old one in the box they sent the new one in and use the shipping label they gave me.

but I peeled back the shipping label, and there's nothing there.

I went to check the repair status, and it says "Complete - no part return needed," but they took my credit card number when I called and told me to do so.

Anyone have any idea about this? Should I worry about returning the defective charger?

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MacBook Pro :: My Magsafe Light Goes Dim Green?

Jun 23, 2009

my magsafe light goes dim green, orange, or off when plugged into my macbook

it still charges it fine, an it never stops charing, just the light goes dim. if i wiggle the wire the light turns back on.

i went to the apple store, the guy didnt look at it but i explained the above, he said its normal an his does the same an come back if it stops chargin

what do you thing? should i go back or call or is it fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Safer MagSafe Charger

Jun 24, 2009

I am becoming increasingly concerned by the rising number of reports of people's magsafe connectors for their MBPs bursting into flames.

I am not sure if this is being built up to be more than it is - but there do seem to be a number of genuine cases.

I now feel unable to leave my new 13" MBP connected to the mains unattended - which is not really a desirable situation.

I have heard that the issue is down to the design of the connector point where the wire goes into the magsafe connector - and as such, the differently designed connectors which are used on macbook air and those attached to apple display units mean that these connectors have not experienced any issues.

Therefore I was thinking in order to minimise the risk - does anyone think it is a good idea to try and get hold of a MacBook Air charger and use that on my MBP 13" instead? Do Air chargers even work with MPBs?

Just wondering what people's thoughts are...

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MacBook :: Light On The Magsafe Doesn't Appear?

Nov 29, 2009

I've just plugged my laptop in here at work, the light on the magsafe doesn't appear. at the top it says its running on power adapter.

Last night however i did notice that the light on the magsafe was a light green color, not the normal green/orange it usually is.

Any idea?, its a AluMB from Oct 2008. Could it be my battery or just the charger?. I do have Apple care.

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MacBook Pro :: 85W Magsafe Adaptors - Use 85W For MBP 13"

Dec 5, 2009

I typically keep one power adapter in my laptop bag and one plugged into my wall at tome, ready for when I return. I am switching from a 15" macbook pro to a 13" macbook pro. Would it be OK to use the 85W magsafe adapter to power my 13" macbook pro

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MacBook Pro :: Can I Buy Another Plug For My MagSafe Charger?

Mar 18, 2010

My MacBook Pros charger has the European two pin plug on the end of it. Does Apple sell UK plugs that I can plug into my charger?

It would seem a waste to have to buy a brand new adapter just for a plug, especially considering I've had to buy 4 of these already due to faults.

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MacBook Pro :: Finding MagSafe Connector?

May 13, 2010

I just bought a new i7 15" MBP a couple days ago to upgrade my old 13" black MB. I noticed that the the magsafe connector that came with it had a different looking tip. I'm not sure if I like it. It seems awkward and I know the "correct" way to put it is the cord away from the USB/FW/etc ports - which requires another "extra" (=P) step rather than the old magsafe that seemed relatively simple since it was tiny and just jutted out from the tip.

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MacBook Pro :: Is There Any Defect In Magsafe Charger?

May 20, 2010

a lot of times when i let the magsafe get magnetically attracted to the port, it aligns crookedly (the side-butt round part of it sticking up a little bit) and I gotta push my thumb down to align it in place, flush with the machine edge.

I can also do this and it will land straight but not if I'm being sloppy and careless with the magnetic attraction -- more so than the other 3 unibody MacBook Pro's I've had with the same macbook air charger).

Do you think the cable is defective, the port, or what can explain this happening?

This seems plausible but silly (and something that I think might be the case after trying to see it connect while holding it in the air) - the cable is so thick, it's at a weird angle and forcing the cable up.

Because when I lay the cable paralllel with the edges (running from the back of my desk), I don't think it does this but I will try it out and fidget with it.

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MacBook :: MagSafe Power Adapter ?

May 24, 2010

I have a Macbook that is nearly three years old, and I'm on my second power cord. The first time I had trouble, the casing had melted off right next to the MagSafe part that plugs into the computer. I got another, and now it seems it won't charge at all. There is no apparent physical damage. At first, I could do a little jiggery pokery and if I got it in just the right place, it would charge. It seems that now even that is gone. I'm wondering if: 1. There is some obvious fix that I am missing, or 2. Where I can get an affordable replacement. I realised this makes it sound as if my current cord is brand new, that is not the case. It is about a year old.

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MacBook Pro :: Speck Cases To Fit New Magsafe Available?

Jun 3, 2010

I've seen several threads about the Speck cases not fitting properly, forcing people to have unsecured connections with the new Magsafe, and some filing the cases down to fit the computer properly (see this thread Just wanted to let everyone know that I emailed Speck and asked when they would have properly fitting cases available for sale, and they wrote back saying in 4-5 weeks they will be available.

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MacBook Pro :: 60W MagSafe - What To Do With Long Cord

Aug 11, 2010

The website says this: to be the perfect traveling companion, the adapter has a clever design which allows the DC cable to be wound neatly around itself for easy cable storage. I'm lost on the above. I just bunch it together and put it in the side pocket of my laptop case. What are they talking about in the above? What gets wrapped around what? The cord is very long and I've read reviews of how happy users are that they no longer trip over it.

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MacBook Pro :: 85W Magsafe Connectors Interchangeable?

Aug 14, 2010

Can I use the magsafe connector from my 2007 MacBook Pro 15" with my 2010 (i7) MacBook Pro 17"? They are both 85W, but I purchased my 2010 MBP in Europe and thought it would be easier to use the connector from my US purchased 2007 MBP while in US so I don't have to use and adapter.

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MacBook :: Why Is MagSafe Has A Dim Green Light

Feb 12, 2012

I dont know what the dim light signifies

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe L Shape Adapter Getting Very Hot?

Apr 10, 2012

It especially happens when I am watching videos. I bought a cooling pad to help with how hot the macbook gets, but the magsafe adapter is burning hot to the touch. It's making me nervous. Is this normal? Can it be replaced? My macbook was only purchased

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 15 inch

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MacBook Pro :: Old MagSafe Charger Not Working?

May 10, 2012

Ok, so i have the newer magsafe charger (The one thats slim and silver), but its faulty at times, so i looked on amazon and bought the cheapest Macbook charger i could find, i found one of the older ones (the ones that look like a square and are white), so i bought it. The moment it got here, i plugged it in and connected it to my macbook. The light on the charger went really bright green, it was so bright it reflected over itself, i didn't really care, though. So then i unplugged it and moved to another room, but it stopped working. The newer type charger (the slim, silver one) still works fine, but is still faulty.

I've already reset the SMC a number of times, still no luck

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe 60w Charger Not Responding

Jun 1, 2012

magsafe 60w charger was not responding with macbook pro 13 i5, but after few hours it started working properly, my machine is under warrenty should i go for replacement of charger?

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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