MacBook Pro :: Is Getting Very Slow - Is There A Mac Equivalent To The PC Disk Cleanup Or Defrag
May 14, 2012My MacBook is getting very slow. Is there a Mac equivalent to the PC disk cleanup or defrag?
My MacBook is getting very slow. Is there a Mac equivalent to the PC disk cleanup or defrag?
There is so many mixed information all over the internet. I am a little annoyed. So it's either do you need it or not? I am new to Mac. I need to make sure my computer is taken well care of. I don't want it to have files and things all over the place in the next 6 months and something happens. I don't download anything. it's all basic use. Internet, iWorks and iTunes. That's it.
Windows you need it for sure. Used windows for over who knows how many years. BUT with a MAC no one can give a definite answer? Why is that? I getting confused and getting annoyed. First someone said that you don't need it as the computer does it for you 'overnight'. Then, there is some who says to do it every 2 weeks?
having paid for "Clean My Mac" which I run regularly and using tips like cleaning the cache in Terminal view. It is still getting slower. Can I clean off the disk and reinstall from my Time Machine, or will it re load the problem too?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am new to Apple. What is the Equivalent for Apple in terms of Anti Virus, disk deframentor and scan disk.
MacBookPro, iOS 5.1, OS IS LION
On my PC i would have to defrag the hard-disk and scan disk from time to time to fix problems.... do I need to-do anything like that on my macbook?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a Mac OS X utility that does all the tasks done by Disk Cleanup utility in Windows in order to keep the operating system running as fast as possible?
What is your personal maintenance routine? Do you just do each task individually or have an all-in-one solution?
I am in need of some cleaning up of my hard drive. Here is what I have done so far. I purchase a 2 TB hard drive, I also have a 500 GB, both external. I have created 2, 1TB partitions. One is for the time machine and the other is for my music, imovies, large artwork files and random documents. Now that all of that is off of the internal hard drive, I need to clean up the dirve do that when I look at the drive, it doesn't say 2 GB available.
iMovie '08, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Does anyone defrag their mac hd on a regular basis? I am a PC guy with a new pb 1g/1.25gb coming and defrag my PC daily...
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am copying my DVD collection to the computer to be able to play on an iPod and a mac mini hooked up to the hdtv. Mainly TV shows.I have a Mac Pro with 2 DVD drives. The first one is the original drive (Pioneer DVR-111D) and the second is a Pioneer DVR-116D which I added. I intended to use this 2nd drive mainly for ripping DVDs because I knew I would have to update the firmware to get rid of riplock.
On the DVR-116D drive, I updated the firmware to remove riplock so it would not be limited to 5x read. I have not updated the firmware on the original DVR-111D drive. I am using fairmount to rip the DVD.Under OS X just ripping the DVD to the hard drive takes maybe 20-30 minutes. MacTheRipper is just as slow as is making a disk image using disk utility. I boot into Vista and use DVD Extractor and the same DVD takes 7 or 8 minutes .
Why is it so slow or is there a faster method of ripping a DVD on OS X?
I am trying to cleanup my mac a little i just cleared safari's history and reset it, now i want to do my whole computer to clean up like hidden files and stuff that might be slowing me down. how do i go about doing this? when i was on pc i used ccleaner but i heard its bad for mac and gives you a virus.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My hard-disk is almost full. 25GB of data is located under my account (/users/jovandersteen). When I look in this folder and all its subfolders, I can't find the files which are responsible for 20GB+ of space. Does hidden files exist on a mac or something else which I can't see in finder.
Is there a way to defrag a MacBook (or any Mac for that matter)?
View 5 Replies View RelatedDoes it? I read somewhere that it does. What is it under and whats it called?
View 16 Replies View RelatedCan you defrag your mac hard drive and if yes will it free up some space or allow it to perform better.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI ran a system defrag on my Macbook pro with techtool Pro and after the defrag is done, if I run the defrag again it shows on the graph a specific strand of the hard drive is still fragmented its minuscule but no matter what it doesn't go away and it doesn't leave em with one contiguous block of free space... whats going on?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've installed and deleted quite a few programs off my MBP so far and I'm curious if there is a function/utility similar to Windows Disk Defrag on a Mac? In the event that there are some files I forgot to delete, I just wanted to make sure I got rid of all the files and not have old uninstalled program data hogging up space on my hard drive. I'm still in a Windows state of mind since I just recently purchased my MBP so I'm not sure if the MBP will automatically remove all the files once a program is deleted or if some residual program files still remain even after I delete a program.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm writing this thread on my dad's netbook bc my MacBook is so slow it took about 3 minutes opening Chrome, 2 minutes to get to MacRumors, forgot my password had to open Word, which I gave up on opening after about 5 minutes of spinning beach ball.
Booting takes about 10 minutes. Finder takes forever. Even moving the mouse over the dock to bring it up makes the computer freeze for at least 30 seconds, if not indefinitely.
The problem started two days ago. I was installing a new Windows XP program via Parallels, and somehow ran out of Startup Disk space. (I've been ripping my DVDs onto an external HD and sometimes I have up to 50+ gb before I get around to transferring to the external.)
When the "Startup Disk Almost Full" warning came up, I immediately erased 20 gb of space and emptied the trash. But everything was still stuck. So I closed out Parallels, rebooted (had to do a hard reboot), waited for the fifteen minute startup, and everything's been painfully slow since.
Activity Monitor says I'm using 1.82 gb RAM of a total 3.0, CPU is 79% idle, when I open Chrome, or anything really, I get the "Not Responding" beach ball, but no % of CPU working on the task, no increase in RAM, nada.
I have the black macbook, 2.16 GHz, 3 GB RAM, latest version of OSX
I currently have a speaker setup consisting of Logitech Z-640's and am using this adapter to connect my speakers to this monster aux cords for my macbookpro and iphone. My question is, is there a way to hook up 2 devices (my computer and HDTV) to my speakers without having to plug and unplug them ever time? and a way to eliminate the wire clutter? Someone recommended a USB sound card?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm new to the forums and I think I'm mac proficient but definitely not a pro, so bear with me while I try to be as clear as possible.
After my brother stepped on my 13" black macbook (aka the love of my technological life), I felt compelled to go for the bigger screen and sprung for a used Macbook Pro. Shortly after buying it (from simply mac), I began getting messages that my startup disk is nearly full. I have some music, pics, and tv shows which I would imagine take up a decent amount of space, but I had way, way more on my old macbook, so I was perplexed as to why I was supposedly running out of space. At the advice of some other threads here, I downloaded WhatSize, which is giving me lots of insight into what's taking up space.
My question is this - in WhatSize, under devices, it shows my Macintosh HD which has apparently only 169MB available. Down below in "places", it shows "macbookpro" (with the little house icon next to it) which is apparently 86.2GB, with "Music" taking up 77.4GB. Then, under places again, below it, there's "music," as its own separate "place," taking up 77.4gb. This is probably stupid, but I'm curious as to whether this is just the computer being redundant or whether, somehow, the music is stored in 2 places taking up equal amts of space?
What is the mac equivalent to paint?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you reorganize (cleanup) you desktop?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I know this should be in the applications section but no one ever responds to me there. I have candybar to change icons, but it is going to expire soon. Are there any free programs similar to candybar that won't expire and run in snow leopard?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI shell out to DOSBOX to use my old dos based Dbase 4. I cannot find an Apple keyboard equivalent for "Control-Home".
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1.1
Just did it to my Windows machine, and was wondering if I have to do it to my mac as well?
View 24 Replies View RelatedWith Snow Leopard being so much smaller and lighter than previous versions of OS X are there still things to cleanup after a new install? Do programs like XSlimmer still do much? If there are still things to do, are there programs updates for Snow Leopard to automate this?
View 1 Replies View Related1: I can't seem to find a way to disable folders from auto-arranging themselves. I want to organize some of my folders randomly but I can only seem to arrange them by Name, Date, Label, etc. Some direction would be helpful, as I haven't used anything but Windows until now.
2: In Windows I had System Clean-Up and System Defrag to help maintain and keep my system organized/clean. Does OS X have similar programs or is there any other type of program Mac has for users maintain their system?
program that deletes configuration files and traces of programs not currently installed. After years of different macs and backups I probably have traces of a lot of junk and don't wish to go through every little folder and delete them manually. Is there a program that scans what you have in your applications folder or otherwise and detects what you have installed, what's not and deletes the orphaned configs and application support files?
View 23 Replies View RelatedI recently installed, and shortly after, removed a demo for Internet Cleanup. Having done so, however, a popup message appears when I fire up my eMac: "Network SpyAlert Protection Expired! The installed demonstration version of Internet Cleanup has expired. To purchase the demo, run the Internet Cleanup application for details".
It's a minor nuisance, but annoying nonetheless. I've searched for possible suspected plists and logs, but can't seem to find whatever needs to be deleted to rid my Mac of this popup. Anyone have any ideas on how to remove this fragment of the program?
I want to be able to choose which programs I wan tot run at start up because after 6 months of usage it takes about 2plus minutes for a cold system to start up and 5 seconds to shut down. I wan tot speed up the startup and I think I have to many programs runnning at startup. On my PC I used to control that from sys config,is there an equivalent in Lion.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), startup/shutdown
I was told in the Apple Store that defragging an iMac isnt necessary. Why is that? Does anyone use any Mac utility software to keep the HD clean and running smooth?
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