MacBook Pro :: How To Configure New 13" SSD Setup / Storage SSD

Nov 9, 2009

my new 13" will be arriving shortly, i have decided on this macbook i will run a intel x18 80gb with the 2.5" adapter for my main drive .

i will need a storage drive for virtual mahcines and pictures, anyone have any experience with a decent ssd for storage only ?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Configure The Setup - Finding Guide

Jun 28, 2009

I've been a bit of a PC nerd my whole life. I've always been the one who fixed my family and friends computers, tinkered with downloaded games software, overclocked, etc... I always really enjoyed a new projected because of all of the research and work it would entail, and then because I knew I was working towards the end product that I wanted.

I got my new 13" MBP yesterday and just sat down with it tonight for the first time, and in about 5 hours i've installed about a dozen big programs, made a boot camp partition, and i'm finishing installing windows 7 right now...

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Hardware :: Wireless Repeater - How To Configure Its Setup

Feb 9, 2008

Netgear Router/DSL modem -> USRobotics 5454 WiFi Access Point -> Panel antenna -> 2nd Panel antenna -> 2nd USR 5454 AP -> Apple iMac with built-in WiFi Card

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OS X Server :: Xserve Intel Setup - Unable To Configure Remotely

Dec 9, 2006

My new Xserve started up and I was able to configure it remotely via Server Setup Utility then after I input all of the settings it hung on finishing the setup for about an hour. I then restarted the Server and now I cannot see it.

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Mac Pro :: Setup Raid5 - Storage Space?

Sep 11, 2009

My server that i currently have is seems to be on its last leg (4 years old with old slow hdd). Anyway, I'd like to replace it but would rather just use my mac pro. I need about 4TB of storage space. Ideally I'd have one hdd to kick in if another began to fail. From my readings it sounds like I need Raid5 (correct me if I'm wrong). I know this can be done but I've already used 3 drive bays that came with my mac pro, anyway I can setup a raid 5 and have the storage space? I guess what I'm looking for here is some type of RAID card (Arcea 1210?) and then a storage solution. Once thats figured out, I'll need to know how to power the hdds.

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Hardware :: 1TB SSD Setup For Media Storage And Playback

Apr 9, 2009

I drive a big truck and like having my whole music collection at my fingertips while driving. In the past what I've done it trap my Macbook Pro to the passenger seat and use my remote and FrontRow to change tracks. This worked pretty well except that the rough roads and rough ride of the truck kills regular hard drives fairly quickly. Replacing the drives every 6 months gets old. I need at least 1TB of storage for my iTunes media, I do not want to split it up to different drives. The drives used need to be SSD's to handle the 130k+ miles of abuse a year.

The bumps don't seem to effect the computers main drive, either because of the motion sensor or iTunes being able to run in memory and not need the drive to spin up. I was thinking of using a Drobo with 2.5" drive adapters. I'm not concerned about speed with the drives, just reliability. None of these drives will ever be used as a system drive, just media storage and playback. What drives would you guys recommend? Would this be possible for under $1500?

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Mac Pro :: Adding / Changing Current Storage Setup

May 5, 2010

Just looking for some realistic input on adding to/changing my current storage setup as I'm running out of space!

Current setup: Early 08' Mac Pro
160gb FW drive for iTunes Music
-150gb Raptor --> Boot drive/Apps
-750gb currently used for all other media
-320gb for windows
-1 tb for backing up the boot, media, itunes drives via time machine.

Now I'm pretty happy with the overall performance of the current configuration and my instinct is to keep the current internal setup but consolidate dvd/bluray rips from the media drive and music from the iTunes drive onto a set of larger external drives. Photos and other working media that need the speed of the internal would stay on the 750gb drive. Basically, I'm wondering whether that is the best/most cost efficient route and if it is, how would you set up the external(s). Single enclosure with RAID1, 2 separate externals (one backing the other up using something like superduper), firewire, eSATA, etc.? Granted my music and movies aren't the most critical files in the world but I'd like to make sure they are backed up. I'd say the most bandwidth intensive use I'd have for the externals would be streaming HD movies from the drive to my PS3 over a local network.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Setup (Using For Storage And Backup)

Jan 18, 2009

I got the iMac Wednesday and have been setting it up all week/weekend. I finally down to the end of getting time capsule setup. Here's what I'd like to have:
Internal iMac HD: 500gb
time capsule HD: 1tb (750gb backup, 250gb usable space)

Right now I've got it set up and I'm about to pick the drive in time machine, but it looks like as soon as I do that it's going to just start backing up my internal HD to the time capsule's HD? Will I later be able to set aside 250gb of time capsule space to use as storage? Do I need to set up something before I backup to it? Is this even possible, or is this what everyone is talking about when they say time capsule can't be used as a NAS?

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OS X :: How To Configure "ultimate" Mac Home Setup

Jul 25, 2008

I am eager to setup a home system with a few Macs, a few iPhones, a Time Capsule (and soon an AppleTV).

I'd like to have my music and photos available from my wife's Mac and vice versa. In addition, I'd like a central backup place. Here are my questions:

1. Am I correct in believing that both of us can use the same Time Capsule for out individual Time Machine backups? If yes, do you have any configuration tips?

2. Can we use the Time Capsule as a file server in addition to a backup hard drive? In other words, can we put our shared photos and music on the Time Capsule? Is this desirable?

3. If we put our photos and music on the Time Capsule (assuming that possible and desirable), how would we sync subsets of the music collection, etc. with our iPhones?

4. Since we have multiple Macs, should we dedicate one to each of our iPhones for syncing and updates, etc.? Or is it just as easy to setup each computer with multiple users?

5. How would we integrate our TV and stereo? How exactly do AppleTV and Airport Express fit into the picture?

6. Finally, how important would a multiple (home) version of MobileMe for creating the glue or some flexibility in this setup?

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MacBook Air :: Realization - IPhone Storage Versus MBA Storage?

Jan 10, 2010

I thought I would share a cool realization. I am now eligible for any iPhone upgrades and most likely will be getting the new one coming out this summer - whatever it may be. I realized today that most likely it will have 64GB of storage - the exact same size as my Macbook Air - I think it is so wild my future phone/pocket computer will have the exact same storage capacity as my main laptop. I could potentially mirror everything on my Mac that is on my iPhone in the future.

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MacBook :: Linksys Wireless Setup - WEP Key Setup

Apr 25, 2009

I am trying to setup a firefighter's apple laptop into our linksys net at firestation. She got access fine when we did not have it secured but now we setup a wep key. All other members can get in by entering wep key when they choose the wireless router but when we input the wep key to apple laptop airport I think we get connection error. Key is definitely right. What changed in the apple setup other than the wep key, again when signal was unsecure laptop safari worked fine. The linksys is a B about 3 years old.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Configure Trackpad Gestures?

Jun 23, 2009

so I'm wondering how one would go about customizing the trackpad gestures on a new uMBP. More specifically, I want a 4-finger upward swipe to show Spaces, rather than to clear the screen and show the desktop. Is there a setting within OSX for doing this? Or a 3rd party app?

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MacBook Air :: WiFi Disconnection - How To Configure

Aug 7, 2009

Every 5 to 10 minutes, my MBA "seems" to disconnect from the internet, although according to my Mac, it's still connected and shows my current IP address. I know it's not my router (Dlink DIR-624) because everything else stays connected. I don't have a problem with my Dell laptop, AirPort Express (used only to stream iTunes to my home theater), iPod Touch or either of my iPhones. The problem only occurs with the MBA.

Renewing my DHCP Lease fixes the problem for a couple minutes, but then I lose connection again.

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MacBook :: Loading Websites - How To Configure

May 30, 2010

Two days ago I started noticing this annoying problem whenever I wanted to load a page. The page never loads at first, forcing me to press refresh in order to see its content.

I didn't install anything nor changed any configurations.

I called a friend with a Win Vista PC and everything was fine in his computer.

I tried the Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Opera browsers. The problem subsists in every one of them.

My router is a Pirelli DRG A223G and I've never had any problems with it.

I alredy tried switching it off, reseting it, turning off and on my airport, restoring my disk, cleaning the browser's cache and info, etc..

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Mac Pro :: Advice On Video Editing Setup / Raid Setup For Backups?

Apr 27, 2008

My brother is going to start school in June for Film. He is all set to buy a Mac and knows the software side of things but not so much the Hardware side.

I have a few questions:

1. Should extra hard drives be bought third party?

2. Should he do a raid setup for backups?

3. How much memory should he buy for Final Cut operations? (third party)

4. Should he look into getting a Dell monitor instead of Apple? What is a comparable Dell monitor?

5. 4-Core or 8-Core?

6. Any other knowledgeable Mac Pro buying advice

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ITunes :: Changing Storage Location With Media In The New Storage Location?

Jun 30, 2012

Equipment: Mac Mini (Early 2009), Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Lion. I started noticing my Mac Mini was having trouble reconnecting my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, slow processing (spinning pinwheel of death), and programs freezing. I did a recovery within Lion from the recovery drive and it seemed to work for a week or so. It started acting up again. So, I decided to erase the HD and reinstall Lion. I basically use the Mac Mini as a server for all my iTunes content.  

My iTunes default save location is to my Drobo storage unit. Now that I have reinstalled Lion, I am looking for the easiest, most convenient, and safest way to change the default save location in iTunes and then importing the media. It would be nice if it was possible to just simply change the default save location to the folder I previously had all my media saved in and it would just magically appear in iTunes. Everything was organized perfectly, which took hours of time and attention to details.  

Mac Mini, 2 13 Inch Macbooks, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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MacBook :: Time Machine To Configure New Computer?

Nov 11, 2010

I had a computer accident, and I think it my Macbook may be done for, but I do have my computer backed up through Time Machine on an external hard drive (but not a Time Capsule). When I buy a new Macbook Pro can I plug in my external hardrive and somehow configure my new computer to look like/be automatically organized like my old one? (that's what Time Machine is/supposed to do, right?) For example, I had Vmware Fusion on my Macbook and within it ran the mapping program ArcGis. If I do the "Time Machine thing" when configuring my new computer, will that all be in place (with the same file paths, etc), or will I have to re-install Vmware fusion and ArcGis, etc? Also, will there be a prompt when I open the new Macbook Pro asking me to connect an external hardrive, or something of that sort? (sorry for the dumb questions. I always backed up on Time Machine for safety, but never thought about actually how to do it).

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MacBook Pro :: How To Configure Dual SSD Optibay Setups?

Apr 28, 2010

What are you guys using them for? I'm thinking strongly about going this route and using one for streaming my multi-sample library and audio files into Logic Pro and as an interim quick-bounce-while-composing drive before I dump the project file to an external drive.

Anybody using the Intel X-25M G2 (160GB, currently using for apps, OS,m and a most-used samples) with an OCZ Vertex 120GB? That would be more than enough internal storage for me as I make use of my external HDD via ExpressCard->eSATA all the time.

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OS X :: How To Configure MacBook AirPort For 5 Ghz Wireless Band

Jun 16, 2010

I have one of those "new" (well, mine's over a year old now) 13" aluminum-cased MacBooks (what is the official name for these anyways, Intel Core-Duo or something?... I digress). I am using the default/included 'AirPort' wireless thingy.

All I want to know is: How do I ensure that my AirPort is configured properly to access a 5 ghz wireless band? I just setup my wireless router to broadcast at 5 ghz and I want to make sure my MacBook is receiving at 5 ghz/optimal speed. So, what steps do I take to check this and/or configure it as such?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Add And Configure Canon Printer On MacBook

Apr 9, 2012

Printer software for canon MP830 is unavailable from Apple. I downloaded the driver from canon and installed it. It shows on the desktop, but I cannot add the printer. It keeps wanting to find the software at apple. How do I configure this to work?

MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Canon MP830 printer

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Applications :: Settings For Hear - Configure To Get Most Out Of MAcbook Speakers?

Apr 18, 2008

I downloaded the application Hear a couple days ago [URL:...] and I've been messing with the settings ever since, since all of the built in presets make everything sound worse. Does anyone know a good way to configure it to get the most out of an older MacBook's speakers? I have what i think sounds pretty good, but it could be better I think.

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MacBook :: Secondary Screen - Configure So Monitor Will Be Recognized

Apr 22, 2009

I have a late 2008 white MacBook, and will soon be expanding desktop space with a secondary monitor. However due to a small and cramped desk, the only place the monitor will sit is above the macbook on a shelf. When I've seen examples of external monitors for MacBook's, they have always been to the right or left of the notebook itself. Is it possible to configure so that the monitor will be recognised as above the MacBook?

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MacBook :: Configure Web Browser To Enable HTTP Cookies?

Mar 16, 2012

how to configure my web browser to enable HTTP cookies.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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Hardware :: Big Difference Between VGA Setup And HDMI Setup?

May 23, 2009

My new display has VGA and HDMI inputs. My MBP has DVI, so does it make a big difference between VGA setup and HDMI setup? Which setup should I go with?

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ITunes :: Setup 3 New IPad 2's And Don't Want Them To Sync On Setup

Mar 6, 2012

I've got to setup/configure three new iPad2's on the mac that I have which is already associated with an iPad2. I know that there is a way to have iTunes not sync/backup a new iPad 2 as I've done it before, but I cannot remember how to do it.

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MacBook :: Possible To Add Storage

Jun 17, 2012

I have a Mac Book and can't afford the 2000 to get a new Mac.  Can I just add 500 or so GB to my Mac Book?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Best 1 TB HDD For Storage And Best Performance

Nov 14, 2010

I wan' t to replace my 160 GB MacBook Pro drive with a 1 TB drive for storage and better performance (7200 rpm disk) can anyone suggest me a model with good performance and also a low noise level?

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MacBook Pro :: What Does Other Means Under Storage Tab

Mar 7, 2012

Where do I find my other folders and how do I clean up the space. I'm referring to the tab in the about this Mac, More info, and click on storage, there is a Yellow Tab, called Other, and it shows how much space a person has?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Add Storage To Macbook Pro Without Having To Use Too Few Usb Ports

Mar 25, 2012

what is the best way to add storage to macbook pro without having to use the too few usb ports.

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ICloud :: Why Can't See Macbook As Using Any Of Storage

Apr 30, 2012

Why don't I see my macbook as using any of my icloud storage? My iphone and ipad are there and show their latest backups. Does this mean my macbook isn't backed up to icloud?  I am using Lion and iCloud seems to be on in my Macbook's System Preferences.  My photos stream fine and my calendar moves from my iphone to my mac wirelessly.  What am I missing?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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