MacBook Pro :: Get Rid Of Prompt To Update An App Already Deleted?

May 23, 2012

how do I get rid of prompt to update an app I already deleted??

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Getting Prompt To Install Latest Update For Mac And Safari

Dec 16, 2008

I'm getting a prompt to install the latest update for OSX and Safari. Can download it okay but when it gets to 'configuring' it stalls. Not doing anything. I have to hold the power button down to shut down then start the system up again. This has happened three times. Anyone else have this? Anyone know what is up with it?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mail Addresses Deleted With 10.7.4 Update?

May 14, 2012

The 10.7.4 deleted my address book contacts.

I have Time Machine, but don't know how I can use this to restore my contacts.

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App Store :: Deleted Application From Mac But Update Still Showing In List

Apr 4, 2012

I have a issue with my app store. When I downloaded a free app from the app store and later decided that I do not need it, I just erased it. What I have observed is that the updates for the application are still in the list in the app store. I tried to install the application again, and install the update, but when the new updates came out, it started repeating.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Prompt For OS At Startup?

Jun 11, 2010

I just installed Boot Camp on my 15' MBP. I'm not all too thrilled that the MBP will boot up the default OS so I'm wondering if there any option/preference that will allow me to select which OS to boot every time I start up my computer? On my windows PC I had XP and 7 installed and I had the option to select which one to boot whenever I started up my laptop. Is there anything like this for a Mac? I checked the Boot Camp control panel and I didn't see any settings in there for this.

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MacBook Pro :: Automator Rsync Workflow With Yes / No Prompt

Feb 21, 2012

I am trying to adapt a workflow that i downloaded from Finished workflow, ready to use zip | 148 kb Sourced from: url...The workflow is a rsync workflow that syncs (mirrors) two folders.At present the Run Shell Script runs rsync -va --delete "$1/" "$2/".However, i would like the script to prompt me with a "Would you like to run a dry run? " dialogue box with a Yes/No answer. The Yes command would run the following script (Dry run) rsync -vaun --delete "$1/" "$2/".The No command would run the following script (Actual run)rsync -vau --delete "$1/" "$2/" set question to display dialog "Would you like to run a Dry Run?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 1 set answer to button returned of question.

MacBookPro, iOS 5.0.1, Mac Office 2011

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MacBook Pro :: When Do A PRAM Reset They Prompt For Password

Mar 12, 2012

when i do a PRAM reset, they will prompt me for a password or serial, may i know what password or serial is that?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: No Password Set But Prompt Keeps Coming On Startup

Apr 20, 2012

I used to have a password on my Macbook but I got annoyed of having to type it in every time I closed/opened the lid and the Macbook woke up. I got rid of the password through my system settings, but the prompt kept coming up when I opened the Macbook, but there was no password. I would just leave the password field blank and hit enter. Okay, no big deal. I just restarted my Macbook because it was lagging with video, and its asking me for a password to start up. I tried leaving it blank and just hitting Log In, the prompt shakes back and forth. I tried my old password before I got rid of it, the prompt just shakes. I don't have a password, why am I getting a prompt on startup and how do I get past it.

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OS X :: Stop MacBook From Showing Command Prompt On Startup?

Jun 4, 2009

I had an image from an older macbook (10.5.4) and I put it in a newer MacBook which I assume was could not boot as far back as 10.5.4, so I updated it by booting 10.5.6 on an external and running the combo 10.5.7 update on the MacBook's internal drive. I boot and after staying on a blue screen for a while, it goes black and shows me a command prompt and I can see all the processes starting up. then it goes back to blue and works normally. On shutdown, I see the prompt again. I cannot boot into safe mode or single user mode for some reason. When holding down the s and shift it still does the same thing. I can however still use option to boot from a different drive.

The computer runs perfectly normally once booted. I just don't want to see the command line stuff. So is there some way to stop it, or hide it?

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Start A New Email Without Prompt To Rebuild Coming Up

May 7, 2012

In outlook mail a box came up saying to rebuild database which I did. I clicked done when finished.When I went to email I can now receive emails and reply to emails but I cannot start a new email without the prompt to rebuild coming up.Once this prompt comes up I have to rebuild again as the swirly thing prevents me from doing anything else, so I end up in a circular pattern and consequently can't use outlook.

Microsoft Outlook for mac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Windows 7 Cannot Access Lion SMB Share, No Login Prompt

Apr 15, 2012

I am able to access my Windows 7 machine's shares on my Mac (Lion 10.7.3) through SMB with no problems at all. However, I am unable to access my Mac's shares on my Windows machine. 

I have been fighting with this issue for hours and haven't found a solution yet. I've done a bunch of Googling and have found plenty of posts related to my issue, but no solutions. Everyone seems to be at least receiving a login prompt when they try to connect to a Mac OS X Lion Samba share from a Windows 7 machine, but I am not. All I get is "Windows cannot connect to \MAC" after ~15-20 seconds of waiting. 

Here's what I've tried:Reconfigured all of my settings on both the Windows and Mac systems, then restarted. Windows: set to 40- and 56-bit encryption for File Sharing, instead of 128-bit.Windows: network discovery and file sharing enabled.Windows: Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level to Send NTMLv2 response only” to “Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session if negotiated as suggested in another post.Windows: verified workgroup as WORKGROUP.Windows: verified Windows Firewall options for File Sharing.Windows: cleared credentials for my Mac's share in the Credential Manager, still no login prompt.Windows: reinserted my Mac's credentials in Credential Manager for the share, same issue. Mac: Enabled File Sharing, enabled SMB, enabled my Mac's account.Mac: verified Firewall settings for File Sharing.Mac: verified workgroup as WORKGROUP in WINS/NETBIOS configuration. For both systems: verified IP configuration as DHCP under the same gateway and subnet mask--they're clearly under the same network. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 15-inch 2011

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MacBook Pro :: During Installation Prompt With Running Instances Detected And Cannot Proceed?

Apr 30, 2012

during installation prompt with running instances detected and cannot proceed

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Deleted Emails Not Completely Deleted?

Mar 23, 2012

I have both my gmail accounts set up with teh Mail app on my Macbook Pro , I went ahead and deletd a bunch of files, some that contain attachements and I emptied the trash, they appear to be gone, not really, if i restart the computer and start up Mail again and click the ALL MAIL box all the emails show up again!! and if i search a phrase or name via Spotlight  all the emails show up again! I want the emails gone for good, I went into Mail Prefrerence and checked/unchecled all the necessary tabs, I also checked that I dont want messages saved offline, FYI when I check the email inbox via browser  / gmail  teh emails arent there but they seem to be stored on my mac.

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OS X :: Password Prompt Before App Install?

Oct 12, 2010

On my MBP, I get prompted for a PW before any program gets installed.

On my iMac, at times I get prompted, other times I don't.

I just downloaded handbrake and installed but there was no PW prompt.

The day before I installed a plug in for Quicktime and was prompted for a PW.

How can I get so that I get prompted for a PW every time before anything gets installed?

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OS X :: Command Prompt On Mac Like Normal PC?

Jul 27, 2008

Does Macbook carried a Command Prompt like a normal PC?

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OS X :: Stop The Password Prompt?

Sep 24, 2009

this seems pretty basic, but I can't seem to find a way to turn off the password prompt in Mac OSX.

I have an account for my parents, and they don't need a password, but if they try and install software etc - it comes up with the Password Prompt window. Obviously, you don't enter anything into the password field and just continue on, but seeing how there is no password in the first place, why does it still ask for one?

I've been a Mac user for a few years, but have never came across this - I always use a password

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OS X :: Removing User From Prompt?

Jul 19, 2010

My prompt in Terminal looks like this:


MacBook-de-Pedro-Gordo:~ Pedro_Gordo$

How can I remove permanently my username (Pedro_Gordo) from the prompt, so it looks like this:



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Software :: Data Recovery From Deleted Folders / Files Are Deleted Via Trash?

May 18, 2010

I have a MacPro (Intel), and I had my Music folder on a second (non-boot) internal drive. That drive was getting full, so I bought yet another internal drive to put in one of the other bays, thinking to copy the folders to the new, larger-capacity drive. So I bought a 2 Tb drive and transferred all my MOVIES to the new drive, but then went back and deleted my MUSIC folder and emptied the trash. I knew immediately that I'd made a mistake.

I haven't written anything to that drive whatsoever from that moment on, so absolutely nothing should have been over-written. I have plenty of room on the new drive to which I can recover the deleted files. Unfortunately the folder/directory was very large, with over 20,000 files, mostly of podcasts/spoken word stuff, much of which is no longer available or would represent thousands of hours of download time, plus all my digitized folk music from long out-of-print LP records.

You'd think I'd be more responsible with >600 Gb of data! However, fortunately the drive is in good working order, it just requires a good recovery strategy. I know that services that do recovery charge a fortune, and because I haven't written anything to that drive and it still mounts without problems, I'm hoping I can do this myself with a good data recovery software package. Because I am talking about literally thousands of files, it is just too painful to think about editing all the metadata about each file (name, artist, album, etc.), and ideally I would like to recover the files and the file structure so podcasts are recovered as such, etc.

Is this at all possible?

If so, what are the relative merits of File Salvage vs. Data Rescue vs. Kernel for Macintosh (Nucleus Data Recovery) vs. VirtualLab Data Recovery vs. Stellar Phoenix? Is there something better than these--these are the only ones I found on a Web search. Are there any head-to-head reviews of which someone is aware?

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Software :: Terminal Not Loading The Prompt

Apr 6, 2010

Until recently, Terminal 2.1.1 under Mac OS X 10.6.3 worked just fine for me. But now it has just stopped loading the prompt. I can open new Terminal windows but they are blank. I have tried logging out and in to my user account but this has not fixed it. I have made minor changes to my .bash_profile (see below) but all long before this problem began. I have not changed the directory structure so it should be able to CD to Dropbox/Drominay. I have not changed any preferences in Terminal other than those related to colour etc. In particular, it's still set to load the default login shell at startup.

.bash_profile is:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export MANPATH=/usr/local/man:$MANPATH

# Your previous /Users/steven/.bash_profile file was backed up as /Users/steven/.bash_profile.macports-saved_2009-06-28_at_08:42:07

# MacPorts Installer addition on 2009-06-28_at_08:42:07: adding an appropriate PATH variable for use with MacPorts...........................

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OS X :: Screensaver Password Prompt Timeout?

Sep 14, 2007

I have enabled the prompt for a password when waking from screensaver and this works fine as long as I respond to the password prompt quickly. However, if I don't respond fairly quickly then the password prompt disappears leaving a black screen with just the mouse pointer visible. No matter what I type I can't bring the password prompt back up and therefore can't gain access. The only way I can do this is to press the power button and wait for 5 minutes or so before bringing it back out of sleep and typing my password more quickly.

The machine is a new iMac 2.4G 24" if that makes any difference. All latest updates applied.

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PowerPC :: Prompt To Restart Appear Randomly On G4?

Jan 27, 2008

My wife has a G4 iBook 1.33 GHz power pc, 1.5 GB DDR SDRAM, L2 cache 133 mHz, with Mac OSX - leopard - several times a day the following prompt appears - "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button".

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OS X :: Disabling Login Password Prompt?

Jul 9, 2008

I would like to disable the login password prompt when I boot the computer. I cannot seem to find a way to do that.

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IMac :: Password Prompt On Startup?

Mar 28, 2009

I do not know if this is in the write section, but oh well.

I pressed "option" to switch between drives but it came up that I needed to put in a password. I know the password anyways. Here is what I am getting at, is there any way when I boot my computer it can ask me for the password before getting to the desktop?

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OS X :: How To Disable Password Prompt On Installations

May 1, 2009

I'd like to know how to stop Mac from prompting me with the 'Enter an administrator account and password' dialog, I'd just like to install things, I do have a 'Managed' account (with Parental controls), but how do I stop that? is there a setting?

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OS X :: Initiating Shutdown Prompt From Terminal

Jul 19, 2009

That little prompt you get when you go through the apple menu at the top left and hit shut down. It gives you 60 seconds, etc... I want to know how to initiate that from the terminal. I keep apcupsd running on my mac mini server, and if the power goes out, i want it to tell my machines to shut down. I already have a growl message setup letting me know when the power goes out (forwarded to my iphone over prowl, etc etc). I can ssh into the systems via bash scripting and issue the command, that's np. I just have no idea wtf the command is to throw that prompt.

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Software :: Safari Keychain Prompt - What To Do?

May 9, 2010

I'm suffering the Safari Keychain prompt issue too! I've followed several instructions on various forums but still no joy!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Safari Prompt In Preferences?

Mar 15, 2012

I've just upgraded to lion and when I go to prefrences in safari I get a prompt saying 'To open "PluginProcess" you need a java runtime. Would you like to install it now'. My question, Do I need this and what is pluginprocess, I know Apple have dropped java from thier OS, so why would Safari need it?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: FaceTime Password Prompt?

Jun 21, 2014

Both iCloud and FaceTime are continually prompting for passwords.  Hitting 'cancel' usually dismisses the iCloud box, but the FaceTime box just keeps reappearing. 

I don't want to enter either password until I'm ready to, and I especially could care less about FaceTime because I don't use it on this computer.  It can go away completely.  So how can I shut it off and tell it to stop bothering me?

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OS X :: Turning Off Password Prompt With SMB File Sharing

Nov 3, 2008

Looking to stop the password prompt from coming up every time I try to delete a file after enabling SMB file sharing for my administrator account (while working with files in that account). Everything else works fine with regards to file sharing.

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OS X :: Login Prompt Not Shown When Wake Up From Sleep

Mar 11, 2009

Am I the only person who has issues with this sometimes refusing the show the login prompt when it wakes up, leaving you with a black screen? The system is still responsive, but all you can do is move the mouse, since there is no dialog. Does this ever happen to anyone else? Also is there any way to clear it aside from power-cycling the machine, and doing "killall loginwindow"?

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