MacBook Pro :: Dead Hard Drive Or Logic Board?

Jun 18, 2010

MBP is not starting up or chiming - none of the resets work, been through that yesterday, not even getting to chime. I took the memory out of the MBP and it is running but having a loud bleep every few seconds. Does anyone know what this indicates? does this mean the logic board is ok but the hard drive is dead or could it still be the logic board? If this means the hard drive is dead then I could maybe buy a new one, if it means its the logic board I could recover my files from the hard drive via a hard drive enclosure.

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Drive Or Logic Board Or Something Else?

Oct 17, 2009

my machine was working fine all day. I installed a yep(the PDF management app) trial and the app locked up so I tried to quit the app. It removed itself from the dock but wouldn't disappear from the desktop. I tried to do a reboot but it got stuck so I held down the power button. I then tried to reboot and it kinda got stuck in some kind of loop and I had to unplug some peripherals and it eventually shutdown. But now it won't boot. I press the power button and it just shuts down. I tried resetting the PRAM and the SMC and neither worked. I had replaced the ram a long time ago (January of this year) and thinking maybe it was the RAM I swapped back in the old Apple RAM with the same result. I can hear the CD drive spin but I cannot I hold it down and the indicator light flashes but after a few seconds the machine shuts off.

With my battery being full I am convinced that either the logic board is dead or the hard drive crashed. I do have AppleCare and I do have an appointment tomorrow but my question is assuming the worst and the logic board is dead, is this covered under AppleCare?

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Logic Board ?

Mar 28, 2010

I bought a Macbook Pro about 2 years ago, and I got a call from the Apple service center here in Singapore that my beloved Macbook Pro has a dead logic board! How do logic boards die so early!? It's only been 2 years!? I have numerous other Windows PCs, all of which are much older and work fine. Now I need to buy a new Macbook Pro, but i'm not exactly rich... The refresh should be coming around soon, but finances are still a problem. Can I sell it for some cash? (I've tried numerous sites, all offering around $230 for it, but they only receive from the US.) They say that i'll have to pay around $1200 to get the Logic board fixed, can I get it done cheaper?

What now?

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MacBook Pro :: 15" 4 Hard Drive Replacements And 1 Logic Board Replacement

Oct 1, 2010

To make the long story short, I am a careful computer user and I treat my computer like my baby since I am a college student studying Architecture and I spend more time and money on my computer than on books and there haven been 5 replacements on this mbp that I am using right now.

My 1st hard drive crash happened 3 weeks after I bought my mbp in April 2008. I got it replaced under warranty.

2nd hard drive crash happened little after 6 months............

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MacBook :: Runs Really Slow - Hard Drive Got Corrupted - Bad Logic Board

Nov 12, 2010

i had a 2006 macbook core duo that ran really nice with snow leopard, recently the logic board died so it hasn't been used for a month, i got parts from my friend and now running a 1.83ghz core 2 duo logicboard in its place. the big problem what i think is the hard drive got corrupted due to the bad logic board, when i first put the hard drive back in it wouldn't boot except into safe mode and after i repaired permissions it would boot. however it still starts up slow and os performance seems sluggish and if i run disk utility it always has permissions to fix and takes forever.

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MacBook :: Hard Drive As External Or Rip Info From Logic Board Bust One?

Jan 18, 2009

Basically I believe my logic board to be fried, the evening before it was slow and then when I tried to turn it on the next morning the error message saying i need to restart it came up but it was not totally blue instead had what looked like black dead pixels everywhere. After this when I turn it on i get the power light and disk checking noise but nothing on screen its dead. I need whats on that Hard Drive but cant turn the computer on so any option? Are there any caddys out there? or any ways of this at all?

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MacBook Pro :: Dead USB Port Indicated By Gold Button On Logic Board?

Jan 4, 2011

Over Christmas my MBP was put in an awkward position resulting in the USB thumb drive plugged in to the side USB port being bent. The damage was mainly to the thumb drive itself.

A few days later I tried using this same USB port for something else and noticed it appeared to be dead. I tried an SMC reset which didn't help, so I thought I'd take the cover off to inspect any possible damage. I wasn't able to see anything obvious apart from small, thin golden "buttons" with pointed heads that appear to be on a spring (I can't think of how else to describe them) that are in line with each of the USB/Firewire/Display ports on the left side of the logic board. Coincidentally, the button that lines up with the dead USB port is pushed in and not springing back out.

I have a genius bar appointment for Thursday, and I'm worried that I'll be told that I have to buy a new logic board to fix my little USB port. However, I was hoping someone could confirm my suspicions (and general curiosity) about the function of that little gold button I described above?

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Not Working / Logic Board Unable To Communicate With Hard Drive

Sep 9, 2009

My PowerBook G4 (Alum) died. I've had it for 4 years, taken it with me to Alaska and all over the lower 48, and have had nothing but happy experiences. I knew she was gonna go, but I was hoping she'd hold on until I could afford a MacBook. Alas, no. The problem appears to be the ability of the logic board to communicate with the hard drive. I can hear the HD spin, but even with Disk Warrior, I cannot locate it. The Mac Geniuses at my local Apple store confirmed this and gave me a shoulder to cry on. I've run Disk Warrior, Disk Utility, and tried finding it using the target disk mode - no luck.

The problem is that I've got 4 years of teaching materials, 6000 songs, and irreplaceable pictures on the HD, so I can't bring myself to just trash it. It's true that you only fail to back up you stuff once. This is my once. I've heard that with PC hard drives, you can just drop the old HD into a USB HD box and use it as an external HD. I can't afford professional data retrevial, and I want to give this option a try if it'll work with a Mac HD. Any ideas or suggestions?

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OS X :: MBP Hard Drive To Logic Board Connection

Jun 9, 2009

So the cable that connects the hard drive to the logic board in my MacBook Pro (15" A1211 model) had the adhesive wear off and as a result, the tiny little hook broken off. Apple quoted me between $300 and $1250 (great range huh?) to fix it, in spite of that apparently useless little Apple Care warranty I paid $350 for and have never used. Sorry, kind of really annoyed right now. Anyway, I'm not paying that. I found a new connector for like $30. Has anyone had any luck reinstalling this part? Any tips or how-to's? Alternately, the hook is still there, and I've read forum posts about potentially soldering it back on, but there are no responses, so has anyone done that before? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Another issue is that my CD drive randomly stopped working. The guy told me something was probably just out of line, but they won't fix THAT because "there's a dent in the back of the computer." It's a tiny dent that has been there for over two years now, so...again, dumb. But I can't seem to get the screws off the optical drive to open it. Any suggestions for loosening really stuck screws?

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PowerPC :: G5 Freezes / Dead Logic Board?

Jun 7, 2010

Having built a hackintosh with my son, I've taken his old G5 1.6 to use as a desktop. Lovely being able to use dual screens, usefully quicker than my Powerbook G4 1.5 and generally quick enough to do the usual - mail, browsing etc.

Problem is, it's started freezing roughly once a day. No mouse or keyboard reaction, going into standby by using the monitor button doesn't help, the only thing to do is turn it off using the front panel button.

I put new RAM in a few months back and replaced the HDD when it died, so that stuff should all be OK. Any suggestions? I've run all the usual maintenance things via Onyx - permissions, logs, daily / weekly / monthly scripts and so on.

My big concern is obviously that I don't want it to just die on me; no way am I replacing the logic board if it goes.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Hard Drive Or Logic Board Failure

Jan 15, 2008

I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this. the iBook that I just inherited from my aunt, (She got a new MB) was working yesterday, whenever the power shut-off on it. (It has a power issue on the logic board, and if it comes unplugged it dies, even though it has a new battery.) so she went to work, and attempted to power it on, it came up, and the apple was on the screen, and the spinner came up, nad it spun for a very long time, eventually the screen flashed, and turned blue, and the spinner came again. After around 15 minutes, she was given the kernal panic screen. She held down the power button, and restarted, only to come up with the old finder face, and a question mark. I rush over with my disc's, and load up the disk utility. It was repairing the disk, and about 3/4 of the way through, it had an error. So, I rebooted, and we got an apple, and it repeated the previous situation, and gave the blue screen, followed by a kernel panic. This time I ran the hardware test, and it says that the logic board passed, but there was an issued with the harddrive.

At first disk utility could find the hard drive, and it reported it as being a 2 TB drive!!!!!!! So I got suspicous about that, and after the hardware test, the computer was reporting that there was no hard drive in the computer at all. we know for a fact that the drive was either 50, or 80Gb's, (90% sure 80) My question to you is: Is this the hard drive that has gone bad, or, is it the controller on the logicboard needing to be replaced?

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OS X :: Recover Data From Hard Drive / Logic Board Failure?

Nov 5, 2009

My iMac G5 is basically dead. Logic board failure. Apple is going to replace it by giving me a credit toward the purchase of a new iMac but that is a different story. I need to send my G5 back to them. Can I take the internal hard drive out and transfer the data to a PC and then get that data off the PC onto an external HD?

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PowerPC :: Changing Dead Logic Board On IBook?

Oct 16, 2006

My logic board is getting ready to crap out for the third time. I hadn't planned on wasting $$ on replacing it, but I have a friend who has an old iBook with a dead screen who told me I could have it. So, my quetion is how hard is it to switch out the logic boards? Has anyone done it? I'd prefer not to pump more money into this thing since it's probably going to die again in 6-9 months.

Also, is there a fan in the 500mHz iBooks? I'm thinking that may be the problem, b/c it's been running incredibly hot lately and have never heard the fan come on.

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MacBook :: Replacing C2d Logic Board With Cd Logic Board Cause Heat Sink?

May 13, 2008

so i've got a system with a fried c2d board. i can pick up a cd board for $150 plus shipping which is good for me. to find a comparable replacement, i'm looking at ~350 and i'm just not feelin that price as im on a budget.

i'm not concerned about the speed decrease as im just trying to get this thing rebuilt.

i understand that there are different heatsink assemblys..vertical vs horizontal. however, i do not know how to tell the difference and i am also unsure whether or not my c2d heatsink will work on this board i receive.

the logicboard possess a t7300 c2d and model # is 820-2279-a, it appears.

i cant find anything on that model, except for on ebay.

and i totally cant find the serial number on this macbook. under the battery on the tray has no serial number listed, and i've read through this documentation [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: Is It Hard To Change A Failed Logic Board In It

Jul 2, 2012

Is it hard to change a failed logic board in a Macbook pro and will it be expensive? Where is the best palce to get cheap parts from?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Replaced Logic Board Now CD Drive Not Working

Jun 27, 2012

06 Macbook Pro. Replaced the Logic Board. Now the CD Drive doesn't work and there's a cd stuck in it! Not under warranty. Outside party replaced the part.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: Replace Logic Board With New Nvidia Board?

Apr 17, 2009

I'm somewhat new to the forums, and found a really good deal for a brand new macbook air (rev.1). I'd like to know if it is possible to replace the logic board in my macbook air with a newer, nvidia-gfx based logic board. As in, will it fit, does the same power supply run it, same peripherals (airport, keyboard, etc) work/interface with it, etc?

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PowerPC :: Take Logic Board Out To Get Optical Drive?

Jan 8, 2009

I picked up a 12" PB for 160 USD today. It had a bad battery and noisy and seemingly non functional optical drive, stock configuration. Looked like someone tried to open it up and failed to put back one of the hinge screws. I believe this is causing a green line (crimp in the video cable) on the screen. My question is: I have never replaced the optical drive on one of these. I bought this for a friend whose ibook died and he has a nearly brand new dual layer ATA superdrive in it that I can replace into the Powerbook. I knew this was daunting. Then I really just looked at the ifixit steps and yeah, you have to dismantle the WHOLE computer. There are 46 steps to replace the optical drive. Has anyone attempted this? I don't understand why you have to take out the logic board to get the optical drive out? On the upside, the near dead battery is eligible for the replacement program, so Apple is sending a new 125 dollar battery. Sorry I am rambling, just freaked at how much work it is to put a new optical drive in these things. Major surgery. someone on MR said they did it before.

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PowerPC :: G4 Logic Board Fried - How To Get Data Off Drive

Aug 3, 2006

The logic board on my powerbook (aluminum)G4 is fried. I would like to get the data off the drive, but would like to do it myself. Will the drive plug into an external carrier rig like any other drive? I have a granite digital external firewire drive caddy rig. I assume that the mini drive in the powerbook will not plug into an enclosure that was made for a regular drive? Are there any adapters for this sort of thing?

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OS X :: Connecting External FW Drive Destroys FW On Logic Board - AGAIN

Aug 1, 2009

I have had some serious isues with my Macbook Pro (2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM - Mac OS Version 10.5.7) and a Seagate FreeAgent Xtreme external hard drive. Twice in the last month I have cooked the logic board by plugging in the FW drive into the FW port on my laptop. The first time they replaced the logic board without testing my hard drive. The second time they asked me to bring in my new external hard drive.

They've checked out both the 2nd logic board and the new hard drive numerous times and say everything works fine... Should it make any difference if the external drive is plugged into a wall outlet before I connect the laptop to the external drive? Or would it make a difference if the laptop is powered up before plugging in the FW drive?

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OS X :: New Logic Board - Time Machine Drive Not Recognized

Feb 3, 2010

My '08 Mac Pro got it's logic board replaced last week because it wasn't seeing all the RAM I had installed, and now it's not recognizing my Time Machine drive as a Time Machine drive. The drive mounts fine (internal bay 4), all the stuff is still on it, I can still read/write to other folders on the drive. When I go into Time Machine it just shows that there're no back ups. When it tries to do a backup it just says "Backup failed". I ran disc utility and repaired permissions, still no dice.

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Power Mac G5 :: Dual 2.0GHz G5 Logic Board - Drive Controller

Nov 14, 2007

I have a dual 2.0GHz G5 that's refusing to boot consistently/run consistently. Here are the symptoms:- Runs for inconsistent period of time; sometimes it hangs just after logging in, other times it hangs after an hour or so of backing up the boot drive (50-75% complete)- Fails to boot after hanging; sometimes it stops at the gray Apple screen without a wait icon, sometimes it stops at the same screen with wait icon, other times the screen stays black- Frequently will not boot into single-user mode- Frequently will not allow you into open-firmware

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OS X :: Logic Board - Super Drive And Front Beze - Case Replaced?

Nov 13, 2009

I contacted apple to argue for their original quote which is $1200, the first representative couldn't get it done since he didn't have the authority, but he got me to talk with a senior advisor, after probably 1 hour arguement, she said $900 would be the bottom line. Then I mentioned i had my LB replaced last year for $310 due to the KNOWN video card issue, and most importantly there are no physical damages on on my computer back then, whcih means i'm eligible for the refund policy, also I stated an issue I posted here [URL] then she agreed to reduce the quote to $600, so what do u guys think, is it worth going for it?

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PowerPC :: PowerBook G4 Possible Logic Board? - Optical Drive Spins At Full Speed

Aug 25, 2007

I have a PowerBook G4 15" 1.33GHz that up until now ran flawlessly. Today I was watching a movie on it with some friends when it randomly shutdown. Since then, it no longer turns on. The battery is fully charged and there is no problem with my AC adapter. With just the battery, nothing happens when I press the power button. When the AC adapter is plugged in and I press the power button, the optical drive spins at full speed for a few minutes and then the PowerBook shuts itself down again. I have attempted reseting pram and pmu with no success. I think it could be a dead logic board but I'm not sure. Would it be worth the money to buy a new logic board or should I just part it out?

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Hardware :: Recover Data From Dead Lacie Hard Drive / Unable To Mount Hard Drive

Sep 6, 2009

Today I went to plug in my Lacie 250 GB USB external hard drive into my 13 in. MacBook to get a shirt template for a design I am making. I discovered that the hard drive just would not mount and show on the desktop, and I remembered that this happened a few days before, but all I did was unplug it and plug it back in, and it worked... except that today, that didn't work at all. I tried the other USB port, and the hard drive showed up on the desktop for about a second, and then disappeared. I kept on replugging it back into both USB ports, but nothing happened.

Then I tried to see if it would work on the PC beside me, and it was recognized as an external device; however, a message came up telling me the drive was malfunctioning. I am guessing this is from ejecting it incorrectly (because I am in a hurry to head to my next classes...I use this laptop at school), but I have incorrectly disconnected it before in the past and this problem never happened to me before.

Every single project I have ever created for my design career is on that hard drive, and all I want now is to get my files back. All I need it to do is show up on the desktop for just the right amount of time for me to copy my files onto my computer.

I read online to put it into the freezer for a while and it should mount, but that didn't work. I tried using Disk Warrior, Data Rescue 3, and Tech Tool Deluxe, but the hard drive did not show up on any of those apps.I tried plugging the hard drive into an iMac as well, but it did not show up either.

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MacBook :: Replacing A Dead Hard Drive?

May 1, 2012

I have removed the 2.5" Hard Drive from my better half's  2006 Macbook and looking at the Seagate I got to replace it the power pins don't appear to line up.  

I can't see deep into where it seats. Do you have to replace the HDD with specific makes of 2.5" HDD?

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Logic Board?

Sep 22, 2009

Anyway... I was planning on getting my hard drive replaced because it was making that weird noise I talked about and I still am... but. Something else happened to. My friends dog chewed my power cord (just a few bite marks) and it was enough to make the green like really dim so we unplugged it. Instead of trying to fix the cord... we just got a new one but the computer wont turn on!
The light does not turn red green or orange on the plug but the battery light blinks when I unplug the chord (the battery is dead.. all drained i mean).

Me and my mom took the computer to a store that does warranty repairs on both Macintoshes and Windows computers and they said they would replace whatever for free. Like the harddrive maybe the battery if that is what is wrong and the logic board. But well... we kind of never told them my friends dog ate my first power cord >>

I wanted to. but my mom and my friend said they wont replace it for free if we told. I sure hope there is no way they can find out of the 1000 for a new logic board is true. We dont even have that kind of money right now!

But do you think the couple seconds of not enough power from the chewed cord might have shorted out my psu or something?

Im just curious. I know my friend has a friend that took his laptop in for a similar problem... yesterday or the day before.

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MacBook Pro :: Logic Board Is Broken?

Sep 1, 2010

Some of you probably will remember my post a week ago, saying that my MBP DVD drive killed my OSX Installation DVD. here is the conclusion of it, I took it authorised service center here in North Thailand. Waited for a week they sad they will change DVD drive and today it finally arrived. Around 11am they called me and said dude, we changed the drive the problem is still there cant install system. Your "Logic Board' is screwed, you have to wait at least 1 week for a new one.

Now what is logic board? Is that main board? Is it possible for computer to still work with a broken mainboard? I mean I didnt damage it, I had kernell panic and tried to re-install OSX so how could that killed my MPB? I still could boot into disk utility and format the drive was just unable to copy files.To be honest my MBP is 3 months old, i took a good care of it. And I'm very very very dissapointed in apple computers now, expensive and damn un-reliable.

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MacBook Pro :: Logic Board Need Replacing?

Oct 12, 2010

Was watching a 720p HD movie on a plane. Movie starts to freeze up. I can move the mouse but the rest of the computer is unresponsive. I force shut down by holding the power button.

Upon restart, all seems well, I login but computer quickly becomes unresponsive again. I force shut down again.

Next restart is over 10 minutes. Gets to login screen but can't login.

I boot from install disk and run HD repair. It finds some problems and repairs them. Reboot. Same symptoms.

I decided it is the HD and archive and install. Install fails. I wipe the HD cleaned and reinstall osx.

All seems fine as I go through set up and login in. A few minutes later same unresponsiveness.

So finally I did what I shouldve done awhile ago which is swap my current hd with my old one. I do and the computer runs fine! I'm at my wits end.

Just so everyone knows, the day before all these symptoms started I swapped my stock 2x1gb ram for 2x4gb ram. I originally thought that was the problem but I've had my original ram in since I've been trying to diagnose and it's made no difference.

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MacBook Pro :: Get Logic Board Replacement?

Nov 5, 2010

I have an A1260 that looks like it's undergoing the problems repaired by this program: [URL] However, I've had this thing apart, replaced the hard drive with an SSD, the optical drive bracket is very bent from when I replaced the optical drive, my display bezel is cracked in two places and held up with duct tape, and it generally looks like hell. Will they still repair the logic board despite all the other, ahem, modifications? I could probably put the original parts back in, but despite that it will be obvious I've taken it apart. It is and was out of warranty when I performed these. Should I take it to a retail store or just call Apple and ship it to them?

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