I have problem, I've try to install Snow Leopard to my mac, so my superdrive is broken, and I try with remote install mac os x. My other machine is PC with XP so i put Leopard DVD and install Remote Install ... I've done all the steps, but when I restart my mac and hold alt key it appears only my drive... I have router tp-Link - try with wireless, and plug the internet cable too. I've must restarted at least 10 times - same result.
Been lurking around the forum getting some good ideas. I recently picked up a Macbook Air Rev A 1.8/SSD (couldn't resist at current refurb prices).
Anyway great machine but for one thing - I am trying to do a clean install but the remote install is not working for me via wifi or ethernet.
I have connected my old macbook to my MBA and I can see the dvd install disk. I successfully go through the whole process of restarting the MBA (holding the option button), the startup disks appear and I can connect to my home wireless network, I select the dvd install disk and click on the arrow button and my MBA restarts. However, it then does one of two things - restarts and goes to the desktop or there is a kernel panic attack.
Basically I don't get to the next stage where you select your language and go on to partition the drive.
Mac Book Air with 10.5.8 iMac with 10.6.4 Purchased 10.6 Mac Box Set
When I try to access and install 10.6 on my MacBook Air, I get the following error:
"The operation cannot be completed because the original item for "Mac OS X Install DVD" cannot be found"
I am trying to use remote disc on my iMac to access the 10.6 install disc. I used the the "Ask to use" option on my MacBook Air, and then selected "Ok" on my iMac to give permission. Despite this I get the above error.
Is it possible to put the remote disc install file on a flash drive so that I could install the remote disc program onto a computer from the that instead of a cd?
Can you install XP/Vista on the MBA using remote disk during the bootcamp installation process or do you have to have the external super drive attached?
I would like to install Snow Leopard on my Macbook Air Rev A as I have work to do that requires 10.6.x - however I didn't buy the Superdrive so need to do this as a remote install.
I have a PC with a DVD drive and can install the software; I also have the USB ethernet dongle and assume this will be better to use than over Wifi
Has anyone got any hints about doing this? I'm slightly nervous about installing an OS upgrade over a network for some reason..
Never posted here before, I have searched around for awhile but I cannot find any answer for this. I have upgraded to 10.6.3 from a remote drive but I wanted to perform a clean install of this software to ready my MBA for sale, I have followed the instructions for clean installing but when I get to the part where I have to select a wireless network to join, my wireless network does not appear even though I was just connected to it before restarting the MBA.
I have been trying to figure this out for over a week and I really don't want to sell it without having a clean install.
Can i install windows 7 via bootcamp (on my MB Air) while using remote disc? I put the windows 7 disk in my macbook pro drive, and connect to my brand new macbook air via remote disk. In bootcamp (on my air) i allocate the partition, then i click install, and bootcamp will not see the disk from my macbook pro's drive. How do i get the bootcamp assistant running on my MB air to automatically find the disk in my macbook pro with the ISO image of windows 7? The remote disk on my air can find the cd but bootcamp will not begin installing it. Anyway to do this without buying the damned usb drive?
My dvd drive is busted, so I'm attempting to use remote disc to install snow leopard on my macbook pro (running 10.5.5). There doesn't seem to be a clean install option without running the snow leopard disc from boot. Is there any way that I can run the install disc from boot via remote disc so I can run a clean install? I tried restarting my computer and holding down the alt/option key, which showed the only available boot drive as my macbook pro's internal hard drive.
I already have a Macbook Pro, but I am looking at buying a cheap, used powerbook on eBay as a new "beater" machine. I found a nice one, except the superdrive is dead. If I were to buy it I would want to do a clean install of Leopard, requiring an optical drive. My question is: would I be able to share the superdrive of my Macbook Pro to the Powerbook as if it were a Macbook Air?
The PB G4 has issues with the DVD drive so i would like to install it from the MBP via the Remote Install utility. I looked up the instructions here: [URL]
and also the utility is straight forward, the problem is that neither the Ethernet or Airport works. The G4 doesn't see any sources.
What am i missing ? Does PB G5 even supports remote install ?
ps: when i tried the Ethernet, i've them connected via cross-over cable.
Well, my question is very simple: I have a MBA and this other laptop from work, a crappy HP which is old as hell. I'm planning to use Remote Disc to reinstall my Leopard, since the upgrade to 10.5.3 really screwed things here, and I can't figure out why. Point is: instead of running all Leopard installation thru Remote Disc, I would prefer to share Leopard disc 1 over Remote Disc and restore it to a partition on my external HD, making a clone of it, which would install *much* faster. Has anyone tried anything like this? There's any Windows program which allows me to rip a Mac DVD to a Mac partition?
My macbook's optical drive doesn't work so I was hoping to find a way to remotely install Snow Leopard. I've got the most recent Leopard update. I could really use that extra six gigs!
my mum has a mac mini core solo 1.5ghz. those cannot read the dual layer dvd discs so therefore i cannot upgrade the leopard to snow leopard directly. is there any other way i can do it? i checked to see if remote install was on the mac mini but it dosent come with it so anyone have any tips?
I'm looking for a system that can track about 50 MBP's providing both remote wipe as part of an overall security protocol, and also remote screen/desktop for admin purposes. I looked at preyproject.com but it looks like they only do remote wiping/tracking. that I don't want something locked to a single user, it should be centrally managed.
i would like to be able to remotely access my macbook from anywhere across the internet. but i am looking for something more automatic, than the way i have set it up for my desktop using port forwarding, since i never know where the macbook will be and therefore a given network will already have its router configured and forwarded for my laptop.
i want to have access to file, isight, and screen sharing. i can only assume i need third party software but havent found any.
I have a new Macbook Air and have a slide show on it in iphoto. I want to project it in a big theater with no Wi-fi and I need to use a remote. Can I use my new iphone? Do I need an appt and can I do it without Wi Fi?
i just purchased a new MacBook Air and need to install my, also newly purchased, MS Office 2012 software. I have an iMac with the CD inserted and see the MacBook Air has a "Remote Disc" mount point in Finder. What I do not know is how to get the MacBook Air to see the CD in the iMac.
If I am interpreting "remote disc" wrong and would be better off mounting a USB DVD drive
I have an Macbook pro 15 inch retina from 2013 (model number A 1398) and I want to use my apple tv remote on my macbook. But it won't work. When I look on the internet, they say I have to go to system preference -> security and privacy and then you can find your infrared but mine don't show the infrared.
use my remote on my macbook?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
The inline remote control in my iPhone earphones is not working anymore on my MacBook. I can adjust the volume but can no longer change the tracks / play or pause.This is on my Mid 2010 13" which was working fine before the upgrade to 10.6.5.I don't think I'm alone with this issue as I've seen a post on this on the Apple discussion boards
Where are the settings in Snow Leopard to control the Apple Remote? I have an Apple TV, and I'd like to stop the remote from communicating with my Macbook and the Apple TV at the same time.
I recently bought and started using the universal dock on my MBP with my iPod. I'm trying to figure out how to make the remote only work on the iPod, or mac, and not both. I tried syncing it to the dock and while my MBP was off, but it still works on both at the same time.
while enjoying a beautiful, sunny day here I was outside with my MBA surfing the web. I had a few other apps open at the same time like iTunes, QuickTime and Mail. Safari all of a sudden beach balls and I wait a bit until I try doing a force quit on it. After a while I still have no response and I cannot close it. So, I hold my breath while forcing a shutdown with the power button. To make a long story short, I ended up with the flashing question mark on the gray screen. Now I'm doing a remote reinstall from my MBP!
I am looking for a remote control, mostly to control itunes running on my mba from anywhere in the room. I saw that apple had a remote, but is IR based, and Belkin offered on in the Apple store, but it uses up the one free USB port (not ideal).
I plan on getting the new iWork '09 and will be doing a Keynote presentation in a month or two. I have been looking for those remotes to advance and go back slides...