I had been trying to cleanup my MacBook Pro as the disk was almost full. However I wasn't thinking tonight and downloaded my mail. When I tried to reboot my laptop, it crashed. I then tried to bring it up in Verbose Safe mode. It tells me the disk is full then turns itself off. Is there anyway I can bring it up in Safe mode long enough to delete some files?
I think I'm running OS X Lion but aren't 100% sure.
I have taken everything off my desk top and backed it up and it's still saying the same thing! I've also emptied the trash. I get it when I try to use Photoshop.
Every time I try to export a movie in iMovie or burn a disk in iDVD an error message pops up and says that my startup disk is full. So I bought an external hard drive and backed up my mac using Time Machine. Now I want to delete everything off my mac's internal Hard Drive and use my external hard drive so I can empty my disk. Does this make sense? If so will you please tell me how to do so.
I have a MacBook 4,1 with Intel Core 2 Duo processor 4GB Ram. It is taking over 10 minutes to boot up past the gray apple screen when I turn it on. First I cleared the PRam (?) then I checked the disk using Disk Utility Verify, and it said the disk needed repairs. So I ran the disk repair and it said it was unable to fix the errors on the HD.
I did a little research and tried booting into the Single User mode, then running /sbin/fsck -fy. It said that it found errors but could not fix them. I ran it two more times as suggested and got the same result each time. I then tried rebooting and now instead of taking 10 minutes to boot up, it takes about 5 minutes on the gray apple screen and then just turns off. I started in Verbose mode to try to troubleshoot the error and it appears the last thing to come across the screen before power down is a message "Apple Yukon 2: RxRingSize <= 1024....etc".
I decided next I would run the Apple Hardware Tester. The test came back with an error code "4SNS/1/40000001:IG0C-0.265". I am very good at searching the web but I could not find any errors that had the IG0C or IGOC or any combination at the end, but plenty of 4SNS/1/40000000(1) errors with different endings. From what I can tell people are saying anything with 4SNS/1/4000000 is a logic board failure, but this computer was literally just booting this morning until I did the /sbin/fsck -fy.
Just an FYI. Tech Support at Allsoft states The Disk Warrior 4.2 Boot DVD will not Boot the new 2010 MBP's. They are waiting for information (software) from Apple.
Will need to use Target Mode or another Mac connected with Firewire till then. Boot from that then run DW from your MBP.
I have an external hard drive also, but can I set up my external as a backup startup disk, and if so, how? If not, how and what do I need to delete from my startup disk to open some space?
I have a new Mac Book Pro and have loaded a few programs on it ..but do not have much else on it...and now its telling me that my sratch disk is full and will not let me do much of anything on it....
Info: MacBookro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Just switching from PC to Macs
I have a Macbook. It is telling me that the Startup Disk is full. I have dumped the trash and went through my file dumping what I can. I realy do not have much on. I do have movie,music, and Lots of pictures? Do I need to purchase more Startup Disk? Where do I get that?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Just up grade Memory to 4 GB
I keep getting this warning that my disk is full, I am unable to download updates and even songs from iTunes. Also in the finder I apparently do not have any files because the my files section is blank. i have cleaned up the download folder and emptied the trash as well as performed a diskrepair. I tried to reinstall the software and was told again that the disk was full....What do I do?
I keep getting a message that the start up disk is full on my macbook. I can't upload any more pictures or videos. I've only had my macbook for about three months and it says that there is only 10GB of 130GB memory left. I haven't got that much stored on it, maybe a few videos and 3,000 photos. I can't believe the macintosh disk is full. I have installed the new operating system, so could it be that?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10), I think it's yosemite??
My MacBook Pro gets a message when I first start up on my log in page. When I then go to log in i just get a blank grey screen. Any clues as to what I can do. I've been downloading quite a lot of TV shows recently from ITunes and was going to move them to a external HD but I cant see anything.
Something is going bad with my computer. Recently I have been getting the startup disk is almost full, but it is not. I have over a gig left and have tossed a bunch of stuff. I feel it was an email or something that was downloaded that is causing it to eat up all the memory. I have also done the Disk Utility and fixed it a couple times in a row. what is happening or what I can do to put my finger on it?
My Itunes on my computer wont let me download any movies because it says the disk I am trying to use is full and to delete files and empty my trash... I am positive there is PLENTY of room on my computer.
I have a message saying my Startup Disk is full on my MacBook Pro. Saying 0 GB free. At the moment we use Dropbox for most files, there are a lot of emails in my inbox but apart from that I don't understand why no space is left
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i'm getting the message that my startup disk is almost full though i was not trying to delete files or clear disk space. i realize, however, that i need to free up space on my disk. i cannot find or figure out how to begin doing that.
I just got a message that my startup disk is full. It happened while I was importing some videos. I do have a lot of videos on there. It's my daughter's macbook, but I use it for video editing. Is the startup disk the hard drive on these things? I'm not completely used to Macs yet, I was planning on deleting some of the older video files that are no longer needed, but should my daughter delete photos, etc. too?
I have a Macbook Pro. I have had it less than a year. I keep getting messages that my start up disk is full. I would love to delete some things but can't figure out how. I can't even update my Mac now b/c I don't have enough room.
My Macbook air keeps getting a message saying that the startup disk is full. I don't have picture, music, or movies on it. Im not sure whats wrong with it.